Advance not working out?
Which realm(s) have new on their banner (if it is none you'll have to check each one for incomplete dungeons). Then noting that realm look at the roadmap here:Is there a way to tell how far behind I am on the story mode?
Oh yeah I meant that sword, I combined 2 of them which is why it is a 5*There is a Defender sword 4* from that realm too. Think it's a shame not having other characters like Garland or that princess (she's the original bard, after all).
There's a 4* FFI piece of armor called the Knight's Armor also. I've got all three FFI relics ready to go in case we ever get a FFI event. (Besides the mini one that we get down the line.)Oh yeah I meant that sword, I combined 2 of them which is why it is a 5*
Defender and the Sun Blade are the only FFI items, I think. Also yeah Its a damn shame there is nothing else from FFI. at the very least the new FFII event in JP has me hopeful that a FFI event could be coming.
An FF1 roster would've been easy if they just avoided this whole core nonsense and used Fighter, Black Mage, Red Mage, Black Belt, Thief, and White Mage... and not that blue armored dude who's never been in a Final Fantasy game.Sarah, Garland, Matoya, Bikke, etc. Just give us someone. :/
An FF1 roster would've been easy if they just avoided this whole core nonsense and used Fighter, Black Mage, Red Mage, Black Belt, Thief, and White Mage... and not that blue armored dude who's never been in a Final Fantasy game.
Though with the core characters we essentially get both. The way it's set up now they can go beyond the initial six jobs of the first game.An FF1 roster would've been easy if they just avoided this whole core nonsense and used Fighter, Black Mage, Red Mage, Black Belt, Thief, and White Mage... and not that blue armored dude who's never been in a Final Fantasy game.
Yeah, that's how I feel. Sarah and Garland have already been playable in other FF spinoffs so it shouldn't be too hard to define their roles here. Add Matoya as a Black Mage, Bikke as an Engineer/Thief type and you could have a solid group.Warrior of Light is a better FF1 candidate then using any number of core class characters. FF1 just needs Garland and a few other cool npcs and it'd be fine.
Which realm(s) have new on their banner (if it is none you'll have to check each one for incomplete dungeons). Then noting that realm look at the roadmap here:
Then enter the realm, find the name of the dungeon you have to do and check the dungeons tab. Now you know which dungeon update you have reached.
Note: Global is only up to dungeon update 12.
Warrior of Light is a better FF1 candidate then using any number of core class characters. FF1 just needs Garland and a few other cool npcs and it'd be fine.
Yeah, and now with Tactics coming they can include even more core classes while saving the FFT synergy for the named characters.Core classes also nicely rep the nes version of FF3 which is why they work better as generics then as FF1 or FF3 reps.
Yeah, and now with Tactics coming they can include even more core classes while saving the FFT synergy for the names characters.
That being said, the core classes need a boost or something, and some more content aimed at them beyond a couple daily dungeons.
Core classes also nicely rep the nes version of FF3 which is why they work better as generics then as FF1 or FF3 reps.
It is so painful when it gives you 3*s anywayRemembered finally to grind the hard dungeon for lesser power orbs hoping to max out my retaliate and my 2 double cuts
Just a quick thing I noticed on those. All three defenders are among the only swords to give defence boosts. The 3 defence is literally the only reason I kept my FFIV version (if Cecil is sitting the back row and only ever hits Cloud I might as well have a few extra def for doing so).Defender...
FFI version doesn't give DEFJust a quick thing I noticed on those. All three defenders are among the only swords to give defence boosts. The 3 defence is literally the only reason I kept my FFIV version (if Cecil is sitting the back row and only ever hits Cloud I might as well have a few extra def for doing so).
Just watched a video of someone doing the Leblanc and co misfortune fight in JP... jesus christ. Not looking forward to fights like that. He had amazing hones and relics and still struggled.
On the other hand though I realized that the victory fanfare in the X-2 event changes to the X-2 version. neat!
Yep!LeBlanc is a boss? There are FFX-2 stages?! I'm so excited! I'd love for her to become a playable character.
Vanille's eidolon hasn't shown up yet. The one you are probably thinking of is Brynhildr, Sazh's eidolon. Either way congrats, that fight is pretty tough.Last night I sat down, took my time, and FINALLY (after avoiding it for weeks) beat that one FF13 dungeon that has you fighting the Eidolon (I think its Vanilles?). Anyway, Id been avoiding it for so long and only doing events/dailies/elites and now that Ive completed it, so many new dungeons have opened up. Im so happy!
The FFX-2 event is the one happening right now in Japan, it came with Yuna being able to equip guns, getting her Gunner outfit, and her Burst Super Soul Break
Vanille's eidolon hasn't shown up yet. The one you are probably thinking of is Brynhildr, Sazh's eidolon. Either way congrats, that fight is pretty tough.
Which realm(s) have new on their banner (if it is none you'll have to check each one for incomplete dungeons). Then noting that realm look at the roadmap here:
Then enter the realm, find the name of the dungeon you have to do and check the dungeons tab. Now you know which dungeon update you have reached.
Note: Global is only up to dungeon update 12.
You guys wanna send some of that daily + luck my way? 2 full runs and no greater or major anything :[
Is Bahamut worth it? Or better to save all Major Non-Eles for Meteor?
Is Bahamut worth it? Or better to save all Major Non-Eles for Meteor?
Did an 11 pull, all I got was 5* Flame Shield, 4* Crystal Helm (FFVI) and everything else was 3*, feelsbadman
I already had a Crystal Helm at max level so I guess I could combine it to a 5*? Also is the Flame Shield any good?
I did a pull on one of the Hope banners, the one with Vega 42.
Got a bunch of crapola
Also these new dailies are harder but the rewards don't seem better. I've gotten a whopping 2 greater orbs so far.
I've got 2 Crystal Helms at Lv 15, both still at 4* just to spread the synergy across multiple characters (they're honestly great with the Attack Bonus), but you could combine if you have several other pieces/just want one really strong set on your physical attacker.
Crystal Helm has some solid stats imo (increases STR). Unless you have plenty of gear already I'd keep them separate for your melees. Can't comment on the Flame Shield, don't have one.
I have to say i am not impressed with Ruinga. Reddits been hyping this ability up for about 6 months and now i have's below par. It's not great for crowd control on elite as it hardly takes out a full row of trash in one go. Hmm, i was my money orbs back.
How's the boss rush? Anything I should be aware of or is it pretty easy?
I have to say i am not impressed with Ruinga. Reddits been hyping this ability up for about 6 months and now i have's below par. It's not great for crowd control on elite as it hardly takes out a full row of trash in one go. Hmm, i was my money orbs back.
Bitching on gaf got me 2 greater power orbs this run. I guess the dailies are now the best way to farm greater orbs unless something else is more stamina efficient which I doubt.
How's the boss rush? Anything I should be aware of or is it pretty easy?
I'm enjoying my R3 Ruinga thus far. Rolling with 3 dedicated Non-Elemental AoE nukers (R4 Valefor, R1 Meteor, R3 Ruinga) gives me absurd kill power against multi-target bosses.
Anyone who pulls a 5 star character sb in the common free draw is not allowed to complain even if they get Josef's nobel sacrifice
Well, I somehow managed to pull a 5* SB relic from the daily draw.
Granted, it was Cyclone Grimoire. But hey, free is free. AoE mental break ahoy.