Sweet, got Auron's Riot Blade on 100 gem.
Congrats. Really wanted that. Got Lightning Steel out of my 100. Not complaining though since I don't have much FFX synergy or an SB for Tidus.
Sweet, got Auron's Riot Blade on 100 gem.
Interesting Cid Mission's. My Jecht is fully geared out (got both Sin's Talon and Jecht's Headband by sheer luck, I have no idea when I got these) so I think I should be okay...
EDIT: "Chainstarter" is now Powercharge. Of all the stupid names...
A Squall BSSB RW makes it fairly simple.
EDIT: For anyone actually interesting in running Powercharge/Full Charge, these are the characters than can do it:
Onion Knight (w/ Record Dive)
Zell (w/ Record Dive)
Oh? I assume the BSB is for the Cactuar, and you'd use Kick for trash. I'm up to the mission but haven't tried it yet (saving my stam for when Tuesdaily rolls over).
So what's the tl;dr on this new sphere system they seem to be putting in later today?
So what's the tl;dr on this new sphere system they seem to be putting in later today?
I just did the mission with a 65 Jecht and that worked great. Mastered it too.Chakra and Kick work fine for the trash. The fire BSSB command is what you want for the Cactuar since it has a pretty decent HP pool.
I just did the mission with a 65 Jecht and that worked great. Mastered it too.
Riot blade is really really good, I have the 5+ in Jp land and love it
Question about riot blades effects...
Does it stack with power and defense breakdown since riot blade affects both and those are singular?
... I didn't even THINK about that up until now.I managed to get to the Cactuar before I realized I really should have been using Solitude and not some random damage-up RM.
Still beat his face in though thanks to a honed Chakra.
Multiplayer beta is kinda fun.
Oh maaaan now I wish I played JP:
Getting annoyed at more collab characters since I don't want global to miss meaningful content like that
Those are normal XI characters at least.
Bio Grenade procced 2x cast on first turn for both Vargas+ and Magus Sisters
Confirmed best ability ever.
You know, that plus things like Flashing Blade strike me as abilities that'll go pretty far just remaining as Rank 1 - chances are if it's an AOE fight, it's one that needs to be over quickly (or a P1 or an add-burn phase or whatever) and you want to jam massive AOEs on as many characters as possible.
Bahamut is the oddball that's worth honing considering summoners need more ability uses full-stop.
edit: Speaking of hones, Powerchain/Full Charge r2.
I'm a believer.
I'm holding off on Powerchain and Full Charge until I get a good relic for Gau/Tidus/Lightning.
RE: Bahamut I would just point out that the meta game looks to be shifting towards elemental abilities over non-elemental, so I'd be careful in honing Bahamut as you may be better off waiting for something like 5* Titan to come in.
So full charge and power chain.
It looks like they were made for each other. I could use them with lightning, but I have her BSB so lifesiphon/ace striker into eternal BSB is what I'm doing currently.
Any other good characters that I can do this combo with?
Stat-wise Zack is the best character who can do it, but Tidus and Lightning are fairly close. Just comes down to the weapon you want to use.
Haste doesn't affect wait time, only ATB charge.
I am playing a new game that is discouraging me since yesterday! Magic Pot in ++ seems to have a 12% chance to pop each round. That is the rate for 5* relics. Every round just imagine that you are pulling with 5 Mythrils and Magic Pot means you pulled a 5*! Yesterday I made a shit ton of pulls with no 5*...
I am playing a new game that is discouraging me since yesterday! Magic Pot in ++ seems to have a 12% chance to pop each round. That is the rate for 5* relics. Every round just imagine that you are pulling with 5 Mythrils and Magic Pot means you pulled a 5*! Yesterday I made a shit ton of pulls with no 5*...
Oh man, did the Brothers fight in the Nightmare dungeon. Poor dudes got ripped apart from Tornado Strike and Bio Grenade proccing twice.
But when it comes to Ultimates, these double cast RMs never proc.![]()