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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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Half pull lucky banner? I didn't even know this was happening or this event, I thought the next thing was FF8? I really need to pay more attention :(

Edit: Pulled, kinda eh? Not terrible I don't think. If nothing else I had no FF4 swords, and no mage stuff other than Golbez's armor/axe and Rydia's Ice Whip so I appreciate the sword/whip stat sticks. Cid's spear is kinda whatever but better than nothing and might get some use in a CM or something. For 50 mythril I might not be happy but for 25 I'm okay with this.



What's with this trash tier banner. First half price lucky I won't pull on

DeNA is helping us save mythrils for upcoming awesome banners

They be like "We made this banner suck so bad, get the hint... y'all!"

Just cleared Ahriman for the motes and got all multiplayer rewards, Dark Dragon was kinda easier than XIV ifrit if you have a dedicated sleeper to hit the target condition basically


These 3 bosses the only ones that'll be here in this event?

Either way, I destroyed all 3 of them quite easily, couldn't even come close the last time these cats were here!

Banner sucks eh? Yeah think I'll pass. Last "lucky" banner got me laguna's shit ass jacket and that's it.


Skipping this banner, I'm saving for a second pull on OK. I'll skip XIV I think, too, I want dat TG Cid swag

This revenge thing is fun because these three are the only bosses I haven't been able to beat since I started doing Ultimates (that and stupid Rufus with stupid Mako cannon). Beat Bahamut already, poor guy couldn't keep up with all the damage it was eating and I was chaining one orb after the other lol


I killed Bahamut without touching the doggies. It exploded.

Did cagnazzo without dispel so he was permanently hasted. Peace of cake.

But Caius still killed me once...damm him. Also did it without dispelling a second time, because I needed the first one for medals.

Was fun.
While I'd love to get my revenge on Vossler I'll have to beat two bosses I never tried instead. I'm not even sure I had a medica or hastega when Bahamut sin first rolled into town...(I know I should have had some medica due to the candle option but I thought shared medica would be too weak so instead pulled a dagger that Basilisk's claw made obsolete)

Banner sucks eh? Yeah think I'll pass. Last "lucky" banner got me laguna's shit ass jacket and that's it.
The most recent relics on this lucky banner are 5 months old so yeah outdated is expected. Plus the pool is something like 2 bursts, 10 super, 18 uniques.

I don't need VII and XIII stat sticks (but wouldn't mind Overture) and given I just beat the IV event without pulling while my RS gear is poor that can wait too.

If I didn't read what people were saying earlier I'd have probably blindly pulled and cried myself to sleep over getting Organics a year late and another field corps uniform


Told myself I was going to save until I woke up today and saw that lucky draw.

Pulled a dupe Fusion Sword and 4-Point Shuriken.


Any character recommendations for record dive after Onion Knight?

Celes looks good for 6* snowspell strike and can use SB to recharge that ability and Luneth has great dive trees especially with his bsb weapon

I use Tyro around 90% of the time, is he worth diving ?

What else would also be good?

(I know discussions led to " just dive your favorite characters" but I'm asking for characters that have impressive record dive options, most only have +stats)


The strongest advice I can do is, dive characters you use that gain new skills after diving them (i.e. Quistis can gain Black 5) or characters that gain a great synergy with their relics (i.e. Celes Spellblade 6 and Indomitable Blade), after that, go for favourites. Imo Diving Tyro is useless, his stats will still suck unless you are completely sure that he will be a lot in your party.
I should have read the horror here before pulling...

I got Vanille's Boon, Tellah's Dire Meteor, and Porom's super. All things that I didn't really need or want. I have so much medica now that these new items are just going to help with synergy, rather than being useful soul breaks.

Thanks, that's perfect!

I pulled on the rematch banner for the heck of it (plus I could use some FF4 synergy), was excited to see four rainbows. Turned out three were dupes (Organix, Edge's katana, and Overture) and the only new thing was Rosa's dress. Oh well.

