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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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I thought we'd finally get past stupid medal requirements for bosses, but then here's Kaiser Dragon and his RNG bullshit. Just why?


I don't really care about OSB's right now (though I'd love to get one) but the update will likely come with the Dark Matter upgrades which will be a big power boost for everyone (turning all those 6* items into 7* items) and am even bigger one for those lucky ones with 7* items

Also I went from 9 mythril to 22 today thanks to getting 7 mythril from the daily log in events and finally getting back to doing some story dungeons.

Looking forward to pulling on the nightmare banner. I have a lot of mage weapons but no really good mage soul breaks


After going on a long streak of getting non-Soul Break relics this is refreshing.

I'm undecided on this banner, I mean half-price is always delicious but I am kind of stocked up on magic relics.
I wasn't going to pull on it, due to being so close to the next Fest banners + G5 update. However, I've read that these are the last half-priced Lucky Draws so I'm gonna give it a go when the next event drops and I get enough mythril from it to pull. It makes sense if this is indeed the last one, because G5 + half-priced LD would be way too good of a deal for Dena.


Subete no aware
I wasn't going to pull on it, due to being so close to the next Fest banners + G5 update. However, I've read that these are the last half-priced Lucky Draws so I'm gonna give it a go when the next event drops and I get enough mythril from it to pull. It makes sense if this is indeed the last one, because G5 + half-priced LD would be way too good of a deal for Dena.
I occassionally log into the JP version and there are still half price draws there iirc?


Managed to master Kaiser Dragon after a little retooling.

There's a bit too much RNG in the mastery requirements for a puzzle battle, but it's pretty fair otherwise.

My team, if anyone is interested (aka The Mages I Have SBs For, Who May or May Not Have Raided Irvine's Closet):

I occassionally log into the JP version and there are still half price draws there iirc?
Japan may still occasionally have 1/2 priced draws, I'm not quite sure. However, my understanding is that the Nightmare Lucky Draws change from one time, 1/2 Price Multi-Pull banners to full price, unlimited pull banners (not sure if single/triple pulls are available too).


Who gets the first OSB? Do we know any approx. dates for when it drops? I'd probably like to start saving mythril for it.

If we follow JP, OSB order is likely to be:

6 October - Cloud
Early November - Tidus
December - Squall, Rinoa, Edgar (Yes, Edgar), Cloud Again (Because fuck you, that's why.)
January-ish - Terra, Tidus Again, Vaan, Bartz, Tyro, Hope
January - Gilgamesh, Lightning, Hope Again, Zidane, Jecht
February - Orlandu, P. Cecil, Rydia, Warrior of Light, Quistis
March - Balthier


If we follow JP, OSB order is likely to be:

6 October - Cloud
Early November - Tidus
December - Squall, Rinoa, Edgar (Yes, Edgar), Cloud Again (Because fuck you, that's why.)
January-ish - Terra, Tidus Again, Vaan, Bartz, Tyro, Hope
January - Gilgamesh, Lightning, Hope Again, Zidane, Jecht
February - Orlandu, P. Cecil, Rydia, Warrior of Light, Quistis
March - Balthier

I need to make the decision if I want to chase this + Quina's Hairpin. I was lucky enough to pull Tidus BSB in Celerity Lucky.

...But Onion Kids/TG Cid.


It's probably worth mentioning that (out of these early ones, anyway) the mage OSBs are a much larger step up from SSB/BSB than the physical ones.

Compare, say:

Squall SSB (800% Damage, NE)
Squall OSB (1200% Damage, Single, Ice/NE)

Terra SSB (1800% Damage, Single, NE) (First SSB)
Terra OSB (4000% Damage, Single, Fire/NE)

So maybe don't go all in on Cloud/Squall/Tidus, if you're looking for efficiency.


It's probably worth mentioning that (out of these early ones, anyway) the mage OSBs are a much larger step up from SSB/BSB than the physical ones.

