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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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Two 11 pulls, 1 3- pull, 2 single pulls.

The singles and the three were terrible.

However, the two elevens weren't terrible (though still no SG)

First pull had four 5* uniques, 1 Kaiser sheild (dupe first 7 star), 2 of ramza's armour (I know have every single tactics unique), and a desch's sword

Second pull had Terra's BSB. So not terrible
Pulled Crescent Wish and 2x Keeper's Ribbon.

7/33 on this event
3 SB
2 duplicates.

Now do I replace Red XIII with Aerith as my realm warrior? Or perhaps replace Yuna with Aerith as my WHM since Aerith now has a Heal-All and a Stat-Boost and Yuna only has a Heal-All/Regen. Hmm.

For Phase 4 I pulled:

Genji Blade (V)
Sorceress Crown (VIII)

For phase 5 I pulled
Stardust Rod (VI)
Aldebaran (XII)
Desch's Sword (III)
Gungnir (XII)

13/56 (I did one single pull)
5 SB
2 Duplicates

Best things I feel I got were Greg's SSB and Terra's BSB, although getting two Keeper's Ribbons was nice too.

I have 14 mythril left.


that puzzling face
Makes me wonder if Dena knows things about FF15.

Considering you'd need to plan an event schedule a few months in advance...

edit: p.s. I did it guys, I made it through Banner 4 without $$$ing


:D :D


edit2: In parallel alternate universe where Falk succumbed and $$$'d




edit3: Wait, that banner was a 10%. Gonna dig up a 13% banner on the simulator.

edit4: On a BSSBFest banner


brb quitting universe to move to alternate universe

Goddamn it man, get off the gatcha simulator.

One way ticket to depression.

This is hardly the worst off I've been in terms of gear.

First six months with 2 uniques was pretty touch and go. I remember Locke and Tidus events giving me a really, really hard time!
Goddamn it man, get off the gatcha simulator.

One way ticket to depression.

Before the fest I did 4 x 11 pulls in a row on the simulator and got a at least 2 relics in each, with the grand armor appearing once in three of them, and twice in the other. 400 mythril in FFT and 150 mythril in phase 5 and no Grand Armor.

Never use a simulator.


I've been waiting for this banner and I've done a few pulls.

I've been able to get Balthiers SSB, Terra's, SG and Kaiser Shield. Overall I'm happy with these pulls even though I wanted fusion sword. I might do one more but otherwise the rest is for Seifer event.


Subete no aware
My view (besides just wanting all sbs for ramza) is that in a worse case pinch that extra heal might save the team in an ultimate/+ battle since Ramza is always coming with me thanks to Shout.
Yeah, it'd be useful if I had Shout, but I don't see a reason to bring him since pretty much every character I use is already a knight. It's sort of like that Ydra one I drew - not sure what I can do with it. lol


I got Ramza's grand armour, that's it. I think I've pulled on literally every single banner containing a wall since this game began and still don't have one. Sigh



100 Gem Pull

1st 11 x pull. Grand Armour for Ramza and a Second Kaiser Shield!

2nd 11 x pull. 1st Fusion Sword. Yes! A third Kaiser Shield. Making a 7* item out of them.

Final 50 mythril nets me a few 4* item to combine with.

Manage to collect a bit of treasures with my 300 Mythril I saved:

  • Keepsake Ribbon x 2
  • Flexible Arm
  • Keeper's Tome x 2
  • Kaiser Shield x 2 (Had one previously)
  • Grand Armour
  • 1st Fusion Sword

Sentinel Grimoire and Wutai Headband were the only two items I didn't get on my list.

Time to start building that Mythril again for the 2nd Tactics Banner.
Welp, after a rather lackluster fest (netting me only Lightning and Relm SSB on banner 1) I'm gonna do a paradigm shift if you will. Was gonna do it anyway but now I especially want to since it's a less stressful way of play. I think i have around 115-130 mythril left to collect between classics and elites and I am slowly but surely joining the daily squad with 132 stamina.

The only mythril pulls I intend to do are lucky draws until we get guaranteed 5*. The rest goes for orb and sundaily refreshes. If we don't get guaranteed 5* then that simply means me not doing 100 gem draws anymore. May do a rogue 50 pull in the meantime if I have some to spare and if the banner is amazing.

Defensively I'm very good with 2/3 trinity but I am missing on some strong offensive SBs and offensive capability in general. Having the bulk of your development strategy be determined by heavy RNG relics isn't something I can count on in the long run.

