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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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I pulled Garnet's BSSB (Ramuh, healing), Cloud's BSSB (This is my second one and I have lots of 7 synergy to I combined it with my existing one) and Zell's SSB. Can't complain, though I wish I'd pulled something more healing or blink focused, gah.


I pulled Garnet's BSSB (Ramuh, healing), Cloud's BSSB (This is my second one and I have lots of 7 synergy to I combined it with my existing one) and Zell's SSB. Can't complain, though I wish I'd pulled something more healing or blink focused, gah.

I'll trade you my Tiny Bee.
My lucky draw:
Sirius Sidearms (XIII) An oddball support one...also another XIII gun for me.
Starseeker (XIII) My first 5* Bow, (no Mind though). The SSB having a high chance to slow seems a bit stingy given AoE 100% chance to slow SBs already exist.
Wizard Rod (IX) dupe, combined but outside IX will probably be second fiddle to soon 8* Storm Staff and Cardinal.
The Ogre (IX) Cool, a BSSB and one that looks like it's worth using unlike my other one; Tiny Bee :( . I've not done the Ultimates yet in the current event but the entrance effect looks helpful for those. Shame my Zidaine is already level 80 so I'm going to have to waste EXP mastering it.

It's happened boys! I got Platinum Sword from the Summer Lucky! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

And a Wizard Rod I need to look into.
Edit: Which is Hastega + Major Regen + Moderate Resistance. This seems like a fine support soul break indeed.

Divine Gaurdian; I've had that one since the SSB fest. It's good stuff. Against magic heavy bosses you can use that instead of bringing Wall.
I'm always down for some retro Final Fantasy lovin'.



Are summons worth making? In my limited experience they've been Jank. Made alexander a while back, and he did like 1000 dam x 2. :/


Are summons worth making? In my limited experience they've been Jank. Made alexander a while back, and he did like 1000 dam x 2. :/

Yes, they are worth making and you will need them if you ever want to do the nightmare and unlock summoner 6.

Bahamut is very powerful, so are others. Maduin/Valefor are also very good.
Are summons worth making? In my limited experience they've been Jank. Made alexander a while back, and he did like 1000 dam x 2. :/

The elemental trio is good for specific fights

Valefor/Maduin are great for mobs and are strong enough for most multi part bosses

Bahamut is legit really good

Alexander and Leviathan are situational really good
I haven't used summons for a very long time (unless they were a requirement for something).

There are just too many more area attack abilities now and none of them are restricted to the "one use per rank" that summons are.


Are summons worth making? In my limited experience they've been Jank. Made alexander a while back, and he did like 1000 dam x 2. :/

Good for AoE, but typically you're going to want your summoner with either a white or black magic ability in their other slot.

They're especially good when hitting an elemental weakness even in non-AoE situations, but it's up to you whether you want to spent the orbs honing Alexander, Leviathan, and Ixion. Shiva/Ramuh/Ifrit are cheap enough that there's no reason not to max them, though.


Wasn't going to pull, but saw that the banner was 1/2 price so I said what the heck.

Typically my luck with the lucky draws has been terrible and I regret pulling all the time, but I managed to snag Garnet's BSB, going 1/11 so that was a plus. It will be nice to have a healing BSB going forward, though I'm not sure what that will do to my A-Team make up.


Do people actually have static A-Team configurations? Because my party is always different.

I use the same team 99% of the time, with one slot I can switch out for specific requirements. Mostly I just fill it with somebody with a SSB that can use Lifesiphon.

Also worth noting that I don't ever even try to do Cid missions.
I use the same team 99% of the time, with one slot I can switch out for specific requirements. Mostly I just fill it with somebody with a SSB that can use Lifesiphon.

Also worth noting that I don't ever even try to do Cid missions.

It's the opposite for me. I have one static slot for Y'shtola's Stoneskin and the rest is flex, based on a combination of the boss's capabilities and the best weapons I can field for that record.


Do people actually have static A-Team configurations? Because my party is always different.

Mine is pretty static;

Lightning BSB
Cloud BSB or P.Cecil BSB
Ramza Shout
Rosa SSB (heal+blink)
Tyro SG

Other noteables:
Terra BSB
Garnet BSB

This is the party I use to roll through upper tier content, though since the Cid Missions I've only used this team when I'm infuriated at the Ultimate bosses.


Do people actually have static A-Team configurations? Because my party is always different.

I have a go-to team, but sometimes members get swapped out depending on what's needed.

Ramza (Lifesiphon/Full Break) [Shout] <Mako Might>
Selphie (Diaga/Curaja) [Trabia's Light] <Dr. Mog's Teachings>
Squall (Tempo Flurry/Drain Blade) [Fated Circle] <Battleforged>
Hope (Alexander/Ruinga) [Earthquake] <Hope Not in Vain>
Bartz (Lifesiphon/Steal HP) [Lupine Barrage] <Ace Striker>

The most common substitution is swapping out Hope for:

Tidus (Lifesiphon/Powerchain) [Abes All-Star]


Even when I wasn't doing CMs for everything I'd switch it up depending on the fight. Though there are probably around 15 or so characters I used most frequently. I had Red XIII in for just about everything since I have LH.
Do people actually have static A-Team configurations? Because my party is always different.


