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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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Flare isn't your only problem: you'll get rolled by his lightning spells too. Shellga takes priority over Protectga, I'd say, but both are useful because the creepers do a lot of physical damage.

I didn't even see a single lightning spell on my first try. Too busy getting Flares in the face. With this knowledge and the fact the dogs are vulnerable to Sleep...

... Bahamut SIN "Cid Mission" complete!
Cait Sith is amazing.


Also Rift Gilgamesh was a hilarious fight to Cid Mission, much less Master the damn thing when the run started pretty poorly as well. FFV is probably my strongest realm, but I didn't expect to get by not bringing a breakdown to go with Full Break, nor with Bartz dying so early in the fight (he got one Tornado Strike off before Enkindu blasted his face).

Galuf was the hero here, with his Fist of the Dawn and Unyielding Fist.

Only 100 gems on this and got nothing

I'd love bartz bssb, but I have the other 3 main featured relics so over pulling here is just an accident waiting to happen.
Did my last 3 pull and got Vaan's katana; probably the last item I would have wanted on the banner, but outside of Balthier's first gun and Platinum Shield my FF12 synergy is non-existent, so it's still better than nothing for sure.

Can't believe I'm going to hit the end of this fest and still not have a single BSB to date :(

I still don't even have a SSB! I did get that same katana for Vaan. Why does Vaan get a katana anyway?
I threw my last 5 mythril at B4. Screen shake...

Not quite the Hastega I was hoping for. Finishes me out to 2/16 for B4.

I'll do a 100-gem pull tomorrow for B5 but otherwise I'm done with this Fest. 7/33: Lightning SSB, Generic FF9 Fist, Tyro BSB, Shadow SSB, Rikku's Fist, Vaan's Katana, Edea's Crown


Can't wait until Squeenix releases the FFRK OST on their store. Partner has been collecting them all and considering how good all the remixes and medleys have been in this game, I'm more than willing to drop lots of money on it.

And now the Choir version of Big Bridge is on the menu screen! Fucking ace.
Today's mastery parties in the following order: Ifrit, Titan, Super Gilgamesh:

Full medals on Ifrit and Titan. Missed one damage medal against Giggles.

As you can see, I went really mitigation-heavy against the FF14 bosses--something I've been experimenting with now that I have a magic blink and my own -ATK/MAG SB. As a result, Ifrit and Titan did between 150-300 damage on nearly every attack once buffed up. Papalymo was doing about 27k with his SSB when under the En-Ice effect, so I imagine it does really impressive damage if you have Faithga effects as well. Against Titan, Flare doing about 9.8k and Blizzaja caps with En-Ice, and I think both were capping against Ifrit, but I don't remember. The encounters were extraordinarily safe and smooth. I plan on trying some future bosses without a cure ability using setups like this.

Against Super Gilgamesh, I lost Gordon shortly after the boss used a 2016-damage attack because Lenna was a split second late on Princess Favor (high regen, group cura). After that it was smooth sailing. In hindsight, I should've given the other Mako Might to Lenna or made Y'shtola my nuker instead, because whenever I use Wrath I put myself at a healing deficit. Actually, I think it was my plan to make Y'shtola the nuker and I forgot, because I even gave her Platinum Shield. Gilgamesh is fast enough and does enough AoE damage that Mako Might was kind of wasted on Basch, because he generates soul meter so quickly anyway. I haven't checked the json requests yet, but it seems like the U+ version doesn't use Flash, so my Cloud Goggles and Blind-resist talisman-thingy were useless and I should've gone with something else.


Gravity/death resist makes half his attacks miss you, it's really quite simple at that point.

The fight with him and Enkidu is harder. Hell, the 90 difficulty fight with him and Enkidu is harder.


Can't wait until Squeenix releases the FFRK OST on their store. Partner has been collecting them all and considering how good all the remixes and medleys have been in this game, I'm more than willing to drop lots of money on it.

And now the Choir version of Big Bridge is on the menu screen! Fucking ace.

Oh shit. I was just thinking about a soundtrack for the game and all the tracks they had in it. Has there been any sort of announcement?

Gravity/death resist makes half his attacks miss you, it's really quite simple at that point.

