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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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Banner 1:
Have Gorden's Shield, would like Excaliburs

Banner 2:
Have none, none I want

Banner 3:
Have Crescent Wish and Wutai Headband, Keeper's Tome would be a nice bonus

Banner 4:
Have none, a good chunk of the banner would be nice to have

Banner 5:
Fuck you DeNA
I want SG but I already have half the banner
Have Fusion Sword, Kaiser Shield, Grand Armor, and Golden Armor

Wanted SG so I don't have to keep taking Y'shtola to every damn event. I'd like some time to use some of my other white mage relics, that and Tyro gets Nightmare synergy
I only have ~115 Mythril and have the mythril from Big Bridge and the next few events earmarked towards an 11-pull on Rydia 1.

I'm unsure which banners to pull on, as I already have some relics from each one: Celes's SSB / Kefka's Cape from 1, Edge's Kotetsu from 2, Yuna's HotF / Yuffie's Headband from 3, Agrias's SSB / Basch's Shield from 4, SG from 5.

Banner 1 seems like a must pull for Cecil's BSB with Lightning's SSB and Relm's SSB being solid as well. If I didn't have Celes's SSB already, this would be a no brainer. Instead, I may skip this and save the mythril for a second 11-pull in Rydia 1 (Kain's SSB and Rosa's SSB seem like better alternatives).

Banner 2 is completely skipable for me. Sure, Tidus's EnWater BSB would go great with his SSB that I pulled from the Combat Lucky Draw. However, that's not good enough for a pull here with so little mythril to spread around.

Banner 3 is tempting for 2 Magic Blinks and Shadow's insta-SSB.

Banner 4 looks solid with Bartz's BSB, Shout and Gilgamesh's SSB.

Banner 5's major relics don't interest me too much, outside of Balthier's SSB. If I pulled here it would be for Agrias's Shield or Ramza's Armor.

I'm looking at the first and third banners the hardest.

On the first, I'm interested in both Excaliburs, with the added bonus of two layers of +Holy via my Platinum Shield. I'm also interested in Kefka's cloak because I've yet to draw a Faithga. I'm also still lacking a dual breakdown so I'd love to have Gordon's shield but would settle for Mog's scarf. None of the items are useless to me.

On the third, the only major highlight is Tyro's BSB, but it's one hell of a highlight. Because he's flexible, I sometimes still use Tyro even though I don't have a standout relic for him. I'm still missing a Magic Blink and Tyro can do that (with an additional shot at Selphie's on the same banner), and the burst commands cover my lack of dual breakdowns, not to mention it frees up slots that are sometimes used for Protectga and Shellga. I'm interested in getting group cures on non-healers, so Yuffie's headband would be cool, and I wouldn't be mad at all to get Shadow's SSB. I risk getting a third (or more) Lullaby Rod, but that's not a huge problem.

In case it hasn't been mentioned yet, Ninja magic got a pretty big nerf with this patch, with the new MAG soft cap being 390.
No quistis and Laguna mc2s. Ouch.

Ninja need ouch, phantasm slayed bro bahamut

I need to seriously think about what I want to target here, I have enough for two 11 pulls so have to be choosey. None of these blow me away, but I have wall and shout already.
Somebody please explain this mote stuff, I'm scared to actually use any upgrades in case I use something that could be better spent elsewhere.

You spend motes on enhancements for you character. Some abilities cost more than others.

When you complete one class, the next one becomes available (you can see from the lines what the prerequisites are to get to each prestige class.) Some of the abilities in those are much better than the classes before it. For example, Tidus has Spellblade under one of his paths and it lets him learn 3 star Spellblade. That's huge for him because he can then use stuff like Drain Strike and the elemental strikes.

Later on, Onion Knight will be able to get 6 star everything. It's bonkers.


that puzzling face
Only 1 Hastega item in the fest.

Pretty clear what I must do.

