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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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could have been a start dash or surprise ticket in GBF

Yeah, that's true, but I've only been REALLY playing GBF for about a week or so (reading guides, doing raids etc., been only playing the story mode for the first month, and not very often at that) so I just missed my start dash ticket. I'll probably get it next month.

Maybe I'll decide if I wanna go water or fire by then. My only SSR is water (Charlotte), but I have a very strong fire SR character (Alec), plus I kind of want to pick Percival. Also, since I'm kind of thinking in the long run, if I go water I'd skip Yoda and pick someone else, maybe Lancelot.

FFRK is great too lol
So we finally have Palom and Porom:
Oh, Nintendo Power...

I knew something was odd with the event when a Palom and Porom event ended with fighting Kain then I read the top...part 1. I thought the 3* items were pretty cruel. Sad enough when a player can't make ++ versions but can't even make + versions of these unless they have them from elsewhere.

In other news:
does have not? is syntax What?

At least it isn't making up abilities this time (I still want mind break) and I wonder what the Spanish says, hopefully weak to an element so we can get apology mythril...
The ++ dailies really don't like me, I very rarely see greens, pots barely show up once or twice a day and they always drop Greater. Oh well, guaranteed 3* and completion rewards are there at least! :)
man, already got the 3rd exp rm to drop.

I have all 3 4++ IV armors and a genji shield and none see the battlefield even in iv events. no atk/mag/mnd stats boosts, no use even with realm synergy at play. please give me a reason, DeNA to use all of these items and not just default to my 5* bracelets hats and helms regardless of synergy.
man, already got the 3rd exp rm to drop.

I have all 3 4++ IV armors and a genji shield and none see the battlefield even in iv events. no atk/mag/mnd stats boosts, no use even with realm synergy at play. please give me a reason, DeNA to use all of these items and not just default to my 5* bracelets hats and helms regardless of synergy.

Yea I have 3 natural 5* Heavy Armor for IV and a Shield, never used them.


I did a single pull last night and got Tellah's staff. The Soul Break is useless, but I guess it will help to have a decent MND/MAG weapon for the realm.


So beat the fake king of baron on part 2, I'm scared for the fight after that. I really don't have much punch. Was able to hit his weakness with some blizzaga strike and spells from rydia. Took a while.

Sadly only got completion not mastery. Dudes arms returned right as I landed killing blow.

Any tips for milon in the + fight?


Finally got a mage meta party to work on Ultima - having to bring Dispel to counter regen was a wasted slot I really could have used. Focus seemed pretty necessary, I ran out of hones right as he died.

On the plus side my streak of beating every U+ without Shout is still alive!
I like the callback to the original game, but yeah it's pretty worthless for FFRK. These two banners are pretty underwhelming even with poor IV synergy.

The thing is you could balance the mechanic if attacks that drained health did exponentially more damage then a similar attack that doesn't drain heath, but often with how rk works the boosted damage doesn't offset the added risk of dropping 20-30% of your health.
So beat the fake king of baron on part 2, I'm scared for the fight after that. I really don't have much punch. Was able to hit his weakness with some blizzaga strike and spells from rydia. Took a while.

Sadly only got completion not mastery. Dudes arms returned right as I landed killing blow.

Any tips for milon in the + fight?

The first one is really easy - I beat him in 4 actions (though using some pretty powerful abilities Bahamut, Sky Grinder, Firaja and Saint Cross).

Second one goes down fast enough when you exploit his weaknesses to Holy. He doesn't hit that badly so you can probably substitute Wall for a decent offensive RW.


I had to repeat the guy with the arms because one of the arms didn't die when I decided to deliver the killing blow (Edea with Ice strike, Edea :3). So in the end I just brought Zack and stunned all of them before killing. That fight is more annoying than hard, just like I expect Cagnazzo to be.

I really don't think I'll be able to kill Cagnazzo, having three people on standby for the Tsunami seems a bit too much xD


Cagnazzo can be cheesed if you have heavy regen. You can block most attacks with reflect and mitigate aoe tsumanis with heavy regen and aoe heal. Ive seen some videos of it and seems easy.


