You have to be the luckiest here with 100 gems, grats!
I'm overdue for something nice from a 100 gem pull. Been like 20 pulls since I got any 5* weapons from them. Gunna have to give them up shortly.
You have to be the luckiest here with 100 gems, grats!
Are 100 gems even worth it in the age of guaranteed 5*?
Definitely. You'll once in awhile land a 5* and sometimes if you're only chasing one relic it's better if you get lucky and land it through that rather than spending 50 mythril.Are 100 gems even worth it in the age of guaranteed 5*?
Thanks gorl^ The queen has returned. *bows*
Got Zell's BSB with my 100 Gems~![]()
<3Definitely. You'll once in awhile land a 5* and sometimes if you're only chasing one relic it's better if you get lucky and land it through that rather than spending 50 mythril.
Thanks gorl
And gratz again! That's an amazing 100 gem pull!
I'm leaning towards Tidus for his BSB/OSB but his record dive only offers +3% water damage and 3* spellblade which isn't much (I typically do 80k-90k OSB in ultimate fights with BSB enwater active and record dive +water damage would only add 3k-4k more to that which is trivial compared to unlocking 5* abilities for other characters
Is the Stagger mechanic in FF XIII supposed to be fun? The battles in this game are amazingly unfun and damn it's hard to push forward.
Currently in the fifth ark after owning the game for like 2 years now.
Is the Stagger mechanic in FF XIII supposed to be fun? The battles in this game are amazingly unfun and damn it's hard to push forward.
Currently in the fifth ark after owning the game for like 2 years now.
Hardly odd. The battle system in XIII is the only redeeming thing about that game.Oddly enough, I found the battles in XIII to be the most engaging thing about that game.
Hardly odd. The battle system in XIII is the only redeeming thing about that game.
Yep. The battles were fun. Everything else not so much.
Maybe I'm just not fully understanding the battle system.
Maybe I'm just not fully understanding the battle system. Just been randomly changing to a paradigm that makes the stagger meter go up, switch to a sentinel if I start dying. Rinse and repeat.
Also there's a million different equips and no upgrade materials and I can't tell what I should even focus on.
60 gems = 1 mythril. So, you would need 17 mythril + 1980 gems to do an 11 pull.How much mythril would be needed alongside 2000 gems for an 11 pull?
PEW PEW TIME (aka I have no more MBO)
Completed all story dungeons including elite ones. 172 stamina finally. One stamina shard short of 173. Got my Agrias to 99 too. Now to do the rest of VIII events, motes dungeon, multiplayer, dailies or nightmare dungeons whenever they come back.
Started this game at launch and got Tidus for early registration. Didn't come back until the 1 year anniversary back in March. I didn't even have Cloud when I came back. I just completed the tutorial and stopped haha. Took roughly 9 months to catch up.
Is there an easier way to get 4 star motes than just mote dungeons?? Once you complete them all, is that it?
Looks like I can get 50 Mythril before the FF3 banner ends. Hopefully this won't end with another 3 Onion Swords![]()
Ended up with 2 more Onion Swords... ¯_(ツ_/¯
How viable is the multiplayer content solo? I know it content with mythril attached ends today so I'm trying to clear stuff and the 60 stamina cost of the ultimate boss had me hesitant to try solo. Day 1 player with tons of trinity and bssb if it matters.
How viable is the multiplayer content solo? I know it content with mythril attached ends today so I'm trying to clear stuff and the 60 stamina cost of the ultimate boss had me hesitant to try solo. Day 1 player with tons of trinity and bssb if it matters.
I made a cash sacrifice and the gods smiled upon me.
From what people have said on here and reddit, MP is full of idiots who don't know what they're doing. Doesn't sound like fun to me.
That was my fourth pull overall (first three (with Mythril) did not get any Burst), and Luneth is probably my favorite character in Record Keeper. I got a $100 iTunes card for 20% off so I was like "screw it, let's get dangerous." I was ready for either Burst. When I saw Luneth's spear pop with one left I was like "YES BOTH I GOT EM BOTH" but then saw another spear, which was also fine (combined and augmented to max).Don't tempt me! I have luneth at 99 and really want his spear or anything for him rather than Tyrfing! But I also really want zell's bsbAnd alphinaud! I have no mythril and I must shout!
I made a cash sacrifice and the gods smiled upon me.
Sweet mercy.First pull on OK banner 1 = Luneth's polearm, 2x OK's glove, OK's sword and Arc's robe
2 pulls with 5x relics, geez
Onion Knight has a perma spot in my A-team now!
(90% of players in U+ are idiots, sigh)
I just realized I did one of the new bosses as opposed to the one that ended tonight 😰
Had just enough stamina to beat the one that actually ends tonight
I played a match where someone killed the boss instantly with a single attack. It was fishy as hell.Don't think Ive ever encountered a hacker. I'm surprised you can since everything is saved server side.
Oh whoops, didn't realize stuff ended today.
We have a discord.