I fully expect this to end in tears
Save up the motes for a while, eventually they will fall like rain in events and throug gysahl returns, at least the 3 star variety.

Prioritize your main characters at first, those with ssbs or medicas or wall and give them a little boost.

Much like the major orbs at first now the crystals, just ignore the system for a bit until you can get a healthy supply of all of them. And then raise the levels of your guys all at once.

The boosts will be very marginal per stage, so only worth doing in bulk per character, imho.


Wait, so Global is just outright skipping the next event that supposed to give us Echo, Sara and Garland? What the fuuuuuuuck. And we're still short Faris' MC2 and we also should have already gotten a Hall of Rites updated that added MC2s for a handful of new characters (Quina etc). God damn it.

I at some point really need to sit down and figure out what skills to create/hone and plan out an orbfest attack, I've just been more or less coasting by on getting the Ultimates done but that's kinda it. Haven't created or honed anything for months lol. Need to at the very least look into the Full Charge/Chainstarter thing, I saw on the last page a short list of people that can do it and I have Lightning at 80 with her SSB so that might be worth doing for her at least?

Banners for me:

Banner 1 - I've already got Peacemaker but that's it, and I would love to get Celes' Excalibur (she's one of my favorites and I have her at 80) but a bunch of stuff on there is great, would love Relm or PCecil's as well.

Banner 2 - 100 gem pull only on this one, only relic on here that I have is the Drill, but no one on here is really one of my favorites or anything. Tidus' BSB seems decent but not enough to spend mythril on it.

Banner 3 - This one is my minefield as I wouldn't mind Tyro's BSB and Selphie/Shadow's SSBs, but I already have the Magic Comb and two Lullaby Rod's. Will probably just 100-gem this one because of the mixed bag as well as planning to go in on other banners.

Banner 4 - I have literally nothing on here but Basch's shield, and almost everything on here I would love to have. This is going to be bad.

Banner 5 - I actually already have SG as well as Agrias' shield on this, but nothing else. There's a bunch of other good stuff on here, but also none of this matters because Terra's BSB is on here and Terra is bae.

Overall banners are better than I was expecting to be honest, and puts me in a bit of a bad spot as I only have about 150 mythril. Banners 2 & 3 are pretty easy skips for me, Banner 1 is pretty good and both 4 and 5 are really good. I still want to do some refreshing for sure, but fuck.

I think this is going to be the one that's going to get me to open up my wallet bros. IIRC it's more efficient to spend gems on relic pulls instead of refreshes right?
Only 1 Hastega item in the fest.

Pretty clear what I must do.

I fully expect this to end in tears

Vega 42 in phase 2, Platinum Sword and Sorceress's Crown in Phase 4. I mean, it'll still end in tears, but there's more than one.

edit: Forgot Kefka's cloak also had a hastega.
I actually have less of a need for Platinum Sword than most people because I have a +35% Boostga in addition to Basch's Apocalypse Shield. When combined, I get +75%, which is ample. And I can cover my Hastega with Boon or Earth Ward depending on whether I need a Shellga or Protectga. I also have two Heavy Regen SBs and Basch can Draw Fire + Retaliate, so getting Gilgamesh's SSB isn't a priority. Banner 4 still looks interesting to me for Bartz, Edea, and Faris; it's just competing with banners that I need more.

Right now I have 198 Mythril and I'm looking to do 2-4 pulls between Banners 1 and 3. I'm not chasing a single relic and will stop pulling on a banner as soon as I get at least one item that is useful to me. I'd love to spend 200 Mythril on it, but I want to keep a surplus for FF4 and hopefully FF14, so hopefully it doesn't come to that.


Since I wanted both Cecil BSB and Celes SSB, I was planning on waiting for them to return, but since they're now both on the same banner, with other good stuff as well, I'm definitely pulling on banner 1. I'd be happy to get Lightning, Relm, and Mog's items too.

