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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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6 11x Pulls got me Peacemaker (already have one), Cardinal, 2 x Genji Blade, Wizard Rod, Ultima Sword, 2x Thor's Hammer, but no Sentinel's Grimoire. Have about 150 mithril left but I should probably save something for Tactics. Grr.


I spent 200 myth and got 3 SSBs (Bartz, Greg, Lightning), 3 SBs (Squall xD, Steiner, SENTINEL) and a random Genji shield.

I cant imagine in my dreams I would get every single relic I wanted from this fest with so few mythril.

I can now rest and RW Scream If I dont get it.

PS: Greg SSB animation is hilarious xD.
3 11x pulls:

[Flame Shield, Garnet's Wizard rod]

[Lightning's Peacemaker]

[2 Peacemakers]

347 mythirl left for the FFT event.

Having a second hastega allows me to replace Sazh for Ramza once the next event arrives :)


One 11 pull got me a 3rd(1) Steiner Sword, Galuf hammer and...Yuffie's Headband! Pretty happy.

No book but I am not gonna use any more pulls here with tactics + another FF6 banner nearby.


so what your saying is My gilgamesh is set for life?

I would only consider bench Gilgamesh if you get another top tier Knight relic to replace it, like Beatrix SSB or Basch shield. And still you will always use greg here and there, so yeah, great pull, Im super happy with mine.


can't grow facial hair
I did 56x Relic Pulls and got the following.
Two Cardinal
Wizard Rod
Judgement Staff
Ultima Sword
Thor Hammer
Wutai Headband

Besides now having a extra Cardinal, this has been fantastic. Do wish I landed Genji Blade but no point of continuing when I have everything else on the banner sans Golbez's Armor.


Having 260 mythril left and already having Zantetsuken for Gilgamesh, I don't know if I should throw another 50 at trying to get Genji Blade. I'd love to have that heavy regen from one of my staple characters, but I already have several of the phase 5 items and......that FFT event coming up :(
100 gem - nothing
11 pull - nothing
3 pull - Thor Hammer ok, i'll take it
single pull - nothing
fuck it, last 3 pull i'm gonna do


fuuuuuuck yes, SSBFest redeemed

entire haul:
Lullaby Rod
Thor Hammer
Sentinel's Grimoire

no SSBs, but finally getting a Wall? I'll take it

First 11 pull got me this. I was shocked with 5 Rainbow orbs. I've never had more than 2 on a pull. I already have tons of Medica and the Thyrus so the headband and SG just give me more options. However this is my first Hastega so now the Trinity is complete. I had 100 mythril saved for this event but I'll probably use the other 50 for tactics.


First 11 pull got me this. I was shocked with 5 Rainbow orbs. I've never had more than 2 on a pull. I already have tons of Medica and the Thyrus so the headband and SG just give me more options. However this is my first Hastega so now the Trinity is complete. I had 100 mythril saved for this event but I'll probably use the other 50 for tactics.

Good lord, man. Congrats on that pull!


First 11 pull got me this. I was shocked with 5 Rainbow orbs. I've never had more than 2 on a pull. I already have tons of Medica and the Thyrus so the headband and SG just give me more options. However this is my first Hastega so now the Trinity is complete. I had 100 mythril saved for this event but I'll probably use the other 50 for tactics.

This is exactly the pull I wanted! But I shouldn't complain. Congrats!
My SSB Haul...
Phase 1 - 100 Gem: Junk, 11 Pull: Vivi's Oak Staff, Squall's Revolver (x2)
Phase 2 - 100 Gem: Faris' Aevis Killer
Phase 3 - 100 Gem: Junk
Phase 4 - 100 Gem: Edgar's Drill
Phase 5 - 100 Gem: Junk, 11 Pull (x2): Yuffie' Wutai Headband, Steiner's Ultima Sword, Garnet's Wizard Rod

Bonus FFX-2 Event Stats...
Banner 1: 100 Gem: Junk
Banner 2: 100 Gem: Junk, 3 Pull: Red Armlet, Rikku's Guardian Targe, Lulu's Rune Mog

So 175 Mythril & 700 Gems spent netted me eleven 5* relics, two of which were doubles, and two SSBs. (My first two.) Overall I'm pretty happy with it. Now the minefield of tempting events starts, so conserving Mythril will be tough.


I've had some really nice luck so far with the pulls in phase 5 (Ultima Sword, Genji Blade just in time to try out retaliate, Wizard Rod for some fantastic support which was a hole in my party) but still tempted to keep trying for the Sentinel's Grimoire. 150 mithril left...

What are people saving for other than this?
I've had some really nice luck so far with the pulls in phase 5 (Ultima Sword, Genji Blade just in time to try out retaliate, Wizard Rod for some fantastic support which was a hole in my party) but still tempted to keep trying for the Sentinel's Grimoire. 150 mithril left...

