He has the Gloves on with the Gauntlet over it on his dominant hand and the Dragon Claws over both.Where's he wear that third glove?
Yuffie's Clear Tranquil was not an SB I was aiming for in the last SSB fest, but ever since I got it, Yuffie has ended up being on all my U/U+ teams since then with Caius being no exception. Having an auxiliary healer that can actually do damage+debuffs (i.e. not be a 2nd white mage) is very helpful.
I typically run mine w/ R2 Thief's Revenge + R4 Dismissal or R5 Tempo Flurry.I too pulled this useful SB, but I just can't be bothered to hone ninja skills.
Considering doing an 11 pull on one of the 13 banners just to improve my offensive 13 synergy, any suggestions on the better banner?
Man, just cannot get Mastery on the Caius fight. He either just wrecks me at the end, or hits me a fraction of a second before i re-apply SS/SG.
Argh, perhaps the most frustrating ultimate i've fought yet.
Definitely Banner 1 - the BSB is by far the best relic, and Banner 2 has unusual weapon types (fist, bow, spear) that can't be used as often.
Did you try delaying your initial cast of SG? His first couple rounds aren't too bad.
I feel like the problem with going all-in on Dark abilities is you'd better pray you get good uniques for Dark characters going forward.
4*s I don't mind splurging. 5*s are a giant drain and I'd better be damn sure I'm going to get mileage out of it. 6*, thanks to the whole Global-has-a-JP-shaped-Blueprint thingoo, there's going to be a very discrete 'best practice' like how Valefor/Meteor/Full Break(/Alexander) kinda was last year in a way that didn't fight for resources.
At least Knight/Monk/Thief/etc. have a far wider range of characters.
I too pulled this useful SB, but I just can't be bothered to hone ninja skills.
Managed to master all the fights in ff6 event. A first! Never came close to mastering a 120 difficulty. Had to hone up some thundara strikes. Also, with luneth prey on the weak, when they say significantly increase damage when striking a weakness, they mean a couple hundred damage :/
That Darkness 4* skill was a huge boon to Sephiroth. It's his permanent Slot 2 skill now.
How do I beat Cid's Mission: Figaro in Danger ++...?
I brough Edgar, Sabin, Locke, Terra, and Ramza... Slaughtered the four tentacles and got full medal completion and everything but it didn't unlock.
4 characters maximum, all from VI.
Well now that all my money and mythril has been blown on a pair of lovely 5++ glaives I'm back to my original conundrum of who to field. Gilgamesh gets one but my only Lance users with unique sbs are Edgar and Fang. I suppose Edgar's added def buff might help if Caius stays mostly physical but who would I drop for him Auron or Agrias?
Do you have a screenshot of your team/current relics? Maybe we can help you out. If you're insisting on using that second Glaive, Fang herself would probably work with just Lifesiphon and Drain Jump to alleviate healing stress. Her DPS won't be anything spectacular though, which is what this fight is about unfortunately.
I don't think I've ever used a single Rosetta Stone. I have 38 of them.
Finally got an SSB. For one of my favorite characters too
For the upcoming Neo Bahamut fight, what is everyone's Summoner hones looking like?
but got Chainsaw, Cards, Sasuke and 2 Cat Hoods