The fight with him and Enkidu is harder. Hell, the 90 difficulty fight with him and Enkidu is harder.

That's good to know since I believe I have a 4 or 5 Instant KO resist items lying around getting no use.


Maaaaaaaaaaaaaan this arrangement of Battle on the big bridge is just NUTS. Is it from the new Dissidia?

So, XIV and Greg mastered. I had quite a lot of trouble with Titan just because I have zero XIV synergy, so at the end he was hitting like a truck. Ifrit was as easy as a 90 battle and Rift Greg was just meh. With Shout plus the high regen I got with my own Greg's SSB (and Lenna's!) he just couldn't keep up. Only with the Retaliate at the end I lost Rydia (she was there to buff defense and look useless, nothing else lol) but still I only lost one medal. Piece of advice: don't bring mages thinking that magic will bypass Gilgamesh's Retaliate. It doesn't, only SBs don't trigger the counter.

I fully recommend Shout with Greg, he doesn't have that much HP and will fall quickly. And the instant KO accessories... well, I only equipped one and didn't notice the effect tbh.

PS: I just realized Cecil's BSSB enholy lasts longer than the bursts commands, that means you can cast again the BSSB while enholied. The first cast was like 4-5ks each hit but the second was around 8ks x5 O_O


PS: I just realized Cecil's BSSB enholy lasts longer than the bursts commands, that means you can cast again the BSSB while enholied. The first cast was like 4-5ks each hit but the second was around 8ks x5 O_O
I found this out against Golbez, it was a good day


Oh shit. I was just thinking about a soundtrack for the game and all the tracks they had in it. Has there been any sort of announcement?

Yeah they've announced that it will be available soon on their website. Don't know the exact date though. Cannot wait.

Maaaaaaaaaaaaaan this arrangement of Battle on the big bridge is just NUTS. Is it from the new Dissidia?

It sounds similar, but I don't think it's the same. But yeah the arcade Dissidia has choir vocals for this track as well.

I stubbornly spent a good hour and a half trying to do Nemesis Greg with a full V party of Bartz/Galuf/Greg/Faris/Lenna.

Only after my battery nearly went flat did I take a step back and made a simple change for a double healer party, replacing Galuf for Exdeath.

I have a feeling double healers will be key to surviving a lot of Cid Missions for me.



Ifrit and Titan were trivial with elemental resist gear. Had enough for everyone to have at least moderate fire resist for Ifrit, and 4/5 people got moderate earth resist for Titan.


Looks like they lowered the difficulty of the XIV Ultimates - presumably since most people have little to no synergy for it. Both battles were a breeze, was never in danger of dying in either.


that puzzling face
After 0/34, I had 35 Mythril left.

2 3-pulls, Yoichi Bow!

1 pull with my last 5 Mythril - 3*
100gem on FFXIV banner - 3*

Oh well, 1/42 is literally infinitely better than 0/34

ha ha ha i made a maths joke come laugh with me

*actually crying
Gilgamesh nemesis was so much easier than greg and friends. It took 10+ s/l and a party change to do greg and friends. The nemesis battle was first try no s/l. I did load up on instant KO resist but everything else worked out swimmingly.


Got an Omnirod for my 100 gem pull on XIV banner 2! Not sure if I want to replace Relm with Yshtola though. Major regen does usually negate the need for a medica, but in order to get the most out of it I'd need to put Mako Might on Yshtola to get Protect/Shell up at the start of the fight, which means i'd miss out on taking the awesome WHM doublecast record materia. I also have Relm's Ink Blast in addition to her medica, which just came in handy for one of the Big Bridge bosses that had hit with summon magic as a medal requirement, and it does auto-Blind when I need that as well. Yeah, think I'll stick with Relm. Might use Yshtola for XIV realm stuff at least.


Ifrit and Titan were trivial with elemental resist gear. Had enough for everyone to have at least moderate fire resist for Ifrit, and 4/5 people got moderate earth resist for Titan.

I only have 3 earth resist accessories including the one i just got from Ifrit. Do you have a 4th, or a relic with earth resist?

Edit: Nevermind, checked Fat Chocobo and got another Zephyr Cloak, giving me my 4th.