So, they will be spent on stuff I know will move me forward regardless (leveling characters for synergy regardless of relics, getting RMs, honing abilities, expanding my inventory space, etc.). Currently working on the 5 MIO needed to bring Full Break to R2 and then saving Major orbs for the 5* dragoon abilities I want for Cid as he has the very usefuk Hyper Jump SB and a MC2 in the next event.


So BSSB feat was amazing for me. I picked up 3 BSBs, Cecil, Bartz and Terra, SSB for Greg and Lightning, a second Beatrix armor and Platnium Sword for stats and Wall.

I'm pretty set now, I can just horde mythril for my waifu Celes's banner


Looking ahead my FFVIII synergy is awful to the point where I'm not sure I'll be able to do the Cid Missions in the Seifer Event, let alone the first fragment dungeon. Hopefully I'll be able to get enough mythril together to take a draw or two on the second Seifer banner, there is some decent stuff on there.

8 is one of the realms where I'm lacking a character with an AoE heal, too (others being 1, 2, 6, & 9).


Titan +++ Reward: Rosetta Stone.

Oh yeah, these are a thing aye.

Still don't know if I want to put it on a Dagger or not.

At least I know which character to stuff motes down their gullet (Onion Knight).


I'm pretty happy overall, that I remember:

Cecil's BSSB - All kinds of awesome, P Cecil is now my main attacker and he can heal and use protectga and stuff? MVP
Gordon's Shield x2 - I think I'll use this as a stat stick because I don't have room for more knights lol
Vaan' Katana x 2 - Useless as SB but good stat stick for XII
Mog's scarf - No idea what to do, I suppose he can be useful in VI multifights...
Basch's Shield - I have now Basch's two SBs, before he was my go to for Tauntaliate, but now with the shield it's hard not make room for him on any fight. Too many knights, fuck >_<
Lenna's Cura+High regen - Awesome, Lenna is a great healer and now with this Medica I can run Shout as RW in more fights (I was running with Penelo before for the boostga)
Gilgamesh' SSB - Double awesome, and more fucking knights

So yeah, this game is Final Fantasy Knight Keeper for me lol


Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? Still not going to use him (I have Ramza as a FB bot) but that's unexpected.

Ah Gordon, always forgotten. Even with the buffs that he got.

I have a thing for Leon (and Seifer for that matter) as Knights though, due to the novelty of running both Saint's and Sanguine Cross on the same character.
I've been using Gordon pretty effectively since getting his shield. His MC2 is a ways off, unfortunately. Eventually he gets a White-4 buff too, which will be convenient if you need to run dual support but still need to slot Shellga/Protectga somewhere. He's got average stats in most categories, but has the second best MAG and MND, and the very best RES, and is generally a little tankier than most supports (pre-buff, he might've been the squishiest). He can also use Swords, which is still kind of rare for Support-5 characters.

Anyway, I'm ready for all of the images of Gilgamesh's SSB being used tonight, because everybody is so clever.

I had Gilgamesh SSB from SSBFest

It was worth it


You're late.


I guess I'll use him when the support dungeon comes lol

Seifer I like a lot, I have his SB and it works to create a poor man's Wall while dishing out damage. Once his MC2 comes along I suppose I'll use him more often, but still, I have knight overload:

Basch - both SBs
Beatrix - SSB
Ramza (to some extent) - HoS (awesome SB)
Gilgamesh - SSB
Seifer - SB
Edgar - Bioblaster
Auron - Shooting star

And I just remembered I have Steiner's SB too, what the fuck, I can't keep track of all these people
I guess I'll use him when the support dungeon comes lol

Seifer I like a lot, I have his SB and it works to create a poor man's Wall while dishing out damage. Once his MC2 comes along I suppose I'll use him more often, but still, I have knight overload:

Gordon's Goddess Bell provides more mitigation than Seifer's RES buff. It's -20% ATK/MAG against ultimate bosses that stacks with all other breaks. To compare, Bahamut Sin's Flare spell against a 300 RES target (basically a Lv80 with 5* Light Armor) with Wall, Shellga, Magic Breakdown, Full Break, and +50% RES, will deal about 630 damage. Swap +50% RES for an additional -20% MAG and the result is 590 damage. Not to mention +RES won't help you as DEF/RES-percing abilities are given to ultimate bosses more often. If you're curious, both +50% RES and -20% MAG will bring Flare down to about 420. Without any form of mitigation, Flare does about 8100 damage against 300 RES.


