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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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The animations for Rikku's BSB and Paine's SSB really look like shit.

DeNa are probably too busy working on Cloud's fourth tier SB.
Wiegraf down, finally! I was starting to worry lol. Greg + 2 heals (who mostly did nothing) + 2 support for breakdowns was the trick. Helps he only switched rows once lol



My GF got 50 myth and pulled on Tactics...Valiant Knife.

she plays really casually its her 6th 50 pull and this is her 5th SSB...not bad.


that puzzling face
Honestly speaking I think that's more of a reason than pulling zilch to at least take a short break D:

in before "look who's talking"


My nephew had SG, Josef's AoE attack buff SB, Gilgamesh's SSB and some other stuff with his first pull on banner 5. He lost his account somehow and started over. He got Lightning's SSB, Steiner's SB and Garnet's Rod from banner 5. Then Tactics came out and he did one 11 pull and got the bracelet and Platinum Sword.

And he's probably just going to lose this account again anyway, lol.


I've been spending most of my gaming time on KHU and Clash Royale. I still haven't finished the Tactics banner yet, and I'm on the first MC2. I might just stop playing soon as I feel the game is a becoming at bit stale. Y'all some wonderful ppl tho


KHU is really not that good tho.
I gave it a shot and still do my daily login but I might delete it soon.

GBF is great but the UI is atrocious and there's so much to do it's kind of hard to jump in. Not to mention my luck with the gacha couldn't be worse.


Yeah i agree that KHU kinda sucks. The social aspect of it is nice, the party system is good, but the gameplay is just boring. I started playing Tales of Link instead and find that much more fun.

I would check out GBF but since they didn't bother to actually release it in the west i probably won't. Can't be arsed to do whatever shenanigans i have to do to access the japanese version. Between FFRK and TOL i don't have time for another gacha game anyway.


I like KHU a lot, but I hate that the game isn't in portrait. Not being a me to play using just one hand sucks. But I like the game and the party system is really fun - especially if you're in a very active party.

Granblue was just way too confusing for me and I really didn't find the questing fun at all. Too bad, I really wanted to like it
KHU is really not that good tho.
I gave it a shot and still do my daily login but I might delete it soon.

I have been really lucky with my pulls since I started but I just sold all my medals and erased the game to make sure I won't come back. Game was ok but I just get too invested in anything I play and I am not sure that one did worth the investment in my case. I think limiting myself to one mobile game is enough for me, it's too easy to waste tons of time in KHU.
KHU is really not that good tho.
I gave it a shot and still do my daily login but I might delete it soon.

GBF is great but the UI is atrocious and there's so much to do it's kind of hard to jump in. Not to mention my luck with the gacha couldn't be worse.

Agreed. It looks great and has a decent amount of strategy to it in terms of deckbuilding, but I feel it has some crippling weaknesses.

*Lots of medal's special abilities depend on status effects, which are randomly attached to medals from the gatcha, so you can have a ton of medals where you can't take advantage of their intended features.
*Limited orichalcum means my evolving the starter keyblade once prevents me from having three keyblades with 5 slots, crippling my Magic medals.
*Need multiple copies of the same medal at the same level to enhance the special abilities. This means if you levelled up your favorite medal to 6*, you need to acquire 5 more copies of that same medal and then evolve those all to 6* to maximize its power. Now, this wouldn't be the biggest deal, except...
*...to use the second ability-strengthening mechanic, you need to fully max-out the special already. So most people will never be able to even use that system.
*Why do the Munny Medals even exist? Just give me the munny and stop wasting my time fiddling with inventory. Yeesh...

I'll probably do the daily log-in and complete the story missions as they trickle out, but I think I'm otherwise burned out on KHU.
My takeaway from those pictures is that Selphie and Auron are hoarders, while Agrias is glad that you hit your notifications with a Cleansing Strike.

I'm with Agrias.


that puzzling face
KHU is suffering from a lack of content that most mobage suffers upon launch - except it's exacerbated by how fast you can blow through content since you have pretty much unlimited stamina.

I feel like it's going to be one of those games where people jumping in 6 months from now are going to have an awesome time after getting the initial ~200 stages out of the way and then getting into the meat of the story (again, you basically can play as long as you want without worrying about stamina), and this is definitely true of the Japanese version of Unchained, but right now the NA release is rather barren.

