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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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When a group sleep is essential, I always bring Sheepskin Cloak, an FF8 light armor with a shared Sleepga. But those encounters aren't numerous, so I usually just rely on Sleep Buster, and if it never works then oh well... The only time I can think of where sleep was essential for victory is one of the recent dungeons--I forget which.

I think I'm going to give up on Chardanook. Sentinel's Grimoire, shell, magic Breakdown, major rejen and constant healing still isn't enough to mitigate the damage once it reaches weak form, it is way, way too much.

If it's the counters that are getting you, consider bringing Lure Magic. My Edgar had it on his second slot and was able to render the counter-Drain pretty much irrelevant.
Chadarnook's weak phase ended up being way easier than the start of the fight after having built up a bunch of meter and using all of the mitigation. Wall + Shellga + Full Break + Magic Breakdown + Cleansing Strike = lol.


Holy shit, I went into this ultimate without a dispeling move, totally forgot about it.
That was really tough, managed to master it first try but took 3 s/l.
My healer died to his spams, thankfully my Ramza got all his relic so he could pop up his medica and Agrias's SB helped a lot!

Edit : oh and I also forgot to put Mako Might on Ramza, I guess the extra challenge was nice :lol


I didn't have much trouble with either boss, but they both would have been a total drag without some decent synergy weapons and burst damage abilities/SBs. Rufus in particular.
Mastered the Rufus ultimate with this team,


Retaliate Advance of course. Ended up losing one medal to damage but had to save load 4 times. I can't see many being successful without some good synergy on their gear. Do not forget dispel to remove the haste effect!!!!!


that puzzling face
"Rufus is helluva hard" they said.

"Mako Cannon really hurts" they said.


I'm overgeared for this lol


Somehow mastered Hojo U+ on first try despite 2 deaths, and 1 very near death at the end. I wanted to try with a primarily physical team and it worked ok, it just dragged on for a while. Team was Exdeath (I probably should have picked a different black mage for this), Faris, Locke, Yshtola, Ramza. Exdeath died shortly after dispelling Hojo's buffs and only got off 1 Thundaja. I found Rufus ultimate to be quite a lot easier.


that puzzling face
So after forgetting to bring BLM, I just chuck Comet on Sephiroth instead of Barrage.

And promptly forget to use it until literally right up at the end where it deals the finishing blow.



Of course, since I was way more efficient this time around I got full medals on everything else, meaning the BLM was unnecessary.




One-shot both Rufus and Hojo. Rufus got a bit dicey cause he got hasted by Dog right when I hit Lifesiphon on Agrias... then /forgot/ to use Banishing Blade the turn after. @_@

Hojo took forever and a half because it wasn't until I said "fuck it" at ~50% and risked Full Break getting countered that I realized his counters were yoinked by Draw Fire. That and the free 5 hit combos, otherwise I was only hitting him for ~4k per retaliate / Rinoa spell.


I'm not sure I *get* Bonus Battles and Ultimates.

I have decent teams, some good gear, nice hones...

But they still feel like slog-fests that are unfairly stacked against the player so that they can sap Stamina (if you don't quit and restart) and the only way to make any decent headway is to basically just get lucky the whole way through and hope the RNG causes the enemies to act sub-optimally as long as possible.

I love Final Fantasy and Record Keeper's been fun, but at this point "progression" is keeping up with the Bonus and Ultimate battles, and they're just the opposite of fun.

I don't want them to be *easy,* but moving them into spitting distance would make them much better for morale and more appealing in general.


Ultimate Rufus down. He deserves his reputation, he hits like a truck and likes to spam mako cannons 3,4 in a row. Luckily for me Bartz SSB added a 3rd layer of defense that made me tough enough to stand against him, that and Heavy regen was mitigation enough. The hard part for me was Dark Nation and his dispels, most of my S/Ls came from there. Now for Hojo.


Post your setup then? Kinda hard to dispense advice without even knowing the ballpark.

That's the team I'm going after the Rufue Ultimate with, but even when the RNG gives me an instant first turn with Y'shtola and I put up Stonekin, get major Regen from RW Diving Guardian, and immediately put Hope and Y'shtola on healing duty I just can't stay ahead of the ridiculous amounts of damage Rufus can put out near-constantly. ANd then sometimes it feels like he'll just have it out for a single character for some reason and he'll pound on them 4 or 5 times in a row.

I know I need to pump up levels and I made a mistake with one of the Record Materia, but I feel like things shouldn't be as hopeless as they are. I'm just hitting a brick wall of anti-enjoyment.

I've got Shout, Stoneskin II, Hastega+Major Regen from RWs, a Cid and Shadow have multi-hitting Soul Breaks. Isn't that supposed to be, like, the coveted awesome set-up?


Both ultimates are 100% physical so dont even bother with shellga.

So I'm forced to take SG/SS2. Ugh, I'm going to get destroyed lol

Well, if you struggled with last Ultimates this one is way way harder, more than Bahamut Sin IMO.

But theres RNG on the battle so maybe you get lucky and he doesnt use Mako Cannon or doggie doesnt dispel you.


Well, if you struggled with last Ultimates this one is way way harder, more than Bahamut Sin IMO.

But theres RNG on the battle so maybe you get lucky and he doesnt use Mako Cannon or doggie doesnt dispel you.

