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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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Im in dormant mode. Ill pull on lucky and save everything else for later. Having synergy means jack shit without shout or wall.

Don't know, man... With Cid's Missions, we cannot use both Shout and Wall anymore, which leads to challenging (and often frustrating) Ultimate and U+ battles.

I feel like now levels and hones are more important than synergy. Seriously, beating CM's BFA and U+ Sephiroth gave me a sense of accomplishment I haven't felt in a game in a long time, it's great.

In other news, did a 11-pull and got Rosa's Curaga + Magic Blink. Of course it's one of the top prizes but I wanted a offensive SB so bad... Last strings of 11-pull I got only one 5*, I'm just not very lucky right now.


Thought there was no way I'd be able to do the Sephiroth CM and I got it on my second try. I have only Zack's Buster Sword, but I didn't even use the SB. I used Shout and blew him up with R2 PC>FC, and had Cloud use retaliate with the draw fire from the Crystal Mail. Barret with Breakdowns, Vincent with Darkness abilities and Cait Sith healing with an HP accessory and shared medica. Came down to the wire, Cloud and Vincent were the only ones left alive and I got mastery anyway lol.


The only really sticky part of the Sephiroth CM is whether you're unlucky and he decides to blow you up with multiple meteor casts. It's pretty doable otherwise.


The only really sticky part of the Sephiroth CM is whether you're unlucky and he decides to blow you up with multiple meteor casts. It's pretty doable otherwise.

I was watching someone else try it a couple days ago for awhile without winning with way better gear than me, so I was pretty scared to even try. He did blow me up with Meteor the first time, but I burst him down pretty fast the second.
Come back from nearly 3 weeks. Lost the shout RWs I had and so far not found any replacements...the end part of this FFVII event (which I'm only part of thanks to the time extension) could be interesting.

I also did an 11 pull on the FFIV banner. 0/11...
Come back from nearly 3 weeks. Lost the shout RWs I had and so far not found any replacements...the end part of this FFVII event (which I'm only part of thanks to the time extension) could be interesting.

I also did an 11 pull on the FFIV banner. 0/11...


Mine will probably always be shout
3 major and 2 rm drops in 80 stam today, not bad!

I treated myself to a few pulls on rydia 1 netting me Edwards harp, Rosas bow and edges katana, so pretty pleased despite not getting Kains lance, I already have Cecil's bsb.

I found cid u+ sephiroth to be quite challenging until I honed wyvern blood to r4 and dragoon jump to r3, used by cid-I have his hyperjump sb. Dj hitting for 2x9999 at the end of the battle was quite satisfying, I put all my guys in the back, tifa with her boostga doing life siphon at half damage and chi blast, red with his shell ssb on breakdowns, cait sith healing and hasting with a shared heal and aerith with renewing cure, protecga and her healing wind sb, rw was a wall.

I tried a number of combinations that failed for one reason or another, double meteors ended a number of attempts. Yuffie with pumpkin ball was interesting but I need more homes for her as I don't have a sb for her to use.
Gah, I'm still toying with another pull in hopes of getting a sword or katana. My best (physical) IV synergy is spear, spear, axe; and only Bartz can equip any of them of my Soul Break characters. I guess him and Kain could be enough? I really don't want to tempt fate after that nice first pull though. But I have to admit, having my first 5★++ item be a harp would be a good laugh (after a good cry, natch).



Mine will probably be Shout til the meta shifts as well (assuming it does at some point while the community is still active).

For what it's worth, also put a bunch of MND stuff on him for the miniscule duration increase. I'm pretty sure it's a thing. Won't hurt anyway.


The meta is already moving towards elemental buff stacking, but that's a little more complicated to achieve than just RWing Shout.

Plus it doesn't conflict with Shout in a way that renders it obsolete.
Cheers for the shouts. If people need Apocalypse Shield (although it seems kind of unpopular; I might go back to divine guardian though I was really bad at changing gear for each event...naked Basch doesn't have that issue)...z2fd


Mine will probably always be shout


Mine will probably be Shout til the meta shifts as well (assuming it does at some point while the community is still active).

For what it's worth, also put a bunch of MND stuff on him for the miniscule duration increase. I'm pretty sure it's a thing. Won't hurt anyway.
Well in the past I decided not to summon or follow a Ramza with attack boosting gear and like 100 mind. Generally the ideal is the haste duration being the same but maybe slightly less is better so players can notice shout is about to wear off (the amount of times I've watched Lightning go and use her SSB right when this happens...).
Cheers for the shouts. If people need Apocalypse Shield (although it seems kind of unpopular; I might go back to divine guardian though I was really bad at changing gear for each event...naked Basch doesn't have that issue)...z2fd

Well in the past I decided not to summon or follow a Ramza with attack boosting gear and like 100 mind. Generally the ideal is the haste duration being the same but maybe slightly less is better so players can notice shout is about to wear off (the amount of times I've watched Lightning go and use her SSB right when this happens...).

