Yay Kain's lance, my first SSB on my favorite character!
Im in dormant mode. Ill pull on lucky and save everything else for later. Having synergy means jack shit without shout or wall.
Im in dormant mode. Ill pull on lucky and save everything else for later. Having synergy means jack shit without shout or wall.
The only really sticky part of the Sephiroth CM is whether you're unlucky and he decides to blow you up with multiple meteor casts. It's pretty doable otherwise.
Come back from nearly 3 weeks. Lost the shout RWs I had and so far not found any replacements...the end part of this FFVII event (which I'm only part of thanks to the time extension) could be interesting.
I also did an 11 pull on the FFIV banner. 0/11...
Mine will probably always be shout
Mine will probably always be shout
Well in the past I decided not to summon or follow a Ramza with attack boosting gear and like 100 mind. Generally the ideal is the haste duration being the same but maybe slightly less is better so players can notice shout is about to wear off (the amount of times I've watched Lightning go and use her SSB right when this happens...).9gto
Mine will probably be Shout til the meta shifts as well (assuming it does at some point while the community is still active).
For what it's worth, also put a bunch of MND stuff on him for the miniscule duration increase. I'm pretty sure it's a thing. Won't hurt anyway.
Cheers for the shouts. If people need Apocalypse Shield (although it seems kind of unpopular; I might go back to divine guardian though I was really bad at changing gear for each event...naked Basch doesn't have that issue)...z2fd
Well in the past I decided not to summon or follow a Ramza with attack boosting gear and like 100 mind. Generally the ideal is the haste duration being the same but maybe slightly less is better so players can notice shout is about to wear off (the amount of times I've watched Lightning go and use her SSB right when this happens...).
Won't even try an ult+. 1 stamina but i get smoked every time.
It took a while, but I beat the U+. I was almost out of abilities by the end. Of course, I forgot to bring any kind of slow ability to use on Asura, so I only got a clear. :/
Yeah Kain ok.
Whats some good ninja abilities? Shadow has his ssb so i hit him up for leg day today and got him to level 69.
Why these events feel like they're taking forever?![]()
Beat the FF4 event. Got Kain's SSB. Is it any good? I bumped him in level and included him in the fights to test him out, but never got the chance to use it.
Viii event- no dragoon which is what Ive relied heavily on the past two cid u+ missions. I have revolver + betrayal sword + as well as Lagunas machine gun, selphie's dreamstage, quistis mighty guard and edeas mag up hat, so I'm not hurting for stat sticks obviously, but physical offensive sbs not available other than for Laguna. Mages may be the way to go, I have two selphie rods and the whip. I haven't explored the dark arts, perhaps I will with seifer for this go around.
FFIV banners have been really good to me.
On the first banner, did a 100 gem pull - got Artemis Bow, which is what I wanted.
Felt kinda lucky so I figured why not, I have some extra mythril, so I did a 3 pull - got Excalibur and Kotetsu.
On the second set of banners, did a 100 gem pull and got Dark Gloves.
Out of 5 pulls, I got 4 five star relics. That really kind of put me over the top for this round of FFIV and the content was a breeze.
Id have to pull 10 times that to get 1 5 star
Edit: you got me fiending to pull so i did, 1st 3 pull, junk. 2nd 3 pull got me artemis bow!
Looking at this thing, seems like a damn amazing medica, is that correct? Group curaga plus magic blink for everyone?
2nd edit: and as luck would have it i have rosa at level 65 already.
I don't know if I should feel good or bad about being an enabler.!
It's a pretty legit SSB. Rosa is going to replace Lenna as my main healer. Gotta love that blink.
Id have to pull 10 times that to get 1 5 star
Edit: you got me fiending to pull so i did, 1st 3 pull, junk. 2nd 3 pull got me artemis bow!
Looking at this thing, seems like a damn amazing medica, is that correct? Group curaga plus magic blink for everyone?
2nd edit: and as luck would have it i have rosa at level 65 already.
It's quite good. Magic Blink is one of the best secondary effects on a heal SB, and Rosa's Support 4 means she can carry Wrath or a Breakdown as need be.
2nd 3 pull got me artemis bow!
Who are you and what have you done with Anustart?