Grand Cross supposedly helps a lot for Cagnazzo. I have it and haven't used it once lol. Might try it for that battle.
Green exchange: power/wind/non elemental. I need to check what 5* abilities coming up need these orbs, I've been delaying taking thief's revenge to r3 and I've been toying with the idea of taking sky grinder from r1 to r3 and getting the dragoons into more action.
Yeah Runic good shout! I'll probably use Celes' classic Runic over ExDeath as mage damage seems so rubbish at the moment.. I used Rydia & Golbez for the +++ and watching them 'burn' Odins HP was the equivalent of watching paint dry.
Grand Cross supposedly helps a lot for Cagnazzo. I have it and haven't used it once lol. Might try it for that battle.
I have Celes's SSB + Garnet's SSB so I think I'll be ok for this fight with those two. Celes will absorb most of his attacks and all his counters while Magic Breakdown + Shellga + Garnet's SSB should hopefully provide enough RES and Regen to tank any AoE Watergas.

I think I'm gonna run:
Celes - R1 Thundaga Strike | R2 Blizzaga Strike [SSB] [Mako Might]
Locke - R2 Thief's Revenge | R4 Lifesiphon [SSB] [Ace Striker]
Agrias - R4 Thundara Strike | R4 Blizzara Strike [SSB] [Pride of the Red Wings]
Garnet - R2 Shellga | R5 Curaja [SSB] [Dr. Mog's Teaching]
Shout FS

For the 4th spot I could do:
Mage - R4 Thundaja | R4 Blizzaja [Attunement 2]
Yuffie - R5 Swift Bolt | R4 Dismissal [Dragon's Determination] [Clear Tranquil]
Edge - R5 Swift Bolt | R4 Dismissal [Dragon's Determination] [Elban Dual Wield]

I'm thinking I'm going to go with a mage as I have a FFIV 5* Thunder Rod. I don't think I'll need the Medica, Ninja Magic is weak and Blizzaja should provide much more DPS than Dismissal would (is Cag even Vuln to Interrupt?). Although, Edge's 8-hit Lightning SB should be extremely damaging in the Tsunami Prep state, so *Shrug*.

Green exchange: power/wind/non elemental. I need to check what 5* abilities coming up need these orbs, I've been delaying taking thief's revenge to r3 and I've been toying with the idea of taking sky grinder from r1 to r3 and getting the dragoons into more action.

Power: Full Charge, Faultsiphon, Tornado Strike, Sanguine Cross, Meteor Crush, Bio Grenade
Wind: Full Charge, Faultsiphon, Tornado Strike
Non-Elemental: Dark Zone, Dragonfire Dive, Chain Blizzaga, Chain Firaga

5* Dragonfire Dive (ST 4.70x / 2) + 4* Blood of the Dragon (ST 2.20x + Grants 2 Instant Jumps) will be a fantastic boon for Dragoons. However, we won't be getting those abilities until the next FFIV event in mid July.
The thing is you could balance the mechanic if attacks that drained health did exponentially more damage then a similar attack that doesn't drain heath, but often with how rk works the boosted damage doesn't offset the added risk of dropping 20-30% of your health.

I bet if you gave him golbez's RM it could be cool depending on when the health drains.
Might be worth holding on to it as a wildcard in case you pull someone's relic and don't have them.

This. I pulled Edge's relic and realized that I didn't have him. Bought him, egged him up to 50, and let it rip.

This game just seems to love giving me ninja relics. I have now the Wutai Headband, Ichigeki, and now this Koutetsu.


The game really needs some better stamina sinks.

New content take like 2 days to complete and a large majority of it is joke easy especially with the new game breaking Shout Meta.

So a majority of the game you're just spending the stamina on daily dungeons which sadly gives a very unsatisfying feeling in progress. They should have exp dungeons every day for catching up purposes and since you average 1 new character every event and get like 2-3 new RM2s. Lots of experience you need there.

Speaking of which, whens they next difficulty wall? I heard Cagnozzi but apparently if you have a runic like sb which I have for Ex-Death its joke easy.
The game really needs some better stamina sinks.

