Why are you guys doing the bonus battles during the best orb phase?! I'm waiting for phase 2 myself
Why are you guys doing the bonus battles during the best orb phase?! I'm waiting for phase 2 myself
Why are you guys doing the bonus battles during the best orb phase?! I'm waiting for phase 2 myself
I enjoy this game and refuse to grind it. Fighting the same beasties over and over until Jan 1 sounds like the most horrendous thing ever.
How do you play this game and solve a 32k piece puzzle at the same time.Yeah seriously who the heck would want to do this.
I let stam overflow once by mistake for approx 80min earlier today oops
I had a + run this morning where 8 of the 9 rounds were cactaurs, including two Jumbos. Got 4 Greater Orbs out of it. Not sure whether or not I should be salty that I didn't get any Major Orbs or not lol. Still only at one Major from drops, but I'm not going to complain about getting a ton of Greater Orbs at the point Im at in the game.
What are the details on orb conversion, is it like 10:1 or something? Is it going to be at all practical to convert Greaters to Majors?
I've only ever done bonus battles once, and that was the 2nd FFIV event. :| I usually just get the Record Materias and do as much of the other dungeons as I can then stop.
Also I'm apparently like 50+ Classic dungeons behind current content.
I generally haven't been doing the third bonus battle, the first one has been worth doing for the free abilities, the second one I do if it has a unique reward, the third one is always poo.
I haven't taken on Shadow's 3rd challenge battle cause it seems rather complicated. Is advance/retaliate safe (I have the rune blade which should let me do 9999)
Yup! I did it with Advance/Retaliate, but it took a lot of S/L to get M-Breakdown and Shellga in place.
So it looks like banner #3 is the only chance I will get a hastega before banner 85 which is about 2 months later? (we re on banner 72)
So any suggestions on what SSB Banners I should pull on if I'm only going to have enough for 4 pulls (just barely)? I can't find the reddit post with all of the banner breakdowns again for some reason, but the only relics I have from any of the banners were the Lullaby Rod and Rune Axe which were both Banner 4 IIRC. Banner 2 I think had the Cloud sword which seems like a no brainer since I use Cloud and have him at 65 right now, but not sure what else I should pull on.
So any suggestions on what SSB Banners I should pull on if I'm only going to have enough for 4 pulls (just barely)? I can't find the reddit post with all of the banner breakdowns again for some reason, but the only relics I have from any of the banners were the Lullaby Rod and Rune Axe which were both Banner 4 IIRC. Banner 2 I think had the Cloud sword which seems like a no brainer since I use Cloud and have him at 65 right now, but not sure what else I should pull on.
Before the update it was possible to see what the next Record Materia a character could obtain on the record materia equip screen. Doesn't show it any more. Is there still a screen that shows this?
Need to see if seph can obtain another materia through battle after his cap is broken to 80.
(Found it in case anyone else wanted to know)
It's in party - outfitting - bottom right corner record materia equip page has record materia list - you can see a giant list of them all there and sort it by unobtained)
It's a bit of a push though, assuming you need a white mage for a group heal SB as well. The other thing is that you can put Mako Might on Tyro and then still have Concentration II on your mage for the boss rushes.I personally prefer Thyrus over Sentinel's Grimoire. Y'shtola is a much better character in my opinion and you're always gonna bring a white mage anyway. I have never used Tyro
Y'shtola + Thyrus + Healers Robe + Mako Might + Wrath = my record keeper MVP for probably the rest of the game. I spent everything I could on that ffxiv pull and got extremely lucky.
You likely won't have enough soul break bars to alternate SSII and MedicaII in the same battle. It's better to have Wall and AoE heal on separate characters. As a WHM, the only thing Tyro does worse than Y'shtola is Diaga/Holy -- the difference in healing is not important. As a support, he's better, period
So far in every battle +++ or otherwise I have been able to keep up the soul break bars with her to utilize both the group heal and 200% damage reduction. She's trivialized the game for me to be honest. I can take in Advance on a retaliate Cloud in every situation to add more fuel to this game breaking fire. Hence why I think she'll always be my MVP until the servers die.
I don't even have Y'shtola lol
Right now my high level "main" party is Cloud (65), Gilgamesh (55), Wakka (55), Lenna (63) and Vivi (59). Cloud is there because he's Cloud, and Gilgamesh and Lenna were recommended to me as a newer player since Gilgamesh can equip virtually everything and Lenna had the best White Mage SB available to me right now (Mass Regen). I have Tyro somewhere in the 50s but I swapped in Wakka over him since he's filling the same role with better stats and I don't have anything special for Tyro SB-wise. Vivi is a solid pick, I'd personally rather go with Terra since she's my bae but I don't have her MC so she's stuck at 50 right now for me (along with Rydia). I have a handful of other characters at 50 but I either don't have their MC's, or I don't have any special stuff for them; I don't have that many 5* relics, and most of what I have is armor so I don't have a ton of unique SBs.
Oh snap I have enough majors to make Bahamut and Meteor :O
Does either fall into the don't wait make now category? More inclined to make Meteor as I'm already noticing Ruinga is tailing off even in the classic dungeons if not put on a mage with rs weapon.
When I'm lazy (all the time) I equip both Meteor and Ruinga and faceroll trash.
I have the orbs, but I don't want to craft Bahamut now because I can clear content just fine without it. Anyway, after the recent buff in summon JP got, it looks like it's the go-to 5* summon.
About Meteor, I cannot recommend it enough. I have it at R2 and think it's a really nice QoL upgrade over Ruinga or even Quake. Granted, I could equip a Devotion materia and Ruinga could do similar damage, but I like Mana Spring II, so...
Y'shtola can be chosen/bought with the crystals they're giving out during RoR so that's not really an issueWell, mathematically, it's possible (if Y'shtola is under Haste getting hit a lot), but you'll be more limited regarding when you can use your AoE heal compared to having another char, which is why I said it's better to have them separate and why I would choose SG for Tyro and AoE heal for anyone else.
Well, then, for you, banner 2 for Sentinel Grimoire, since you'd be able to use it right now. Y'shtola will only be available again in three (maybe less) months when they introduce the character "buying" system.
I think the core trinity of Full Break-Valefor-Meteor hasn't really changed, despite Mug Time being in the game. Anything else isn't really justifiable till you get r2 of those first 3.
Keeping in mind that the Summon balance changes are a couple months off (honestly I don't think it'd kick in till Chamber of the Abyss/Ultima, but weirder things have happened):
I think objectively, Bahamut post-changes is a better spell, as there is something to say about Bahamut's potential for faster burst, but also keep in mind that it's significantly harder to 9999 on a 7.5 multiplier than it is a 9 multiplier (and if you use Devotion you aren't using Bahamut for trash) so the damage throughput isn't necessarily 1:1 at twice the speed.
Fussing about it now isn't worth it though. Meteor is infinitely more useful than Bahamut at our point in the game/features timeline, and by the time those changes roll around, everything from a few months more orbs, higher daily tier and orb combination will make 5*s a little less tedious to grind out.
We'll then be worrying about 6* crystals :|
My main character is 50, Sephiroth who I just got I boosted to 40 with eggs and my other 3 randoms are level 30.. So far I'm using a full dps team cause the white mage kept getting 1 shot... I really want Aeris...cause its AerisHow do I unlock her? google hates me.