They're my bane because of the same reason Orbfest is.
(remember flans oh god)
Already have Maduin R2 though. But yeah, they're gonna be great once we get orb conversion!If I'd gotten 4 wind orbs in 12 Myth I'd go ham and just do 2x Valefor.
Or look at it another way, that's 40 Greater Orbs broken down.
The lightning and sazh quests are the Classic difficulty versions of those dungeons. This is kind of annoying if you've recently cleared those dungeons.
Speaking of difficulty levels I don't know if you noticed but FFVI is quite odd in that its first batch of dungeons in elite are tough and use loads of stamina (many people also felt Mt Kolts was harder than its difficulty of 51 implies) whereas the batch starting with the phantom train up to floating continent 2 is difficulty 26-41 and gives out loads of stamina shards too.
I wonder if they'll bump this up for the Global version. I want a free 5* blitzball please.
I think they had an xmas event last year in Japan. I'm not sure if they got any special gear then though.WHAAAT
I hope we get a Christmas event too D:
I want a blitzball so badly, and I'm a sucker for pumpkin/Jack-o-Lantern themed stuff. Jecht is gonna be one of my staples and he needs a nice ranged weapon.I need that pumpkin! I need a blitzball![]()
The Organics banner is an all around great banner with a good spread of items plus very useful shared SB armor (and has Organics), but Hope's banner is by far the best mage weapon banner (3 different mage weapons!) for a good few months.
If you're going to be as hardcore at this game as it appears you're going to be, you'd want to aim for mage weapons to a point where you're assured to be able to pull off mage meta. But then again, Organics.
Really tough decision.
What are Organics? Talk to me like one of your french paintings falk
Also since I'm still going through all the core content I'm getting Mythril at a fair clip (I've already accumulated 26 Mythril since I did the last half-off pull 2 days ago or whenever that was) so there's also the possibility I'll accumulate another 50 Mythril before the Hope event ends, but then I imagine you start looking at the banner after that and oh god this ride never ends does it
What are Organics? Talk to me like one of your french paintings falk
Organics is Cloud's newest weapon that has a pretty good Soul Break, which when mastered boosts his ATK by 10 permanently.
Oh my! How could thou not know what the tout-puissant Organics is?! Thou art a disgrace! FFRK is not a mere jeu-vidéo! Take it seriously or thou shalt be punished by RNGesus (bless his name)!
The Organics is one of the marvelous épées of Cloud, granting him the first Super Soul Break of FFRK, Blame Beam, which hit every enemy on screen three times. It is absolutly exquisite, formidable! Of course, better items will be released later, but as of now it is one of the most dévastatrice Soul Break in terms of damage, especially useful against multiple bosses. Also, it grants +10 ATK permanently to Cloud once you master it. Cloud is so fumé, this blatant favoritism makes me feel angry.
So fly petit chat, pull the banner for Organics, and maybe RNGesus will smile upon thee and shower you with His love, just like He does for His french joueuses.
Ce qui est beau, Nohar.
The events will always be ongoing, but for my first month I was getting enough for every banner easily so i'd say go for it and pull on Organics. You can view a list of all the upcoming events, including what loot is in the banners, at this site:
lol <3
So are Organics just relics that teach a character a SSB?
Also that banner site is useful, do the relic banners always correspond with the characters/games of the current event? Like I see FF6 coming up on Nov 4th, does that mean the relic banner for that period would be Celes/Setzer etc weapons?
Organics is just the name of Cloud's Super Soul Break <3
So are Organics just relics that teach a character a SSB?
Yes, for example the current banners focus on Cloud and Barrett since they are the 2 characters featured in this event.Also that banner site is useful, do the relic banners always correspond with the characters/games of the current event? Like I see FF6 coming up on Nov 4th, does that mean the relic banner for that period would be Celes/Setzer etc weapons?
Organics is the name of the weapon
Organics is just the name of Cloud's Super Soul Break weapon.
They are basically just normal soul break relics, except they give the stat bonus when mastered.
Yes, for example the current banners focus on Cloud and Barrett since they are the 2 characters featured in this event.
The next event focuses on Hope, Vanille and Snow and has new soul breaks for them.
Oh weird, I'll look again when I get home, but I thought the weapon was named something else but there was a small organics tag on the top of the box, so I thought that referred to a class of weapons of something.
Are Snow, Vanille, Lightning, or Hope actually any good? I looked around a bit and seems like Snow kinda sucks, I just got Lightning before I left. I'll pump some levels into them since I'm assuming I would want to run the event with FF13 characters anyway, but I've got my main 4 characters up to 40-42 so I need to start looking at who to level next.
Oh weird, I'll look again when I get home, but I thought the weapon was named something else but there was a small organics tag on the top of the box, so I thought that referred to a class of weapons of something.
