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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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Yeah I will more than likely not do another pull on FFT, but it will eat at me. At least I got the Kaiser Shield, and I think Ramza's and Agrias' weapons come back in a later banner.


so i guess all that FFT relic pull hoopla did nothing? I personally don't see dena doing anything and i am a little bit worried about how the "next" super hyped banner.


so i guess all that FFT relic pull hoopla did nothing? I personally don't see dena doing anything and i am a little bit worried about how the "next" super hyped banner.

Customer complaints alone won't change their practice. It would take a concerted effort from a significant player base to stop paying for gems, or possibly a class action lawsuit against DENA.

I'm actually hoping for the latter and with it, possibly an attack on all gacha systems in mobile gaming, as a violation of US' ban on online gambling. It may require legislation first though


that puzzling face
US legislation can definitely do with a few pointers from JP regulations.

I mean, probably the only reason we don't have konpu gacha in the west is it got pretty much stamped out of the JP landscape before games started getting localized en-masse, not because US has regulations against stuff like that.


It's hilarious to watch Gafgarion and Wiegraf miss four times in a row the same char and then eat four counters straight. It's like the fight was meant to drawtaliate. Also fuck Vivi, Rinoa for life. Belias was eating 9ks Firajas one after the other from da best girl.

I love having this time to catch up on elites and grind dailies. Sometimes there's just too much going on in this game and it really slows down progress. I'll be extremely happy once I've cleared everything so I can just daily farm.

Yep, yep! I was so burned out of the orbfest, it feels great to do classic (already caught up) and elites again. Even more now that I have a lot of new toys to play with. I love the feel when I have two more stamina shards to fill the full bar, run a dungeon and then go at it again xD


Someone on reddit posted a breakdown of the Fat Chocobo store stuff here. Seems cool, some mixed reponses from folks in there on whether or not farming the dailys fullstop has been enough in JP to get the rotating stock items or not. Not a ton of responses on there yet though and RNG something something, look forward to keeping an eye on that thread. If that is the case I am thinking about burning some mythril to wrap up all of my Elite Dungeons before this hits, I think I could probably do it with less than 5 mythril tops. I'll wait until tomorrow or Tuesday and do the math on it, but if nothing else it would be nice to go into this update having absolutely zero core dungeon baggage.

Total aside: outside of FFT right now, FF6 next (Shadow/Relm/Celes SSB's) and FFXII (something for Basch I think?) are there any real notable banners coming up before the next big event? Only seeing a handful of folks talking about the FF6 banners which I am pulling on for sure since I'm a sucker for FF6 and I <3 Celes, then aside from that everyone is talking about FFXII and/or waiting until BSSBfest (?) which I think is like 3-4 months away?


Lmao, did another single pull on the tactics banner and got another 5*.

Another FFVI Oath Veil lol. My first 7 star item! The mind and magic on it are actually pretty damn great. And the boost to wind damage might become useful, eventually



I did one as well and got a 5* FFX sword Ice Brand. Didn't expect much, but did I really need to get another relic for a Realm where my synergy is already crazy good? Damnit game.


Finally mastered Shout thanks to EXP daily. and set as RW. Feel's good! Wasn't gonna use Mythril to refresh, a FF6 banner is too close for that.

9gto if anyone wants it.

Total aside: outside of FFT right now, FF6 next (Shadow/Relm/Celes SSB's) and FFXII (something for Basch I think?) are there any real notable banners coming up before the next big event? Only seeing a handful of folks talking about the FF6 banners which I am pulling on for sure since I'm a sucker for FF6 and I <3 Celes, then aside from that everyone is talking about FFXII and/or waiting until BSSBfest (?) which I think is like 3-4 months away?

A few weeks before BSSB Fest is a FF9 banner with Wizard Rod as well as Beatrix's SSB, which has a Magic Blink effect. Kinda interested since she can also use Lifesiphon. That's the same banner they add the Darkness(?) class to the game too.

I also notice that the FF8 Banner has Squall's BSSB which didn't reappear in the JP BSSB, but since Global switched up the relics on the SSB banners last time they might do that here too.


Total aside: outside of FFT right now, FF6 next (Shadow/Relm/Celes SSB's) and FFXII (something for Basch I think?) are there any real notable banners coming up before the next big event? Only seeing a handful of folks talking about the FF6 banners which I am pulling on for sure since I'm a sucker for FF6 and I <3 Celes, then aside from that everyone is talking about FFXII and/or waiting until BSSBfest (?) which I think is like 3-4 months away?