I got garbage from my 100 gem pull on the banner. I'm out of Mythril, so I'm done with BSBFest. My gains from BSBFest:

Flame Shield (II)
Heroic Scarf (VI)
Twin Lance (VIII)
Yoichi's Bow (V)
Icebrand (V)
Kogarasumaru (XII) x2
Genji Blade (V)
Sage's Staff (V) x2


Got Terra's BSB and HotE with my pull. Already had Basch's Shield so didn't need Leon's Armor, but definitely welcome my first BSB.
3 x 11 pulls... No 5* on the first 2, SG on the last one.

This entire fest I've gone 2/67, and one of them was a dupe. Fuck this game sometimes lol. I already have a wall, but at least SG will let me use a WHM SB, although all I've got besides Yshtola's Wall is Selphie's first medica which pales in comparison to a lot of other medicas. Maybe I'll get lucky in the FFIV banner, but I'll probably only be able to do a single 11x pull.


Not pulling on this banner, nothing I really need.

1/12 with basically the only item I really wanted obtained (Platinum Sword).

bUpF if you need to RW Shout.
Not bad, not sure how much use I'll get out of them but it's cool to have my first BSSB. I still have 100 mythril left to chase the SG.

For what it's worth, I use that Agrias SB in almost every U/U+, and since I have Lightning's SSB and Tyro's Stormlance Grimoire I use the shield itself constantly for the lightning damage boost.


Phase 5! Only had enough for 1 multi-pull, got three 5-stars!

- Kaiser Shield (FFT) for Agrias.
- Desch's Sword (III) for Desch.
- Basilisk Claw (VII). Perry-chance beatstick

Nothing else of note. 2 of them from the banner-specific

No complaints. I went big on Phase 4 and got Ragnarok and Platinum Shield. Since I'm a newer player I really need to rethink my teams and get to grinding


Did 8 11-pulls hoping to get SG (Tired of being stuck with Y'shtola)

1st Pull
Kaiser Shield (3rd)
Golden Armor (3rd)

2nd Pull
Stardust Rod (Nice)
Desch's Sword (Good for Thursdailys)

3rd Pull
Golden Armor (XII Generic)

4th Pull
Fairy Flute (Not bad)
Aldebaran (Good with Stardust Rod)
Kaiser Shield (4th)
Grand Armor (2nd)

5th Pull
Golden Armor (4th)

6th Pull
Al Bhed Jumper (Generic X)

7th Pull
Golden Armor (5th)

8th Pull
1st Fusion Sword (2nd)
Kaiser Shield (5th)
Butterfly Edge (Generic VII)
Gauntlets (Generic IX)

So yeah, managed to get every item on the banner except the one I was aiming for

Edit: so how should I combine my duplicates?


Neo Member
I debated on doing any pulls for this banner as I'm a hoarder and get the shakes when I have less than 300 mythril and I was down to 121.

Decided to do a 11-pull since I'd really like to have a wall. Got skunked, just three 4* items that I already had.

Sigh.....eh, what the hell. Did another pull.


Hell yeah! I can join the trinity club now! Is there a secret handshake I need to know about?


Subete no aware
Got Terra's rod and Ramza's armor, which seems kind of a push considering I've never had a situation where I didn't bring a white mage.
Got Terra's rod and Ramza's armor, which seems kind of a push considering I've never had a situation where I didn't bring a white mage.

My view (besides just wanting all sbs for ramza) is that in a worse case pinch that extra heal might save the team in an ultimate/+ battle since Ramza is always coming with me thanks to Shout.
did 4x 11-pulls and every 100mythril pull

Phase 3
100 mythril
Keepsake Ribbon (VII)

Phase 4
1st 11pull

2nd 11pull
Yochi's Bow (V)
Sage's Staff (V)
Genji Helm (V) Off Banner

3rd 11pull
Ragnarok (V) BSB
Sorceress's Crown (VIII)
Black Hood (IX) Off Banner

Phase 5
4th 11pull
Stardust Rod (VI) BSB
Fairy Flute (IX) SSB
Feral Pride (XIII) Off Banner

I'd say I'm really happy with my luck. The Ragnarok made clearing out 15 V Elites a lot easier, giving me enough for my 4th 11pull.
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