Do the new fights in the 8 event go live tonight?
Probably got the answer already but yeah, it's up
100 gem pull on FF8 banner 2
Galbadian Elite Armor
Do the new fights in the 8 event go live tonight?
Solid, I will certainly take this for 100 gems:
My FF8 RS is starting to creep up a bit; now I have Squall's BSB, Quistis' BSB, Seifer's SSB, and 3 stat sticks (Blitz Sword, another sword I forget the name of, and the Ochu Whip).
Was Quistis really that much poisonous in the game?
Got Selphie's Strange Vision on my 100 gems! Man, with this, native Sheepsong, and RW VoF, i've got plenty of buffs for mage meta. Now i just need some mage SB's that deal damage, only worthwhile ones i have are Vincent's enFire SSB and Shantotto's Vidofnir SSB. Need to get some mage Bursts!
Edit: help me decide whether to pull or not GAF. I want mage Bursts to go with my mage buffs. I have Edgar's Chainsaw for Imperil Poison, so i'm thinking about pulling for Quistis' Burst. However, I already have Strange Vision and Red Scorpion, so there's 2 dupes on the banner. And OSBfest and FFXIV and FFT are coming up soon...
Save for Cid Raines on next XIII banner 2 if you want a crazy good mage BSB.
That's about it really. One single spell from her Limit Break, DeNA just randomly assigned poison to her and ran with it.
Would have done it already but the event description said Ice weakness while the explanation said Poison weakness and i didn't feel like looking it up at the time to see what it actually was.
Poison weakness for all 3 waves. Added Ice Weakness to the Sorc Adepts for Wave 2.
Thanks for clearing that up. The random Ice weakness in the requirements after not seeing a single thing in the description had me wondering if that was some type of error. Wouldn't have been the first time, for sure.
But it does say in the description that the Adepts are weak to Ice?
Tomorrow Dungeon Update Lucky Draw will be curated! SSB/BSB only! Realms are VI,IX,XIII and XIV!
This is great newsLucky banners make me so happy. I wish we had more of them.
Tomorrow Dungeon Update Lucky Draw will be curated! SSB/BSB only! Realms are VI,IX,XIII and XIV!
Why is 13 in every damn dungeon update?
Wow, Setzer's and Strago's new SSB's sounds all sorts of hot.
Lol at the rest of the upcoming VI banner.
do they do dungeon updates at day change or night time like new events?
I only have 3/52 out of that relic list. Any BSB would help me greatly except for Locke since I already have his from the last BSB fest. I can't pass this up for half. No uniques is what seal the deal.
Yeah, you're right. Looking at the FFVI banner, Celes SSB and a few others won't be on there.If they do what they did with the Black Friday Lucky Draw, Locke BSB might not even be there because it's in another banner two days later. Just like Cecil BSB was not in the BF Lucky Draw because it was in a concurrent banner from Kain event.
Whats up with this ice strike ssb of edeas? no added effect? im used to all ssbs doing something other than just damage.
Glad i got a relic for her though. Only my second offensive mag ssb, other being kuja, and i already have edea at 80, so win there as well.
Looking at the list, i have a lot of possible dupes:
Celes ssb
Edgar ssb
Locke ssb
Relm ssb
Sabin ssb
Beatrix ssb + bsb
Eiko bsb
Steiner ssb (Excalibur)
Lightning ssb
Y'shtola ssb
for 11/52 possible dupes. Though if the 4 relics from the VI event banners aren't on there, then it's 9/48.
I should probably skip this one, but i can't pass on a ssb+ 1/2 off draw, especially when there's some good mage bsb's on there.
Lets see, I have 11/52.Oh well, still gonna pull, dupes be damned.