Stop trying to make Gordon happen, it's not going to happen >_<

Fuck, I'll end up using him just because I have Leila's and Josef's SBs too, the game is telling me to use II chars more often.
Mastered Ifrit and Titan. This exact team pretty much except for having fire resist stuff for Ifrit. Also included Titan masteries:


Could have been a bit better with Titan as I slowed down at the very last section with no Shout or hones for Zack as well as not being fully leveled. Case in point: Yda's Internal Release is AMAZING. Wanted to level her up for this event to see how it would work and boy does it ever. Internal Release+Shout+Crushing Blow (Rush Assault for Zack also being solid) wrecks everything. Used Crushing Blow 3 times in the fight and had about 70-80% critical rate which at level 72 and no weapon synergy translated to 6500 PER CRITICAL HIT and that SSB hits 5 times. Bonkers. Zack did about 3300 per Rush Assault critical hit. She also has the potential to be a mix support/DPS if I put a breakdown and hone Full Charge to R2.

Also, I want to level her up to put as an RW. To be a bit different in a sea of Shouts, Medicas and Walls. Should I put mind equipment for longer duration or?


I didnt pull at all on this banners only on banner 1 50 myth. Rydia 1 cant come soon enough. I hope I get at least 2 of the 4 good relics there.


Im going to save up 15 mythril to do a hail mary for sg. That way i get screwed 3 times at once rather than 3 separate occasions.

Also i feel like i should be able to kill ifrit, but his fire is messing my world up.


Nada on this banner as well. So for this fest across ~200 mythril, 5 100-gem pulls and two 900 gem pulls all I got was Kefka's Cloak, Sage Staff, and Vaan's katana, none of which serve me particularly well. The cloak is my first Hastega, but it's on a mage currently capped at 65 and I don't run mage parties, it's about to be overshadowed, and it's from the only realm I'm drowning in synergy on. Sage Staff is nice but I already have Yuna at 80 with a Lullaby Rod so outside of FFV events or some instance where I need a 2nd healer (and I already had Y'shtola's Medica) it does me no good. Same for Vaan's katana, it's better than nothing since I have no notable FF12 synergy outside of a Gladius and Balthier's first gun, but that's kind of it.

Not gonna lie, pretty bummed out. Got nothing I wanted, I still have no BSB's, still have practically no synergy in some realms, and I'm still significantly lacking in physical/attack soul breaks. So I'm still stuck exactly where I was before this fest in that I still can't quite clear the very hardest content because of either lack of damage and/or synergy. Like I still cannot beat Yunalesca because my FF10 synergy is so bad offensive-wise (my defense is ok) that I just can't do the damage on her before I lose my mitigation and healing. But throw me against say a FF6 boss of the hardest difficulty and I can wreck it no problem. Very frustrating, and most events I still can't touch the U++ boss.

Definitely not spending any more mythril on pulls until we get guaranteed 5*.
Definitely not spending any more mythril on pulls until we get guaranteed 5*.

Lucky draws are a decent thing at any point though. I'm in a similar boat as you but 25 Mythril isn't a lot to spare to try and get something nice, unless you have everything you want on them. Later this month can net you another try at Platinum Sword and a Tyro BSB/Wall. Nothing to scoff at. And even if you get nothing, you didn't spend 50.

And to answer my own earlier question:

Also, I want to level her up to put as an RW. To be a bit different in a sea of Shouts, Medicas and Walls. Should I put mind equipment for longer duration or?

I found out MND doesn't affect this as it does Hastega and other stuff and it has a fixed timer. Probably common knowledge to a lot of folks here but hey, doesn't hurt.
I didn't get everything I wanted, but I did really well, I think.

Wutai Headband (VII - Yuffie) x3(!)
Yoichi's Bow (V - Faris)
Platinum Shield (XII - Basch)
Kogarasumaru (XII - Vaan) x2
1st Fusion Sword (VII - Cloud) x2
Stardust Rod (VI - Terra)
Aldebaran (XII - Balthier)

The top of my list was Terra's Rod and Cloud's Sword, because they're top of my go-to Ultimate teams. So, I'm happy with that. I really wanted Shout or Gilga's SSB, but you can't win them all. Can't argue with this, anyway. Wish I'd had a traditional mage heal medic with a high level AOE cure (though I have a number of lower-level AOE cures like Hymn of the Fayth), but I can't complain with all this off 250 mythril.


Did 3 more pulls

First was another Kaiser Shield and Aldebaran

Second was 2 more Fairy Flutes (now a 7*) and another Stardust Rod

Last was nothing.

I'm crying internally right now. All I wanted was SG and now it seems more likely that I'll qualify for MVP status before I get it.

Also should I go for 2 7* shields or 3 6* shields?

