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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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Man I still play BE but every single event since their inception in that game has been utter trash. Who wants to macro Mogcake timers and run explorations 24/7 to keep up with said Mogcake timers all day?

Mobius got interesting. Multiplayer is legit and it's amazing seeing the contrast between deadweight players and people who know how to play. It kinda reminds me of MMO instances of 5 people or so, where everyone has to pull their weight.

As for RK? Fuck I love the Mobius event. I actually like Wol's sprite and as a character here (even if his skillset is a random mishmash of stuff and really you basically slap 2 Breakdowns on him and call it day).

Oh yeah Mote dungeon stuff. I think they could've gotten super creative here. Dahaka could've had a stagger gauge that filled up with only magic attacks. Ah well. Free win.

Ragnarok on my 100 gems. I kind of had a big feeling that it would happen because I already have it. I guess that I will combine it since I am already greatly covered on 5* Melee weapons for that realm.

What would I trade for this to happen on Celes BSB banner... I have been dreaming of getting her BSB on my 100 gems and this happening a few days before her event kind of make me feel like it's now impossible. Yes, yes... Gambler's fallacy!

Kind of want another one so I can upgrade it to +++ when DM comes out. At least Flametongue is no longer my strongest FFV weapon with synergy!



Subete no aware
Are there just MC2s that never come around?
I just noticed that I don't have an Aerith or Hope MC2 and the upcoming FF7/13 events don't seem to have them.
I think a lot of people are going to have trouble with the Bartz U+ Cid Mission. He's no joke.

I've been quite lucky with my FFV synergy but it was still a tough fight. My Bartz, who was my main DPS in the fight actually died 2/3rds through and I almost restarted, but I remembered Lenna has a really old SB that would revive a single target so I tried it out, and mercifully Bartz was able to survive completely without any buffs until he could recast his BSB, which ended up being what I needed to do to finish the fight. It was pretty exciting actually.

Are there just MC2s that never come around?
I just noticed that I don't have an Aerith or Hope MC2 and the upcoming FF7/13 events don't seem to have them.
Aerith's MC2 is given away in the next FFVII event which is pretty close. Hope's hasn't been reissued yet to date in Japan. But as WarAdept has said, both are currently available in the Hall of Rites.
I will be waiting until Thursday to do the bonus battles. I think I'll run this setup:

Gilgamesh: R4 Banishing Strike, R3 Saint's Cross | Kaiser Knuckles
Galuf: R4 Power Break, R3 Full Charge, Fist of the Dawn | Thor Hammer
Faris: R2 Full Break, R3 Thief's Revenge, Kindred Spirit / Serpent's Gale | Aevis Killer, Faris's Bracers
Exdeath: Haste, Curaga, Shared Medica
Lenna: Protectga, Curaja, Shared Medica
RW: Wall
Took a few tries to iron out my Ultimate+ setup. Faris and Lenna couldn't survive a double Monk Kick, so I gave everybody my highest defense items and accessories. Next, Lenna had Holy because I hilariously assumed she'd have a chance to actually use that while also healing, so that became Exhausting Polka. There was still too much damage, so I gave Bartz Mako Might in order to get off his +DEF SSB even earlier. That was still rough so I dropped Exdeath's Flare and made him a pure white mage, backing up Lenna. Then, I beat it on my next try. Still lost two damage medals, though, because Bartz is quite the bruiser. I mistimed my Banishing Strike and Princess's Favor while transitioning into his final phase, but that wasn't a huge deal. Good fight, and good thing I got Excalibur. My success is recorded below:

Fork Tower (Ultimate)
A Worthy Fore (Ultimate +)

One cool thing I was able to do was exploit Wind weakness for extra soul gauge after Faris got her SSB off.
1st attempt on bartz crashed when he was down to a third hp, maybe the second time ffrk has crashed mid battle for me. Second time I handled him fairly easily, after I think one sl. Then I get expert bc I forgot to hit him with a banishing strike later in the match, wtf, sigh, so cm down, mastery not

High mitigation team:
Bartz ssb, steal power
Lenna protecga
Faris with full break and Broadside sb
Ex death with his ssb with party mag blink
Rw was sentinel grimoire

And offense
Gilgamesh with saints cross r3 and banishing strike r4 with the Excalibur+
Faris with armor breakdown
Lenna with flames of war
Ex death with dark zone

And healing
Lenna curaga r5 and princess's favor
Ex death with curaja r5

All characters carrying an element mitigating accessory with a bias towards fire resistance.

This was such a balanced team that I'm not sure I want to swap anyone out when going for mastery.

Edit: ok this keeps crashing when bartz uses light of the four, two more crashes for three total. Getting really tired of getting him well on the way only to crash.

Edit: ok, done, annoyed with the crashes on my ipad4, but down with this cm. one of the more enjoyable lens for me, frankly.