The Vincent and Kuja banners have some good items. Those two also end up being among the best mages due to Darkness access.


I'm looking for the Balthier SSB and Basch Shield in the FFXII banners. Shield would be nice to have to either have him in the party or boost Agrias' holy damage, and Balthier SSB is Balthier and his SSB.


From what I've read the stars until the BSSB are Kuja's and Basch's banners, yep. Relm is good, too, but those two are the best.

Personally I want the next FFVIII banner for Squall's BSSB and Edea.

PS: I went from 115 or something to 130 stamina since the SSB ended. I was really neglecting my stamina lol


Finally got 50 mythril and did one pull on the FFT banner... Ten 3* and one 4*. <.<

I guess I will save my mythril from now on. I need FF VIII syngery so I will pull on that event. And since FF IX is my favorite FF game I will also pull on that one.


Finally got 50 mythril and did one pull on the FFT banner... Ten 3* and one 4*. <.<

I guess I will save my mythril from now on. I need FF VIII syngery so I will pull on that event. And since FF IX is my favorite FF game I will also pull on that one.

But if you pull once more...

...who knows what you might get?
Did my last 11-pull on the tactics banner. Got nothing.

This banner has really soured my mood on the game. I went 2/60 on it, a white staff and an off-banner. What a waste.

I'm definitely sticking to my no more money on this game at this point.


I just did another 11 pull and got eight pieces of 3* junk and three pieces of 4* junk. At least I got the Grand Armor from a single pull a few days ago.


Was considering doing a final 3 pull on it since that's all the mythril I was able to scrounge up but I these posts are making me think twice.

Probably will just hold off till the next FFT event.

Definitely done spending money on this game regardless.


Yeah, the FFT event was pretty terrible all around, but there's a good bunch of new stuff coming so it doesn't bother me so much.


Neo Member
Jeeze, I had way more problems with the stupid FFXII Treant boss than Belias. My first attempt he just kept wrecking me over and over with that stupid spore attack. I had to back out of the dungeons then I read he can be put to sleep.

I went in with sleep buster and would apply it once his life hit about 3/4. It would only last until he was about 1/4 then he'd wake up and hit me with the spore attack first thing. Took a dozen s/l's to finish. >_>

Anyway, now that Tactics is over what is the next big rage email inducing relic/banner?


For physical teams if you are lacking in some areas FFXII basch banner 1 has 2 top tier SSBs for 2 lvl 80 characters as well as a 2% hand of the emperor clone for a better character.

If you want to make a mage team this next relm event in its banner 2 has kefka's cloak and Terra SSB.

Desch banner 1 and Kuja banner 2 are 2 well rounded banners with several good relics. Good quality overall.

Then just BSSB fest, some of the best BSSB are introduced there (Tyro, P.Cecil, Bartz), so its a good place to improve.


Neo Member
I'll probably pull on the first XII banner then as I'm lacking in good, physical SB's. I'm rolling in mage gear but the best physical SB I have is Bartz's Lupine Barrage.

Thanks for the info.


Neat. Did two "What the hell, why not?" 15-Mythril pulls.

Both of them were 1 each 3* 4* and 5*.

Spellbinder and Platinum Sword!

I did the same after reading your post and got jack shit. This FFT banner is awful.

Now I have no mythril left for the FFVI banner. I HOPE YOU ARE HAPPY.

Meh, I'll get some with the elite dungeons, I racked up 25 mythril in a couple of days, I can do it again.
Took a long break from the game after being pissed at the x11 draw luck and getting not a single *5 (which you absolutely need for higher level events and synergy). So I farmed up a total of 150 mythril for the long awaited FFT event and went in for the draw three times, saying to myself "no way in hell will I get none".

33 relics, 22***, 11****, 0*****.

After a total of about 7 times in total of me not getting a thing, I think I'm pretty much done with this bullshit.


Subete no aware
Gacha games are bullshit. BULLSHIIIIIIIT.
Although it doesn't help when the house can change the rules any time they want and not inform the players.

But I feel like most people have moved on. I'm sure people are going to spend cash on the Relm banner and forget that FFT ever happened. lol


that puzzling face
I think the people who were going to spend cash on Relm would have spent cash on Relm banner regardless.