Ramza with all 3 of his relics
Auron with ssb
Gilgamesh wish ssb
Y'shota with wall and medica
Agrias with ssb

I also can sub in

Bartz with ssb
Fang with sb
Tyro with wall
Vivi or Rinoa both with ssb
Do people actually have static A-Team configurations? Because my party is always different.

Yeah Basically

Ramza with all three Soul Breaks (got shout and stone during FFT and drew his armour last fest)
Lightning (I have her SSB and BSSB, so she is really powerful, optimized for lightning atttacks, with powerchain/Full Charge)
Pecil (SSB and BSSB, Saint's cross and flex attacks/banishing strike)
Medica (Garnet if FFIX, Vanille if FFXIII, Porom if FFIV, Minwu if FFII, Yuna if anything else)
Flex spot (I've got someone with a soul break for just about every realm, except for FFXII...)
Do people actually have static A-Team configurations? Because my party is always different.

I used to have more a bit more varied parties until SSBfest/FFT. More so before the first Lucky Draws. Now it's typically:

Lightning - Powerchain + Full Charge. AOE SSB with decent damage output.
Agrias - Saints Cross, Lifesiphon. Cleansing Strike for mitigation, Hallowed Bolt for damage.
Ramza - Full Break, Lifesiphon. Shout.
Yshtola - Curaja, Shellga. Wall.
Tyro - Breakdowns for mitigation and increasing the damage output of Lightning and Agrias. Have his SSB and SLG for damage and recently have gotten SG for Wall.

Tyro I'll sometimes switch out for someone else, but the rest are generally set in stone unless I need a certain character to meet medal requirements. I don't have a good enough medica to use SG over SSII. I only have Trabia's Light and the free shared medica items, so I'd rather just bring healing through a RW and use Tyro's meter on burst damage at the end of the fight instead of burning it all on maintaining a Wall.


I think I'm using all my luck with Gigantaurs today. I've gotten six or seven today without even refreshing. I've just been using stamina as it naturally refills.

Do people actually have static A-Team configurations? Because my party is always different.

My party is almost always

Cloud SSB
Squall SSB/BSB
Relm SSB
Tyro SG

I have an empty spot that I usually rotate around if bosses have weaknesses I need to exploit for mastery.


Posting late but went 0/11 on Summer Lucky Draw. I've had great luck recently before this so I was kinda expecting this to balance things out. Now I need to hold on to what mythril i have left for guaranteed 5*


I don't have Shout or Wall/SSII and I've never used the latter two (once in a FFX Ultimate I think). They are not as necessary as some people obsessed with the meta say. I do use Ramza in most of my teams as the FBot unless the fight is multitarget, then I use Penelo.

In other news, I just realized Cid's Ace pilot only drops in VII dungeons, I leveled him up from 1 to 69 before that, sigh. Well, at least now I have the RM.

Edit: Now that I think about it it's only four "wasted" levels. I'm more dense than usual this morning...


Got 9 new characters from 1- 50 so far. Going to get a set of mage characters at 70+ now though. It's too painful on fights where I cant use physical.


Down to only 7 characters who need to bit 65 to have all mc2 broken, 23 with cores and not mc2s left to get to 65 as well.

I don't even know what I need... I have my set groups I use and leveled to 80. When other characters I want come out I level them up to 80. When someone has a RM I want I level them to 80. When I need a specific character for an event I level them to 80. When I pull an unique item for a character I level them to 80...

I don't really focus on trying to level people all to specific levels because they'll all get there eventually.
I don't even know what I need... I have my set groups I use and leveled to 80. When other characters I want come out I level them up to 80. When someone has a RM I want I level them to 80. When I need a specific character for an event I level them to 80. When I pull an unique item for a character I level them to 80...

I don't really focus on trying to level people all to specific levels because they'll all get there eventually.

I only have Rinoa at 80 once characters hit 65 they're generally strong enough to sub in and be competent for the hardest content if needed. Characters with no good rm and no sb rot on the bench at 50 until events like this.

I only ever do the Lucky draws :lol

What did you get?

He got 11 falk.jpg out of 11 falk.jpg
I've never spent a cent, came into the game pretty late last November, and I've got Shout, Sentinel's Grimoire, Stoneskin II and multiple AOE Cures.

Week two player here. I spent $30 or something close to that in a fit of rage once, which got me an 11-pull and like a single 100 gem pull. I couldn't believe how much I'd spent to get made up virtual bullshit, so I haven't spent anything since then. I've got party cures for six characters, Stoneskin, two Hastega, and three non-Shout Boostga (two of which are stackable with other Boostga). I feel pretty good about my power level. I'm just really surprised at how many GAF dwellers have a specific 1% chance item.
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