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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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I'm so damn happy we are getting an Orb Fest soon. I'm low on Mythril, but I'm going to farm the Wind phase hard. If I can pull in 38 Major Wind then I can R3 Thief's Revenge. Then I'll have Thief's Revenge, Powerchain, Full Charge, Saint Cross, Dragoon Jump and Dark Zone all at R3.

This will open up some good, non-SB reliant, DPS combo options for Cid Missions:

Powerchain + Full Charge
Gau, Zack, Tidus, Lightning

Powerchain + Thief's Revenge
Leila, Locke, Zidane, Rikku, Vaan, Thancred

Dark Bargain + Full Charge
Leon, Dark Cecil, Sephiroth, Seifer, Jecht

Saint Cross + Full Charge
Warrior of Light, Leon, Paladin Cecil, Gilgamesh, Edgar, Seifer, Steiner, Beatrix, Basch, Snow, Agrias

Blood Wyvern + Dragoon Jump
Ricard, Kain, Cid, Freya, Kimahri, Fang

Momento Mori + Dark Zone
Golbez, Exdeath, Kefka, Vincent, Edea, Kuja

I'm debating if Explosive Fist should be the next skill I get and hone. If I do so then I can start utilizing Monks more. The biggest beneficiaries would be Jecht, Refia, Zell, Yda, Galuf (I have his Boostga + Invuln SBs) and Tifa (I have her Boostga SB).


I'm debating if Explosive Fist should be the next skill I get and hone. If I do so then I can start utilizing Monks more. The biggest beneficiaries would be Jecht, Refia, Zell, Yda, Galuf (I have his Boostga + Invuln SBs) and Tifa (I have her Boostga SB).

I think Meteor Crush would be better if you want to use Monks in Cid Missions. Does more damage, has a valuable +50% boost to the user, which is great if you need to RW Wall or something else and since it's Earth elemental, it plays nicely with Yang's Imperil Earth/Tifa's EnEarth upcoming SBs.

It's a while off, but Second Wind Cannon is amazing as well.
I know that the game has it against me for 100 gems pulls but I would appreciate if the rare time I can get a 5* on it, it could be on banners for realm where I really need synergy. Thank you useless staff #12727826 from FFXII, really needed you here. CM is going down!
Did another 11x pull on the FFIV banner and got a Luminous Robe and another Dream Harp.
I guess the shared Shellga SB would be good for Cid Missions.
Thoughts on whether I should combine the two harps? They're the only 5* FFIV weapons I have, but I do have a 4*++ Dancing Dagger.


Is the synergy spreadsheet still around and up to date? I think I have enough native 5* stuff now that I can start selling 2++, 3++, and 4++ junk.


that puzzling face
I'd imagine Pokemon Go is destroying the attention of several other f2p games right now. Not shocked in the slightest.

The only game that wouldn't see numbers drop from Pokemon Go would be Dota2

Insert other old Steamspy joke here


Well shit. My first BSB.
I was secretly hoping for Vega/Ulysees because lord does Irvine need help.


EDIT: Holy shit, Laguna's 2nd SSB (Freezing Barrage) looks amazing (on top of Imperil Ice). I want it even more now!


Think I'll do an 11 pull on the second banner since the relics are all fairly good (well, except Zell's) and my FFVIII synergy is horrible.
I got greedy and went for another eleven pull on the IV banner and came up 0/11.

That's been happening a lot to me lately, but I can't complain since I think my overall luck has been quite nice.

Still stings tho.


Yay! Only took me two pulls to get Rinoa's BSSB!



This game knows I'm a huge Rinoa fan I guess. I might hold off on more pulls until Seifer's weapon is released so I can try for that first.

The amazing part isn't the two Rinoa weapons. It's that you also managed to pull the only two 4* FFVIII items in the entire pool.


lol thanks guys :p

I got tempted and did another couple pulls and was able to get Quistis's Beast Killer and Selphies Scorpion Tail. I wanted Laguna's but that's okay. Time to wait for Seifer's banner to drop and then start the save game for Selphie's event.
Hey, with this event I finally have as many MC2 lodes as I'd need to unlock them all.
Any reason not to do that? Like, a bunch of new MC2s being added in the near future?


