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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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Was able to Master CM Ultimate with my very poor synergy. However, even with 2 WHM spamming cures, I can't survive U+ when he spams AoE non-stop. This will be a boring S/L fest until he single attacks a bit more. This last run was 7 AoE in a row almost right from the start... Boring... Bitch is spamming Tidal Wave for 2-3K per character with Breakdowns and Shellga applied... Then Twister does ~3K at 50%.
Was able to Master CM Ultimate with my very poor synergy. However, even with 2 WHM spamming cures, I can't survive U+ when he spams AoE non-stop. This will be a boring S/L fest until he single attacks a bit more. This last run was 7 AoE in a row almost right from the start... Boring... Bitch is spamming Tidal Wave for 2-3K per character with Breakdowns and Shellga applied... Then Twister does ~3K at 50%.

I have great synergy and I can't survive the ult + with a cid mission team. If I go with wall I can't damage him fast enough before both wall cast end, if I go with shout I can't keep my HP up.

My synergy for those interested

Zidane's ssb
Beateix first sword
Steiner's first sword
Vivi's first rod and ssb (not using him cause gravity)
Eiko's tiara, emerald light, and ssb

Seems like my only chance is to get lucky and have the boss mostly use physicals. 2-3 aoes in a row is death
I beat the CM U+ with Mastery finally, there was a lot of AoE but just enough Single Attack going to Beatrix with Draw Fire. I was about to probably wipe when Steiner saved the day with Double Spellblade RM kicking in for the kill... That was intense!

Worst is I pulled Amarant Boostga with my 100 gems pull and it was great for the Ultimate, allowed me to RW Tyro BSB while hasting people manually. For U+, I just could not fit him in my party because of double WHM.




U+ Cid Mission got a little hairy but I pulled it off. Not sure how to do it without wall and/or lots of luck given how hard Tidal Wave hits.

Here's my team in case anyone is interested:

Bah just got mastery with my a team maybe after Sunday I'll try the ult + cm again apparently I didn't get Eiko's ssb mastered which is unfortunate and everyone being at 65 before realm synergy isn't getting the job done. I know I can beat it with this team like I could have beaten mote ifrit with a cm team but the pure s/l for everything to go my way just isn't fun.



I don't even really like IX or Steiner but I gotta admit that BSB is baller.

Damn the guaranteed 5* being translated. I was going to pull on banner 2 because my physical RS for IX is pretty bad (Steiner's Defender and a 4*++ dagger, that's it), but now if I pull and get 0/11 i will be so pissed at myself for not waiting... don't know what to do.
I found ultimate + to be easier for me than the ultimate, u+ didn't require a single sl, u took a few bc I messed up my build a bit

Eiko curaga Shellga withering wind sb
Steiner blizzaga strike Aeroga strike no sb
Beatrix Saint cross draw fire seiken shock ssb
Freya Magic and power breakdowns default sb used for regen
Garnet curaja protecga default sb used at end
Shout rw

Easier when I have ragnarok, orichalcum, and zorlin dagger as well as a hypno crown + protect vest adamantium vest, and thunder gloves. Strong both melee offense and defense in this realm.

Rms played a vital role here, double spell blades kicked in a number of times as did the double heal. Freya used quinas support attack + to,do really nice damage, 6k per shouted hit, beatrxpix used the sb charging one damage/ability use to use seiken shock 3 times.

The u was the first battle in a long time that eikos withering wind was actually very useful, I used that in lieu of breakdowns.
Cut it really close on CM Nova Dragon. Ran out of abilities. Forgot to refresh Shellga earlier, which I didn't realize until a tidal wave hit me for 3k or somesuch, but it left me in a position where I had to really debate between Shellga and group Cure (I chose the Cure, but I would've wiped if Nova Dragon used another tidal wave no matter what choice was made). I also gave Eiko Curaga instead of Curaja, because I am so smart. I had to egg my party to the 70s because I was having trouble surviving, but that was enough to give me the edge. In my previous attempts, the Twister transition was the roughest part, and defending that was the best way to deal with it without a Magic Blink.

Video will be done processing in like five minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrqRIm-HUwo
U+ Cid down, Mastery with 3 medals lost. Pretty easy once I got my mitigation/debuffs up. Then just slow and steady damage 'till win. Only notable SB was Garnet's Divine Guardian and a shared healing relic on Quina.

