Only 5* orbs I've spent in the past were a handful for some 4* summons (r2 phoenix, alexander, ixion. r4 valefor)
The new IV elite with the r-rex bosses is horrendous. Mostly trash mobs consisting of those annoying dragons with over 10k HP and the bosses have an obnoxious attack that can inflict sleep, blind and confusion on EVERYONE
Yep, it took me several S/L on that boss battle. RW with the skill to remove status ailments and aoe heal is a godsent in that fight.
Hmm. Maybe I will switch my RW to Y'shtola then. 6* Robe! (that doesn't actually matter but woo)
Yep, it took me several S/L on that boss battle. RW with the skill to remove status ailments and aoe heal is a godsent in that fight.
I spent 30 and got 2 as wellI sunk 185 Mythril and got 2 5* Power to show for it.
RIP Full Break r2 dreams rofl
Almost done with DU12. Just need the last two X classics and elites. I find myself bringing Red XIII 90% of the as my support user of choice as I have access to Lunatic High, which is really, really nice to have. I also always bring either Yuna (Hymn of the Faith) or Y'shtola (Stoneskin II) because I have their relics and they are extremely useful. Gonna try getting the Vega one last time tonight. If I don't get it then I'm done trying
Holllllly shit.
Had enough mythril for 4 pulls + 100 gem pull on the second Hope banner. Got three 3* items, a terrible 4* item and on my final pull, the Vega 42's! the exact item I was pulling for!
Praise RNGesus!
Aha, no worries, Yuna is going to be staying for a while (unless people would rather I set Y'shtola's Medica for farming those dinosaur things)Grats! Keep Yuna as your RW, though!![]()
One Major Black Orb away from Meteor R2... Thanks Phase 1 for being stingy on MBO! Any of those from events soon or I will need to farm one I don't know where?
Black is far more farmable than Power. It drops from Plague in FFIV (as opposed to Tyrannosaur) and by its very nature the fight goes really fast. The rate is absolutely atrocious though - think majors from +++ in the past atrocious.
Edit: the last boss in the rush hits like an oil tanker. For those going with mage meta, Power Break/down + Sentinel Grimoire advisable, back row will not protect you. Or you can do like me and s/l until he doesn't spam his ridiculous abilities.
edit: FF6 painting in next DU gives one alongside Maria's MC.
I did a pull and got the exact 5* I was hoping for. Finally a relic for one of my favorite characters. 👍🏼
Thanks. <3 I tried to text you but it wasn't sending. XDYay GRATZ GORL! <3
Now you just need Lulu's![]()