New content take like 2 days to complete and a large majority of it is joke easy especially with the new game breaking Shout Meta.

So a majority of the game you're just spending the stamina on daily dungeons which sadly gives a very unsatisfying feeling in progress. They should have exp dungeons every day for catching up purposes and since you average 1 new character every event and get like 2-3 new RM2s. Lots of experience you need there.

Speaking of which, whens they next difficulty wall? I heard Cagnozzi but apparently if you have a runic like sb which I have for Ex-Death its joke easy.

From what I can tell the summoner and white mage nightmares are the next walls but those are more gear and hone checks in areas most people only have enough honed for maybe 1-2 characters.


that puzzling face
Cid Missions and record dive (former feeds latter via rewards) to look forward to.

Cid Missions can really, really suck depending on how beefy your teams are for ____ realm.
Japanese FFRK is getting a ton of FF II buffs with the new event.

Can now use Katanas
Can now use Hammers
Can now use Fists
Can now use Rods
Can now use Samurai 5
+ ATK, + DEF, + SPD

Can now use Swords

Can now use Shields

+ HP
Can now use Support 4


+ ATK, + SPD


Can now use White Magic 4
Lots of amazing buffs there. Firion definitely has shot way up in viability now, and Gordon is the only Support 5/White Magic 4 character in the game besides Tyro. (No word on what Guy's build is yet.)

Firion, Maria, Leon and Minwu also all got BSBs (Firion's is incredible) while Guy and everyone else got a SSBs, except Ricard, who didn't get any new relics, which is ridiculous. He better get something during the next Fest.
Another thing that Japan is getting is a full 1*-5* Earth Element line for Black Magic. Hopefully Wind gets the same treatment soon.

As do I. I like a lot of the FF2 cast as characters, so I'm happy to see them get much needed buffs in this game. Firion sounds all sorts of awesome now.


I already brought him to almost all my Ultimate fights, but I suddenly feel much much better about pulling Firion's Masamune in the last event.
A few quick FFIV event tips:
*In the ++ battle an idea might be to kill one of baigans arms. He will only regenerate them if both are dead. I had a shoddy battle where Zack was paralysed and blinded and I accidently had the doublecast spellblade on Bartz and that kind of killed one of the arms and made me notice that behavior.
*In the +++ battle you could go full retaliate (especially if you had these left over from chessing a few Ultimates) for fun (buffs and debuffs and laughing at it's damage works too). I did and lost a medal for actions as Odin decided to do like 2 normal attacks and Zantetsuken the rest of the time. Now that Zantetsuken seems to be PHY so your retaliate characters are safe while the I recall the FFIII version of Odin using a NAT version (in those dark days Advance and Retaliate was my bread and butter and the character with Advance got hit hard).

Japanese FFRK is getting a ton of FF II buffs with the new event.
There I was thinking buffs had been killed off in lieu of record drive. Good to see that isn't the case.

Another thing that Japan is getting is a full 1*-5* Earth Element line for Black Magic. Hopefully Wind gets the same treatment soon.
Has the Aero line ever been black magic? I know it's been white magic and blue magic.

Then again what do the aero spellblades use for orbs?
As do I. I like a lot of the FF2 cast as characters, so I'm happy to see them get much needed buffs in this game. Firion sounds all sorts of awesome now.
Yep, they were greatly underserved. Thankfully this has been mostly rectified now. (Ricard still needs attention, and Scott and The Emperor have yet to debut.)

Also, the next event after that is for FFXII, and will feature Larsa. While he wouldn't be my next choice, I'm glad they're starting to include the guest characters. I hope Vossler is next.

After that is another FFX event, featuring a second Wardrobe Record for Yuna. (Her wedding dress.) No word on if Seymor appears, but it would be the perfect opportunity. The it's the Romancing SaGa 2 collab, which we'll probably actually get since the game is releasing in English soon.


Can't imagine too many people making 4*+ Earth and Aero considering Earth is resisted by so many monsters and Aero probably uses wind orbs which is so much in demand.