Mote Ifrit is bullshit. Totally up to RNG whether or not he wrecks your team before you can get any mitigation up in the first turn. This is not fun.


Mote Ifrit is bullshit. Totally up to RNG whether or not he wrecks your team before you can get any mitigation up in the first turn. This is not fun.

Mote Ifrit is probably the fight that took the most S/L's from my entire playtime with the game, it was around 40-50 S/L's, I was too stubborn to adjust my party after dealing 80% of his HP on one of my earlier attempts


Cagnazzo has some nasty rng. It gives problems even to day 1 players. Each run is an adventure, sometimes he aoe slow you and tsunami you to death others he doesnt cast slow and he doesnt punish you to hard with aoe. Its a crappy designed boss.


The fact that the water shield phase is random is total bullshit. I think I'll go with the A-team full physical and fuck it, because with a mage team it's a rngfest.

Also beat Caius, the bastard is HARD. He hits like a monster and is insanely fast. Damn fight was harder than some U++...
I think I might do the VII rematch and then just skip the other two.

Finally beat Ifrit with a different team composition. I was trying to make it work with Ingus luring physical attacks but it just didn't help much. Switched him out for Sazh for extra breakdowns and Choco-Chick SSB. That's all mote dungeons down!


Imo Diving Tyro is useless, his stats will still suck unless you are completely sure that he will be a lot in your party.

Tyro was my first dive, I use him for literally everything (due to a combination of Wall and a self indulgent custom sprite) so attempting to close the stat gap even a little bit vs other un-dived characters is worth it for me personally.

The stat increases may seem relatively minor, and they'll never close the gap entirely, but the bigger deal with Tyro is the fact that his record dive places further emphasis onto what his Record Materia did; Tyro is designed to exploit weaknesses.
+6% spellblade damage, +9% black mage damage (and +9% white mage heals), and +9% damage vs weakness go a decent way to closing that gap.


I Record Dove Pcecil to boost his sword damage for extra unfairness and Faris to give her 4* Machinist skills for offensive support Queen status, with a little bit of dabbing with a few other characters I had good SBs for/characters I like like Basch and Yuffie and Beatrix.

Problem is it ruined my 4* Dex mote cache boosting all those physical characters so now I can't finish up Luneth or OK or really any physical characters for quite a while. Was considering dropping more Mage motes on OK but I only have his Slicer and I'm gonna be pulling hard on the 14 banner for both Yshtola and Alph BSSBs so I'm gonna wait.


The strongest advice I can do is, dive characters you use that gain new skills after diving them (i.e. Quistis can gain Black 5) or characters that gain a great synergy with their relics (i.e. Celes Spellblade 6 and Indomitable Blade), after that, go for favourites. Imo Diving Tyro is useless, his stats will still suck unless you are completely sure that he will be a lot in your party.

I dive and level to 99 characters I have BSBs or great relics for - OK, Luneth, Cecil, Ramza, Tyro. Beyond that, its unlocking skills.

Tyro was my first dive, I use him for literally everything (due to a combination of Wall and a self indulgent custom sprite) so attempting to close the stat gap even a little bit vs other un-dived characters is worth it for me personally.

The stat increases may seem relatively minor, and they'll never close the gap entirely, but the bigger deal with Tyro is the fact that his record dive places further emphasis onto what his Record Materia did; Tyro is designed to exploit weaknesses.
+6% spellblade damage, +9% black mage damage (and +9% white mage heals), and +9% damage vs weakness go a decent way to closing that gap.

Next dive I'm doing is mah boy Gilgamesh. Need him to have Dragoon 5.

I Record Dove Pcecil to boost his sword damage for extra unfairness and Faris to give her 4* Machinist skills for offensive support Queen status, with a little bit of dabbing with a few other characters I had good SBs for/characters I like like Basch and Yuffie and Beatrix.

Problem is it ruined my 4* Dex mote cache boosting all those physical characters so now I can't finish up Luneth or OK or really any physical characters for quite a while. Was considering dropping more Mage motes on OK but I only have his Slicer and I'm gonna be pulling hard on the 14 banner for both Yshtola and Alph BSSBs so I'm gonna wait.