It's also a little special to me because it's the second mobile game that has some form of my work on it lol

GBF is the complete opposite - there's a LOT to do because it's essentially a 2-year-old game, but it's also walled off by stamina waits even at lows levels (it gets really bad past 40 or so). I'm playing it casually as a content tourist because the story itself really jives with me and reminds me a lot of FFXII crossed with Skies of Arcadia, two of my top 5 JRPGs, but I don't have time to make it one of my grindy gachas.

*Need multiple copies of the same medal at the same level to enhance the special abilities. This means if you levelled up your favorite medal to 6*, you need to acquire 5 more copies of that same medal and then evolve those all to 6* to maximize its power. Now, this wouldn't be the biggest deal, except...
*...to use the second ability-strengthening mechanic, you need to fully max-out the special already. So most people will never be able to even use that system.

Not to derail, but in future you get to farm Mickey+Broom medals which basically give a pip, meaning to start rolling Guilt you only need 1 duplicate (of course, stowing dupes for however long that takes to hit English version makes inventory management just that much more of a nightmare). Incidentally Cid/Chip/Dale medals are also similarly farmable.
Not to derail, but in future you get to farm Mickey+Broom medals which basically give a pip, meaning to start rolling Guilt you only need 1 duplicate (of course, stowing dupes for however long that takes to hit English version makes inventory management just that much more of a nightmare). Incidentally Cid/Chip/Dale medals are also similarly farmable.
That's pretty promising, actually. What's the first duplicate used for?

Also, is there an easy way to download GBF on an American iPhone?

Actually on topic, i pulled Relm's paintbrush from my 100-gem. Suddenly I have both Yuna and Relm's Medica. Lakshimi's Ultimate was fun to destroy with Saint's Cross and a twice-doublecast Diaga. Looking forward to U+!
Not to derail, but in future you get to farm Mickey+Broom medals which basically give a pip, meaning to start rolling Guilt you only need 1 duplicate
From what I've read, the M&B medals can be used for both Special Attack pips as well as Guilt rolls. I just don't know how rare / hard to get they will be.

Also, is there an easy way to download GBF on an American iPhone?
If there is an iOS version of QooApp then that would work.

However, the game can be played in a browser by going to http://gbf.game.mbga.jp/ in a mobile browser or in Chrome Dev Mode on PC.
Relm's Ultimate down, and pretty easily -- Agrias, Locke, Yuna, Tyro, and Terra. Honestly, Terra didn't even need to be there, but she chucked a few Meteors and added a Magitek Missile that did a whopping 12k. Is it just me, or is that SSB incredibly weak, even with Tyro tossing Full Break?

I wish Orbfest were around. I want Ramza, Locke, and Agrias to hit 80. I egg'd her to 65, but I don't have any eggs left for Ramza, though he's never leaving my party, so I guess that'll resolve itself.


that puzzling face
If you head over to the Quick Info spreadsheet's SB tab, you can view potency of the various uniques there. Terra sits at 1800, which is the same as Rinoa's Cardinal and Yuna's BSSB - essentially the 'top tier' single target magic (or MND, ehehe) nukes right now.

Like everything else single-target multi-hit, the idea is to overcome the damage cap which in turn requires stacking as many magic boosts as humanly possible prior to nuking. Considering the physical analogues are very often used with things like Shout and/or Advance, it's not quite a fair comparison unless you're stacking things like Magic Infusion, etc.

For reference, Flare is 1200 potency and would have hit for 8k. Chardanook's Demon Form res is rather nuts, sitting at 1730 pre-debuffs.


Now is shout master race or bust, mage teams are viable but you need very specific setting to make it work, focus and faithga is a must, you also need trinity, so unlike any other teams you need a bunch of very specific items, Kefks'a cloak and focus are almost mandatory, along with native wall and medica from now on.
Saved up a last 50 mythril and blew it on tactics. Ice rod. Damnit.

So. My grand total is 4/82
2x Ice rod
1x White staff
1x Chameleon robe

I hate everything right now. Spending $100 for that and DeNA's shitty practices were the eye openers I needed to not spend another dime. Fuck this game. *sits in corner*
Saved up a last 50 mythril and blew it on tactics. Ice rod. Damnit.