I'm drowning in VIII synergy and still I do a 3 pull, sigh.

I got Laguna's SSB so I'm not complaining. I have all of Edea's SBs too, so mote Ifrit should have a hard time against me lol


Okay I got extremely lucky to get this on my first pull on Seifer banner considering it was my last 50 pull:

I'm going to upgrade everything and finish off this amazing event. I might do a paid pull at some point to try and get Laguna and Irvines guns but otherwise I have pretty much every VIII relic on both banners. I'm also now back to hoarding mythril for next VIII event :(
Propagators and Bahamut mastery parties:

Limit breaks used: Freezing Barrage, Crescent Wish, Shared Protectga, Shared Group Cure, Canister Shot

I'm pretty well geared so these fights were super easy for me. Missed a damage medal for both encounters. Not sure the Blind Shell did a lot against Bahamut, but it was capping with Full Break and Canister Shot, so the damage was still good. Should've given Seifer something more offensive, because Magic Lure neutered the Thundajas more than enough by itself (which is also good for controlling the Stops too). Flare was hitting for 9.2k or so when Canister Shot was active, so that worked pretty well even though Rinoa was equipped with a white mage weapon.

Ifrit should come out in a few days. I should be able to clear him, but an FF8 party seems unlikely even though I have some good gear. We'll see, though. By my math, I can get Piercing Strike to hit him for 8.5k, which ain't half bad considering others will struggle against 3.8k DEF and RES.


CM Ultimate

Rinoa's BSB is tailor made for this fight and I feel dirty for using it. Edea kicked the bucket before getting even one Dark Zone off but I said "fuck it", due to how difficult it was for Quistis to stick Slow on them. Quistis RD White 4 when.


CM Ultimate +

I did this initially thinking this was the most tame and boring U+ ever. No surprises, no cool mechanics, just Bahamut and 3 attacks basically. Then the Mega Flare spam started to happen...

Swapped out Squall for Quistis because Full Charge/random ability wasn't working to my favour. Why are all the Ff8 characters so awkward to use.



Man, the power creep is real, these Ultimates were a joke to my chars. Mastery with full medals and no Wall whatosever, for the Propagators I didn't even heal once. Bahamut did cast a couple of Ultimate Megaflares, but with FB+MD they were hitting for 1.5ks, high regen was enough to heal that.

I'm in a spot now that I can easily master most of the Ultimates but I still can't do the Cid missions. Essentially I'm a month out of sync xD


Managed to do the CMs even with my really poor FFVIII synergy. First time I didn't simultaneously get the mastery though; came down to the wire with Bahamut in particular.

Not even going to try the Ifrit CM for some time. I'm just hoping I can clear it at all.
So apparently the slow mechanics are not half opponents speed stat as I thought they were but rather double the time their ATB bar takes to fill which considering it is basically no time for Ultimate+ Bahamut makes that medal condition feel like "ha ha you have to waste a slot on something useless".

Though I'm not quite there yet and I just know the Propagators are going to make me annoyed that I have no Cloud's Goggles.


CM for the ultimate got mastered. Not as much problems as I'd thought I'd have and that Seifer Jacket is fairly handy. I limped through the last propagator with no abilities left and everybody hitting like a dead wet rabbit but scraped by because I had that on seifer with battleforged and could keep renewing the resistance. Bahamut seems actually a little less painful damage wise. Got him to 1/3 health on my first go. I'm not too stressed about the CM there as the stamina cost is grand that I can experiment and hit and run I necessary.


Had no Wall in my CM line up for Bahamut, and figured "why not, I'll give it a go!". Ran with shout.

Fight was pretty easy going, stop missed on all his casts, and then when it was down to just one more hit on Bahamut, he casts Megaflare and wipes my two remaining characters.

Really trying to master it in one go with the CM team so I don't have to go back with my A-Team to wipe the floor with him.


Okay finished everything but Bahamut which was obviously all incredibly easy. I have so many ice moves and I want Laguna's so I can just destroy Ifrit with Laguna, Squall, Rinoa, Selphie and Edea.

Do people want me to put up Rinoa's BSSB for ifrit?
Went 0 for on my 50-pull from this banner. My FF8 curse continues. Pretty sure Wazzy is stealing all my FF8 relics.

