edit: The bow is great for stacking mitigation.
As an alternative to cleansing strike/full break/breakdowns or in addition to cleansing strike/full break/breakdowns?
As an alternative to cleansing strike/full break/breakdowns or in addition to cleansing strike/full break/breakdowns?
Fran's is a dupe. Should I just combine it with my old one for a 5*+? I don't foresee much use for two of them.
edit: The bow is great for stacking mitigation.
As an alternative to cleansing strike/full break/breakdowns or in addition to cleansing strike/full break/breakdowns?
It overwrites any other SB that reduces Attack/Magic (e.g. Cleansing Strike) but stacks with the others.
What you got does DEF/RES down, mitigation by killing faster I guess. Stacks with Armor and Mental Breaks.
2 new Soul breaks for me at least. Not bad at all...
Are you fucking kidding me.
Lucky draw gave me 11 three star relics.
I thought something was wrong with my phone, like it was lagging and didn't have time to download the color for the orbs.
Yup.Be aware that Official Ball's SB sucks dick. Its duration is less than a break ability, while most other break SBs last 25 seconds.
Oops, he's right. I'm thinking of Yoichi's Bow, which is ATK/MAG. Yeah, you got the DEF/RES which a similar debuff to Wakka/Fran's DEF/RES debuff SBs.
it's beautiful
(wru SSBs)
So, I haven't been playing seriously for over one year I think, but I did a lucky draw roll in-game after Falk came to the GBF discord chat and I got Ramza's Platinum Sword (FFT). I have no idea what Super Soul Breaks are D:;
So, I haven't been playing seriously for over one year I think, but I did a lucky draw roll in-game after Falk came to the GBF discord chat and I got Ramza's Platinum Sword (FFT). I have no idea what Super Soul Breaks are D:;
I already have Fran's SSB![]()
Disclaimer: I'm pretty new at this and I stopped really paying attention at the 17th different character improvement mechanic the game tried to explain to me.
I'm currently... 'Attuning' two relic skills to my characters. Odin to Rydia and Braver to Cloud. I was wondering: why do they have such different XP requirements?
Rydia's Odin is classified as a "Super Soul Break" (think of Soul Breaks as Limit Breaks/Trance/Overdrive from the mainline FF games). In addition to generally being much stronger than normal "Soul Breaks", they bestow a permanent stat boost to the learner of the SSB. In this case, it increases Rydia's magic by +10. So it requires more XP to learn by virtue of being stronger.
Cloud's Braver comes from an old relic where the damage/effects of the Soul Break generally are unspectacular.
Super Soul Breaks are like regular soul breaks, but are given the special name because they are, usually, far more powerful than the non-super soul breaks.
Thats all to it. Tiers above SSB do have differences, though
1/11. Got Traitor's Bow for Fran. What does it stack with? Seems like a win for big time, as I was bringing Tyro along and all he could do was Full Break.
It's basically Full Breakdown, so everything Full Break stacks with.
Fuck me. I need to stop looking at Reddit during Lucky Pull season.
Got Barret's Gattling gun and Quina's fork for Shellga+Protetcga, relics older than Jesus. Guess they are useful as stat sticks, specially Barret's, now I can bring one of my gun users (Laguna and Balthier) to VII realms from the back row.
I have the same "problem". My A-Team is 3 SSB users + Tyro on Support (FB+MB/PB) and HotF Yuna or SSB Garnet w/ Shared Medica. I RW Shout and, as such, find myself unable to use both Wall and Tyro's BSB. Thus, I have barely ever actually used his BSB. ¯\_(ツI now have the worst 1st World Problem. I've no idea how to effectively use both Tyro's wall and BSB aside from lifesiphooning him which is... I dunno, eh?
Unfortunately, you can bring Barret or Tyro. Relic is a Gun-Arm. :/
Trigger warning: https://www.reddit.com/r/FFRecordKe...i_must_be_fated_to_be_a_support_or_something/Fuck me. I need to stop looking at Reddit during Lucky Pull season.
For one week only!Added to the Gysahl Greens shop:
3x Mythril (1000 greens each)
5x each 4* Mote (1000 greens each; 25000 greens total)
1x Royal Scepter (X) (8000 greens)
1x Celebration Blade (X) (8000 greens)
Note that if you tap+hold on the equipment, the game actually crashes?
EDIT: Please note that the double greens campaign, AND these items, will vanish on the 3rd of next month; so don't slack!
Hope you people have been saving your greens:
For one week only!
Some people on reddit seem to think keeping the Scepters separate is a good move if that is your only shared medica (I guess not counting celebration book?) though I'm not sure if you're struggling with a cid mission that two non-RS shared medica are going to do a lot for you...