My team:

Kill..or at least real close it:


U and U+ mastered with Cid Missions and all! My first CM ever, which is normal due to my huge IX synergy.

Team was

Eiko: Curaja, Shellga, Emerald wind
Beatrix: Curaja, Protectga, SSB
Zidane: Thief's revenge, Lifesiphon, SSB
Freya: Blood of the wyrm, Wind jump, that SB that reduces Def/Res
Quina: Full Break, Magic Breakdown, Angel snack and Mighty Guard IX (only used Angel Snack)
RW: Divine guardian (hence why I only used Angel Snack)

That was more than enough to get full mastery. The key was to time Beatrix's magic blink with Twister so it didn't do any damage. None of the attacks hit for more than 1K. Even though damage was not very high due to Beatrix healing most of the time I never was in any danger. Now onto orbfest.
Those were some damn fun battles. I'm pretty stacked with FFIX gear, but it still took me some S/L retries to get the victories.

Kuja went EnDark SB -> MM -> DZ spam on #2.
Freya DPS'd #1 and #3.
Steiner did so as well, after getting off the initial RW.
Quina FB #1, MB #2, MB#3 then aided on DPS, while refreshing breaks / the RW.
Garnet got Shellga + SSB mitigation up asap then worked on keeping everyone alive.

RNG played a big part in this to survive while Mitigation was being set up. I also nearly ran out of abilities by the time #3 went down. I also completely forgot about #3's wind weakness. I should have brought Aerora Strike rather than Saint's Cross. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

As a victory bonus, I got an RM. :D

The U+ took far more team experimentation, but I finally toppled him once I added Beatrix and Zidane to the mix.

R1: Everyone gets up Mitigation while Zidane RWs and I hope damage was minimal.
R2: Garnet SSBs, while the DPS train starts for the others.

Recovering from Twister with no Medica was a challenge, but I was able to lessen damage on a few characters with well timed defends.


Stocktake time!

Current R3 (and two R2 worth mentioning):

Full Charge
Full Break (R2)
Dragoon Jump
Thief's Revenge
Saint Cross
Multi Break (R2)
Dark Zone

Current Orb totals:

Power: 146
Black: 123
White: 159
Summon: 107
NonEle: 116
Fire: 96
Ice: 120
Lit: 78
Earth: 77
Wind: 34
Holy: 71
Dark: 74

Aiming to R3 (and one R4) after Orbfest/when they get released:

Quick Hit (R4)
Meteor Crush
Chain -agas x5
Sapphire Shot
Lightning Dive
Second Wind Cannon
Gaia Cross
Ice Storm

Basically I need a lot of Black, Ice and Earth and Wind. Summon sits there in limbo because I still can't justify bringing a Summoner (even if Titan sounds cool on paper. Good luck getting MAG that high without some serious luck with relic pulls).
I can't believe we're finally getting orbfest tonight...I won't have anything to complain about anymore! I'm so excited to get all these damn characters up to 65+ so I can stop using my A team and start using some of the cool soul breaks I've acquired over the past few months.
I feel so lazy, I don't really want to calculate how much orbs I will need to R3 upcoming abilities that are interesting me. However, I want to refresh so I need to budget somehow... Ugh...


I feel so lazy, I don't really want to calculate how much orbs I will need to R3 upcoming abilities that are interesting me. However, I want to refresh so I need to budget somehow... Ugh...

honestly... don't...

less stress i think imho. I really do not care what the heck i get in this orbfest. If you can already beat the current content, don't see why everyone seems so gunho about hunting specific orbs.
honestly... don't...

less stress i think imho. I really do not care what the heck i get in this orbfest. If you can already beat the current content, don't see why everyone seems so gunho about hunting specific orbs.

Yea I have cleared everything so far including CM. I think that I will refresh a certain amount of time per phase depending of how appealing it looks, but mostly to catch up on all the characters that are behind in levels.


I've been too lazy to even look at what upcoming abilities are even good or that I "should" be going for. To be honest though even with getting totally screwed for months on pulls I can still complete most events except for the U+ and the hardest Cid Missions, but the rewards for those are generally just Major Orbs or 6* shards....which mostly just feed back into the loop of being able to clear that hardest content.

