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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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Black Friday Pull:

Got lots'a BSB's to master now : D.

Next 50 myth went into the Onion Knight banner, got Luneths's BSB from it.



YO!! YOOOOO!!!!! Didn't get anything fancy but I'm happy with it just because I got more FF IX relics. :D

Got Dagger's and Vivi's burst. Great pull for me!
I got Penelo and Minwu's BSB. More white mages?? Are these any good when I already have Selphie's Dreamstage?
I don't need more lol. Stop giving me more healing relics DeNa.


For all waiting on this banner to pull for OK burst well...its not included...it and a bunch of others are missing.

Gungnir (III), Luneth BSB
Onion Gauntlets (III), Onion Knight BSB
Excalibur (IV), Paladin Cecil BSB
Abel's Lance (IV), Kain BSB
Sleipnir's Tail (IV), Rydia BSB
Lamia Harp (IV), Edward BSB
Shooting Star (VIII), Rinoa BSB
Strange Vision (VIII), Selphie BSB
All BSSBs released before 25th November my ass...oh wait it doesn't say all this time.

Especially annoying as IV and III are some of my weakest relms. I suppose DeNA don't want to kill off people pulling on the IV, III or VIII banners but someone who wants to chase those particular relics has much better odds doing so on their featured banner anyway (assuming they only get the G5 relic it is about 3 times more likely on the featured banner vs black Friday).
Lol it's full price.



Rikku: The only Imperil Water relic in the game! She will pair well with my Jecht Shot Tidus.
Beatrix: Imperil Holy + Super Tank Commands.
Jecht: EnDark w/ Monk Commands on a great Dark Monk right before we get the Physical equivalent of the MM+DZ ability combo.

I got no dupes, a nice spread of types and some good utility. I can also combine my two freebie X daggers now.

Worth it indeed!

Two FFX relics and NO Tiny Bee! \o/

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Pulled the Black Friday Banner with real money since I was running out of mythril...

And got my 4th 1st Fusion Sword lol... And Leon's Rune Axe and Faris' Artemis Bow...

Well this vastly improves my FF2 synergy. I was hoping for a BSB for a character I use but I guess I'll figure out how to use them. Now the question is do I combine the bows or keep them separate? The only other 5* weapon I have is Firions first axe.


Got BSBs for Leon and Zidane.

Could've been better, could've been worse. Leon's actually looks pretty good, and Zidane's will be useful in spots.

25 Mythril for 1 BSB is pretty good value.

It's 50.

Even then I'd probably still have pulled even if it were just one BSB guaranteed.


Black Friday draw got me:

-Gilgamesh's Masamune (dupe)
-Noel's Flame Fossil
-Ashe's (Ashe's) Defiance

Pretty happy with this; Noel's BSB is solid so I'll take it and I know Ashe's BSB is pretty good. Plus I have Vaan's BSB so my 12 synergy is gooooood now lol. Regarding it being full priced, that is kinda crappy, but since it appears that ALL relics being pulled are BSB's I feel that makes it okay.

Then pulled on the OK banner and got Arc's Elder Staff and OK's Onion Sword. I already have Arc's medica, and the staff seems solid (blinks are always good) so that's not terrible, and I would rather have gotten OK's BSB obviously but the sword is a good consolation prize. Sitting on exactly 25 mythril right now (before today's freebies), so I'll wind up getting enough for a second pull on the OK banner if I want but I will most likely pass; getting his burst would be rad and give me way more options, but having a native wall and just RW'ing Shout etc has gotten me through virtually all content so eh.

I had to work yesterday and am off to work right now, but hope everyone had a great holiday!
Now that the BF banner is live I was finally able to do my pulls. Got Cloud's BSB which is kinda boring but I needed a FFVII melee SB so it'll be useful still. My FFIII pull netted me a Lust Dagger, an Elder Staff, and two White Mage robes.

The BSB draw is a bit meh but I'm happy with my FFIII draw. I should be good on FFIII synergy for a while and the Onion Knight gear will reappear many times in the future so I can try again then. I don't want to blow through all my Mythril on one banner, particularly since I have it mostly planned out for the future.
Meh, only a single dupe BSB....

so with about 280 Mythril left, is there something special left waiting for in the next weeks/months? Or are 1/2 shoots at Onion Knight gear worth it?
Meh, only a single dupe BSB....

so with about 280 Mythril left, is there something special left waiting for in the next weeks/months? Or are 1/2 shoots at Onion Knight gear worth it?
The extremely (and justifiably) hyped FFXIV banner 1 is coming up soon, as is the OSB fest, so if you think you can make due with your FFIII synergy, I'd recommend saving. (Chasing specific relics is generally not worth it to begin with IMO.)


