But the idea is with those two you don't really need a good relic, just a stat stick!
(Tidus doing 8+32k every 1.5 turns yeaaaah)
Not taking it past r3.
Whoa, I have Brotherhood and Seeker Shield for my Tidus. Explain how.
But the idea is with those two you don't really need a good relic, just a stat stick!
(Tidus doing 8+32k every 1.5 turns yeaaaah)
Not taking it past r3.
Whoa, I have Brotherhood and Seeker Shield for my Tidus. Explain how.
I just did my third run today and got an RM drop, again on the final stage. \o/I've had some good luck with the Daily today. On my first run, I had both a Major Wind and 1100 Greens drop on the final stage. Then, on the final stage of my next run I had another Major Wind drop. 180 STA well spent.![]()
Holy shit. Cecil, Celes, Lightning and Relms on one banner?!I already have Relms.
RIP my Mithril.
YES. YES! YES!!The Big Bridge event and BSBFest both start Saturday.
Phase 1 is already looking great, hope I can scrounge up enough Mythril for more than 1 pull or I may have regrets.
Also i know who Ayame is for the FF11 sprites but who the heck is the other character? I played FF11 like 6 years and can't tell.![]()
Is there one of those reddit posts that goes through all the banners?
Tomorrow morning probably!
Curilla, commander of the Temple Knights in San d'Oria!
I just figured it out after I posted.
The Taru Onion haircut threw me off
In just over 9 hours, the banners for BSBfest will be released (hopefully).
I'm giddy with excitementof getting 0/44 with my 200 mithril.
Honestly it'll be hard to top the Cecil one.
Maybe they'll put a banner with SG/SSII/Shout/Dreamstage in one.
How is this game in comparison to ffeXVIus?
Too grindy?
This thread has a lot of posts so it must be good! But I dont have much memory left on my mobile (need a new sd card :c) trying to figure out if it is worth it.
I realy like eXVIus and am out of NRG there, so I need something else to play.
It's hard to compare right now since FFRK has been out for over a year and has a ginormous amount of content, but I feel that RK's endgame is much better than what I've played/seen of the current endgame of BE (the damage creep was insane from the get go and looks only to get much worse).
RK has all the nostalgia going for it with the battle system and art based off FF6's, with all the original soundtracks of all the games. It's basically reliving scenarios of past games and doing remixes of them for the hardest content. BE is completely new though, with an original story, cutscenes and characters.
Right now, I feel that BE is more grindy with little to gain from it. We will see what Gumi does in the future to alleviate it.
I play both pretty religiously, and I'm enjoying both so far. Just keep in mind, if you're going to dive into RK, it's going to be hilariously easy for a decent amount of time due the fact DeNA wants new players to play catch up by giving you multiple options to steamroll past the oldest content. Shouldn't take too long until it starts to ramp up in difficulty and start thinking about how to complete stuff.
Great. I am still around for phase 1. I also find out I'll be missing two opportunities to pull a wall (as the FFXIV event happens while I'm away).The Big Bridge event and BSBFest both start Saturday.
If I don't have native wall, is it better to pull for phase 5 (SG). OR Tyro's BSB?
The terminology is significantly different (casts she'll and protect vs raises resistance and defense) that I'm not sure which is better.
Also wish I had more mythril. I'll likely only have 100 mythril by phase 3
Wall > shout> Tyro bssb
Ok so if I already have shout (along with Greg SSB and Agrias SSB). The focus should be on banner 5.
Alright, so as a somewhat new player (~30 days), and as someone who's overwhelmed by these banners, I'm guessing this Saturday is the day to go all out in pulling?
I don't remember but do we get 100 Gem pulls on these banners too?