Man, I just don't think I have the synergy to pull off a win on the FFVIII Ult+ :/

Me neither, I've been very, very, very close, but it's impossible. Either I pack all the mitigation but I don't have the dps, or I bring all the guns and I die when it gets weak and starts spamming shit. It's fights like this that make miss native Wall or a decent Hastega (Leila sucks ass)
Can't imagine too many people making 4*+ Earth and Aero considering Earth is resisted by so many monsters and Aero probably uses wind orbs which is so much in demand.
I wonder how many bosses/Ultimates actually do resist Earth though. I know many regular enemies do, but really the only real concern are bosses.

There's been a ton of Earth themed SBs in the Japanese version lately, and with the new line of spells, I wonder if they're trying to make it more viable again.
Me neither, I've been very, very, very close, but it's impossible. Either I pack all the mitigation but I don't have the dps, or I bring all the guns and I die when it gets weak and starts spamming shit. It's fights like this that make miss native Wall or a decent Hastega (Leila sucks ass)
All guns is the better way to go (I learned that on Chardanook where my hyper mitigation just took too long to kill and lost 6 medals compared to my rush which lost 0) but without synergy two white mages (I'm assuming you don't have shared SB shellga or protectga and you really need both of those on top of breakdowns and full break if you lack wall) might leave you short on DPS.

With some RNG you might be able to take the pain out of the weak phase. It isn't immune to the interrupts from dismissal or other sources (if you have the room for this) and its AI does have a chance to use regen. That is kind of kind of what happened to me, first time I poorly timed medicas (yeah this is a real must with so much scripted AoE damage) and had most the party KOd when it did scripted cast of Ultima weapon and second time in the weakest phase it used regen twice after the scripted casts.

At the end of the day it's good to know when to give up and know you just can't do some. I think the FFIII event will be interesting to see in a few weeks as everyone has bad synergy there.
I wonder how many bosses/Ultimates actually do resist Earth though. I know many regular enemies do, but really the only real concern are bosses.

There's been a ton of Earth themed SBs in the Japanese version lately, and with the new line of spells, I wonder if they're trying to make it more viable again.

I was worried about this after getting Tyro's SSB and was planning on getting the Stormlance Grimoire anyways, but I've now brought Tyro with me into a few different Ultimates now and none of them had resisted Earth making this SSB way more valuable than I'd expected. Out of curiosity I just went through all of TFMurphy's Enemy AI threads on reddit for U/U+/Nightmare events and the only ones I noticed that null/absorb Earth were:

[XII U+] Doc Cid
[VI U] Chadarnook (demon form)
[VI U] Silver Dragon (aloft)
[I U] Garland
[VII U] Bahamut Sin's Energy Sphere
[V U] Necrophobe's Barrier = Null, while Necrophobe is weak to Earth
[IV U] Rubicante (cloaked)

I've noticed that often U/U+ bosses aren't weak to or resist elements. It happens enough that you want to keep an eye out for it, but more often than not it seems fine to use Earth in these fights.


Me neither, I've been very, very, very close, but it's impossible. Either I pack all the mitigation but I don't have the dps, or I bring all the guns and I die when it gets weak and starts spamming shit. It's fights like this that make miss native Wall or a decent Hastega (Leila sucks ass)

I have Quistis and Rinoa's first relics but even with that and mental breakdown they're only landing 6.5k with -ja spells, and Squall with a generic 5* synergy sword is only doing 6.5k with Boost :/


I have Quistis and Rinoa's first relics but even with that and mental breakdown they're only landing 6.5k with -ja spells, and Squall with a generic 5* synergy sword is only doing 6.5k with Boost :/

At this point in the game you've got to use some kind of MAG boosting skill - either an SB or Faith/Mana's Pean. I used a Focus RW, Mana's Pean, Mental Breakdown, and Full Break and was hitting for 15k per cast with Maduin against Ultima.
I kind of want to do a couple of eleven pulls on the Final Fantasy III banner, since I love the game and characters.

But given that it's taken a year and change to get an event for the game, it's probably wasted synergy.
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