The relics are with their Queen;
Many Mythril have been hurled;
God’s in His heaven—
All’s right with the world!


seems completely normal
On my first pull it's kind of lucky! Second is usually where I get something good lol


So apparently the slow mechanics are not half opponents speed stat as I thought they were but rather double the time their ATB bar takes to fill which considering it is basically no time for Ultimate+ Bahamut makes that medal condition feel like "ha ha you have to waste a slot on something useless".

Though I'm not quite there yet and I just know the Propagators are going to make me annoyed that I have no Cloud's Goggles.

Yeah, slow (and haste, for that matter) are rather pointless on anything with 550+ SPD, which is basically every U and U+ boss.

Propagators rarely cast blind and its hit rate is low. You can leave it to RNG and get by.


Okay I got extremely lucky to get this on my first pull on Seifer banner considering it was my last 50 pull:

I'm going to upgrade everything and finish off this amazing event. I might do a paid pull at some point to try and get Laguna and Irvines guns but otherwise I have pretty much every VIII relic on both banners. I'm also now back to hoarding mythril for next VIII event :(

I got Selphie + Irvine SSB and Squall's jacket. I was hesitant to pull since I was burned on a banner last week but I'll start playing more (and posting here) if FFXIV doesn't distract me more.



I got Selphie + Irvine SSB and Squall's jacket. I was hesitant to pull since I was burned on a banner last week but I'll start playing more (and posting here) if FFXIV doesn't distract me more.

Those are awesome relics to get so congratulations! VIII events always pull me back in fully and I love it.
Yeah, slow (and haste, for that matter) are rather pointless on anything with 550+ SPD, which is basically every U and U+ boss.

Propagators rarely cast blind and its hit rate is low. You can leave it to RNG and get by.
The Ultimate went fine doing Cid mission. They also used blind once and it didn't target my only physical party member anyway. I basically did this strategy:
Few minor equipment changes aside I subbed Seifer for Squall (replacing draw fire with a spellblade), Valefor on Rinoa, Waterja on Edea (also Blizzaga, only one copy of Blizzaja which was put on Quistis...thinking it through would have been better if they swapped), lightning resists for all and had slightly lower hones overall. Rinoa, despite having 400 magic (7* cardinal), was only doing 5k total with her summons.

Not surprisingly, I lost one action medal (Rinoa was stick with nothing to do but build up SB at the end using attack to do like 700 damage and Selhpie was sitting around doing nothing as I'd run out of slowga and nobody needed healing).
Will be interesting to see if mote ifrit is nerfed. I have the mitigation, mighty guard and dreamstage, but I'm not sure how good my offense will be, thinking going Mage heavy with edea and her hastega sb, since I can have quistis firing blizzajas and breakdowns. Irvine with full break and another breakdown and seifer on magic lure and some other non offense knight ability.
Mote Ifrit has been hyped like the second coming based on difficulty. Usually such bosses don't end up being such an impossible problem for a fully leveled, decently honed party with a decent amount of trinity. Caius was such case I remember and people, despite his speed, did mostly alright, with some being disappointed in the end as they expected him to be harder. Couldn't judge personally as I was just beginning to tackle regular Ultimates with success at that point.

Now that I have been decently mastering Ultimate+ fights for the last 4-5 events, I have a feeling I'm gonna have hell(fire) if the hype turns out to be real. Despite mastering events, it was always, always (maybe not with Titan) a case of just barely making it because of decent RNG and rarely with a fully alive party. If this Ifrit is a whole level above that I think it may be just pushing it for me.

Oh well, no written rule I have to smash them all.


can't grow facial hair
Skip the physical attackers for Ifrit unless you are using Minus Strike. Barely Mastered it with a FF8 party with fantastic synergy(Mighty Guard + Dreamstage + Wishing Star). Biggest mistake was bringing Squall for this fight. I should have just broken down more Major Ice Orbs for a third blizzaja. Good luck to everyone else.


I don't think I can skate by Ifrit with my meh FF8 synergy. I'd need some kind of multi hit ice SB to make up for it and I don't have that either.

Oh well. He'll be back.
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