8 MSO, 6 MIO, 4 MEO after 11 refresh, so 18 Major Orbs. About 50 Greater Orbs of each too.
I think I'll do the same, so I can compare post-Fest.Stocktake time!
kinda curious... what is everyone's drop rate so far for 5*?
i have used 5 mythril and 1 stamina shard refill (so 6 refills so far) and i am at a grand total of 1 major orb (summon). how is everyone else' rate? I should mention i have 167 stamina.
and it feels empty doing these dungeons without gysahl green drops
Got a dupe rosa Artemis bow, combined immediately and Leon's weird defender sword aoe dark attack with def up and both lures with +10 def mastery. Anybody have and use is thing? Wish I had a +dark damage relic. What dark attacks are physical, have no clue, neglected them. Conveniently Leon is on my leveling team currently so no wasted exp.
Fuuuuuck, I should probably pull on the Lucky Draw shouldn't I. I've got like 135 mythril right now even after a handful of refreshes on this phase so it's not like I can't afford it, but I've been hurt so many times
Fuuuuuck, I should probably pull on the Lucky Draw shouldn't I. I've got like 135 mythril right now even after a handful of refreshes on this phase so it's not like I can't afford it, but I've been hurt so many times
Dey made me pull again before guaranteed 5*
Dey made me pull again before guaranteed 5*
I don't see why you shouldn't. (YOU SPENT 15 ON A 3 PULL FOR CONTEXT)
Total bust here. Two combinable 4*s, Nine junk. :/SUMMER BANNER IS LIVE AND HALF PRICE.
Waiting for your next post to show something nice!
Uh, Edea's throwing thing? Is that any good? Kinda random.
Neat!. Is this Bssb sought after whatsoever?
Got SSBs for Y'shtola and Seifer. I'll take it.
I swear, I only ever get FFVIII stuff on festival banners.
Not as a RW, but it's nice onGarnetDagger and the item itself is great.
I know exactly how you feel.0/11 on the Lucky Banner. That was a waste. That 25 mythril would have been better used on refreshes.
Not that I'm going to complain too hard, but I got my first BSB - Tyro's.
I love the fact that I finally got a BSB, and on someone I use in every party no less, but fuck, I already have SG. How the hell do you pick which one you use?
Is his BSB better than SG and Shout for RW? I don't even know what I'd use it for.
Holy shit.