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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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Well damn, I knew this U+ would be hard but not that hard, he's super fast, haste himself and counter for 8,5k unmitiged.
I bet U++ are easier than that :lol
I guess I gotta read some strat for this one, looks like Runic makes this boss easy mode.
After 5 save loads on this ultimate + boss, I'm just not going to bother anymore. My time is worth more than those orbs are. The fact that the boss can seemingly prep its tsunami at random is the most RNG dependent thing ever when you must have your abilities (either Ice or Lighting ) at the ready. So many turns I'd just wait for it to use its turn so I THOUGHT it wouldn't change resistances during the time it takes to use mine. What a terrible boss.

I just saw the post above mention Runic as a possible cheese method. So what do I need to do with that?
I guess I gotta read some strat for this one, looks like Runic makes this boss easy mode.

It does! Having native Excalibur for Celes made this easy. I also have Edge's 8 lightning hit SB, was a great way to get one of the 3 thunder attacks down. When his SB was not ready, Swift Bolt was great too, low damage but fast! I could often cast it twice for 2 thunder attacks, never saw Tsunami.


Caignazzo is a giant dickhead but I managed to master the fight after about five tries or so.

Lots of RNG. Had Tyro hitting for 9k with swift bolt which helped a fair bit. Hit harder than his Blizzaja.

EDIT: I was also beginning to suspect he wasn't susceptible to poison after venom strike failed to proc literally 17 times in a row.


well... Cagnazzo is bloody insane... My goal is just to finish it now... geez...

the dmg and what not.. ok... but the speed... is just crazy ><
Cagnazzo mastered. Annoying would be an understatement. At least he doesn't have a weak phase per say, but the fact that his water gathering is totally random and doesn't count as a turn is ridiculous.

I'd say poisoning him is a must. 5000+ damage a tick is great when you frequently whiff skills because he keeps changing forms.


Cagnazzo is a total RNGfest

About to shout? Fuck you, stop lol. About to kill me? Slow all lightning attackers and charge Tsunami lol. Casting wall halfway through the fight? Stop your guy, so not only can your wall guy stay charging forever, but no one else can charge it either lol!



First unique relic in a while and it's this. I even kind of wanted Deathbringer, so I got my hopes up when the screen started shaking.

Fusoya is never going into my party. Ever.
I would've prefered the Assasin's Dagger to this.
Beat Cagnazzo twice on my PC using Genymotion only to have the game crash both times before the victory screen. Farewell Genymotion, you've served me well, but I never want that to happen again.

Took several S/Ls on my phone to get a run where RNG wasn't going to fuck me and midway through the winning run I got a battery warning. I think if my battery died there it would have broken me lol


Firion BSSB: 4-hit AoE holy/non-elemental physical damage with no charge time and party magic barrier x1 and enter Burst Mode; gain "Weapon Chain" distance single-target holy/non-elemental physical damage that does more hits each time it is used (max 8 hits) and "Chain Move" 4-hit single-target holy/non-elemental physical damage and next action takes no charge time

What in the actual fuck
I have to change my SSB party setup to fight Cagnazzo. I tried regular Shoutmeta with not real changes from the Ultimate and got rolled. Had to S/L a few times on Geryon because of bad timings and RNG with debuffs. My FF4 synergy is garbage

Firion BSSB: 4-hit AoE holy/non-elemental physical damage with no charge time and party magic barrier x1 and enter Burst Mode; gain "Weapon Chain" distance single-target holy/non-elemental physical damage that does more hits each time it is used (max 8 hits) and "Chain Move" 4-hit single-target holy/non-elemental physical damage and next action takes no charge time

What in the actual fuck

dat power creep


I did a 100 gem pull for this current banner and I got Rydia's new whip.

I have four SSBs and all of them are from magic heavy chars, I feel this game is telling me to go mage meta lol

This SSB sounds good for mage teams actually. I need to try mage meta for Cagnazzo xD
The game really needs some better stamina sinks.

New content take like 2 days to complete and a large majority of it is joke easy especially with the new game breaking Shout Meta.

So a majority of the game you're just spending the stamina on daily dungeons which sadly gives a very unsatisfying feeling in progress. They should have exp dungeons every day for catching up purposes and since you average 1 new character every event and get like 2-3 new RM2s. Lots of experience you need there.

Speaking of which, whens they next difficulty wall? I heard Cagnozzi but apparently if you have a runic like sb which I have for Ex-Death its joke easy.

I don't even do dailies except orb fest and Xp. The others aren't worth my time.

I'm at the point where I do the events and non ultimate and everything else, including the classic content is just boring or too unbalanced to be interesting.