Guess I'll apologize in advance since I gave my Ramza gear to maximize his mind :X


My FF4 synergy is so bad/non-existent that I had a hard time just getting Mastery on the Ultimate, dunno that I will even attempt the U+ (still have never been able to do one). Ideally I'd pull on one of the FF4 banners but I refuse to pull after my insane bad streaks without a guaranteed 5* on 11-pulls.

Really feel like I'm in a holding pattern until we get an orbfest, or at least guaranteed 5* (assuming we even get that?). I'm caught up on Classic dungeons, and with events I can always clear at least up to the Ultimate and almost always get Mastery on the Ultimate (wasn't able to on a couple of bad ones) so I'm at least getting all the characters/MC lodes/accessories, just missing out on major orbs and 6* crystals. I'm tempted to start up FFBE but don't know that I have it in me to start over on another gacha game, although at least that one is just starting and I wouldn't be playing ~7 months of catchup like I did FFRK.
Well, CM for IV were pretty painless, Mastery on both. Native Hastega from Edward and the Boostga from Decil really helped opening RW options. Shared AoE SB are so pitiful, 1500 HP with crazy MND is not too helpful when you are getting AoE spammed.

Upcoming weeks will be harsh, though. For VIII I have Machine Gun and 2 Shared SB armors. For IX I have Thunder Gloves and 1 Shared Armor. Best weapon usable by most for both realms are 1 4*++ dagger. Will make one pull on one of the IX banner and maybe a few singles on the VIII banners. Not looking forward to the CMs!


100gems pull gave me something. I'm shocked. o.o


Eh, yeah, I believe I would have prefered another Dark Glove. Great stat stick, I guess?


Beat the Yellow haired tornado girl. Battle kind of drew out longer than I wanted though. But once I finally got Tyro's BSB (Shell/Protect/debuffs) + Full Break + Magic Break + Steal Power + RW SG up - she could barely scratch my team.

Yuffie's Gauntlet and Zack's Airstrike don't hit too hard even with shout. Both doing only around 15K-ish. Tyro's Stormlance came through with 4 x 8.5K. Aerith just stood back, dispelled and cured. Also, had like no Synergy weapons.
Barbariccia and Asura & Leviathan mastery and Cid Mission parties:

Soulbreaks used: Rising Drive, Soul Eater, Divine Favor, Balm (Edward Default, healed for like 2.5k with Elven Bow--not bad)

Lost a damage medal against Barbariccia. I tapped through my Leviathan medals so I'm not sure what I missed, but I am guessing two damage and one KO medal. Leviathan got ugly and only Kain and Rosa were alive at the end. Rydia was dead pretty much from round 2 onwards, but her Maduin only did like 4.5k damage anyway, so it wasn't a huge loss. I couldn't give her Flare because I was running Reflect instead of Dispel/Banishing Strike. I imagine a Runic RW is useful if you can afford it because the single-target Blizzaga damage is the most threatening. Should've brought ice-resist accessories, I suppose.


Beat valvalis but had to use a mythril on accident. She wiped me before i could force close, reopened to a dead party.

7 wind orbs is nice and the rosetta stone and accessory. Great deal for 1 mythril.

Brought Auron, Beatrix, Yuna, Tyro, and Fang. Leeching leap heals for way more than i thought it would. 2k is nice. Used a shout rw.

Won't even try an ult+. 1 stamina but i get smoked every time.

I like shadow, so i burn my rosetta stones on his ssb knife. 4/20 so far.


It took a while, but I beat the U+. I was almost out of abilities by the end. Of course, I forgot to bring any kind of slow ability to use on Asura, so I only got a clear. :/
It took a while, but I beat the U+. I was almost out of abilities by the end. Of course, I forgot to bring any kind of slow ability to use on Asura, so I only got a clear. :/

I had to start focus firing Leviathan because Asura was almost dead and Tempo Flurry hadn't succeeded yet.


that puzzling face
Let's see. For FFIV I have Golbez SB, Dark Cecil SB, Tellah SB.

But what the heck those aren't SSBs and this game taught me that I don't need SBs anyway so I'll just bring other people instead. And Shout RW because screw everything.

But I forgot something very important



I also just realized Leeching Leap has 2 uses, but I somehow managed to magically predict when Barb was gonna Cyclone and both times she used it while Kain was in the air.