Yeah sadly all this thing will be forgotten fast. With mew dailies tomorrow and the fat chocobo shop everybody will be praising DeNA again.
I was pretty sad that I couldn't get SG from Banner 5, despite 67 pulls and had been planning to scrounge up 50 mythril to do an 11-pull on FFT. I will have the 50 once I finish the FF6 event tonight, but now I think I'll be better off holding on for a more beneficial banner (I could use one with great offensive physical SB options). Native Shout would surely be amazing, as would any of the FFT character relics, but I've been doing pretty well using Shout as a FS.

In fact, I've basically settled into 3 teams templates that have been working greatly: Shouters, Mages, Advantaliaters.

Shout FS + SSB Pecil, SSB Garnet, Headband Yuffie + Whip Kick Fran + Additional DPS.
- DPS Options: Stock Break Steiner, Unyielding Fist of the Dawn Galuf, Runic Flare Striking Celes, Rush Assult Zack, Blaze Rush Lightning, Bioblaster Edgar, Soul Eater Decil, Dynamite Cid.

Wall FS + 2 Nukers + Healing Wind Summoner Aerith + Whip Kick Fran.
- Nuker Options: AW Bolt / Quake Rinoa, Wind Drake's Roar Krile, Nightglow Golbez, Trance Flood Terra, Earthquake Hope, Double Venom Vivi, Pyramid Reno.

Advance FS + Retaliater + Whip Kick Fran + Headband Yuffie + Pecil + SSB Garnet
- I never use Pecil's SSB on this team, but he's there so that I can have Double Cut, Protectga, Shellga and Curaja between him and Garnet.
- Sadly, the only unique SBs I have for Retaliaters are Sephiroth's Hell's Gate and Cyan's Bushido Flurry :/ .
Yeah sadly all this thing will be forgotten fast. With mew dailies tomorrow and the fat chocobo shop everybody will be praising DeNA again.

At the end of the day I did pull platinum sword and I have nat trinity so really I'm basically good since afaik there is no next relic worth mad chasing so I'll keep 100 gemming


I decided to compromise and do a last 3-pull on FFT, got the troll FF12 3* Platinum Sword, but also a THIRD Spellbinder ffs. Not sure if I want to combine two at this point or hold off and see if we get proper FFT dungeons at some point in which case having 3 might be useful since I don't have any FFT weapons otherwise.
Combine them. You'll probably be able to use it on a third attacker in a number of realms. We get another tactics banner way in something like 19 events and the tactics realms are added eventually but they are very low level.


Today I woke up thinking Waterja uses fire and ice orbs because fire melts ice and turns it into water. Random as hell, I think there's something wrong with me.


Is it just me or are these speedrun posts on Reddit the dumbest thing ever? Like, what is the point? Is it to show off how hard you have whaled?


Is it just me or are these speedrun posts on Reddit the dumbest thing ever? Like, what is the point? Is it to show off how hard you have whaled?

Exactly, to be fair there are some with good but F2P friendly equipment. But theres a japanese player that put videos clearing ultimates with all +7 equip and is like...yeah.


Just in time for Dark Souls 3 tonight.

Ha, I wish :(. Wouldn't have the free cash until Friday and we owe taxes this year weirdly. Was gonna Gamefly it but the wife randomly decided she was gonna play the Division when I was done with it which I was not expecting, so yeah >_>.

I did actually just see that Granblue Fantasy is officially out in English now, might check that out.
Congrats, Mr. D! *High Five*

I just did the same this morning :D. Now, I'm just waiting for the new event to drop so I can blaze through it tonight, before returning to Tues-Thurs Dailies grind.


Congrats, Mr. D! *High Five*

I just did the same this morning :D. Now, I'm just waiting for the new event to drop so I can blaze through it tonight, before returning to Tues-Thurs Dailies grind.


Yeah I'm super glad to finally be caught up, started playing towards the end of October. Obviously could have done it by now but I fell off the game slightly here and there and certainly didn't min/max my stamina as much as I could have etc. All I need to do is the FFT Ultimate battle (assuming I can do it) and I'm all caught up, I just spent the last of my Stamina on the ++ battle so I'll have to wait a few hours. So by some point tomorrow I'll have that done (hopefully) as well as everything that will be out for the Relm event so I'll be good to go and fully charged up for after maintenance Wednesday. Actually looking forward to having the game on pretty much event + farm status for the foreseeable future.
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