As long as I can keep on obtaining every character and their Memory Crystals I'm fairly satisfied. I'm using this event mostly to get people leveled up, so I'll probably relatively evenly spread out refreshes, if anything focusing more on Phase 3.
I've been too lazy to even look at what upcoming abilities are even good or that I "should" be going for. To be honest though even with getting totally screwed for months on pulls I can still complete most events except for the U+ and the hardest Cid Missions, but the rewards for those are generally just Major Orbs or 6* shards....which mostly just feed back into the loop of being able to clear that hardest content.

As long as I can keep on obtaining every character and their Memory Crystals I'm fairly satisfied. I'm using this event mostly to get people leveled up, so I'll probably relatively evenly spread out refreshes, if anything focusing more on Phase 3.

Yeah, I'm starting to get a little bored with this. Probably because Exvius is engaging me more and it seems like there's more to do. I "could" max more characters, finish the last few elite dungeons, or grind orbs. But I always manage to finish U/U+ content, usually the CM versions, without too much heartburn.

I suppose capping characters whose SBs I pulled over the past few months is worth it, though.


Phew! Just in time for Orbfest. CMs for IX event done! Zidane tanking is fun. Best Thief ever.

Typical Dragoon lying dead after the kill.



that puzzling face
I'm not actually bothering with the U+ till getting my IX crew to 80 (thx orbfest)

I mean, why not, it's just 1 stam. Less headache.
Phew! Just in time for Orbfest. CMs for IX event done! Zidane tanking is fun. Best Thief ever.

Typical Dragoon lying dead after the kill.

It makes me nervous whenever I have armor of this quality in a U+ battle without Stoneskin.

I'm not actually bothering with the U+ till getting my IX crew to 80 (thx orbfest)

I mean, why not, it's just 1 stam. Less headache.

I egged my party to Lv 75 to clear Nova Dragon, so that sounds like a good idea. My priority for orb festival is to get everybody up to 65 so I can get rid of these Memory Crystals and focus on getting their Record Materia during daily dungeons. I fell behind once the Hall of Rites came out, and haven't caught up since.


It makes me nervous whenever I have armor of this quality in a U+ battle without Stoneskin.

I egged my party to Lv 75 to clear Nova Dragon, so that sounds like a good idea. My priority for orb festival is to get everybody up to 65 so I can get rid of these Memory Crystals and focus on getting their Record Materia during daily dungeons. I fell behind once the Hall of Rites came out, and haven't caught up since.

I wouldn't be too bothered by it. Most of my armour for CM's have been 3++ gear and I've always RW Shout (with the recent V event as an exception, due to having Galuf's Boostga). If someone dies (like Freya in above), I'll keep going and see how far I can push and get Mastery.
I wouldn't be too bothered by it. Most of my armour for CM's have been 3++ gear and I've always RW Shout (with the recent V event as an exception, due to having Galuf's Boostga). If someone dies (like Freya in above), I'll keep going and see how far I can push and get Mastery.

They really ought to beef up the number of 4* gear available, especially for records that are light on free gear like FF9. I haven't seen a new sub-5 item from relic/daily draws in ages. Maybe that's intentional, though. I rarely pull on FF5 and FF12 because I have such good 4++ items for those records.


that puzzling face
I... don't think so? I definitely remember a couple of 'man should do Sunday XP daily over Orbfest because greens' jokes.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
As a player who can only face the Difficulty 50 dungeons, what should I be focused on grinding during these events? Orbs or weapons?
I have a feeling that the Weap + Armour mat fight rewards don't reset per phase.

Doing it anyway, just in case.

Even if it doesn't reset its still worthing doing them all once for the 5 extra mythril.

As a player who can only face the Difficulty 50 dungeons, what should I be focused on grinding during these events? Orbs or weapons?

Orbs, mats have limited use once you have maxed out weapons and armor, orbs are always useful. Once you clear as many of the mat fest dungeons as you can I'd focus mostly on orbs.
12 hour shift today so not gonna take the day to its fullest. Probably the rest of the week as well. With No Man's Sky also coming out this orbfest literally dropped at the worst time. Oh well, at least I hope to get a ton of winds and lightnings later. Ice would be stellar too


kinda curious... what is everyone's drop rate so far for 5*?

i have used 5 mythril and 1 stamina shard refill (so 6 refills so far) and i am at a grand total of 1 major orb (summon). how is everyone else' rate? I should mention i have 167 stamina.

and it feels empty doing these dungeons without gysahl green drops :(
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