Yeah Kain ok.
U+ Cid Mission down with mage meta thanks to Edward's harp. No SBs besides Edward's, but thundaja, DZ, and bahamut with boosted MAG do pretty decent damage. Have to do the U one next which I imagine won't be much of a problem.
Edit: Ultimate down first attempt. It's been nice running a mage party outside of nightmare dungeons for the first time in months. I've been running a pure physical team + boostga/hastega since getting Lunatic High, Boon, and Planet Protector back in October and moved onto Shout once that dropped.
Couldn't wait for the dragoon abilities so I got them both to R2 along with Powerchain. Was supposed to collect for R2 Full Break but said "screw it".

Absolutely destroyed U with minimal synergy (Cecil Excalibur, Glove, Tyro had Rosa's bow) thanks to them. Cid can be a powerhouse with these two and Hyperjump.

But man, U+ is infuriating. Realistically you need that one lucky break to get through the fight well but Asura keeps on screwing me over and over again. Always dispelling the one person I don't want dispelled. Countering 90% of the time. Deluge and Blizzaja hitting just as mitigation/shellga run out. Not to mention Asura casting Curaja at low health putting you always just on the verge of beating it but not quite.

The one time the fight went smoothly was when Leviathan was literally a hit away from death then cast back to back Deluge and RIPed me.

EDIT: Cheezed it. https://imgur.com/a/KjnKQ

Asura killed Aerith just before biting the bullet and Deluge killed everyone else but Cecil when Levi was at 30%. Luckily not before I pulled an SG and Shellga out of my ass which kept damage to peanuts while the burst attack command hit for 9999 with heals. Damn, that was difficult.



Yeah Kain ok.

I also got Kain's RM2 after the Barb fight, lol.

Also, I decided to do another 11 pull after seeing a mythril counter thread on reddit that showed we will get plenty of mythril in time for Support Nightmare Lucky draw. Got 2 rainbows, an off-banner Edincoat VII, which is actually my first 5* armor for VII so i'm happy to get it... and 2nd rainbow was Excalibur! Finally got a IV sword, and it's the best one! So happy right now!

I'm kind of in shock because I got the 4 best relics on this banner and no dupes after three 11 pulls. Rosa's and Edward's on 1st 11 pull, Kain's on 2nd, and now Pecil's. I feel like my next three 11 pulls are probably gonna all be 0/11 to balance out this luck.


After more restarts then I can count, I finally finished the U+ Cid Mission, now to wait til tomorrow for the U CM.


{Edge}[R3 Dismissal | R2 Doppelblade](Eblan Dual Wield)<Ace Striker>
{D. Cecil}[R4 Lifesiphon | R3 Full Charge](Soul Eater)<Dr. Mog's Teachings>
{Golbez}[R3 Dark Zone | R3 Memento Mori](Black Fang)<Dark Fate>
{Edward}[R2 Full Break | R3 Magic Breakdown](Fabled Song)<Mako Might>
{Tellah}[R4 Curaja | R1 Slowga](Font of Wisdom)<Battleforged>

RW - Mighty Guard

This had everything I hate in a boss battle, Buffs, Debuffs, Dispelling, and healing itself several times while it has a sliver of health left. Oh and Leviathan was there too I suppose. Didn't have much issue with him.


that puzzling face
U+ mastery with 2 men standing. Actually didn't expect it with the IV team for a Major Orb.

This really is a thing now, lol.


Whats some good ninja abilities? Shadow has his ssb so i hit him up for leg day today and got him to level 69.

Time to bring in fresh recruits. Was using luneth because i had his tyrfing as well as cloud but just because he was level 80. Now i got more than 5 people with decent soul breaks so ill be using Seifer, Shadow, Auron, Yuna, Fang, Beatrix, Vanille in some fashion.

Need to figure out what to do with sabin. His dragon claws give a decent boostega, opening up maybe a wall rw, but i atill like the haste from shout.


Whats some good ninja abilities? Shadow has his ssb so i hit him up for leg day today and got him to level 69.

Phantasm is the most useful, but that's a MAG skill.

Flurry of Petals is ok, but you'd honestly be better off just giving Shadow Lifesiphon and Dismissal/Tempo Flurry since their use cases are far broader.


Goddammit, nearly forgot about the Cid Missions. Pokemon Go is taking over my life.


I've got weird but good synergy for VII (it basically consists of a crapload of fists and a hairpin.) Attempted to use Yuffie and Tifa, but I was taking way more damage than my healers could keep up with, so I opted for a more back row team. Looking back at this screen shot, I'm an idiot for not exploring Cait Sith more. Could've used Kirin instead of Memento of Prayer.


