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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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Not sure how many OG players there are in here, but I think I might be back. I'm currently playing an alt while I try to recover my original account. I'm at a crossroads of what to do with my mythril and gems. Do I:

1) Wait for the XIV banner which is supposed to be incredible?
2) Do the lucky pull for 25 Mythril?
3) Do the Tyro banner and try to get SG and/or Shout?
Not sure how many OG players there are in here, but I think I might be back. I'm currently playing an alt while I try to recover my original account. I'm at a crossroads of what to do with my mythril and gems. Do I:

1) Wait for the XIV banner which is supposed to be incredible?
2) Do the lucky pull for 25 Mythril?
3) Do the Tyro banner and try to get SG and/or Shout?
Lucky Pull on the Dungeon banner, definitely. Followed by farming the massive amount of dungeons for mythril until XIV.
I'd do lucky pull and hammer the story dungeons and spend it all on the osb banners. Imho a scattershot for synergy across several realms is better than focusing on one realm particularly a rare one like xiv.
I did lucky pull and got Chainsaw SSB for Edgar. Doesn't seem great, but I'm sure I'll get plenty more chances. Just to be sure, OSB > BSB > SSB, right?
Where you are in the game, bsbs are going to be better because you don't have the ability hones. osbs right now are just one hit that have to be set up properly (shout, break/downs). SSBs that are support based or have combo effects like regen + haste + something I consider better than osbs as well, frankly.


Not sure how many OG players there are in here, but I think I might be back. I'm currently playing an alt while I try to recover my original account. I'm at a crossroads of what to do with my mythril and gems. Do I:

1) Wait for the XIV banner which is supposed to be incredible?
2) Do the lucky pull for 25 Mythril?
3) Do the Tyro banner and try to get SG and/or Shout?

I was a day 1 player, I remember you back then when we posted at FFRK's launch + few months.

I stopped playing for 2 years and came back around October, already clearing all content in the game without problems.

I had a great, friendly mentor from FFRK reddit to guide me, which was a big plus, along with Gaffers giving me tips when I asked for it everytime (thanks GAF!)

Your first goal with mythril and gems should be getting a native trinity SB's (wallga, boostga/hastega and medica) which helps boost flexibility with RW's (roaming warriors)

So yes, having SG and shout is a big plus. I suggest do the 25 mythril pull since it's cheaper and has good relics in it. Wait for XIV and see if you get y'shola's stoneskin II then you won't need SG unless you really want Tyro to be useful as a character.

Like others have said, definitely catch up on dungeons and use mythrils to get BSB's which gives free ability uses to up your game in long drawn out battles. SSB's are starting to become obsolete because of OSB's but some SSB's like shout and sheepsong are valuable.

Your main goal (in terms of playing) should be catching up on creating/honing new abilities, and unlocking some valuable Record Materias, which means unlocking new characters as well which we can with lodes now.

I suggest unlocking Dr. Mog's Teachings (Tyro lv80) Mako Might (Cloud Lv80) Ace Striker (Tidus Lv80) and Battleforged (Ramza Lv80) as well as the exp boost RM's to help get your characters leveled up.

EDIT: You may have figured it out already from researching since I remember you being resourceful, having these RM's allow you to start off battles with shout/wall which is becoming a standard against bosses that can 1KO you without any mitigation and tidus/ramza RM's enable you to be in burst mode forever meaning infinite abilities, especially healing if you have a bsb healing relic

I would do mage teams later after you've had a chance to hone enough.

This is if you've got your original account back, of course.

Welcome back to FFRK, I've missed it too.


I did lucky pull and got Chainsaw SSB for Edgar. Doesn't seem great, but I'm sure I'll get plenty more chances. Just to be sure, OSB > BSB > SSB, right?

It's more OSB/BSB > SSB. BSB's are going to be invaluable come the crazy gauntlets of 7 round battles due to unlimited use commands, but obviously OSBs will outdamage anything given the right tools.

Damn, VI has 3 5* Knights...

I only have 1 Saints Cross guys, you have to share.


Chainsaw is,afaik, the only imperil poison in the game. So if you use Quistis BSB or Edgar OSB it has unique value. So theres that.


