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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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Ehhhhh this is kind of what I was afraid of; I've got decent 13 synergy (Lightning's Peacemaker, Hope's SSB and Fang's Partisan) but no Medica, but an all 13 group also means no wall and you can only RW one or the other. I'll give it a go later but not expecting great things.

Not at all and my 13 synergy is worse then yours (sazh deneb duelers, vanille's deprotectega, hope's original boomerang, fang's pulsar)

Give it a try! I managed to Master the CM+ for this event with even weaker synergy than both of you (even if it got real hairy towards the end).

The only characters that had meaningful weapon synergy was Lightning with Peacemaker (that I thankfully managed to grab in the Celerity banner, thank you RNGesus) and the NY Gun which got slapped on Sazh. No Medicas either.

My ff13 characters are all level 65 and I tried several times perhaps the extra 15 levels would give me the hp to tank an extra hit oh well


that puzzling face
Difference is not insignificant.

15% more HP and taking 15% less damage is a shit ton of survivability.

(numbers pulled out of ass, but yeah, it's quadratic)
I sort of deliberately avoid leveling characters up to their cap, because it mildly bothers me when experience points are wasted. I mean, rationally I understand that the 20,000 EXP or whatever I get from an Ultimate is pretty meaningless, but it still itches. Generally, I target around 90% of their level cap, and land at about L72 for everybody. I still have about six or seven L80 characters, though.


Subete no aware
Remember when the strategy was to set your characters up so that they leveled up in between stages for free ability/hp refills?
Ok, I just beat ultimate+ Cid. Had to make some adjustments. Tried different setups, but my Keeper contributed very little damage. So I brought Basch instead and used Garnet instead of Selphie for the extra RES buff. She was the only one that died at 10% and I didn't get the CM. I have almost no FF13 synergy anyway.
Sephiroth's Reunion + Ramza's Unsung Song was the true mvp. Cid didn't stay buff for long. Several times, I died to the doom instead of Cid bringing my keeper and Agrias. Stupid timer. I just wasn't doing damage overall. I brought everyone to the front and had the healers attack too lol. Beat him with 8 seconds left on the doom.

I need to craft Power Chain and Full Charge one of these days.


Beat both fights but sadly no CM because I haven't bothered to level any XIII char and I have four XIII relics, three of which are generic shit and the other one is Vanille's old SB. While I just got Divine guardian a few days ago. Sorry, Vanille, dear, but I'm not going to bother with you.

I like Tyro's BSSB, it frees a lot of space and with Wrath you can recharge his SB bar very fast.

Is the mote dungeon ever going to open up again? Feels more than a bit overdue.

The next one should come soon I believe (soon as in a week soon)


Okay, silly question but I need to ask. As I'm progressing through storymode to get sweet stamina shards, I find myself stuck on two back-to-back bosses that require ranged only. I'm not sure how I beat other bosses like this before (I think it was early enough that friend summons doublecast decay took care of them), but I'm trying to be better.

FWIW this is stage "The Palamecia, Part I". I managed to beat the first round of the boss with my team basically using all magic, a few have specials that are ranged and not lightning (since it absorbs it, damn stormlace grimore).



There is not much to it: either magic or ranged weapons (bows, guns, throwing weapons...). Most SBs are ranged too, even if it doesn't say so in the description.
I was weak. I pulled again on buff banner.

I got the shotgun, another platinum shield and a Thyrus. So yay me! I guess this means I have a completely static team? Subbing out whatever I want to roaming warrior (between SG/SS, shout, and group Medica?)

I wish it was SG because I got Tyro's BSB, but I can't complain any more than that with this luck. Still can't do nightmare dungeons because I'm so behind on my home game, but i think I'm on easy street until OSB.
Most difficult cid mission in a while for me, my physical weapons consist of two Vegas, free gun a 4++ fist and the pumpkin ball, but I do have great Mage weapons, so I went full tilt Mage meta and won with zero lost medals, after a crap load of restarts, mainly due to the doom counter.

Sazh with mental breakdown and magic breakdown, boon with mako might
Serah with flare r3 and meteor r3 with binding rod and witches hat, dr mog
Hope with Bahamut r3 and valefor r5, double cast chance summon, hawkeye (didn't use his ssb)
Cid with dispel r4 and dark zone r3 dark damage + with wyrmfang
Vanille curaja r5 diaga r5 hunters rod, battleforged rm oerba sb

Rw tyros bssb

Round 1
Sazh mental breakdown
Serah witchcraft sb
Hope summons rw
Cid dispel
Vanille diaga, hold until last of round

Round 2+
Sazh Magic breakdown, boon, breakdowns repeat
Serah meteor 3x then switch to flare, witchcraft when the sb bar is ready, back to flare until gone
Hope bssb breaks
Cid dispel as needed but use up the dark zones, then dispel every round.
Vanille diaga until need to heal, I used five-six of these over 18k total damage iirc

Key was to refire tyro bssb right before the seraphic Ray, switching to sazh so hope could fire bahamut, skipping the Ray damage. Also rng was with me, few aoe attacks, no one put to sleep.