Yeah, I figured so, Chadarnook totally destroyed me, so I don't have big hopes for this one. I still have good VII weapons and chars, so maybe I get lucky. The U+ seems way easier, though.

It'll be a fun week nonetheless, this Abyss dungeon seems cool, too.


Yeah, I figured so, Chadarnook totally destroyed me, so I don't have big hopes for this one. I still have good VII weapons and chars, so maybe I get lucky. The U+ seems way easier, though.

It'll be a fun week nonetheless, this Abyss dungeon seems cool, too.

Yeah give it the try. If you have something like Agrias shield it can help a lot. Heavy regen is also very good.

I saw Selphie BSSB in action holy shit thats OP, Curaja + Regen and 2 hits holy + dispel.

And the entrance command is an stackeable Mind+Mag 30% buff.

He used two or three, but with full mitigation (Wall, Protectga, FB, Breakdown, Agrias' SB).

I see. Agrias SB makes sense, the third layer of mitigation is OP.


Yeah, Selphie BSB is amazing.
Zell's and Edea's SSBs look great as well, especially the animations. They make Paine's look even worse, if that's even possible.


Zell SSB is awesome, another instant cast...is random hits so it can backfire on multi-target but otherwise it has an stackeable buff for himself so you can use him even if he lacks synergy weapons.


Speaking of huge damage, Thief's revenge with the proper setup seems to be more damaging than most SBs. It's 5 hits, plus a decent heal in chars that can themselves steal power. I'm thinking Vaan in the next event can be a monster. Heck, Yuffie herself was doing the 5 hits in this event, I killed the poor Turks mostly with it and Shout.

I should level up Vaan...


I'm really surprised that a lot of you found Rufus harder than Chadarnook. For me it's the opposite. Mastered it without problems. Main reason should be Lightning's SSB does damage against him. (The lightning attribute sucks sometimes <.<) Anyway just lost some medals because of Mako Cannon, but everything else was perfect. Same party as the last few Ultimates. I'm tired of listing the same tactics again.

Just Ultimate+ left. Should be doable with Draw Fire and Retaliate. Especially if you can taunt the counters.


that puzzling face
That's the team I'm going after the Rufue Ultimate with, but even when the RNG gives me an instant first turn with Y'shtola and I put up Stonekin, get major Regen from RW Diving Guardian, and immediately put Hope and Y'shtola on healing duty I just can't stay ahead of the ridiculous amounts of damage Rufus can put out near-constantly. ANd then sometimes it feels like he'll just have it out for a single character for some reason and he'll pound on them 4 or 5 times in a row.

I know I need to pump up levels and I made a mistake with one of the Record Materia, but I feel like things shouldn't be as hopeless as they are. I'm just hitting a brick wall of anti-enjoyment.

I've got Shout, Stoneskin II, Hastega+Major Regen from RWs, a Cid and Shadow have multi-hitting Soul Breaks. Isn't that supposed to be, like, the coveted awesome set-up?

Little bit of a headscratcher here. Outside of levels (which actually do matter) and some of the RMs (you don't need haste with a hastega RW) that's indeed an awesome set of gear.

Wow he didnt use mako cannon?. Full medals is insane (I lost 1 because shit ton of mako cannons).

FWIW I ate two with the no-medals-lost result. Probably right up against the edge for 1 medal lost with the new adjusted requirements.


What is Hojo's Empowered form? I used Banishing Strike throughout the battle but didn't get the medals for the target score. Does it have to be Dispel?

Had an easy time with Rufus zero medals lost


What is Hojo's Empowered form? I uses Banishing Strike throughout the Battle but didn't get the medals for the target score. Does it have to be Dispel?

Had an easy time with Rufus zero medals lost

Yeah, has to be Dispel, when he puts up all those buffs.


I had to bring a blm tyro with dispel and flare so he could do some damage while achieving conditions. Crappy damage but still no problem since Hojo is ultra easy, the only thing he has is stats.

Just be careful with confuse and blind and thats it.
I had to bring a blm tyro with dispel and flare so he could do some damage while achieving conditions. Crappy damage but still no problem since Hojo is ultra easy, the only thing he has is stats.

Just be careful with confuse and blind and thats it.

Why did it have to be Tyro? There are plenty of characters with Black 5/White 3.


that puzzling face
This ultimate+ is going to be hours of fun messing with underpowered setups.

Currently trying a bunch of no-unique SB things with wall as RW.

edit: Not aiming for mastery, just killing the sucker. Kinda like prep for Cid missions I guess.


as expected, the FFT fiasco seems to have blown over... I wonder if ppl were seriously expecting anything.

anyway... the drop rate for the gg's is seriously terrible. I get maybe 1 drop per day. Is anyone else's drop rate that bad?
Looking at my current state in FFRK, I think I should be honing my -aja spells to R3. Is it worth converting the major black orbs to cover the shortfall? Do I need them for anything?

Also, Full break, yay or nay?
Looking at my current state in FFRK, I think I should be honing my -aja spells to R3. Is it worth converting the major black orbs to cover the shortfall? Do I need them for anything?

Also, Full break, yay or nay?

Full Break is probably the most useful 5* ability in the game right now. It's basically essential for tough fights, do it and get it to R2 ASAP, you won't regret it.

Major Black Orbs are useful for meteor, but R3 -ja spells might take priority.
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