I also recall posting here about the likelihood of Mobius and Dissidia banners being skipped and everyone disagreed with me, at least about Dissidia. If we're not getting Dissidia, at least until it releases worldwide on PS4, I can't see us getting the Brass de Bravo banner either.


Tried the battle against the 3 stooges ultimate, my double cast meteor went off at the wrong time killing one of them, so I had to rush to kill the other 2 before they could cast arise, I killed one of them and was one hit away from killing the last one when it cast it, so I had to reset :(


Thinking of pulling on Cecil's BSB, or maybe Bartz. The only ones that really interest me are banners 1 and 4. Banner 4 has more relics though, and despite having pretty good relics so far, I still lack a serious Katana that isn't a 4++.

Will have to think pretty hard about pulling here, as I will likely only have enough for 1 11x pull.


Banner 1: Have - Lightning Peacemaker, Want - Celes Excalibur
Banner 2: Have - Edgar Drill, Want - Tidus Razzmatazz
Banner 3: Have - Yuna Lullaby Rod, Want - Tyro Keeper Tome, Selphie Cresent Wish, Yuffie Wutai Headband, Rikku Flexible Arm
Banner 4: Have - Ramza Platinum Sword 7*, Want - Ramza Platinum Sword (So, one day it can be 8* with full Rosetta Stones), Agrias Defender, Bartz Ragnarok
Banner 5: Have - Terra Stardust Rod, Agrias Kaiser Shield, Want - Cloud First Fusion Sword, Tyro Sentinel's Grimoire, Ramza Grand Armor, Leon Golden Armor (Because it works with Shout I hear)

Banner 3 and 5 look like the winners for me.

Maybe 4 x 11 Pulls for Banner 3 and 2 x 11 Pulls and 1 x 3 Pull for Banner 5. Then a 100 Gem pull for each.


Gold Member
Dammit, I just blew 25 Mythril on the Lucky Banner this morning, before I read the news on BSB fest. Now I don't know if I'll make it back up to 200 mythril before it ends. Based on the banners, I'm going to pull hard on 1, if I get Pecil's BSB, then 2 or 4. 5 doesn't interest me at all, and 3 is kind of a "it would be nice but not required".

Man I'm salty about spending that Mythril now.


that puzzling face
Tried the battle against the 3 stooges ultimate, my double cast meteor went off at the wrong time killing one of them, so I had to rush to kill the other 2 before they could cast arise, I killed one of them and was one hit away from killing the last one when it cast it, so I had to reset :(

Cheap trick is to instant KO Laragorn, fight only two, then kill the other two simultaneously and then KO Laragorn again. I used Pressure Point for that - decent %.

Juggling 2 HP bars > juggling 3 HP bars, not to mention less incoming damage.


It's my understanding that you don't need a fourth copy to upgrade, only a special upgrade material. Is this inaccurate?

Oh, I don't know. I never looked into it. But if its just special items to collect then even better! I only have two 7* weapons; Ramza's and my boy Cid's Spear.


Looks like banners 1 and 4 are the good ones for me. Wish there was more VII and X synergy on offer since those are my worst by far.


50 on Banner 1 and 50 on Banner 4. None are good enough to spend a lot on myth one. ( I have 300 plus)

Might pass on Banner 1 and wait for the FF4 Cecil BSSB banner. Those two are pretty comparable but with more of a FF4 thing.


Ugh this is FFT all over for me. I love FFXIV and have saved for it for a while, but now BSB event in the middle of FFXIV tempting away my mythril :(


Only banner 1 and 3 for me, not going to spend a lot.
Already have Platinum Sword, Defender and Lenna's Princess Favor (banner 4), so high risk to get dupes.


Subete no aware
So what are the must have relics from this fest? Or is there some FFT-tier banner coming later?
Just looking through the list I don't know if I need or want anything other than a multi-hit SSB on a class that isn't a knight.


Just woke up. Record Dives! Yay! Ninja soft cap! Boo!

As for the BSB banners, I'm super conflicted.