My IV gear is pretty great, (thank you Kain for equipping Swords). Honed Dragoon Jump to R3 and smacked Leviathan silly.
Eight days between events is too much, particularly when it's been months since the last orb fest. Man I need to crank out levels, even cores were maxed after last time and now I'm egging characters for the cid missions- not good.

Dungeon update tomorrow though and then the viii event viii mote dungeon and nightmare as well as the v event in the next two weeks, so a bit more action packed than we've had.

Viii event- no dragoon which is what Ive relied heavily on the past two cid u+ missions. I have revolver + betrayal sword + as well as Lagunas machine gun, selphie's dreamstage, quistis mighty guard and edeas mag up hat, so I'm not hurting for stat sticks obviously, but physical offensive sbs not available other than for Laguna. Mages may be the way to go, I have two selphie rods and the whip. I haven't explored the dark arts, perhaps I will with seifer for this go around.
Viii event- no dragoon which is what Ive relied heavily on the past two cid u+ missions. I have revolver + betrayal sword + as well as Lagunas machine gun, selphie's dreamstage, quistis mighty guard and edeas mag up hat, so I'm not hurting for stat sticks obviously, but physical offensive sbs not available other than for Laguna. Mages may be the way to go, I have two selphie rods and the whip. I haven't explored the dark arts, perhaps I will with seifer for this go around.

FF8 ultimates should be relatively mage friendly. They still skew RES, but neither have magic counters or Silence or whatever--in fact, the Ultimate uses Blind which mages can just ignore altogether. The Ultimate is also a group fight, which favors a summoner Rinoa, but you should still bring Laguna for that AoE slow.


FFIV banners have been really good to me.

On the first banner, did a 100 gem pull - got Artemis Bow, which is what I wanted.

Felt kinda lucky so I figured why not, I have some extra mythril, so I did a 3 pull - got Excalibur and Kotetsu.

On the second set of banners, did a 100 gem pull and got Dark Gloves.

Out of 5 pulls, I got 4 five star relics. That really kind of put me over the top for this round of FFIV and the content was a breeze.


FFIV banners have been really good to me.

On the first banner, did a 100 gem pull - got Artemis Bow, which is what I wanted.

Felt kinda lucky so I figured why not, I have some extra mythril, so I did a 3 pull - got Excalibur and Kotetsu.

On the second set of banners, did a 100 gem pull and got Dark Gloves.

Out of 5 pulls, I got 4 five star relics. That really kind of put me over the top for this round of FFIV and the content was a breeze.

Id have to pull 10 times that to get 1 5 star :(

Edit: you got me fiending to pull so i did, 1st 3 pull, junk. 2nd 3 pull got me artemis bow!

Looking at this thing, seems like a damn amazing medica, is that correct? Group curaga plus magic blink for everyone?

2nd edit: and as luck would have it i have rosa at level 65 already.


Id have to pull 10 times that to get 1 5 star :(

Edit: you got me fiending to pull so i did, 1st 3 pull, junk. 2nd 3 pull got me artemis bow!

Looking at this thing, seems like a damn amazing medica, is that correct? Group curaga plus magic blink for everyone?

2nd edit: and as luck would have it i have rosa at level 65 already.

I don't know if I should feel good or bad about being an enabler.!

It's a pretty legit SSB. Rosa is going to replace Lenna as my main healer. Gotta love that blink.
I don't know if I should feel good or bad about being an enabler.!

It's a pretty legit SSB. Rosa is going to replace Lenna as my main healer. Gotta love that blink.

I got the thing too. Honestly, I think I'm gonna use it on Tyro more than anyone as it's a nice weapon capable of helping with trash mobs while helping with MND. Having 4 Medicas + a Magic Blink with Aerith gives me that luxury I guess. I may change my mind but I think Portrait of Lakshmi is the better choice here due to heavy Regen unless the boss is really spammy with magic.


Id have to pull 10 times that to get 1 5 star :(

Edit: you got me fiending to pull so i did, 1st 3 pull, junk. 2nd 3 pull got me artemis bow!

Looking at this thing, seems like a damn amazing medica, is that correct? Group curaga plus magic blink for everyone?

2nd edit: and as luck would have it i have rosa at level 65 already.

It's quite good. Magic Blink is one of the best secondary effects on a heal SB, and Rosa's Support 4 means she can carry Wrath or a Breakdown as need be.


It's quite good. Magic Blink is one of the best secondary effects on a heal SB, and Rosa's Support 4 means she can carry Wrath or a Breakdown as need be.

Oh snap. She can use wrath? That changes everything. I have wrath but only tyro could use it of the characters i use and he still only has his stock sb.
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