2x of rydia's SSB whip and Tyro's healing grimoire
2x of rydia's SSB whip and Tyro's healing grimoire
Who else can use a whip besides Rydia of note?
Aurora Rod...
If you add in Tyro you get the realization that half the whip users are children.Faris, Krile, Relm, Quistis, Selphie.
Not sure what you mean; you can't target AoE heals on enemies and Soothing Light has no damage component.
Be nice if it did, I have 4 of Arc's staves now.
Yeah, but I'd say it needs to be a healthy mix. Draw on special banners or where you lack synergy (without eyeing specific relics) and spend the rest on Orbs.Fucking tripling down on my belief that the best use of mithril is stam refreshes/phoenix buffs.
Indeed it is. It fits even moreso with the Japanese name for Shout being Scream.Holy shit, is this thread title in reference to Harlan Ellison
0/11 WHM draw
1/11 Combat draw, dupe Buster Sword VII
2/11 SMN draw, dupe Keepsake Ribbon VII
but wait
i had
so it's kind of a VII dupe anyway
I'd love to have either one of those
So turn that frown upside down Falk
Unrelated, but I can't believe we don't know when BSBfest is starting or have the banners translated yet. It's got to be any day now right? It seemed like most people were pegging the 27th as the start date, and that's in 8 days.
Confirmed that you are correct. Soothing Light does not damage undead. It must be vestigial data in the json, because it has argument fields for both healing and damage similar to Phoenix Plunder (Locke), but its targeting fields are the same as other healing SB so it has no way to actually target an enemy.
Ugh this game. I get one little rainbow orb yay... but it's a dupe. A Sentinel Grimoire dupe, so I can't even use it as a stat stick.
I have been giddy for the past half hour. I can't believe I was on the verge of not pulling in this Lucky Draw, after going 0/11 on my birthday last month.
Now I have the full Trinity + a number of Boostgas:
Wall: Sentinel's Grimoire (Tyro)
Hastega: Divine Guardian (Garnet)
Medica: Hymm of the Fayth (Yuna), Clear Tranquil (Yuffie), Healing Wind (Aerith)
Boost: Apocalypse Shield (Basch), Burning Arrow (Tifa), Soul Eater (D.Cecil), Fist of the Dawn (Galuf), Sunbath (Mog)
Congrats! It feels incredibly good, doesn't it?
Rydia's whip and a Mesmerize Blade for combining. Not bad. I can use both synergies. 1/11 ain't bad, really.
Knowing my luck, it's probably going to be July 4th week (since I may not be able to attend to the game then).Would have expected BSSBF to be next month at the earliest.
Hey friends, I have a question about stacking.
If I use Shout, then War Dance, does War Dance's minor attack bonus negate the major attack effects of Shout?
Similarly, if I use Sentinel's Grimoire and then Rydia's Odin, does Odin's minor defense boost cancel Sentinel?
Hey friends, I have a question about stacking.
If I use Shout, then War Dance, does War Dance's minor attack bonus negate the major attack effects of Shout?
Similarly, if I use Sentinel's Grimoire and then Rydia's Odin, does Odin's minor defense boost cancel Sentinel?
Shout's a +50% straight attack buff, and War Dance is, I think, +30%, so they won't stack. It will, however, stack with stuff like Basch's shield and Leon's Hand of the Emperor.
SG will stack with Odin, though. It's because SG is a +DEF/+RES, and Odin's just a +DEF. Basically, like buffs overwrite each other; if they're different, they'll stack. It's why Full Break (-ATK/-MAG/-DEF/-RES) stacks with the Breakdowns too.
So, it would be in my best interest to use a different AOE heal that didn't have an attack boost, after using Shout?
No reason why you shouldn't, especially since soon enough you'll be able to turn it into a 6*I got my third Gravity Rod (still not sure if I should 5++ it) and Rinoa's thing. Given some of the 0/11s, I guess I can't complain.
never forget
(I spent way too long looking through the thread for this)
Do SBs count towards 'magic'? Just checking for Neo Bahamut; if you use something that's inherently magical (like Ashe's Holy SB, or Terra's Fire/Water ones), does it count?
Do SBs count towards 'magic'? Just checking for Neo Bahamut; if you use something that's inherently magical (like Ashe's Holy SB, or Terra's Fire/Water ones), does it count?
I'm not drowning in X relics like I am with 4, 6, 7 and 9, but I still have a decent relic spread: Force Sabre (Tidus's Jecht Shot SSB), Lightning Steel (Slice & Dice), Lullaby Rod (HotF), Mage's Staff (Shared Medica), Celebration Blade, Emerald Bracer, 4*++ Nodachi, 4*++ Wizard Armlet, 4*+ Bright Armguard.Anyone feel like they won't be able to do the first U+ Cid's Mission?
Sweet, got Auron's Riot Blade on 100 gem.