Why are summons so sought after? They're hard as fuck to craft and hone, and I don't think they break the damage cap anyway, so why are they better than just using regular magic?
I didn't read Dr. Mog's stuff and went in with my FFV team only to get obliterated. Blind and elemental nullification / absorption shut down my team so hard.I got wiped by Gil Turtle, no words.
They hit twice (long before we had the Chain -gas) and are strong AoEs.Why are summons so sought after? They're hard as fuck to craft and hone, and I don't think they break the damage cap anyway, so why are they better than just using regular magic?
Why are summons so sought after? They're hard as fuck to craft and hone, and I don't think they break the damage cap anyway, so why are they better than just using regular magic?
They are generally not worth going out of your way for anymore; they were excellent early on because of a lack or good area attacks, but now there's a lot of those to choose from.Why are summons so sought after? They're hard as fuck to craft and hone, and I don't think they break the damage cap anyway, so why are they better than just using regular magic?
Why are summons so sought after? They're hard as fuck to craft and hone, and I don't think they break the damage cap anyway, so why are they better than just using regular magic?
I'm doing 4(?) pulls into the XIV banner and wanted to prepare Tiamat for when it comes because Alphinaud bSB does bonus damage to wind attacks and restores charge ability during burst mode
This will make Neo-Bahamut battle much easier which I haven't done yet
I run similar summoners. My Bahamut is r3 but Valefor and Maduin are both r4. Sometimes I'll have a second summoner with r4 Alexander, too. These are especially useful when I'm running them on Garnet (Dagger of Resolve + Divine Guardian) and Yuna (HotF).Bahamut r3 and Valefor r5 is still a mainstay in many fights where I just want some fire-and-forget. Especially boss rushes and easier bonus battles.
Bonus points for not having to worry about resists.
Have OK Burst? I retried the Bahamut battle this week for fun and giggles and I destroyed him with his BSB alone.
It's pretty ridiculous, 100% counter physical AND magic, two attacks each counter which hit like a truck AND cause blind.I didn't read Dr. Mog's stuff and went in with my FFV team only to get obliterated. Blind and elemental nullification / absorption shut down my team so hard.
I have OK bsb, I thought the mastery condition was to not use any black magic or physical hits?
I never understood what category OK's burst 2 was...
Or take the L, and kill it asap to get enough medals?
OK Burst is what allowed me to finally beat the Meltdown Nightmare. I hated that dragon's damn elemental changing RNG, oh so much.
I dont know why I mistook Bahamut with Ultima Buster lol. No, you cant use OK for Bahamut Im sorry. He doesnt have synergy anyway.
Maybe you could try a Rydia Burst RW for this battle. She has summon commands.
Sunbath is one of the best animations in the game. Only for that reason is already worth it. Also is pretty decent for cid missions if you use mog as support.
Mog pulls out an umbrella, sits down under it and drinks a cocktail.I haven't seen Sunbath but so far my favorite is chainsaw.
Actually this isn't too bad. Seifer is by far the best out of the trash VIII cast in RK, and this gives me synergy options for Edgar/Mog and a boostaga for VI CMs.
Now that I have a monk SSB (Galuf's titan's gloves/unshaken resolve), I wonder how I should run Galuf. Thinking life siphon with battleforged and full charge or fires within? obviously meteor crush is only worth the earth damage under this ssb. Lifebane worth using now??? Does invincible last long enough to keep it up perpetually with life siphons after getting, say 2 bars saved up? Fascinating, will have to try some solo battles. Need to check Galuf's MC3 schedule....event 179 and we are on event 159...ouch that is a while.
not even bothering with the gil turtle with the festival starting in 27.3 hrs.
wait a minute here. according to this pdf : https://www.reddit.com/r/FFRecordKeeper/comments/5jkgb0/pdf_compilation_v166_holiday_osb_edition/
I need Galuf to hit 563 atk if using a 20% record materia and under unshaken resolve to have a 5 hit lifebane. Galuf fully dived with zero synergy equips, just using my max weapons, will hit 401 before the 50% boost from the ssb. So should be pretty easy to hit running Galuf with lifesiphon and lifebane. wow.
Looking over this thread, its clear that ive been playing wrong. I would just load up my highest level people with the best equipment and put the game on auto. Rarely looking at the boss are putting any strategy to it.
Anyways, i got both soul break pieces of equipment for Penelo, I was thinking of replacing Yuna as my healer/summoner.
How far along in the game are you?
You can switch over to the "timeline" style view for the story dungeons. IIRC, That shows all of the available dungeons in the game regardless of if you have them unlocked or not.In the story I'm at the part with Final Fantasy 9 and Final Fantasy 12 coming up to 3.
Not sure how else to judge how far I am.
Is going through the realms essential?
In the story I'm at the part with Final Fantasy 9 and Final Fantasy 12 coming up to 3.
Not sure how else to judge how far I am.
Is going through the realms essential?
Any banners show up tomorrow, or nothing for orbfest?
Any idea when Tyro's/Cloud's/Tidus' MCII will return so I can actually beat hard content?
That works too, I guess lol.Well, later this week you're getting 5x MCII loads. Use those in the Hall of Rites to unlock those crystals.