Thanks for all these responses!

Basically when I came back to FFRK, one of the first tips I was given is to save up all motes for Onion Knight.

I've gotten several bsb relics for characters such as Tyro, Pcecil, Greg, Selphie, Faris, Ramza, Vivi, etc, etc

It's hard to pick one that you know will be a worthwhile investment, but I guess it will be moot once 4* motes become farmable later

I'm leaning towards Tidus for his BSB/OSB but his record dive only offers +3% water damage and 3* spellblade which isn't much (I typically do 80k-90k OSB in ultimate fights with BSB enwater active and record dive +water damage would only add 3k-4k more to that which is trivial compared to unlocking 5* abilities for other characters


Finally got Ifrit CM down, was ignoring the fight all this time(beat it with my A team first day and never bothered to look). But today after 10 S/L its finally down. Did it the old fashioned way, No BSB RW way for me.



I got Arc's Elder Staff with 100 gem pull. Was hoping for something crappy to boost my rates for VIII banner LOL

Ugh so many games out this month is going to be hard to juggle. I haven't even started XV yet, might wait till the end of the week since I'll have two weeks off. Gives me time to complete WOFF and Pokemon Sun plus focus on the upcoming events.
One day I will pull on a VIII banners... Next event I think. Could have used a 5* on the 100 gems but the game loves to give me those when I already have good synergy in the realm. It's far from being the case here.

Now we all play the same waiting game to see how lucky and how quickly Wazzy will get about everything she wants! :p


Honest question - I pulled OK's relic last banner. Is this one worth pulling on, or is there something better coming up? I don't follow this game as much as I should
Honest question - I pulled OK's relic last banner. Is this one worth pulling on, or is there something better coming up? I don't follow this game as much as I should
Do you need FFVIII synergy? Or are you a fan of any of the characters on the banner? If not, and if you think you can get by this event with what you have, I'd wait until the next FFVIII event, which has some really amazing relics. And there's some really great events for other realms soon, like the FFXIV one.

It also depends on whether or not you do the Cid Missions. If you like to complete them, you should always be looking to fill gaps in your realm synergy, and focus on trying for important effects like Medicas, Hastegas, and powerful bursts of DPS.

You have to be the luckiest here with 100 gems, grats!
Thank you!

It used to be the exact opposite. For almost the first year, I got practically nothing worthwhile, but lately it's been pretty great. That's three BSBs from 100 gem pulls now.
If you guys are willing to wait for motes is ok, Ahriman can be destroyed easily by Alphinaud BSB RW so you can farm that later for 1 stamina each run.

Thanks for the tip. While not trivial, having Luneth's BSB makes this farmable and by using FFRK Inspector I don't have to waste time on fights that won't drop the mote. I think the DB hasn't been updated to include the onion mote, but in case anyone else plans on using FFRKI to farm them, the item ID is 132001300.

edit: Running Luneth's BSB as the RW and spamming it in addition to using his own BSB makes this go by pretty damn fast actually. 3 people simultaneously using the BSB makes this super easy.


^ The queen has returned. *bows*

Got Zell's BSB with my 100 Gems~ :D

Mega grats!

I got his SSB. I dislike Zell as a character (Sephie-tier) but am willing to use them if the game throws their SBs at me.

Snowe's are still going in the trash if I get any of those though.


Not interested in the junk overstrike but wouldnt mind zells bsb.

Got Laguna's SSB which looks like a decent consolation prize from 100 gems. lower's ice resistance, and I do love mah Snowspell strike. And it's really my only ff8 relic. I'll try and save and do a 11 pull near end of event maybe, try for zell.
Mega grats!

I got his SSB. I dislike Zell as a character (Sephie-tier) but am willing to use them if the game throws their SBs at me.

Snowe's are still going in the trash if I get any of those though.

Snow's the best though. Gimme all his relics.
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