So. My grand total is 4/82
2x Ice rod
1x White staff
1x Chameleon robe

I hate everything right now. Spending $100 for that and DeNA's shitty practices were the eye openers I needed to not spend another dime. Fuck this game. *sits in corner*

Yeah. It's really quite a horrible feeling isn't it? I'm sorry. I also spent money awhile ago and still regret it.


I had similar issues on Chadarnook with my typical mages - Yuna's SSB was only doing like 6k damage. So I swapped Yuna/Quistis for Pecil/Tyro, honed Saints Cross, and brought a RW Shout. Much easier time, got mastery on the first try.


Saved up a last 50 mythril and blew it on tactics. Ice rod. Damnit.

So. My grand total is 4/82
2x Ice rod
1x White staff
1x Chameleon robe

I hate everything right now. Spending $100 for that and DeNA's shitty practices were the eye openers I needed to not spend another dime. Fuck this game. *sits in corner*
That is so unbelievably awful. I'm so sorry for you. The Tactics banner is so damn bad


Did my last 11 pull on FFT banner since I won't have quite enough saved up before it ends (was close!). Got a Kaiser Shield for Agrais so now she can be a regular A Team member (still hoping for Beatrix SSB when that time comes though).

So that's 3 11 FFT pulls and Grand Armor, Plat Sword and Kaiser Shield to show for it. Not bad at all, and the first FF6 pull I did got me Shadow's SSB plus Edgar and Celes stuff., so the Ultimate went down first try fully mastered. My pull on banner 2 was 11 3*s, but I won't complain.

Debating how much I want to use on Beatrix (her SSB would let me consider a non-Selphie healer which would be glorious) and Yuffie (her SSB + the headband I already got would be boss), but otherwise my eyes are on the BSSB banners (who knows what Global will get on them), the Edgar/Sabin event, and the FF14 event. Those are all pretty far away though.


so.... what r ppl using their GG's on? I know everyone will use 1k on the mythril but what else? I personally am getting the 2 x mc2 lodes. After that... not so sure. I read that ppl are focusing on getting the stamina shards which surprises me. Others are getting orbs too so kinda curious what everyone is doing.


Im waiting on GGs. Theres no rush the lodes will be there forever (they keep adding them). The stamina shards are useful to refill for orbfest so its wise to keep ggs for when they add discounted major orbs or you just need a MC because a pull or whatever.


I need more Greater Orbs to hone Lifesiphon and a few other usual suspects/new skills as they are released since I'm a little lttp on that, but beyond that I dunno. An extra 1-2 points of stamina by itself isn't all that appealing to me for the investment vs said orbs, though the refresh is a good idea I am nowhere near finished with dungeons either (111 stamina atm and focused on these dailies). I still have a lot of non-core characters not at 50 too, let alone 65 or higher so I may look at eggs as well.


Woo! I got Celes' Lightbringer in JP.

Put a little bit of Mythril into that banner and came out with Cards. Was pretty salty lol.

I'd love to throw an 11 pull in there but we have a lucky banner coming soon and I want to see what they do for Golden Week.
This game is so much more fun now that I have a few relics that open up my ability to try different teams and combinations, good skills with decent hones, and the ability to just auto-battle through trash (Selphie, Vivi, and Vanille RM3 help immensely here) -- I'm mowing through Elites now, using the Mythril I'm earning for recharges, just because I really need more stamina.

Plus, I'm just more invested now. I honestly wish the game would assess those who were massively behind a certain power curve and boost their chances at receiving certain relics. The Beginner Banner kinda does that, but I'm talking about to a more transparent extent. Even something like the Halloween Pumpkin is still useful for me, and I can't imagine how new players are coping.
Welp, the last of my mythril has been spent. 2x 11 pulls, 2x 3 pulls, and two single pulls on FFT. No platinum sword to show for it, but I did get Ramza's armor and armband... in my first pull. The only thing of note after spending that first 50 mythril was a charmeleon robe. If that counts as something of note. Guess I should have just counted myself lucky after that first pull and saved myself the 90 mythril I spent afterwards.
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