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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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Solid, I will certainly take this for 100 gems:


My FF8 RS is starting to creep up a bit; now I have Squall's BSB, Quistis' BSB, Seifer's SSB, and 3 stat sticks (Blitz Sword, another sword I forget the name of, and the Ochu Whip).


Solid, I will certainly take this for 100 gems:


My FF8 RS is starting to creep up a bit; now I have Squall's BSB, Quistis' BSB, Seifer's SSB, and 3 stat sticks (Blitz Sword, another sword I forget the name of, and the Ochu Whip).

Was Quistis really that much poisonous in the game?


Well this was an uneventful set of Ultimate Battles. All super easy, U++ can be done without healing if you have Celes indomitable Blade.


Yesssssssssss Rinoa banner is up.

I was able to pull everything on the banner but that meant using all of my mythril and a paid pull. I'm still tempted to try for Zell's glove but with no mythril I can only do a paid one.

Time for Bonus Battles!

Edit: I now have so many party dresses and it's glorious.


Got Selphie's Strange Vision on my 100 gems! Man, with this, native Sheepsong, and RW VoF, i've got plenty of buffs for mage meta. Now i just need some mage SB's that deal damage, only worthwhile ones i have are Vincent's enFire SSB and Shantotto's Vidofnir SSB. Need to get some mage Bursts!

Edit: help me decide whether to pull or not GAF. I want mage Bursts to go with my mage buffs. I have Edgar's Chainsaw for Imperil Poison, so i'm thinking about pulling for Quistis' Burst. However, I already have Strange Vision and Red Scorpion, so there's 2 dupes on the banner. And OSBfest and FFXIV and FFT are coming up soon...
Got Selphie's Strange Vision on my 100 gems! Man, with this, native Sheepsong, and RW VoF, i've got plenty of buffs for mage meta. Now i just need some mage SB's that deal damage, only worthwhile ones i have are Vincent's enFire SSB and Shantotto's Vidofnir SSB. Need to get some mage Bursts!

Edit: help me decide whether to pull or not GAF. I want mage Bursts to go with my mage buffs. I have Edgar's Chainsaw for Imperil Poison, so i'm thinking about pulling for Quistis' Burst. However, I already have Strange Vision and Red Scorpion, so there's 2 dupes on the banner. And OSBfest and FFXIV and FFT are coming up soon...

Save for Cid Raines on next XIII banner 2 if you want a crazy good mage BSB.


The Lion Wakes U+ CM

Just like in the last two FF8 CMs, Tank Seifer is MVP. Don't have any shared Proshellga/Red Scorpion, so I had to dive Quistis to use White 4. Rinoa basically melted his face off with Chain Biora spam.


The Lion Wakes U++

Probably should've brought some AoE. WHATEVER. Hardest part was I kept accidentally blasting myself with Chain Biora before dispelling because I wasn't used to Short Charge from Braskas Summoner's Dream RW.

It's a gauntlet, so bring your BSBs.



I forgot how bad my FF8 synergy was and I am trying to clear CMs now instead of just my S+ team spam, so did a 50 pull on the Rinoa Banner fishing for some stuff.

Got the Irvine Full Break gun, Quistis Whip and a spare Party Dress. With native Hastega, Dreamstage, the damaging SBs and a Wall RW I was able to take him down comfortably with Selphie and Rinoa at 80 and Zell/Quistis/Irvine at 65.

Will probably just go back to my S team for the gauntlet though so I can get back to my other games. Would have done it already but the event description said Ice weakness while the explanation said Poison weakness and i didn't feel like looking it up at the time to see what it actually was.


Would have done it already but the event description said Ice weakness while the explanation said Poison weakness and i didn't feel like looking it up at the time to see what it actually was.

Poison weakness for all 3 waves. Added Ice Weakness to the Sorc Adepts for Wave 2.


Poison weakness for all 3 waves. Added Ice Weakness to the Sorc Adepts for Wave 2.

Thanks for clearing that up. The random Ice weakness in the requirements after not seeing a single thing in the description had me wondering if that was some type of error. Wouldn't have been the first time, for sure.