Man the sword twirls that Leo does when Shock is performed is rad and I love Setzers epilepsy inducing spam of Red Card.

One of those banners where I want to pull for animation alone.
I was a day 1 player, I remember you back then when we posted at FFRK's launch + few months.

I stopped playing for 2 years and came back around October, already clearing all content in the game without problems.

I had a great, friendly mentor from FFRK reddit to guide me, which was a big plus, along with Gaffers giving me tips when I asked for it everytime (thanks GAF!)

Your first goal with mythril and gems should be getting a native trinity SB's (wallga, boostga/hastega and medica) which helps boost flexibility with RW's (roaming warriors)

So yes, having SG and shout is a big plus. I suggest do the 25 mythril pull since it's cheaper and has good relics in it. Wait for XIV and see if you get y'shola's stoneskin II then you won't need SG unless you really want Tyro to be useful as a character.

Like others have said, definitely catch up on dungeons and use mythrils to get BSB's which gives free ability uses to up your game in long drawn out battles. SSB's are starting to become obsolete because of OSB's but some SSB's like shout and sheepsong are valuable.

Your main goal (in terms of playing) should be catching up on creating/honing new abilities, and unlocking some valuable Record Materias, which means unlocking new characters as well which we can with lodes now.

I suggest unlocking Dr. Mog's Teachings (Tyro lv80) Mako Might (Cloud Lv80) Ace Striker (Tidus Lv80) and Battleforged (Ramza Lv80) as well as the exp boost RM's to help get your characters leveled up.

EDIT: You may have figured it out already from researching since I remember you being resourceful, having these RM's allow you to start off battles with shout/wall which is becoming a standard against bosses that can 1KO you without any mitigation and tidus/ramza RM's enable you to be in burst mode forever meaning infinite abilities, especially healing if you have a bsb healing relic

I would do mage teams later after you've had a chance to hone enough.

This is if you've got your original account back, of course.

Welcome back to FFRK, I've missed it too.

I'm wondering how far behind I'd be if I just stick with the new account. I'd probably get about an extra 250 mythril from story by starting over, the only thing I'd really be missing out on is hones.

What are the 10 most useful abilities nowadays? Before it was Double Cut, Curaga, Protectga, -ga spells, and -ra spellstrikes. I have all those on my main, but not honed well. Are orb drops high enough that I could get back to those levels with a few stamina refills during orbfest?

I was at 105 stamina on my main, I'm at 40 right now on my new. Only thing I'm really worried about are losing those hones, but I don't mind buying some stamina refreshes to get it back quickly if it would help.
If those are your abilities, I would be tempted to just start over blitz the story and spam the orb dungeons in two weeks.

Rarity 4 abilities that are still useful

Life siphon, I have four r4
Banishing strike
Elemental spells, ruinga

You'll be able to get those skills up to snuff quickly with the festival
If those are your abilities, I would be tempted to just start over blitz the story and spam the orb dungeons in two weeks.

Rarity 4 abilities that are still useful

Life siphon, I have four r4
Banishing strike
Elemental spells, ruinga

You'll be able to get those skills up to snuff quickly with the festival

How does the orb event work, and how strong should i be to be able to clear them effectively? Will i be able to take on the highest levels with such a new team? I assume i need to spend some time in the exp dungeons and equipment upgrade dungeons.

What would be your first 5 abilities and hones? The onees you mentioned, or should i go for some 5*?


How does the orb event work, and how strong should i be to be able to clear them effectively? Will i be able to take on the highest levels with such a new team? I assume i need to spend some time in the exp dungeons and equipment upgrade dungeons.

What would be your first 5 abilities and hones? The onees you mentioned, or should i go for some 5*?

Power Breakdown
Magic Breakdown

Add in Full Break as your first 5* ability and you've got the general ability composition of every single hard fight in the game.

From there, it's up to you.
How does the orb event work, and how strong should i be to be able to clear them effectively? Will i be able to take on the highest levels with such a new team? I assume i need to spend some time in the exp dungeons and equipment upgrade dungeons.