Compare, say:

Squall SSB (800% Damage, NE)
Squall OSB (1200% Damage, Single, Ice/NE)

Terra SSB (1800% Damage, Single, NE) (First SSB)
Terra OSB (4000% Damage, Single, Fire/NE)

So maybe don't go all in on Cloud/Squall/Tidus, if you're looking for efficiency.

Yeah the meta shift has definitely gone towards to Mages again in the era of OSB's.

In reality I'll probably just hoard all my mithril until I can't beat something. Which hasn't happened yet.

Forever drowning in mithril.


Got Kuja's Gloves from the 11 pull. Having a decent SB on a decent character is something I won't complain about.

Meltdown Nightmare boss wasn't too bad since I had Selphie Blink, Lulu Focus and Krile Sheepsong along with good nukes from Rinoa and Ashe SSBs, even though a few of them were in the 65-70ish grey area. That nightmare *insert move here* spam at the end was pretty cheesy even with RW Wall but the ladies toughed it out, no deaths.

I am not sure if I want to craft Meltdown or Ultima. leaning towards Meltdown since I have Meteor at R3 and haven't even crafted Flare, but I just dunno.


Got Kuja's Gloves from the 11 pull. Having a decent SB on a decent character is something I won't complain about.

Meltdown Nightmare boss wasn't too bad since I had Selphie Blink, Lulu Focus and Krile Sheepsong along with good nukes from Rinoa and Ashe SSBs, even though a few of them were in the 65-70ish grey area. That nightmare *insert move here* spam at the end was pretty cheesy even with RW Wall but the ladies toughed it out, no deaths.

I am not sure if I want to craft Meltdown or Ultima. leaning towards Meltdown since I have Meteor at R3 and haven't even crafted Flare, but I just dunno.

Unless you really like AoE/the animation, Ultima is regarded as one of the worst 6* abilities, while Meltdown is generally regarded as the best.

It's 3 hits instead of 2, higher total damage multiplier, has 3(!) elements that you can exploit using EnElement/Imperil (which is a Mage only source of Wind Damage) and doesn't share crystals with the other high valued 6* abilities.


Did my pull on the lucky banner, only got one item, Rydia's Dragon Whisker, but I'm quite happy with that. The best FFIV magic weapon I had was a crappy 3++ weapon, so I'm glad to finally have something decent for Rydia to use (in her adult form of course)


Pulled a 4* out of the daily free relic pull. My first one and highest pull from there yet!

Have any of you guys actually pulled a 5* from there yet?
Pulled a 4* out of the daily free relic pull. My first one and highest pull from there yet!

Have any of you guys actually pulled a 5* from there yet?

I got three: Aeris's Aurora Rod, Shinra Helmet (FF7), and Priest's Miter (FF6). I got them all within like a two month period around February. Never gotten a 4*.
Pulled a 4* out of the daily free relic pull. My first one and highest pull from there yet!

Have any of you guys actually pulled a 5* from there yet?
I've gotten a handful of 4★ from Daily Draw, but only one 5★, I think it was White Robe (IX).
So latest dungeon update...is the AI for Hecatoneir completely broken? Maybe I killed it too quickly (45 seconds left on doom timer) but it did absolutely nothing.

Did my pull on the lucky banner, only got one item, Rydia's Dragon Whisker, but I'm quite happy with that. The best FFIV magic weapon I had was a crappy 3++ weapon, so I'm glad to finally have something decent for Rydia to use (in her adult form of course)
Of the seven whip users currently in global FFRK all are girls (except for Tyro) and the majority are children (Quistis is an exception).

Pulled a 4* out of the daily free relic pull. My first one and highest pull from there yet!

Have any of you guys actually pulled a 5* from there yet?
In days gone by 5*s were more common than 4* (to the extend pulling for a year gave you a reasonable chance of one) then DeNA decided to tank these rates completely.
I have Y'shtola as my RW with SS2. ID is H7cH. I'm surprised I'm getting way more summons lately. Usually 1-4 everyday or so. Whenever her BSB comes over, I'll definitely do a few pulls for it. Looking for any Shout or faithga if I can get the relics for my mage team.