Thanks for clearing that up. The random Ice weakness in the requirements after not seeing a single thing in the description had me wondering if that was some type of error. Wouldn't have been the first time, for sure.

But it does say in the description that the Adepts are weak to Ice?


But it does say in the description that the Adepts are weak to Ice?

i just double checked and they do say it. Right after the double Ultimate description. I wasn't reading it too good.

Although...reading it again, the entire description is a bit weird. It's like...talk about all the mobs > talk about Adepts > talk about Adepts + Elite > talk about Adepts > talk about Elite. It...doesn't really flow that well. I guess there was a lot to mention though.


Went ahead and tried MP mode for the current MP U/U+. Did get one idiot in the U fight who brought Tyro with r1 Drain, r1 Alexander, but luckily the rest of us were able to win the fight without any real help from him. My Vincent did most of the damage of the fight, doing 24k with his enFire SSB and then 20k Chain Firagas and 30k Meltdowns.

The U+ went better, everyone knew what they were doing and I decided to bring Selphie with her new Burst to boost Vincent's damage, and she ended up doing respectable damage herself, doing 10k per command 2. One of the other peeps in the raid used a Wow! stamp the first time she did it, lol. Things got hairy when the boss got to weak phase, I think Wall must have gone down before it was refreshed because we got hit with a Grand Slam that did 4k damage out of nowhere, when it had been doing 800 damage before. Vincent went down to that attack unfortunately, right as he was recasting his SSB too, but my Selphie and some of the others left alive managed to recover, refresh Wall, and finish off the boss.

Fun times. Definitely would like to play with some GAFers if we can get a full group together.


Did a pull on the Rinoa banner and got both Quistis Relics + the Armor with no sb. That puts me up to 2 BSB for VIII, One Physical (Squall) and one magical (Quistis) which is kind of my long term plan for all realms


Everything completed except for Sorceress fight. Everything else was super easy for me with all of my VIII gear. Hoping Sorceress fight is the same.

I managed to pull another Squall OSB and Zells BSB finally but still Laguna relics evade me. Oh well, hopefully they come back again. I'm done for pulls and need to start my next VIII event hoarding because 0 mythril sucks lol

I also need to catch up on new multiplayer fights.
This is great news :) Lucky banners make me so happy. I wish we had more of them.

Yea! 25 Mythrils for a minimum of 1 SSB or BSB is not a bad deal at all! I have never been super happy after any of my Lucky Draw, but they have been ok for the price. I hope tomorrow will give me at least 2 5* and no repeats. Something useful would also be nice! Surprisingly, this is the third DU Lucky Draw with XIII relics, I really need synergy in that realm and I got none from those yet. Give me Vanille BSB and all my bad Lucky Draw will be forgotten!
Just realized that 4 of my 9 BSB are from one of the realms present in the Lucky Draw. I have 4 BSB and 7 SSB from the banner. Should be 52 5* in the banner, about 20% chance of each 5* I pull being a dupe.

Also, quick calculation gives me a 26.9% chance of a BSB for each 5* pulled!


Wow, Setzer's and Strago's new SSB's sounds all sorts of hot.

Lol at the rest of the upcoming VI banner.

You just made me take a second look at Setzer's, and wow, i did not realize that it's a 1/5 chance to do 1358% damage. That's more than most physical OSB's! And it's spread out over 14 hits so the damage cap shouldn't be an issue.

Now i'm bummed it isn't gonna be in the LD tomorrow.
I only have 3/52 out of that relic list. Any BSB would help me greatly except for Locke since I already have his from the last BSB fest. I can't pass this up for half. No uniques is what seal the deal.
I only have 3/52 out of that relic list. Any BSB would help me greatly except for Locke since I already have his from the last BSB fest. I can't pass this up for half. No uniques is what seal the deal.

If they do what they did with the Black Friday Lucky Draw, Locke BSB might not even be there because it's in another banner two days later. Just like Cecil BSB was not in the BF Lucky Draw because it was in a concurrent banner from Kain event.
This VIII CM was fun. I have dreamstage and mighty guard and two laguna guns. I do have a revolver + and betrayal sword + as well, but those have useless SBs. So I went rw Onion Knight summoned by Squall and then Edea with bioga/chain biora. then both irvine and quistis on breakdowns. squall rolling the rw atk command to full charge 6 times was so powerful, then just used him with biora strike. Edea hit with bioga until about half the hp was gone then I switched to chain biora, only had 4 shots of it.