Are Snow, Vanille, Lightning, or Hope actually any good? I looked around a bit and seems like Snow kinda sucks, I just got Lightning before I left. I'll pump some levels into them since I'm assuming I would want to run the event with FF13 characters anyway, but I've got my main 4 characters up to 40-42 so I need to start looking at who to level next.
Most characters have at least a few situations that they can shine in. Character quality is largely based upon their skill and equip sets. Vanille and Hope are both solid mages that can access 4* abilities in both Black and White magic, which gives them plenty of flexibility. Lightning is a solid Spellblade user that becomes even more dangerous if you acquire a quality gun, since she can then attack from the back row. Snow was pretty mediocre at the start (and still is, to a degree), but he's got Knight and Monk 5* and can now equip heavy armor, so he'll have some absurdly powerful and versatile skills coming up.
Vanille and Hope are very good mages and Lightning is a good spellblade. Snow is still fairly meh but he has an interest skillset and has been buffed I think twice now.
All four of them have very good relic SBs if you are lucky enough to get any of them.
I'm basically just exp and gil farming orbfest now so I can break all of my characters 50 cap.
I just want to see that screen empty D:
So for my clarification Organics would be considered a Super Soul Break weapon because you get a permanent stat boost when you learn it correct? The Soul Break being "Unique" doesn't specifically indicate that it's a Super Soul Break, it's the stat bonus that does right?
That is correct. In JP they just added the next tier (Burst Super Soul Break, or BSSB), and on top of the stat boosts, it modifies your character's attack and defense commands temporarily into new, strong attacks. But you don't have to worry about those for a long while.
Not sure I agree with how they're handling the X-2 characterization. A cosmetic change and access to guns (the BSSB remains magic damage) really doesn't shout 'gunner', not when she'll still hit like a wet noodle with physical attacks.
A couple of months ago I honestly expected:
- Costumes would literally change user's class
- Paladin/Dark Cecil get folded into 1 character (takes your highest level), class changeable
- Kain gets Holy Dragoon, etc.
- Current Rydia's loadout (Black 5) given to Adult Rydia costume, default Rydia has white magic (just like in the source)
- Characters from 3/5/Tactics could then have slightly more costumes to add to their versatility, but have a more limited set of abilities per costume
- FFXIII similarly has two roles (from the paradigm system) per character. Lightning gets additional stuff for the sequels.
I guess that'd make the game a little too complicated though, especially with only a subset of characters getting access to 6* abilities, etc.
edit: To add to all the speculation shenanigans, I honestly thought Zack was going to go somewhere. His weapon is labelled very distinctly VII-CC, but for all intents and purposes is VII synergy with no caveats. Wonder if the sub-realm spinoff idea was a thing at one point and got scrapped. Now that Gunner Yuna is literally just Yuna with exact same stats but can use guns, I think the answer to that is unfortunately a "yes".
50 mythril left for refreshes. Oh boy. The worst part is ending with 8-9 stamina and having to wait until you hit/spend 15 to do another refresh. At some point I'm just going to start refreshing immediately because damn
Or invent a new holiday. Happy Smarch-o-ween! 🎃OMG give me the Halloween lootttttt!
They really should give it to us otherwise we won't get it for another year lol
IT CHANGES THE SPRITE TO A PUMPKINStarts today - it's two free items, not a specific event or anything. Both items have FFX realm synergy, just in time for the upcoming Yuna event.
Pumpkin Ball (X) - no SB, but has a unique graphic change to a pumpkin ball
Witch Hat (X) - hat with SB "Black Magic" which temporarily raises MAG
Both items are 5* though are slightly weaker than other relics given that they are free items (the ball is 64 ATK at level 1 for instance, while Wakka's Multi Talent is 72 ATK; the witch hat is 36 DEF/70 RES and +18 MAG/+15 MND, while Lulu's Hairpin is 56 DEF/79 RES and +21 MAG/+20 MND at level 1).
Campaign runs until 11/13 so get your free stuff now!
The other part of the campaign is that there is special Halloween music until 11/6.
50 mythril left for refreshes. Oh boy. The worst part is ending with 8-9 stamina and having to wait until you hit/spend 15 to do another refresh. At some point I'm just going to start refreshing immediately because damn
Know that feel![]()
The Organics banner is an all around great banner with a good spread of items plus very useful shared SB armor (and has Organics), but Hope's banner is by far the best mage weapon banner (3 different mage weapons!) for a good few months.
If you're going to be as hardcore at this game as it appears you're going to be, you'd want to aim for mage weapons to a point where you're assured to be able to pull off mage meta. But then again, Organics.
Really tough decision.
Halloween Event:
I maxed those, mainly due to mediocre x synergy, but mediocre. I did pull agrias' ssb weapon, which is awesome.
I'm just autobattling with a random party of 5 goobers, only paying attention to phone every minute or so to start the next stage then waiting ~15 minutes to refresh from 0. Pretty much hands-off.
(entire roster is maxed level)
I thought the FFIX banner was better with 5 mage items?