Removed a bunch of followers who were inactive for 100+ days lol. So many Tyro's with default sb. I normally switch my RW to whichever realm has synergy. Can't do anything if I don't have the relics, so its Y'shtola by default.


Pulled a 4* out of the daily free relic pull. My first one and highest pull from there yet!

Have any of you guys actually pulled a 5* from there yet?

I got three 5* from it before the 5* rate was dropped to its current incredibly low level. None of them were all that great. I think one was Healing Grimoire.
I went 3/11

and first BSSB (Hope)

lesson learned only pull from Tokyo

Kyoto is where I pulled my amazing Balthier SSB/Fran SSB/Basch Platinum Shield trio. Maybe it's not that the odds are better on the Japanese version, but rather, the odds are better when you're physically in Japan.


Japan may still occasionally have 1/2 priced draws, I'm not quite sure. However, my understanding is that the Nightmare Lucky Draws change from one time, 1/2 Price Multi-Pull banners to full price, unlimited pull banners (not sure if single/triple pulls are available too).

There are definitely still 1/2 price draws but not related to the Nightmare dungeons anymore. There are occasional element lucky draws or class lucky draws (just had a bard one that's still up. Silly stuff in it. Ramzas shout, Onion Knights BSSB etc and a 5 star guaranteed.) I got a SSB for Desch and..eh...a bow for Fran? Does she have bard?

EDIT: Nope it was a staff for Larsa. Got mixed up. Had two bows for Fran an I only remember getting one. Was just level in her up from lv 1 because there's a 12 even on (and an orbfest. Two year anniversary and all)


I got three 5* from it before the 5* rate was dropped to its current incredibly low level. None of them were all that great. I think one was Healing Grimoire.

I hadn't heard that they bumped the level of 5* down for the free pull, that's a real bummer. It's the perfect place to throw all those old normal SBs and the shared ones that are never coming back in a real banner. It'd throw new players a bone and make it less of a "oh good, another 1* hat" fest. At the very least, they should throw the joke SB's in there like Josef's glove.




EDIT: Relics clarification if it's too small for people to see.

Banner 1:
BSB: Tifa, Jecht, Bartz
SSB: Y'shtola, Yda, Cait Sith, Gabranth, Shadow, Galuf

Banner 2:
BSB: Ramza, Tyro, Garnet
SSB: Celes, Bartz, Terra (Tiara), Selphie, Rosa, Porom

Banner 3
BSB: Zidane, Locke, Faris
SSB: Zack, Thancred, Vanille, Krile, Yuffie, Minwu

Banner 4
BSB: Beatrix, P. Cecil, Squall
SSB: Ashe, Ovelia, Basch, Steiner, Aerith, Lenna

Banner 5

BSB: Balthier, Fang, Terra
SSB: Penelo, Fran, Relm, Maria, Kain, Ingus

Banner 2 is something of legends. Iga Blade being the only "shit" relic there.


Aw fuck me, I thought these were happening AFTER G5/OSB for some reason. Welp, I'm totally fucked, have no mythril. Would have gone in hard on banner 2.


Aw fuck me, I thought these were happening AFTER G5/OSB for some reason. Welp, I'm totally fucked, have no mythril. Would have gone in hard on banner 2.

They've definitely done this to milk everyone for all their worth before implementing G5, especially with all the rearranged relics.

I'm tempted just because of Dagger of Resolve, which was never a reoccurance in Japan.
I might pull once on each banner and end up with 0 Mythrils left at the end of this if the "First pull is half-off" translated image they found is associated with this event. If not, it will be 100 gems only for me!


that puzzling face

why is there 3 bssb per banner

why do i only have 200 mythril

why is this before guaranteed 5


should i extend my japan stay past 25th to pull from japan



Ill do the 100 gems on them but even if I had he mythril to spend I'm not sure I would.

Feel like there should be more BSBs on there.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
I'm confused

I don't know any of these items

I don't know what a Buper Smash Bros is

Should I be excited
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