What would be your first 5 abilities and hones? The onees you mentioned, or should i go for some 5*?

Have a team above fifty with a b mage with ruinga and you'll be fine I think. You can summon osbs for story bosses at least on classic and bsbs for 2 orb festival rounds.

There will be a materials dungeon alongside the orb dungeon so I would spend minimal time prior to that outside of upgrading a few weapons.

I'd do the ones I said and the breakdowns to r2 then r3 first and then worry about 5 stars. Breaking down major orbs means that it is really easy to hone the rank 4

Level up tyro, cloud, tidus and whomever has battleforged and knights something RMS. Then life siphon with an rm plus your Edgar and you'll roll through the dungeons.
This is a nw account, so I basically have nobody (just got all the ff8 units from the event though)

I'd suggest Tidus, Ramza, and Luneth to start. Ramza's just an all-around great character, and you want +SoulBreak RMs like Ace Striker and Battleforged. Luneth's RM3 is a +200% XP one and will be super useful during Orbfest.


I'd suggest Tidus, Ramza, and Luneth to start. Ramza's just an all-around great character, and you want +SoulBreak RMs like Ace Striker and Battleforged. Luneth's RM3 is a +200% XP one and will be super useful during Orbfest.

It's very hard to get a character to lv99 right away with a new account, I wouldn't waste resources going for Luneth's RM, but it is good to have when you have the means to get characters to lv99

But yes to Tidus/Ramza, Ramza moreso since you have many chances to get his shout SB because the next beginner's relic banner will have shout as well.


This is the list of abilities sorted by priority when I came back to FFRK, you can alter however you want depending on which relics you get

R2 Protectga, Shellga

R3 Magic Breakdown, Power Breakdown, Armor Breakdown, (do Mental Breakdown later when you have a mage teams set up with honed abilities) Hone Lifesiphon before taking this to R4. You can use Armor Break instead of Armor Breakdown to save 4* power orbs if you need to, that's what I did.

R5 Curaga then R4 Curaja, it's far easier to get x12 cures from Curaga especially when Curaga is enough to heal characters up to lv70, you need Curaja for lv80's and up

Lifesiphon, this one is freaking awesome but it competes for 4* power orbs with breakdowns, you need to hone breakdowns first to mitigate bosses. You should have at least 2x R3 Lifesiphon that complements with Ace Striker and Battleforged RM's, put these on your BSB relic characters.

The only 5* abilities you should make first is Full Break and Multi Break. The issue with Multi Break is that ability is a dance ability so it's limited to few characters, usually Tyro. Multi Break is important for facing 2-3 bosses.

After Full Break, look into Saint Cross, Power Chain, Full Charge if you have 5* orbs to spend on, but I would recommend shattering them into 4* to get you caught up faster. Elemental Chains are expensive, but maybe good to work on those to R2 each elemental during orbfest.

Everything else (in terms of abilities) is subject to your future A team, by the time you finish the above abilities, you should be able to figure out where to go from there.

For example:

If you get a great relic for a thief character, you will need to consider abilities like Steal Power/Armor, Thief's Revenge, etc.
If you get something like Luneth's BSB which gives enwind buff, then having Tornado Strike is very handy.
Etc, etc.

Other recommended 4* abilities but mostly niche, do these last:

Dismissal, Banishing Strike (physical version of dispel that bypasses reflect), Wrath, Status Effect Shot Shells, Elemental-Ja's, Ruinga, Drainga.

Another choke point you will face with a new account is gil funds to hone these abilities. Farm gil during daily which is already tough with a low stamina count with a new account.

I was overwhelmed with so many abilities to create/hone at first, so I get where you are coming from.
Spent a few days here and there farming Black Crystals (no refresh) on the last few events when the Ultimate had it. No drop whatsoever. I kill the annoying (very) Ultimate of this event for the first time, Power Crystal... Come on! :/


The first time in a long time I died on a U battle...in fact I died 5 times, 6k magitec laser LOL. And the Cid mission was a nightmare too, insane damage even with full breakdown + breakdown + proshellga. Had to S/L 3 times there. Finally got it but good lord they hit hard. And my synergy is perfect.

