You know, it wasn't even until you made this post that I took a closer look and realized there were two off-banner items here.
Pleasure to be of service, sir.
You know, it wasn't even until you made this post that I took a closer look and realized there were two off-banner items here.
edit: oh.
Onion Sword++, Heroic Shield++, and White Mage Robe++ checking in.
I meant in a single pull D:
gonna take me years to get the motes required for ok.
Falk gonna be the one tomorrow to get 1/11 Tiny Bee?
Nah, 3/11gonna take me years to get the motes required for ok.
Falk gonna be the one tomorrow to get 1/11 Tiny Bee?
Falk gonna be the one tomorrow to get 1/11 Tiny Bee?
4 Mythril in the bank
Yessss grow precious onion child. Growwww. have Braska's SSB Faithga set as a RW?
Anyone have Braska's SSB Faithga set as a RW?
Well I didn't get OK's BSB, but I do have a 5+++ sword with 331 ATK with III synergy now.
Ohhh maybe I should go that route for my RW.
It's by far the best RW to combine with Vessel of Fate right now. Steering away from physical meta, going all out on Mage meta.
I am very happy to own Braska's SSB and OK BSB. If I bring Lulu I can also use Focus, not sure what to RW for my mage party. I should change my RW to Braska for people like you.
I feel like they undersold how bad OK is before level 96 or so.
I feel like they undersold how bad OK is before level 96 or so.
Question about our little onion boy's burst. When it says remove the delay from next physical/magic, does that remove the delay for every physical / magical ability?
As long as the ability falls under physical/magical, yes.
The BSB itself does not fall under these categories, so you will not be able to instantly cast it with itself. The commands themselves, do count.
So does ok burst not stack with sheep song?
With sheep, ixiom does 7k, with sheep + ok burst after, ixiom does 5k.
ok burst by itself, 5k. Seemingly it overwrites sheepsong.
My current A-Team is: Lightning (SSB + BSB), Warrior of Light (SSB), Tyro (Wall + BSB), Ramza (Shout), Selphie (SSB). I typically run the team with Tyro and Ramza using the instant SB materias so that I can start the fight with Shout, Keeper's Tome and RW Wall on turn 1.
After my OK banner pull I now have Faris (BSB + Imperil Wind SSB + Wallbreaker SB), Freya (EnWind SSB), Luneth (EnWind BSB) and Onion Knight (BSB). I'm just unsure how drastically I should change things up now.
Would this be an ideal Wind Team?
Luneth - Snowspell Strike R1, Lifesiphon R4
Faris - Thief's Revenge R3, Lifesiphon R4
Tyro - Full Charge R3, Powerchain R3
Ramza - Full Break, Power/Magic Breakdown
Selphie - Diaga R4, Curaja R5
I'd lose out on the P.Blink but gain some strong DPS (especially when Dash Bite comes out in January). I like Freya, but she can't Lifesiphon and her only Wind abilities are Wind Slash (CEL 2), Wind Jump (DRG 3), Sky High (DRG 6). I also don't think replacing Ramza with OK would be a good idea, so I'll probably stick to using OK on Mage or Elemental-based Mixed teams.
Is it really worth it though?
Because I ended up with Cloud, Vanille, and Locke... so booby prizes all around, outside of maybe Vanille's burst medica.