Banner 1 seems to be the standout here for me. I don't have any of them except Relms and they all are super useful to me if I want to switch up characters. Vanille's Rod will slightly patch up my poor XIII synergy, as will Kefka and Mog. But I'm reading sources that it may be better to pull on Rydia Banner 1, due to having both Pecil's BSB and a Dreamstage clone in Rosa's SSB.

Banner 2 I can safely skip. Although there are items here which will help, none appeal to me, except Vega 42's.

Banner 3 seems like the 2nd standout here for me. I love Tyro, and anything to boost his stats is super welcome. Problem is, I have SG and I'm basically never going to use Keeper's Tome in battle. I have none of the other relics either but I have Red XIII's Gold Hairpin already, so the Magic Comb is a bit of a booby prize for me.

Banner 4 is super dangerous for me. I have Genji Blade and Defender already. However Platinum Sword...and the other relics as well (looking at you Platinum Shield). But Platinum Sword.

Banner 5 is also a skip. I have Fairy Flute, SG and the Kaiser Shield want neither of those BSB's. I'd basically be pulling for Aldebran/Ramza Armour/HotE, with a big chance to get dupes.

Also I'd like to burn some mithril on orb refreshes (has this been announced?). But with only 200 mithril to play with, decisions, decisions.


Those BSB banners are awesome. Too bad I only have 150 mythril to throw at em.

Banner 1: have Relm's brush, really want Celes' Excalibur for phys Grand Cross, Pecil's because i have r3 Saint Cross and i need IV synergy, Mog or Gordon's for mitigation break that i'm still missing. Lightning's SSB would be nice too, and Kefka's for mage teams. Even Vanille's would be nice just because i have no XIII rods. Definitely spending 50 mythril here.

Banner 2: only have Edgar's Drill, but nothing else here offers utility i don't already have, so even though it has 2 BSBs i'm gonna skip this one.

Banner 3: don't have anything on this banner, anything that boosts Tyro's stats is welcome though I already have SG so i don't know if i'd ever be able to use his BSB in battle. But with 2x Magic Blink which i lack, definitely pulling here. The 2 ninja insta-cast SBs would also be welcome.

Banner 4: already have a 6* Defender for Agrias from my last attempt to get a Platinum Sword, but nothing else here thankfully. Because Platinum Sword is here again, and I will definitely try to get one again. Most of the other stuff here would be welcome too, other than Vaan's.

Banner 5: already have SG, a 7* Grand Armor, and a 6* Golden Armor. Don't really want anything here other than Agrias' Shield, so going to skip this one.


"Only." Most people have none.

I just figured a lot of people here were of the Hardcore crowd and have been playing since day 1 and have many of them.

My 7* came from months of saving and unleashing on my favorite characters and items I was told were "must haves".

I'll probably do the same thing for Yuffie, Rikku, Locke for future banners. Still sad I never got any Valiant Knifes... Maybe one day.

Also, I only have three Expert Stages left to complete... :(
I just figured a lot of people here were of the Hardcore crowd and have been playing since day 1 and have many of them.

My 7* came from months of saving and unleashing on my favorite characters and items I was told were "must haves".

I'll probably do the same thing for Yuffie, Rikku, Locke for future banners. Still sad I never got any Valiant Knifes... Maybe one day.

Many of us are day 1 players but I think that a lot are spreading their pulls fairly well and rarely go crazy on a specific banner (with exceptions). Some of us are also not the luckiest. My amount of SBless and shared 5* makes me cry... Still, I have also 2 7*. Last Judgment Grimoire and Regal Gown.
I just figured a lot of people here were of the Hardcore crowd and have been playing since day 1 and have many of them.
Day one here, casually hardcore, I only have a small handful of 5★+, maybe three.

5★++ only happens with extreme luck or with lots of Mythril (or cash) on a single banner.
As far as record spheres go, if I pick a class and learn level 1, am I locked into that class until I complete it? Or can I class change and get bonuses from multiple classes at once?
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