RW Ok combined with full charge really melts the hp, I liked being under equiped for a change.


I have 7 of the relics for the lucky draw, 2 of the bsbs (celes and garnet) and 5 ssbs, and frankly any of the dupes would be useful except for another sirius sidearms, I already have a vega+, I need a blade for XIII. Oh, Setser's SSB would not be welcome, when am I going to need a + thrower with no mag in vi-never.
If they do what they did with the Black Friday Lucky Draw, Locke BSB might not even be there because it's in another banner two days later. Just like Cecil BSB was not in the BF Lucky Draw because it was in a concurrent banner from Kain event.
Yeah, you're right. Looking at the FFVI banner, Celes SSB and a few others won't be on there.


Looking at the list, i have a lot of possible dupes:

Celes ssb
Edgar ssb
Locke ssb
Relm ssb
Sabin ssb
Beatrix ssb + bsb
Eiko bsb
Steiner ssb (Excalibur)
Lightning ssb
Y'shtola ssb

for 11/52 possible dupes. Though if the 4 relics from the VI event banners aren't on there, then it's 9/48.

I should probably skip this one, but i can't pass on a ssb+ 1/2 off draw, especially when there's some good mage bsb's on there.


Whats up with this ice strike ssb of edeas? no added effect? im used to all ssbs doing something other than just damage.

Glad i got a relic for her though. Only my second offensive mag ssb, other being kuja, and i already have edea at 80, so win there as well.


Whats up with this ice strike ssb of edeas? no added effect? im used to all ssbs doing something other than just damage.

Glad i got a relic for her though. Only my second offensive mag ssb, other being kuja, and i already have edea at 80, so win there as well.

Old school SSB. Think Cloud Organics type stuff. Just pure damage.


Hmmmm my IX RS isn't the greatest but with my pull from the last IX event that got me Beatrix and Freya's weapons I was pretty well off with just those. I'll have to see if I want to save up 25 mythril for that pull or just leave it alone. I could benefit off of it if I pull some IX armour or XIII gear.

Also ugh I can't believe I'm Gil broke again finally. All my dupes being combined for VIII gear made me poor. I need a fest right now please lol
Looking at the list, i have a lot of possible dupes:

Celes ssb
Edgar ssb
Locke ssb
Relm ssb
Sabin ssb
Beatrix ssb + bsb
Eiko bsb
Steiner ssb (Excalibur)
Lightning ssb
Y'shtola ssb

for 11/52 possible dupes. Though if the 4 relics from the VI event banners aren't on there, then it's 9/48.

I should probably skip this one, but i can't pass on a ssb+ 1/2 off draw, especially when there's some good mage bsb's on there.

Once you get to the point of having 20% of all SSBs and BSSBs for three different realms, I feel like getting a dupe isn't such a bad thing. A 6/7/8 star stat stick probably helps more than a sixth character potentially joining your A-team?


Dupes for me are

Celes SSB, Lightning SSB and Burst, Terra SSB1, shadow SSB, Vanille SSB

Still pulling ofc.

Eiko and Vanille Burst are the dream for me.
Only have 6 items on that banner, so it's a no-brainer. There's some very tasty prizes, particularly Beatrix's BSB (I have 3 holy-based BSB...), both of Celes' items, Terra's Tiara, Vanille's BSB, and Fang's BSB (I have 2 imperil-Wind SBs). Good luck everyone.
Oh well, still gonna pull, dupes be damned.
Lets see, I have 11/52.
Celes SSB - Excalibur
Locke SSB - Valiant Knife
Shadow SSB - Ichigeki
Dagger BSB - Dagger of Resolve
Dagger SSB - Wizard Rod+++
Freya SSB - Trident
Beatrix BSB - Lightbringer
Lightning BSB - Overture
Lightning SSB - Peacemaker
Vanille's SSB - Physician's Staff
Yda's SSB - Sphairai

Still gonna pull because there are some great prizes in here.
Watch me get 1/11, Wizard Rod...
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