What are people saving for other than this?

Tactics banner and Ramza's platinum sword



First 11 pull got me this. I was shocked with 5 Rainbow orbs. I've never had more than 2 on a pull. I already have tons of Medica and the Thyrus so the headband and SG just give me more options. However this is my first Hastega so now the Trinity is complete. I had 100 mythril saved for this event but I'll probably use the other 50 for tactics.

Damn, the entire Trinity in one 11 pull. Crazy.


Got Lightning's SSB. That's my 7th SSB (Tyro, Cloud, Sephiroth, Aerith, Selphie, Bartz, Lightning).

Well, I'll keep my Mythril for FFT. After that, back to hoarding for a long while.


Neo Member
50 mythril - SG and Thor Hammer

I had a good run with this fest, received lullaby rod, maduin's horn and valiant knife from the other SSB banners.


GRATZ to everyone's pulls! Especially Hours Left. :D

I only did 100 gem on these because rest of my mythril is for Squall BSSB.

Also good to hear you're getting use out of Quistis Falcon! :)


So real talk: if I already have a native wall (SG) and native medica (Yuna's Hymn of the Fayth and Y'shtola's Medica II) but not native hastega it's not really the end of the world if I don't pull a Platinum Sword on FFT since I can just use it as my RW since I'm sure a million people will have it out there as theirs right? Right now most of the time I wind up just using Fenrir Overdirve as my RW anyway for DPS. I'll have enough for two, maaaaaaaybe 3 11-pulls on FFT, so just want to plan around assuming that I don't get anything on want on there.


that puzzling face
I don't have a hastega either.

Literally all hard content has either been Boon or LH if it's not Wall. (Or, well, now Quistis/Garnet SSBs)

That trend can continue, doesn't really matter to me.


I'm a little salty that I had to waste 100 mithril which resulted in nothing, but I guess if I think of my total pulls as 5/44 for this phase, it's statistically normal.


Spent my 100 myth as planned.

Got 2 wutai headbands.

Ehh, really wanted any physical ssb but I guess this could be a safety relic if I don't ger grand armor from fft.

Too bad she doesn't have lifesiphon.


I don't have a hastega either.

Literally all hard content has either been Boon or LH if it's not Wall. (Or, well, now Quistis/Garnet SSBs)

That trend can continue, doesn't really matter to me.

Yeah, I'm assuming that's going to continue to be workable more or less. I mean obviously it'd be great to have it natively but *shrug*. Hoping I get it of course but wanted to make sure I'm not missing something else obvious, reddit has been crying about Shout meta for months now. Figure since I have the other two pieces worse case I can just use that as my RW.


Got so excited people were getting good stuff I decided to pull on this banner for garnets rod. That was a mistake for no five stars on a one 11 pull. Guess I will stop while I'm ahead and hopefully will get something good on the FFT banner...

On the brighter side, went into nightmare overdoing it on hones and leveling that I was able to master it on the first try. Glad I read and watched the strategies whiched helped a lot!
Am I the only werido starting the classic dungeons so I can get monk to 50 and break devout and grind for her rm during the last day or matsfest?
Here were my notable results for the events in the end:

  • Steiner's Defender
  • Sazh's Vega 42s (Boon!)
  • Vivi's Oak Staff
  • Quistis' Red Scorpion (SSB, Mighty Guard)
  • 3x Squall's Revolver (lol)
  • Sabin's Dragon Claws
  • Fang's Glaive
  • Penelo's Justice Staff (Decent AOE heal/attack boost)
  • Generic 5* FFX hat
  • Cecil's Lustrous Sword (SSB)
  • Exdeath's Moore Branch (Grand Cross, which SOUNDS v. powerful for a regular SB)
  • FFX Mage's Staff (Generic Shared AOE heal)
  • Lightning's Peacemaker (SSB)
  • 2x Galuf's Thor Hammer
  • Yuffie's Wutai Headband (Another AOE heal..)
  • Golbez' Ebon Armor

The draws I did were:
3x half price lucky draws @ 25 mythril each
50 Mythril + 100 Gems on Banner 1
100 gems only on Banner 2
15 Mythril + 100 Gems on Banner 3
15 Mythril + 100 Gems on Banner 4
100 Mythril + 100 Gems on Banner 5

I didn't get everything I wanted - my #1 goal was the Quistis SSB, which I got, so that's ace. My #2 goal was the Gilga SSB, which I didn't get, but I do have a lot of good swords so I should suck it up. Is there any of this stuff I should particularly be celebrating getting? I've had SG for ages, so I thankfully wasn't chasing the natural wall.
I don't post in this thread much (at all), but i'm in here reading daily, and tonight netted me my first-ever multi-5* draw on an 11-pull, so I just had to share!



I got two Cardinals in my x11 pull.

Then I went back to Yuna's banner and did a 3 pull to get her guns.