In fact Kefka was super easy in comparison, he was hitting for 500 AOE with standard mitigation or 1k single target.


I thought the U and U+ were kind of a joke but I may have just lucked out on the AI.

Guardian's Flare only hit for like 2k despite all the dire warnings about it.


Probably could have died on the U battle, but between beatrix and rosa, I'm immune to magic damage for the most part. Did take 1 or 2 lasers to the face for a couple k damage each but dodged most. Definitely a couple times where some peeps were low on hp. Cleared on 1st try.

Battles with multiple enemies always my weaker set up. I have very few skills that hit all. Need to hone some dances and put penelo to use with her bsb.

Couldn't do CM if I wanted to, only have sabin and shadow, and sabin just has unique sb.
Ultimate- Mechs hits very hard, but once I got my mitigation/debuffs up, wasn't too bad. Last two waves dropped quick since I built up Locke's BSB/Cele's SSB in the first wave.

U+-Did this CM style. One of those times I wish I had a Medica for VI. Got it on the second attempt using double healer. Slow, but got champ at least.

U++-4/5 s/l's due to terrible luck with slave crown. Otherwise, Kefka dropped quick with a combo of Beatrix BSB, Celes SSB and Tyrio w/Celes BSB RW.


Melted all the U fights. Shadow is a damn speed monster, with his and Vaan's BSSB you can't just stop attacking constantly lol

Kefka was so broken he was doing 400 aprox with all his attacks, I kept up with only high regen.

My team is completely broken
Finally got around to curating my RM's.

Still have 4 pages of this shit.
I might have to do the same soon as the vault is pretty cheap to expand.

Seriously, my jaw dropped when I saw the vault game me 50 slots for the 1 mythril. I then facepalmed as I've spent more than that since vault came out for less equipment slots :(
Just got 50 mythril. Already used lucky pull, should i do one of the two VI banners, Tyro banner, or wait for XIV banner? Up to 57 stamina from story missions.

What is the difference between the two VI banners currently?
Just got 50 mythril. Already used lucky pull, should i do one of the two VI banners, Tyro banner, or wait for XIV banner? Up to 57 stamina from story missions.

What is the difference between the two VI banners currently?

First one has one of the best WHM BSB, even in Japan today. Also has the broken SSB for Celes.

Personally I would wait to see what the OSB fest banners will be. I'd say go for Tyro banner for wall, but XIV will have one too. However, with how many Mythrils you are going to get by catching up on story dungeons, I would not be scared to pull on any good banner right now.
First one has one of the best WHM BSB, even in Japan today. Also has the broken SSB for Celes.

Personally I would wait to see what the OSB fest banners will be. I'd say go for Tyro banner for wall, but XIV will have one too. However, with how many Mythrils you are going to get by catching up on story dungeons, I would not be scared to pull on any good banner right now.

I pulled the first banner and got Portrait of Lakshmi and Sabre Soul SBs. Is there a spreadsheet or something that breaks down how good all the various relics and SBs are?
I pulled the first banner and got Portrait of Lakshmi and Sabre Soul SBs. Is there a spreadsheet or something that breaks down how good all the various relics and SBs are?

You pulled on the second banner if you got those. First one on the list, but second banner of the event. We refer to banners in the order of their release.


I pulled the first banner and got Portrait of Lakshmi and Sabre Soul SBs. Is there a spreadsheet or something that breaks down how good all the various relics and SBs are?

Amazing medica and suprisingly good MAG stat stick in Morning Star. It's better than Terra's SSB stick lol.

Sabre Soul as a SB is trash though.


Leg day been productive this week. Mastered 3 SSBs and a BSB and got some nice leveling in for some realms I lack better synergy.

Paine, Zidane, Red XIII, Balthier and Vaan GETTING SWOLE this sunday.
One thing I hate about Multiplayer so far is that I often lose connection to the host when the fight starts. Is the problem on my side? On their side? I never know. I can go 5-6 fights in a row with no problem, later it will be the other way around. For phase 5, I just went through 3 disconnects in a row on Titan U+.
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