I don't know what happened but my RW went from 2-3 summons a day to 40 yesterday lol
I have Sheepsong and not even with XIII synergy, I just did that now.
Yep, easiest fight ever lol
I brought
Tyro: Multibreak, BSSB (didn't even use it lal)
Lenna: Halting rumba R3 (key of the fight here) and MND stacked
Braska: doesn't matter, just stack MAG
Rydia: doesn't matter, just stack MAG
Krile: Sheepsong, Stop, stack MND (not mandatory but just in case)
RW Ashe's BSSB
Basically the fight was: Halting Rumba, Multibreak, Sheepsong, Braska RW, Rydia RW then spam the first command with the two mages, cast HR every turn and that's it. Done in 5 turns (I counted five casts of HR).
How far away is Onion Knight event, and how many eggs does he need to reach 99?
I have about 200 Mythrils for dat pull.
I copied your strat, except I had Krile use the 2nd RW after Sheepsong because I brought Desch with his en-Thunder SB and Chain Thundaga as my 2nd mage. He was doing 20k per turn, Krile and Shantotto (my other RW user) were doing 40k per turn, and even Tyro was doing 7.5k with Swift Bolt. Finished Omega in 4 casts of HR.
Thanks for the strat!
I'm still in the 0 BSB club.
If it were for events I would be as you. My experience with BSBs is a rollercoaster. I got Cloud Burst first try, then failed to pull anything useful from events since tactics events highlights being 250 mythril on last 4 event to get only a SSB and 200 mythril on Vaan burst to get a 7* balthier SB gun, but then my 3 last lucky draws were Zidane Burst, Lightning Burst, Cloud OSB. So idk what to think.
How far away is Onion Knight event, and how many eggs does he need to reach 99?
I have about 200 Mythrils for dat pull.
That's my problem. He does his AoE dispel thing every three or four turns, which means I waste too much time trying to bring up shell instead of healing. Or he does his AoE dispel + AoE pierce attack and I'm just dead.Bring tauntaliate and enjoy. 90% of his attacks are simple target phy attacks or counter atracks that a tauntaliator just neutralizes. Other than that you need high hones or bursts since the thing is tough and can take you a while to bring him down.
Just be prepared to heal his aoe magic piercing attacks with your aoe heal and you should be fine.
Ended up forgoing wall for the first phase of the fight in lieu of Agrias, who I probably should have kept all along I suppose.If you tauntaliate you dont need much more since his magic aoe pierces shell wont do much so dont worry if you cant bring it up,just keep healing. Just focus on tauntaliate and having him with full break + magic breakdown. If you can bring heavy regen it will mitigate a lot of the damage the aoe magic does liberating your healer a bit.
To be fair I had an easier time since I have magic blink + heavy regen so it wasnt hard for me but I can see it being frustrating if he keeps aoe dispel and you dont have those.
Thank you! ❤️ Congrats to you too!I did 100 gem and got Sarah's glove lol
Also GRATZ Hours! That's a fantastic 100 gem pull to get.I kind of was tempted to try for some XIII gear but I was able to finish all the fights no problem. Atlas isn't horrible but I lost around 30% and it's mainly because I'll need to swap someone out.
Yep, now they're full priced unlimited draws.Hrm, so they stopped doing 25 mythril draws for the new Nightmare dungeons?
Nightmare banners aren't Lucky Draws anymore. One time 25 Mythril banners still exist, they just have different themes now.Didn't play for 3 months and I got Serah's BSB bow as my 100 gem. Not bad at all. Good to see the 5* guarantee on 11 draws being implemented. I remember it being a hot topic. Though I was surprised with the increase of cost for the lucky draw.
I was curious if I would have enough to pull on every banner for the next fest, but this easily closes that gap.Thanksgiving Bonus Mythril coming soon. 50 Mythril for everyone, spread over 10 days.
Sweet! Think I might hoard it for the festival in December. I wonder if they're going to do any Black Friday banners?
It will be hard to hoard with this:
It will be hard to hoard with this:
NICE.It will be hard to hoard with this:
It will be hard to hoard with this: