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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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One of the relics that noone talks about is Alphinaud SSB, one of the best relics against Nemesis.

That banner is full of good stuff. Hardly to go empty with 3-4 pulls.


that puzzling face
Wazzy pull also means the non-5* items will be triplicate dupes of the only two FFVIII 4* items in the game.
BTW, what will be the orb fest banner and why is it enticing to pull?

The fest banners are usually top loaded with some of the best relics in the game and are perfect for people who just need general strong relics. I think this fest is like 1 osb, 3 bsb, and 3 ssb per banner or something like that.


It has OSB which breaks the damage cap of 9,999 up to 99,999. Then 3 bsb and 3 ssb and 1 unique on each banner.
I'm gonna do 1 pull, but it'll be hard to resist with FFXIV in 2 weeks.
By the time XIV comes I'll have enough mithril for 4 or maybe 5 pulls. A good weapon would make it very easier for me to clear harder content though, so maybe I'll do a pull on this Fest Banner.

I'll only do it if they have weapons for the characters I have available though.


Is Orlandu absurdly broken in this game too?

With relics pretty much. Amazing skillset and stats. His OSB has the biggest multiplier in the game and gives Orlandeau 'Thunder God Mode' that is basically a quickcast aura. His burst has also de biggest multiplier in the game. His only weakness is that his relics are elemental so on omniresist bosses he is not great. But he destroys everything else.

May be some better relics since Orlandeau is just pure raw damage and top tier teams are just about utility and staking buffs and debuffs but I will whale a bit for his relics for sure. Because he is awesome.
Wait this announcement about the Holy Dragon tips referencing an unreleased ability which have been removed? Was that the text saying you should use mind break against it. I remember getting amused by something like a long time ago so I guess they recycled the same tips here?
Assuming that 174 Stamina is max and I currently have 141... That would mean that the bare minimum Mythril I can gain from Story Dungeons is still around 165, right? Add to that dungeons that don't give out shards... Jesus, I could be swimming in the stuff by the time the XIV event rolls around. And we don't even know how many we'll get for Christmas!

Hell, with my tempo of clearing stuff even more dungeons will be added in the meantime. I am so good on stuff to do for a long ass time.


Assuming that 174 Stamina is max and I currently have 141... That would mean that the bare minimum Mythril I can gain from Story Dungeons is still around 165, right? Add to that dungeons that don't give out shards... Jesus, I could be swimming in the stuff by the time the XIV event rolls around. And we don't even know how many we'll get for Christmas!

Hell, with my tempo of clearing stuff even more dungeons will be added in the meantime. I am so good on stuff to do for a long ass time.

Knowing Dena we're just getting shitty relics for christmas. Coal for all!!!!

Edit: Since I can't pull over here, I'm starting up Exvius or however you spell it. Game better be decent.

Wait a minute. If I get a good pull over at exvius, i'll get terrible pulls here! Gambler's fallacy be damned!
The keeper's choice banner says guaranteed 5*, does that also mean guaranteed SB? Not all 5*'s have SB's attached to them.

Knowing Dena we're just getting shitty relics for christmas. Coal for all!!!!

Edit: Since I can't pull over here, I'm starting up Exvius or however you spell it. Game better be decent.

Wait a minute. If I get a good pull over at exvius, i'll get terrible pulls here! Gambler's fallacy be damned!

I'm a little biased since I just ragequit exvius the other day, but fuck that game. You can literally spend $300 in that game and get nothing but dumpster fire trash. And the entire metagame revolves around not playing. Couldn't even make it up if I tried. I would hate logging in for events because it took time away from me not playing, which is the best way to improve your character, so that you can continue not playing.


Wasn't the keeper's choice a sort of scam? You can choose one relic but it's a generic stat stick I think. There's guaranteed 5* in all banners though, I would wait for XIV.
Finally buckled down and did the Guardian fight in the Curada nightmare. It took a really long time because my main attackers weren't doing as much damage as I thought they would. Didn't master the fight, but at least it's done and over with.

I still gotta get Meltdown.
Wasn't the keeper's choice a sort of scam? You can choose one relic but it's a generic stat stick I think. There's guaranteed 5* in all banners though, I would wait for XIV.

My understanding is you get a guaranteed 5*, and then in addition you get to choose another 5* but it must be armor. I'm just curious about the first 5*, is it guaranteed to be something with a SB or could it just be a stat stick? The reason it's intriguing is because it contains both Sentinel Grimoire and Ramza's Shout in the same banner, which is pretty unique.


The shared stuff on KC2 is actually pretty good for cid missions. Having shared medicas,shellgas and protectgas while not flashy is really helpful.


If he's just starting out I'd say cid missions are a loooooong way off.

I still don't do them myself and can crush 180 diff bosses.


Twin Spellblades when.

Don't forget another phase of the multiplayer beta closes today. That is Denn the Orcatoothed and Lady Amandine by the way. That's 6 mythril right there for the taking. The latter is pretty nasty stuff though. Going solo I had to bring two white mages (Eiko and Garnet) and still limped to the end even with AoE mitigation thanks to Gordon (I tried playing with others and it took ages for a party and we lacked enough tools to win really so it was curtains when the lamp appeared...even targeting it we couldn't do enough because there was no shout or vessle of fate to be found).

Apparently the final phase of the beta is what we have now with Galvanth the Dominator and Titan.


I look forward to new multiplayer battles because they're so random and playing with high skilled team is amazing, it's also funny to meet some that have no idea what they're doing and we wipe in first 3 turns.