That Alphinaud Banner is...

Yshtola Burst (one of the best if not the best healing burst in the game)
Alphinaud Burst (Best Summoner burst in the game)
Minfilia Burst (Super Solid Paladin Burst)
Minfilia SSB (50 % boostga + guts)

Thats 5 amazing relics there and Im sure Im missing something.


BF Banner (still salty about it being full price) got me Cloud and Fang's BSB. I'm cool with that, just for the stat sticks alone. I got super lucky on the Onion's Banner so I'm not disappointed.
Pulled on Black Friday 4/11: Auron, Sephiroph, Hope and Serah
Pilled on OK I: Luneth BSSB, Arc robe and rod, Ignus Shield

No Onion Knight but on the plus side I don't need to level him *stuffs growth eggs down his throat*
Man I could use a Vaan BSB...

Seph Burst is actually pretty good, it goes up in value the longer times go.

Yeah Vaan's has been game changing for me since I got him, the question is do I keep sephy's and vaan's dupes separate or not will have to think about synergy later today.


On second thought, by tomorrow I think I'll have enough to draw from this banner... damn you dena

I wouldn't mind a healer's BSSB, actually


My count gives me around 300 mythril for when Alphinaud Banner lands. Im tempted to skip EVERYTHING until then (including OSB Fest), yeah that banner is that crazy. Only If I knew I could pull and get Vaan Burst I would pull anywhere else. Literally everything on that banner goes from great to OMG broken, the only 'turd' is Yshtola Robe...and is still a Medica + AOE esuna that is still a unique effect to date if Im not mistaken.

Also TGC is next after that, and I also want to pull there.
Seph and Vivi. Aren't they both pretty average? Would trade my pull for one more on XIV banner 1, would have been happier with 90% of the pulls I see on here but at least I am not the 1/11 Tiny Bee (sorry man...). Banner value was still great, gotta play to have a chance I guess! One day maybe I will get something I remotely want from a Lucky Draw.


Seph and Vivi. Aren't they both pretty average? Would trade my pull for one more on XIV banner 1, would have been happier with 90% of the pulls I see on here but at least I am not the 1/11 Tiny Bee (sorry man...).

Seph is actually pretty good. Once they release torment dungeons seph bsb ignore defense command will do 2x9999 to heavy defense bosses while properly buffed while other bursts commands do 4-5k max. The more dificult the content is the best seph burst becomes. Is the anti power creep. There are still better damaging bursts but not many.
Seph is actually pretty good. Once they release torment dungeons seph bsb ignore defense command will do 2x9999 to heavy defense bosses while properly buffed while other bursts commands do 4-5k max. The more dificult the content is the best seph burst becomes. Is the anti power creep. There are still better damaging bursts but not many.

Ohhhhhh once I first read about his BSB back when it came out, this was not talked about. Great news, makes me happy! Thanks!


Ohhhhhh once I first read about his BSB back when it came out, this was not talked about. Great news, makes me happy! Thanks!

Well back then, and still now, his effect is no needed. You preffer to spam skills and Burst with more useful entry modes or utility commands. But then torment dungeons release. With bosses with defense higher than fragment Ifrit and with 3 stages of trash that is ultimate level on stats and HP. So no hones support that, you need bursts commands so your skills last and on that scenario against that higher stated mobs and bosses Sephiroth Burst shines.
Not sure how much mythrils I'll have by next month, but OSB Fest and FFXIV has been on my list to pull for. The only thing is TCG is shortly after FFXIV. Shoot, gotta figure what relics I really need.
Would it still be safe to bring one character and Onion to the 90 stamina EXP dungeon or should I bring two and onion?

I Hate you, I would exchange my OK Burst for Vaan Burst in a heartbeat, I love that burst :(
Wish I could, homie.. wish I could.

I take it Vaan's Burst is good then? Or do you just like the character? I never played XII so no connection for me.

And not to rub it in, but my pull had no dupes. thefountain.gif
Vaan's BSB is still to this day in Japan one of the most useful bursts there are, and its effect hasn't been duplicated by any other exactly.

I got it from a previous lucky draw and it has been extremely useful.
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