Hrm, fair enough. I have quite a few of the blanks now, just for some reason I'm just hording them because they're "rare". lol

For quite a while in Japan blank MC2 lodes have been available with no quantity limit in the Greens shop, we should be getting that sooner rather than later at this point so I wouldn't worry about hoarding them.


How do you survive Bartz's Monk Kick at the start?? My guys are so low and any attack just wipes me.

Pray that your Protectga user or RW Wall user has a high ATB gauge at the start. Otherwise, use the defend command because Bartz has a 91% chance of doing Monk Kick twice at the very beginning.

It's all about surviving that opening salvo. You can do things like putting the RM that lets you start with a full ATB Gauge instead of Dr Mog on your Protectga user (seriously you won't miss it, there's so much AoE damagew being thrown about, you'll get SB gauge like crazy.) Putting your elemental resist accessories on everyone to stop the high damage spellblade attacks Bartz does. Or using Drainga Strike/Thief's Revenge (if you can fit it into Faris somehow)/Leeching Leap to help out your healers.

I knew about this fight when it hit Japan, so luckily I prepared accordingly. One of the few times I opted for Wall instead of Shout (as a curiosity, I tried Shout after my run and concluded it was doable, but a massive S/L fest).

Here's my CM. Slow and steady wins this race.

Or if you have Galuf's SSB, you can cheese the hell out of it.



My FFV team is stacked so this CM was rather easy. I have one SB each for Gilgamesh, Faris, Bartz, and Galuf as well as all four of Lenna's.

It's definitely the hardest one in awhile, though.

EDIT: Also, I am a moron and forgot Omniscient has auto-regen, so I had to outdamage that to kill him.
Was able to take down Bartz U+. My team consisted of:

Faris - Full Break and Power Breakdown. ( I have all her SBs except her BSB but only use Broadside for extra mitigation)
Bartz - Full Charge and Dismissal (I have his cloak but didn't use his SB at all. He was in the backrow with one of Faris' bows)
Lenna - Curaja and Box Step Sarabande (Princess Favour SB)
Exdeath - Curaga and Protectga (used Zells ATB RM to get up Protectga right away)
Gilgamesh - Saints Cross and Banishing Strike
RW: Shout

Lenna and Gilgamesh died around 3/4 of the way through the fight but Exdeath was able to keep the healing duties up while Faris and Bartz took care of the rest.

It only took a couple of S/Ls with this party but I tried previously with the same party and was unable to do it as Lenna would always die too early.
I egged up the party to the mid 70s and equipped something with higher Def on Lenna which did the trick.


Beat Ole Bartz. Only character on my team who died was.....Bartz.

Every fight had him start with monk kick, so I opened with divine heal but then he did a single attack at the start....

Took a couple reloads to down him. Was easy after mitigation was up. Wall, protectga, Bartz ssb gives defense as well.

Gilgamesh defense gets nuts after his bssb, so he stayed nice and healthy whole fight. Brought leeching Leeper with him, but as soon as gets first bssb active, just using burst commands after would recharge soul meter before it faded.


Subete no aware
So... I don't know why but I felt like doing another draw and I got 2 Bartz swords and the Bartz cloak. I was so happy when I saw the three rainbows and then got my hopes dashed when it wasn't either the Gilgamesh BSSB or the Faithga. RIP.

At least the swords boosts holy damage, if nothing else.
Took down Ultimate+ Bartz. He monk kick only hit Y'shtola and that gave me enough time to setup wall, protectga, full break, shout, and draw fire. My Basch became a punching bag for most of the fight. Only Sephiroth died near the end. I didn't do the CM, rng has never been kind with sb for FFV. SSB spam for the win. I brought 3 BSB and I was a little worried about not having enough burst heals, but Y'shtola and my Keeper held down the fort like a boss. Now to farm some prismatic seeds.

My setup:
Sephiroth - Double Cut, Life Siphon
Ramza - Full Break, Life Siphon
Keeper - Power Break, Curaja
Basch - Draw Fire, Life Siphon
Y'shtola - Curaja, Armor Break.


Took down Ultimate+ Bartz. He monk kick only hit Y'shtola and that gave me enough time to setup wall, protectga, full break, shout, and draw fire. My Basch became a punching bag for most of the fight. Only Sephiroth died near the end. I didn't do the CM, rng has never been kind with sb for FFV. SSB spam for the win. I brought 3 BSB and I was a little worried about not having enough burst heals, but Y'shtola and my Keeper held down the fort like a boss. Now to farm some prismatic seeds.

My setup:
Sephiroth - Double Cut, Life Siphon
Ramza - Full Break, Life Siphon
Keeper - Power Break, Curaja
Basch - Draw Fire, Life Siphon
Y'shtola - Curaja, Armor Break.

I'd probably hold off on farming the Mobius event. The Ultimates unlock tomorrow and they will surely give out loads of seeds for completing them.