Close call, won with 2 seconds left, no casualties. Witchcraft + mental breakdown + bssb breaks meant sufficient damage. Running full break instead of mental caused me to run out of time.

Few. Watch me get a great xiii in the lucky draw tonight.


am i the only person that kinda wants to see like a collection event again? All these challenge dungeons and such is getting boring. I still remember good ole flans....


that puzzling face
Cid seems really classic in that medica/hastega/wall are all important, if not mandatory.

Heck, even his dispel is choreographed and more of a timing mechanic to get your buffs back up rather than a discouragement from bringing said buffs.

On the bright side there's a native PC/FC user in XIII.
Cid seems really classic in that medica/hastega/wall are all important, if not mandatory.

Heck, even his dispel is choreographed and more of a timing mechanic to get your buffs back up rather than a discouragement from bringing said buffs.

On the bright side there's a native PC/FC user in XIII.

I was thinking about that since its been awhile since we've seen an ultimate dispel move. Surprised more ult/+ don't have it as a staple move.
0/11 on Lucky Draw again, that's so statistically low... I can't even... It's like 80% of my Lucky Draws being blanks and I did them all since the game came out. I am not exaggerating at all... Full stamina and it's going to stay like that, fuck you daily for at least today.


2/11 - Mace of Zeus (Lenna) and Zantetsuken (Gilgamesh)

Problem is, I already have a Power Staff (Shout Lite) and a Genji Blade, so these soul breaks probably won't see much use

On a slightly unrelated note, If I were to get an Excaliber (or any Holy+ Blade), fully augment it, and have it, a Platinum Shield, and the attack deals holy damage RM on a character, how would the damage output compare to having a Synergy weapon?


can't grow facial hair
All I got is a 2nd Yoichi's Bow. I really want to do a good amount of pulling for the FFV banner. Only thing is that with all these shitty pulls lately, it makes me want to wait until Guarantee 5*.
Holy eff. This lucky banner though!

Vaan's BSB (already had it, I love it so much)
Ashe's Heaven's Wrath (already had her other SB, wish it was a SSB)
Balthier's Element of Trechary
Hope's BSB!


Lucky draw should be called Dump your mythril draw.

0/11 again on this one. This makes it basically all the lucky draws except for the Healing banner one where I snagged Vanille's medica.


Holy shit some redemption finally!


I already have Exdeath's Ghido's Whisker but the Cuirass seems overall better with the 4th attack, AoE and also having the Dreamstage effect (plus with Darkness RM it's not like I really need the Ghido Whisker Dark buff anyway). So a bit of overlap there and certainly not my first pick given that I don't have like 90%+ of the items on this banner but I will absolutely take it.

Vaan's BSB on the other hand is my FIRST BSB finally, and by all accounts it's pretty fucking baller. Combined with having Lightning's Peacemaker + Kaiser Shield and running PC/FC on her I can already see being able to run fucking trains on harder content with Shout. What's the setup for Vaan with this, I'm guessing LS + either Thief's Revenge or something else situational (I can't remember offhand what he can use). In hindsight I'm glad I didn't hone TR up to r3, r2 should be more than fine especially with this now.

God it feels good to finally get something top-tier, especially after so many long horrible streaks.


Paladin, Power Staff and Skycutter. All the SB's seem pretty outdated, but I needed stat sticks for those realms so that's cool.


Lol I got what I wished for (sans fist for Snow). XIII synergy! Thank god Fang can use Swords.

Vanille's Rod is unfortunate but eh, heavier Curaja's.



Lol I got what I wished for (sans fist for Snow). XIII synergy! Thank god Fang can use Swords.

Vanille's Rod is unfortunate but eh, heavier Curaja's.


Haha nice! I still need to try the FF13 U/U+. I kind of hate how I'm drowning in Cura medicas but can't get a single Curaga one to save my life. Only notable things I'm missing natively are that, Shout, and a decent Hastega (only native one I have is Kefka's Cloak). Still hard to complain though, feel like I'm in a pretty good spot overall.
Raine's SSB, Bartz SSB, and a Regular glove for Galuf.

For some reason I had thought it was V, 8 and XIII. Not that I got any XII synergy, just that I thought differently.

Are these going to be a thing going forward?


meh, i decided to be brave and actually try the CM even with really bad synergy (i have just 1 sword) and... i got stomped. The dmg output is CRAZY!!


that puzzling face
I pulled Krile SSB

So uh, Unspoken Bond + Magic Infusion, - magic casttime 1/2, hastega, magic up 20%



I pulled Krile SSB

So uh, Unspoken Bond + Magic Infusion, - magic casttime 1/2, hastega, magic up 20%


Praying for your MBO stash.

Also I'm shocked that this relic I pulled for Vanille is a Rod and a Mag centered one at that. I totally forgot that offensive Vanille was a thing.
Yeesh. Almost wiped to the FF12 Mandragoras in normal because they chain slept my party for so many turns.

Procured enough Mythril from this dungeon update to do the lucky draw. Got two FF12 items: Killer Bow and Ras Algethi. Bow is good, and I don't mind having a weapon for the leading man one bit. I feel like I've been going 2/11 a lot recently, which means I'm probably overdue for a dud streak.
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