Then I went back again to the SSB banner and did a 3 pull to get Genji Blade and Yuffies headband.

I don't know if any of this is good or not. What do I do with 2 of the same character unique weapon?
I got two Cardinals in my x11 pull.

Then I went back and did a 3 pull to get Yuna's guns.

Then I went back again and did a 3 pull to get Genji Blade and Yuffies headband.

I don't know if any of this is good or not. What do I do with 2 of the same character unique weapon?

1) keep them separate so a second mage can have synergy in 8 realm

2) combine them for a very powerful rinoa weapon

3) augment it into something else you use more

In order of what I'd do, only augment if your drowning in 8/mage gear
Damn, the entire Trinity in one 11 pull. Crazy.

I noticed that after a couple of minutes. I feel bad that people constantly try for the Trinity and fail and I get it in one pull. The only problem with all these relics now is to determine what team to use. It was easy when Yuna and Yshtola were always in.


Final tally:

Lucky Banner 1: Gungnir
Lucky Banner 2: Lustrous Sword (my first SSB!)
Lucky Banner 3: Wizard Rod (!!), Sasuke

SSBFest Banner 1 (1 11 pull): Dragon Claws

SSBFest Banner 5 (3 11 pulls): Thor Hammer, Sentinel's Grimoire (!!!!!!!!), Cardinal, Wutai Headband

Considering the only useful SB I had before this was the Golem's Flute, this is an awesome haul. Not a massive damage increase, but the boost to mitigation and flexibility is just amazing.


Got SG with my 11 pull! SSB fest has been very good to me - I got Excalibur, Red Scorpion, Wizard Staff, Peacemaker (2nd copy), and Sentinal Grimore. Add in Yuna's SSB from the lucky draws and I've significantly increased my relic power over the past couple of weeks. Not bad for 225 mythril, especially with all the free mythril we got during that time.


I don't have a hastega either.

Literally all hard content has either been Boon or LH if it's not Wall. (Or, well, now Quistis/Garnet SSBs)

That trend can continue, doesn't really matter to me.

I'm the same way except no Wall. Garnet has been in all my Ultimate clears since i got Wizard Rod and my RW is always SG/SS2. My only variety has been what healer SB to bring (And Selphie SSB is a cut above my others so it's usually her unless I get Penelo's SSB later this month).

I am still kind of miffed just because some characters I'd really like to bring that would be otherwise viable on Ultimates that I like better as characters/have solid SBs for (Thancred, Mog, Yuffie, Sabin, Exdeath ect) are stuck at 65. I'm fairly stubborn, but I can't deny how good my SSB A Team (Sleph/Bartz/Garnet/Rinoa/Selhie) have been. None of my other characters can really compare until they can get higher levels, and unlike the Ultima dungeon I get big stamina hits for playing around too much. My A Team is the only comp where i can go into an Ultimate and expect to win within a few S/Ls, assuming i set the right skills on them.


Alright, after about 10 S/Ls probably going to give up on the Leblanc ultimate, wasn't expecting much anyways. I can get Leblanc down so close to dead before the second "no love lost" attack but it just barely comes out every time I've got her there (I assume it's on a timer and not based on her HP), and because it strips buffs it basically makes my team die from the next attack if I can't get my defences back up. My Wall was a Stoneskin II RW so after the second purge I am completely screwed.

Retaliate is actually great against Logos' multi attack but I don't have an attack buff to make the counters do significant damage other than D.Cecil's SB (which doesn't appear to last long). I could try swapping a few things around but I think this fight might be beyond my means for now.


Quick question, is the hall of rites a permanent thing now? I remember the last time it came it was this temporary bonus, but now that they've ditched quests and everything is this the replacement for getting characters?

I have one more MCII but I'm not sure who I want to use it for yet.
I did 100 gems + a 3 pull. All 3* junk.

0/24 so far over Phase 1-4. Heck, I only got a few useful 4*s there too.

I'm dreading the results of my 48 planned pulls on Banner 5. Please give me some love, DeNA? :(
I had interesting results. To start, I got a 4* FFX Sword with 100 Gems. Then I unloaded the Mythril Truck.

"HEADBAND! Non-WM Medica FTW" \o/
"Oh hey, my second Ultima. That's cool, I guess."

"DIVINE GUARDIAN! Now I have my second SSB and it's a fantastic Defensive Hastega too boot" \o/
"Oh hey, another Headband."

"No 5*s, but lots of 4*s for combining. Not too shabby."

I forgot to screencap the 4th one, but imagine 9 pieces of junk + Galuf's Hammer and a Third Ultima.
"This game really wants me to play Galuf" (I have his fist)
"I guess I'll get my first 5*++ now"



I'm contemplating doing one last 11-pull here and a 3-pull on FFT, but IDK. I'm scared after that last pull.
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