Subete no aware
Is it worth using Carbinacle for the U+ fight as that site suggests? I was trying it and when he uses the water attack, he basically heals himself for 10k health...


Is it worth using Carbinacle for the U+ fight as that site suggests? I was trying it and when he uses the water attack, he basically heals himself for 10k health...

I think you're supposed to spam lighting attacks/magic non stop (well, when he's with the water), poison him, cast group regen for healing and hope for the best.

I will try with Tyro + Carbuncle + Lightning ninja magic and a bunch of mages with Magic infusion.


Subete no aware
I think you're supposed to spam lighting attacks/magic non stop (well, when he's with the water), poison him, cast group regen for healing and hope for the best.

I will try with Tyro + Carbuncle + Lightning ninja magic and a bunch of mages with Magic infusion.
Oh wow, ignore the non-gathering water phase altogether? I don't think I can afford to hone three more lightning spellblades.

I might just skip this one. It just seems so annoying.


You're supposed to bring someone with Blizzaja or Blizz strike for the non-water phase, I forgot to mention that, sorry xD

Probably with Shout + Full break normal attacks can do a lot of damage anyway.

Luckily I have a lot of Thundagas from the first Abyss dungeon, so maybe I get lucky, who knows.


Phew, U+ Cagnazzo finally mastered, I don't know how even it is possible without Runic.
I mean, he hit very hard, he's fast, has tons of defense, you barely have time to hit him 3 times with thunder when he is surrounded by water, even with hastega. That was definitely challenging.


Firion Burst is good but is not as good as others imo. Vaan is better and other utility burst are also better. This needs some turns to have good damage. And the instant entry is great but Vaan is single target.

But is top5 probably. Only because magic blink is awesome.


Geez Cagnazzo is basically a "thunder skills" hone check.

Boring as hell too.


Exdeath (Runic SB) Blizzaga/Thundaja
Quistis (SSB) Magic Break/Thundaga
Shadow (SSB) Lifesiphon/thunder ninja skill
Agrias (SSB) Lifeipshon/Thundara strike
Yuffie (Medica) Thundaga/thunder ninja skill

RW Quistis SSB

Basically get

Runic and Quitis SSB up before everyone die else reset.

Wait until water wave spam thunder spells. repeat

Made sure Exdeath always was one of the attackers since he had infinite spells. Took forever.
Surprisingly, I managed to cap Swift Bolt with Tyro against Ultimate Dickhead due to Thunder Rod (lightning damage bonus) and Shadow's RM.

This was my mastery party:


Soul Breaks used: Stoneskin II, Boon, and Celebration Grimoire.


Geez Cagnazzo is basically a "thunder skills" hone check.

How did you deal with the AOE water spam (not tsunami) without wall or cures? I tried a build like yours, but with a healer, and he still wipes me out easily even with Runic up. He is spamming AOE water attacks at me constantly when not gathering water. I was planning on charging soul break gauges, using a mythril, then going for it, but I can't survive long enough to charge anything.


If you can stop tsunamis high regen is enough to heal. I only used Dreamstage for magic blink. Gilgamesh SSB was enough healing.


How did you deal with the AOE water spam (not tsunami) without wall or cures? I tried a build like yours, but with a healer, and he still wipes me out easily even with Runic up. He is spamming AOE water attacks at me constantly when not gathering water. I was planning on charging soul break gauges, using a mythril, then going for it, but I can't survive long enough to charge anything.

Quitis SSB is High Regen, Shellga and Hastega. This with Yuffie's insta medica was enough curing.
U+ tough fight. Lots of reloads due to instant wipes at the beginning. Not sure I could have taken him if I didn't have two spears a harp and a rod as rs relics as well as ex death with grand cross, yuna with hotf, Ramza with scream and tail wind. Used thundaja Lightning scroll, thundara strike thundaja strike blizzaja, blizzara strike. Rw was quistis mighty guard. Good riddance.


Quistis was MVP.

I have terrible FFIV physical synergy (MAG syn not that fantastic either), though I think I have decent DEF/RES synergy in this realm.

Lightning 80 - Blizzara. strike / Thundaga.Strike (R4) - Spellblade Master RM / Crushing Blow SB
Ramza 80 - Full Break (R2) / Banishing Strike (R4) - Ace Striker RM / Shout, Hail of Stones SB
Cloud 80 - Thundara Strike (R4) / Blizzara Strike (R2) - Attunement II RM / Fenrir Overdrive SB
Tyro 80 - Swift Bolt (R2) / Carbuncle (R2) - Dr.Mog's Teachings RM / Sentinel's Grimoire SB
Quistis 65 - Magic Breakdwon (R2)/ Thundaja (R3) - Mako Might RM / Mighty Guard VIII SB

Sentinel's Grimoire RM

Basic strategy is try and get mitigation up in the first round if possible.
Magic Breakdown
Full Break (unless Cagg. Hastes himsefl)

Throw in a Blizz. Strike if he hasn't gathered water after first turn.

