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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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Well, if you're rolling for one specific item (1%), 88 rolls is a 59% chance to get it.

Nowhere near astronomical.

good luck

I know, also know there will be a certain item that I will get more than 5 times.

Also SG chance is more than 1% (Reddit says is 1.43% so it increases a little).

But Im ready to fail at it, I will be happy with other items on the banner.


I know, also know there will be a certain item that I will get more than 5 times.

Also SG chance is more than 1% (Reddit says is 1.43% so it increases a little).

But Im ready to fail at it, I will be happy with other items on the banner.

Reddit's methodology for getting those numbers wasn't exactly scientific, but I wouldn't be surprised if the non-SSB relics are slightly more common than the SSB ones on these banners.


Reddit's methodology for getting those numbers wasn't exactly scientific, but I wouldn't be surprised if the non-SSB relics are slightly more common than the SSB ones on these banners.

yeah its not exact, it bassed on people reports on pulls, and there will be bias to post bad pulls from some people, but with such big number the number shouldnt be far from that.

Also we dont know if DeNA will assign SG a probability of SSB, this night will see...

Theres always Yda event, with a 2% on thyrus confirmed.


yeah its not exact, it bassed on people reports on pulls, and there will be bias to post bad pulls from some people, but with such big number the number shouldnt be far from that.

Also we dont know if DeNA will assign SG a probability of SSB, this night will see...

Theres always Yda event, with a 2% on thyrus confirmed.

It's a wall granted. But despite my gaining a thyrus in the lucky draw my plan has stayed the same. Still going for SG tomorrow. It's a better option across the board...


Thank you Razmos for Auroch Wheels, made this ultimate much easier to master. I originally had Laguna on Poison/Blind duty but was able to rotate him out for a Hastega/Medica on Eiko. Slowed them with Angel Quake, Mana Peon on Valefor/Meteor wrecked them. Cloud went to town on Orbi with Quad Cuts once the other two were AoE'd down.



Hated this ultimate. Went dark buster for blind this time. I only bothered to hone to 6 charges, but it was landing at about a 10% rate for me. I also didn't right away clue into the fact that if you blind the tank first before hitting any of the others, he will draw fire, which itself clears blind status. You have to hit one of the others first, then blind him. So about 10 S/L's later, I finally blinded him early on, after his draw fire, and didn't lose any medals. Annoying.


This is the best guide I've seen:

Part 1: Start-up Guide
Part 2: Farming Guide
Part 3: Planning Guide
Part 4: Relic Pull & Team Choice Guide

Thanks, these actually helped quite a bit for learning about some abilities I hadn't made yet. I didn't try any of the "meta" strategies like retaliate, but I didn't know lifesiphon existed. Luckily I've been stock piling enough orbs that I was able to create a bunch of new abilities. I've now defeated the ++ and the +++ fights! Checked out some videos of the ultimate and it looks grim, not sure if I can do that yet but I'm pleased I was able to get up to it at least.

Next thing I need to look into is proper relic materia. I've just kind of randomly affixed the ones I have so a little more thought put into it would be good. Although at a glance, it looks like I have inadvertently chosen some pretty good ones to go with. Definitely need one that starts the fight with a soul break though, that'd help a lot.
Whelp the fat one's attack one shot my whole team since Y'Sholta got confused as she was throwing up another stone skin 2. Was too slow on my s/l and the game kept my team dead, guess I'll try again in 3 hours D:


Honed Blind Shell to R4 and it has already more than paid itself back. What a great ability.

For sure going to get Poison and Silence Shell to R4 once I have the orbs.


100 gem pull got me an Ebon Armor, did a 3-pull and got a Peacemaker. Pretty great luck there, I'll take it! I already have SG, and while Genji Blade is tempting need to save my further mythril for FFT.

FIRST PULL!!!! FINALLY A WALL! And some other nice SSBs xP

That's an amazing fucking pull, goddamn.


Fuck yeah Im happy, 150 myth and got lightning SSb, Greg SSb and SG. and some other stuff (ultima sword and Genji shield).

Better than expected (not better than Tidd xD), but Im supper happy, I have 5 pulls for tactics, ITS POSSIBLE BOYS!!!!
Another junk 3* with my 100 gem. My first 11-pull of the fest turned out alright though.
5* gun with an SSB and +10 ATK sounds good to me. As for the Ultima sword, I don't care much about Steiner, but it's my fist FFIX 5*, so I'll take it.
Did two 11 pulls, got Yuffie's Headband, Garnet's Wizard Rod and another Ultima Sword.

So no Sentinel's Grimroire, but I finally got my first SSB, a Hastega which I really needed, and a nice Medica, so I'm stopping now.
2 50 pulls. One SG and 3 useful four stars. I'll take it! Yshtola, sorry girl you were so good for so long.

Now can use the final mc2 on hops and be done with it. Will try to get through these dungeons reasonably quickly, hopefully before tactics
Going to do 2 11 pulls on tactics, I do not need scream with my party at this point.


Phew. Did an 11-pull, saw a single 5* pop up, crossed my fingers and hoped and hoped and... SENTINEL GRIMOIRE! Now I don't need to take Y'shtola every time I need a wall, so I should be able to actually use Planet Protector, Rosa's Medica or Yuna's SSB freely without having to double up on white mages. And this should be beyond handy for Nightmare dungeons.


I /had/ to do one more x11 pull. Sorry Tactics.