I also have 2 Grand Armors, how should I combine my Tactic gear?

Edit: Had enough gems for a 3 pull, got my 6th Golden Armor, same question as above.
Due to the nightly ultimates this past week, I've been getting like 30+ new followers every day, so I've already filled my desired quota of the new BSBs and what not. I've decided to keep Stoneskin as my roamer. I suspect that it'll be the most useful roamer with these weekly Cid Missions. Speaking of which, I had some time to kill so I've already assembled my ultimate parties for FF7, and also did some planning for Mote Ifrit. Ifrit has something like 3800 DEF/RES, which is insane, so I've been looking into Piercing Strike. If I can get Zell's +Monk damage RM before Ifrit, then I should be able to breach 7k damage with the boost from Punishing Palm and a generic 5-star dagger. I am skeptical that I can complete the Cid Mission at my current power level, but I am going to try.


I'm just going to draw Squall's armor from the Seifer 2 banner and Ifrit will be a breeze.

Yep, that is totally a thing that is definitely going to happen.


that puzzling face
Due to the nightly ultimates this past week, I've been getting like 30+ new followers every day, so I've already filled my desired quota of the new BSBs and what not. I've decided to keep Stoneskin as my roamer. I suspect that it'll be the most useful roamer with these weekly Cid Missions. Speaking of which, I had some time to kill so I've already assembled my ultimate parties for FF7, and also did some planning for Mote Ifrit. Ifrit has something like 3800 DEF/RES, which is insane, so I've been looking into Piercing Strike. If I can get Zell's +Monk damage RM before Ifrit, then I should be able to breach 7k damage with the boost from Punishing Palm and a generic 5-star dagger. I am skeptical that I can complete the Cid Mission at my current power level, but I am going to try.

Considering Wall gets intentionally bypassed by def/res-ignoring abilities half the time and Shout is always useful, we're at a disadvantage here :(

(have wall, don't want to RW it in lieu of Laguna since AOE slow has been useful a fair bit in dungeon updates and such)
Considering Wall gets intentionally bypassed by def/res-ignoring abilities half the time and Shout is always useful, we're at a disadvantage here :(

(have wall, don't want to RW it in lieu of Laguna since AOE slow has been useful a fair bit in dungeon updates and such)

I would prefer Shout, but group boostgas are relatively common at this stage, and I'd prefer a +30% Boostga and Wall over a +50% Boostga and no Wall, though this also assumes I am covering my Haste elsewhere. And while DEF/RES-piercing abilities are becoming more common, they are still not the standard or the most dangerous abilities in an encounter, including Japan. Even Super Jecht, for example, was still more threatening with his Jecht Beam than his DEF-piercer.

I don't think I'm following any Laguna right now. I had a friend with it, but he switched it to Squall BSB. I never used it anyway though, because if I need a group Slow then I usually just bring my own Locke. It's an amazing effect when it works.

I'm kind of mildly hopeful that there's a "surprise" orb festival starting tonight, to celebrate America Day.


Two 11x draws, one on banner 4, and one on banner 5, and thats was all.

100 mythril - pretty much all I had.


-Sage Staff
-Sorceress' Crown
-Genji Blade x2
-Platinum Sword
-Kaiser Shield
-Sentinel's Grimoire

My life is complete


Subete no aware
I am really tempted to pull on Banner 5 just for a Kaiser Shield. I really want a SB with ATK/MAG down like that. Anyone knows when the next good one is?
As a consolation prize for not getting the platinum sword, it's actually really useful. Of course, trying to chase any relic is folly...


Honestly I wouldn't try to pull as hard on banner 5 if it wasn't for the fact that as far as we know this is the last time SG is guaranteed to be a featured item.

Yeah, there's the lucky banners, but chances aren't good on that and if the beginners banner is any indication, we probably won't get it on Tyro banner 2 either.


that puzzling face
I'm not sure if I've got worse luck on Fest banners or Lucky banners at this point hahahah

I should just start rolling on event banners instead, but then we wouldn't be able to laugh at my expense.


I am really tempted to pull on Banner 5 just for a Kaiser Shield. I really want a SB with ATK/MAG down like that. Anyone knows when the next good one is?

The festival was probably the best chance to get one since there were 4 in it (5 if you count Tyro's BSSB).

The upcoming ones are:

Cait Sith (Sephiroth 1, tomorrow)
Support Abyss (Faris/Gordon - End of the month)
Faris (Lenna/Faris 2, end of the month)
Agrias (Delta/Ovelia/Mustadio 1, next month)
Wol (Mobius 2, who the hell knows)
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