I'm impressed with how multiplayer turned out really.

I look forward to playing with gaffers once the difficulty jumps past the "just throw bodies and BSB's at it!" stage.
Lol I can imagine this game becoming like an MMO, with all the good and bad that comes with that.

"Fuck it's 9PM why isn't that motherfucker online yet! We're goign to have to get a random"

"Goddamit we've been trying to kill this shit for 45 minutes and you noobs still can't even provoke every 30 seconds?"

"Holy shit he ninja looted the sword even though he didn't have enough DKP!"

"Leeeeeeroyyyyyy Jennnnnkinsssssssssss!"


I cant wait for 220 dif multiplayer. Bring it on. I will do all in pugs. Like a man. Today I cleared titan with a 5 white mage 2 walls 0 support skills team. Truly balanced team composition right there.


My understanding is you get a guaranteed 5*, and then in addition you get to choose another 5* but it must be armor. I'm just curious about the first 5*, is it guaranteed to be something with a SB or could it just be a stat stick? The reason it's intriguing is because it contains both Sentinel Grimoire and Ramza's Shout in the same banner, which is pretty unique.

Guaranteed 5* means at least 1 of the 11 items you get is guaranteed to be a 5*, and the 5* is almost always something on the banner. The chance of an off-banner 5* is usually 1% out of the total 13% 5* chance, so for the guaranteed 5* that should work out to about 1/13 chance of getting an off-banner item i believe.
Guaranteed 5* means at least 1 of the 11 items you get is guaranteed to be a 5*, and the 5* is almost always something on the banner. The chance of an off-banner 5* is usually 1% out of the total 13% 5* chance, so for the guaranteed 5* that should work out to about 1/13 chance of getting an off-banner item i believe.

Ahh so basically for EVERY banner no matter what, there is always a chance of the guaranteed 5* being some off banner stat stick with no SB at all? Like I could pull the FF6 banner right now and get nothing but a Zantetsuken and a bunch of 3* junk?
Ahh so basically for EVERY banner no matter what, there is always a chance of the guaranteed 5* being some off banner stat stick with no SB at all? Like I could pull the FF6 banner right now and get nothing but a Zantetsuken and a bunch of 3* junk?

Off banner rates recently went down to basically nothing, but yes for a while banners feature some terrible items like Zantetsuken.
Got a Chocobracelet with my 100 gems~

I was planning on doing an 11 pull on this banner because my VII synergy is kinda meh, but with the Fest banners so potentially close, I don't know if I should hold off now. My Mythril stash is around 200 currently, which is alright, but the FFXIV event is soon too. Yet we're also getting a bunch of bonus Mythril in the near future.

Decisions, decisions...

Went for it. Got Cloud's Guise.


Just did an 11 pull on the new banner and got Cid's goggles. Are these as terrible as they look?

No, they're an armor with bonus wind damage. I'm jelly, i want one to go with my Luneth's enWind Burst.

The SSB they give also ain't too shabby, 12 hits so damage cap not an issue, wind so boosted by the armor, and instant jumps for 3 turns. You missed out on the 5 Dooms event so you can't make Sky High right now, but when 5* motes become available again you'll be able to. Sky High is a 6* Dragoon skill, long air time but 4 hits of wind/non with high multiplier.

In the meantime you could make Lightning Dive once you have the orbs, 5* Dragoon skill, long air time but 4 hits of lightning with high multiplier.
No, they're an armor with bonus wind damage. I'm jelly, i want one to go with my Luneth's enWind Burst.

The SSB they give also ain't too shabby, 12 hits so damage cap not an issue, wind so boosted by the armor, and instant jumps for 3 turns. You missed out on the 5 Dooms event so you can't make Sky High right now, but when 5* motes become available again you'll be able to. Sky High is a 6* Dragoon skill, long air time but 4 hits of wind/non with high multiplier.

In the meantime you could make Lightning Dive once you have the orbs, 5* Dragoon skill, long air time but 4 hits of lightning with high multiplier.

I kinda wish each banner would have all the items ranked on a scale from 1/10 by the community. It's kind of overwhelming because I just see probabilities of drawing each one, and people saying stuff like "it should be obvious that this banner is crap", but for the new people, it's not clear which items are sought after or not. Would be nice if we could just see Relic X: 8/10, Relic Y: 2/10, etc.


I kinda wish each banner would have all the items ranked on a scale from 1/10 by the community. It's kind of overwhelming because I just see probabilities of drawing each one, and people saying stuff like "it should be obvious that this banner is crap", but for the new people, it's not clear which items are sought after or not. Would be nice if we could just see Relic X: 8/10, Relic Y: 2/10, etc.

On the ffrk subreddit there's a guy named Sandslice who makes a Relic Discussion thread for each banner where he kinda does this, but relics are rated among other relics of the same category, e.g. BSB's are rated among BSB's, because even a "bad" BSB is still a BSB.

Also his ratings can't always be completely trusted, for example Reno's BSB that will be on banner 2 of this event he says is bad, but in another thread made by a different user who did the math on the DPS of all the BSB's, Reno's is actually pretty high and it gets better as newer content with longer fights is introduced (it has an iteration mechanic on its cmd1 where it does more hits the more times you use it).

What i do is read the Relic Discussions just so i can see the mechanics of the relics and decide for myself how good they are.


It's good. En-element SBs are powerful and 5* light armor is always broadly useful even without synergy.

Basically about as good as a regular offensive SB can be.
Considering it was 100 gems, that's great then.

Is this considered a decent banner to do an 11 pull for VII synergy?
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