So are we getting a lucky draw for Black Friday? The link several posts up gives a page not found message. I was so bored that I got P.Cecil, D.Cecil, Rydia and Fusoya's RM that requires FF IV dungeons. It took hours. My god. That rng sucked so bad.
I already horded 200+ mythrils for the Onion Knight banner. Planning to do two pulls max unless I get lucky and get his BSB on the first try, but I ain't that lucky.
Only got four story realms left. That mythril well is drying up quick and already at 167 stamina.
I already horded 200+ mythrils for the Onion Knight banner. Planning to do two pulls max unless I get lucky and get his BSB on the first try, but I ain't that lucky.
Only got four story realms left. That mythril well is drying up quick and already at 167 stamina.