Second Turn, Sentinel's Grimoire
Attackers on standby until water gathers, then let him have it.

Repeat, and re-apply mitigation as needed. Try and keep characters hasted, and save SB usage after Shout.

Try and save a SB for attacking characters towards the end. I needed to use Hail of Stones (did less than 1k per hit), Fenrir Overdrive (~1.3k per hit) and Crushing Blow to finish off his last 5-8% of health I think.


High Regen is only going to be enough healing if you're also bringing runic and wall.

If you don't have one of those you're probably screwed, unless you're willing to use reflect and deal with his constant healing.


I'm having a hard time with the Ultimate. I've gotten it down to the third phase once and haven't been able to get it back since. My synergy in IV is terrible. The only native 5* weapons I have for IV are Golbez's axe and Kain's lance from way back near the beginning of the game.


Suddenly I can't purchase anything through google store. Anyone had a similar problem? All it says is that the purchase currency is not supported. I bought some grms this morning, I have no idea what's different.
Booya, second try:


I went for Divine Guardian RW over Wall. Was a bit of a slow burn the poison helps a lot - ate a few Tsunami too. P. Cecil can carry Banish Strike + Venom Buster so i'd definitely recommend taking him.

Also, i've bossed every U+ with Minwu so far - FF2 characters certainly do not suck!


I would've saved a half hour and gotten him on my first try if all 10 hits of venom strike hadn't failed to proc.

Damn you, unreliable strike abilities.


Since we have those new Poison shell/Blind Shell, I will probably never use the busters ever again. The proc rate is infuriating at times.

Yeah, if I had a machinist that was worth a damn in an ultimate I would've put a few hones on Poison Shell.

Though with the luck I was having I'm sure it would've failed 6+ times too.

I actually had Venom Strike on Red XIII, so I could've gone with Poisonga. Problem is it doesn't exist.


Finally beat him...twice. I'm an idiot and forgot to bring Blizzara Strike the first time. I had really poor FFIV synergy but thankfully a pretty good array of SSB's.

My party was;

Bartz; Thundaga Strike R4 / Blizzara Strike R3 / SSB
Balthier: Thundara Strike R4 / Poison Shell / SSB
Ramza: Full Break R2 / Banishing Strike R3 / AOE Heal
Quistis: Magic Breakdown R3 / Thundaga R4 / Mighty Guardian
Tyro: Swift Bolt R4 / Carbuncle R2 / Sentinel's Grimoire
RW: Shout

Poison Shell and Mighty Guardian were the MVP. Setup mitigation for the first two rounds, and then put priority on Bartz, Tyro and Quistis using Thunder stop his water rising (needed their SB's more).

Poison is great since it's counteracts him healing himself through reflected Water spells, and Bartz managed to burst down the last 15-20%.
Cagnazzo is definitely my least favourite Ultimate so far just in that the mechanics of him are really shitey. I very much dislike how they've built it, but... I did it. I would've been fucked if I didn't have Exdeath's Grand Cross though, jeez.


Next week Bahamut is annoying too. A lot of AOE bullshit and turn 1 RNG kills apparently. At least his best attacks are scripted so you can prepare.


Nice spring bonus.

Decided I'm going to save up my mythril for this orb fest you guys say is coming in June. Tallied up dungeons I have left, 167 standard, probably 200+ elite. Counting daily rewards and such, I should be able to have a decent nest egg.
Finally we're starting to get the unique Core relics they got in Japan. Plus the two Spellblade abilities that were part of the skipped FFV collab event. (Still hoping we can get the Lenna & Galuf Wardrobe Records and the event exclusive accessory somehow.)
Okay, what is the gimmick for this Ultimate+ fight? Am I supposed to just do nothing until he surges water? It seems like if he does something else and I line up a couple of ice attacks he somehow gets an immediate second action to surge water.

Pretty garbage fight, but it has Power and Earth Orbs, ugh.
Right, it varies wildly when he surges, he's done it to me immediately after losing the barrier. I have ex death and his grand cross, so I could fire off lots of blizzajas and not swear getting a few nulls. It is a pain, but I used blizzaja and blizzara strike alongside 4 thunder abilities. Very slow battle.
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