Got Peacemaker and Wutai Headband, 3/33, dreams of finally having a Wall or Hastega shattered. I don't feel great about those 3 five stars for 150 Mythril.


I got Galuf's hammer from a single pull. I guess I'll be using it as an augment piece. The game likes to give me the most useless piece of gear from a banner when it does give me a 5* item. I got Tidus's Brotherhood as my only 5* item from the last banner.


that puzzling face

wts wall

man what a shitty pull i really wanted the hastega

just kidding please don't murder me


I did my gem pull and another single. Gem pull got nothing. Single pull got... another Wutai Headband.

I just did a three pull on the second FFX-2 banner and got a Red Armlet, Rikku's Guardian Targe, and LULU'S RUNE MOG. (aka my most wanted relic ever!)

Today has been a really good day for FFRK! :D


Thanks everyone. Okay. I should breath a little bit. I couldn't believe that I saw 4 rainbow orbs and then the first weapons I got was the Ultima Sword, which I already pulled sometimes before. <.< But after that I screamed like a little girl. xD

I still want Garnet's SSB or Yuffie's headband.... But I should probably stop because I wasted all my luck with that pull and have more or less all of relevant stuff on this banner.

Okay while I wrote this I pulled again and got another Genji Blade, Ultima Sword, Galufs Hammer and Rinoas SSB and some generic 5* fist for FF VIII. RIP Garnet's SSB. Why did I pull again? ._.

And congrats to everyone who got something decent/what she/he wanted.


Subete no aware
I don't even know if getting Genji's Blade and Steiner's Sword is a consolation or not. AOE attacks are bad for Scream Meta aren't they?


I don't even know if getting Genji's Blade and Steiner's Sword is a consolation or not. AOE attacks are bad for Scream Meta aren't they?

Genji Blade is one of the best AOEs on one of the omega tiers on the game. Iy gives heavy regen that can make you dont even need medica. Its a great relic.


that puzzling face
Okay while I wrote this I pulled again and got another Genji Blade, Ultima Sword, Galufs Hammer and Rinoas SSB and some generic 5* fist for FF VIII. RIP Garnet's SSB. Why did I pull again? ._.

9 in 2 pulls



7 11 Pulls and 1 3 Pull

Ebon Armor x2

Wizard Rod

Thor Hammer

Ultima Sword

Ended up getting nothing I was aiming for and half the pulls had no 5*s at all

Edit: one more 3 pull, another Thor Hammer


that puzzling face
350 Mythril got me 4 SSBs - Sephiroth, Aerith, Laguna, Gilgamesh.

I don't think I can joke about falk-tier luck anymore :X


I don't even know if getting Genji's Blade and Steiner's Sword is a consolation or not. AOE attacks are bad for Scream Meta aren't they?

Genji Blade is a strong katana which isn't a super easy thing to come by, and it's a great SB for Gilgamesh.

The SB on Ultima Sword is okay, and FF9 synergy is actually rather scarce as well.


that puzzling face
FF9 synergy isn't really that scarce. It depends whether you were skipping the FF9 event banners to focus on like Dark Bahamut, Orbfest etc.

And of course recently the Freya event kinda got overshadowed by Fusion Sword and SSBFest.
350 Mythril got me 4 SSBs - Sephiroth, Aerith, Laguna, Gilgamesh.

I don't think I can joke about falk-tier luck anymore :X
There's still the nightmare lucky draws to look forward to :)

170 Mythril + 500 gems here across the 5 banners - got 2 SSB (Bartz, Lightning) and 3 SB (Tidus, Vivi, Sazh) which i think is pretty great.
SSB Fest:

Excalibur+ (SSB Bartz V)
Oricalcum (SSB Zidane IX)
Lullabye Rod (SB Yuna X)
Hawkeye (SSB Hope XIII)
Machine Gun (SSB Laguna VIII)
Moore's Branch (SB ExDeath V)
Sentinel Grimoire (SB Tyro)
Generic Assassin Dagger (VI)

total 5 500 gem pulls. 265 mythril spent.

Combined with the lucky pulls netting me:
Red Scorpion (SSB Quistis VIII)
Crescent Wish (SSB Selphie VIII)
Gungnir (SB Kain IV)
Telescopic Baton (SB Reno VII)
Power Staff (SB Lenna V)

Not to shabby a power increase in 2 weeks time. The only thing I didn't net was a second magic SSB and a second AOE SSB, but I'll take what I got!

edit: also maxed out I believe 3-4 more 4 star weapons, which makes me happy


So tallying everything up

Banner 1 - 100 gem, 15 Mythril, Orichalcum
Banner 2 - 100 gem, 15 Mythril, Nothing
Banner 3 - 100 gem, 5 Mythril, Organics
Banner 4 - 100 gem, 5 Mythril, Wizard Staff
Banner 5 - 100 gem, 155 Mythril, Peacemaker, Ebon Armor, Wutai Headband x2

195 mythril and $5 for four SSBs and two SBs. I guess I came out alright overall, even if I got nothing that I wanted going in (Excalibur, Wizard Rod, SG, Genji Blade).

...I'm not gonna count the disappointing Lucky Draws.


I pulled twice against my better judgement and got some generic items not even on the banner. I'm pretty close to quitting Global depending on what I get from Tactics. It's a lot of time spent on both versions and this account just get fucked over and over compared to JP.
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