Clearing what's available in the event now will get you enough seeds for 90% of the worthwhile stuff.

Can get likely get enough for the rest by clearing the bonuses tomorrow and maybe doing the +++ one more time.


I had a pretty painless U+ Bartz experience. I attribute this to my newly acquired Power Staff from the realm relic draw. Ran double healer with it and RW wall, it was a piece of cake. Only other FFV SB I have is Faris' AoE breakdown. I don't remember which one, but it's the good one.


It's so pretty, and the multiplayer is kind of interesting, but... I hope they add more to do soon.

I know it really is but I already dedicated most of my time to these two games. I only have room for so many. Plus I ocassionally dabble in KHU too... but most just logging in to save jewels and do jewel quest so one day I can do a 10x10 pull on some game breaking medal.

My Gyshal Greens are ever so slowly creeping up... With monthly mote purchases, mythril and the occasional Summon Orb purchase its like I make no progress.

Currently sitting at 195K atm. Trying to get it to 550K to buy all the Shards is a challenge itself.
400/500. So liberating. I'll upgrade my Vault to the maximum after the next lucky draw, when I know I have Mythril to spare. I'm putting all 1++, 2++, and 3++ items in the vault. However, I am keeping 3++ items if they have a +Damage/Resist bonus.

Some nice character buffs I didn't expect. Gordon and Ingus, which I have relics for, now have White-4. Celes's Knight-5 also comes with this patch, though I've been anticipating that one already.


Finally we can get rid of the junk!

oh and I completed the CM, that fight was so awesome. Fucking Bartz kicked like a mule on steroids, the guides were not lying. Very, very cool.
I'll probably have forty Major Power Orbs by tonight. Should I save them or go for Rank 3 in either Powerchain, Full Charge, or Full Break?

Nevermind. Decided upon Powerchain R3.

Mobius bonus battles were a snap, which probably should've been expected because it's the first "FF1" event and doesn't have a Cid Mission. Never even got to use Apocalypse Shield (not that it was ever needed). Runic+ appears to work against Chaos's dispel, so it must be classified WHT/BLK even though it has a different name than Dispel--I haven't checked the data to confirm, but it always targeted and missed Celes the same way Dispel does. Chaos Whispers seemed to miss her too, although it wasn't drawn by Runic+... possibly just luck. Recorded my attempts because I'm a narcissist.

Lich Triumvirate (Ultimate)
An End to Chaos (Ultimate +)


I should put just about every armor I have in the vault. Only ones I use, without fail, are my 3 Thunder Gloves, gilgamesh's hood, and a robe for my healer.
I got Blank Blade with my 100-gems pull. Effect is nice and I could use it instead of Agrias, but... Wol has no 5* ability? And Combat 3* so no siphon? Really...? Is he a useless character or I'm missing something?


I got Blank Blade with my 100-gems pull. Effect is nice and I could use it instead of Agrias, but... Wol has no 5* ability? And Combat 3* so no siphon? Really...? Is he a useless character or I'm missing something?

He's Realm I's support (alongside with Echo for Multi Break). It mirrors his versatility from Mobius in being able to do everything but obviously they can't just 5* all the jobs from that game to RK.

Later on he gets 5* Shooter (of all things).


Got Garlands Dark Plate (heavy armour with attack and dark resist, 3 dark hits and lower dark resistance on all enemies)

Not bad but it isn't Echo's staff :(


This U and U+ for the Mobius event... my god that's a new low, specially compared to Bartz.

I think I'm going to start saving mythril for TG Cid (5 months away, I know), there is absolutely nothing I like in the next, like, 10 banners.
He's Realm I's support (alongside with Echo for Multi Break). It mirrors his versatility from Mobius in being able to do everything but obviously they can't just 5* all the jobs from that game to RK.

Later on he gets 5* Shooter (of all things).

does he ever get at least combat 4*, via game update or motes unlock? I can't seem to find his record dive info


He's Realm I's support (alongside with Echo for Multi Break). It mirrors his versatility from Mobius in being able to do everything but obviously they can't just 5* all the jobs from that game to RK.

Later on he gets 5* Shooter (of all things).

Shame, I really like his sprite.

Oh that reminds me, is that guide still floating around somewhere for Sprite Swapping? I'm getting tired of looking at my "A team" all the time. I remember there was a way to change things around for a while.
Blah got Ult Bartz down to like 10% hp and my rw wall ended and monk + counter = ganked

My tons of generic 5 star gear helps but not having good sbs kills for cm
I want to pull on tonight's banner as much as I don't want to... I have 200 Mythrils saved for it, but G5 is not there yet and I had a shit day and I don't want it to get worse. However, it would be great to get Celes' BSB to finish this day positively but I know that it's not likely. I also know that it will come back in some sort of fest at some point. Still, the banner is pretty nice overall. Damnit, been dreading today for months!
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