Is there any reason not to grab the staff, honestly? The dagger and the bracer seem kind of pointless.
You want Tyro and Cloud, because of their RM2s. At that point, you probably want Rinoa since she's the only black mage. And then... I guess it's up to you.
If you have a good retameta ready to go, the 110s are kind of trivial to at least complete (mastering is another matter).
The ff14 characters seem kind of pointless unless you get their gear though.
I actually haven't had to mess with retameta since very early on, but for these higher difficulty events I'll probably need to since I'm not sure I can do them "normally". I've got Cloud at 65 so can just set him up for it.
The FF14 character choices are because according to that reddit post we are the farthest away from Thancred/Y'shtola being available again (3+ months) out of my missing characters. I actually already do have the 5* Thancred dagger (although that's probably not worth pulling for him specifically), and I'm doing a pull on Banner 1 here since I don't have any "wall" SB's so in theory if I wind up getting Y'shtola's relic there that would work out. Assuming that post is correct the only other really far away characters to unlock other than the FF14 duo is Locke and Paladin Cecil and I have both of them. I'll grab Warrior (Core) just because there's no way to unlock him now since he was the Day (week?) One bonus. Not sure on my 4th character, the only other characters I don't have other than Warrior/FF14 duo are: Firion, Ingus, Edward, Tellah, Fusoya, Golbez, Vaan, Balthier, Ashe, Devout, Samurai, Dark Knight, Spellblade and Viking. I'd be tempted to pull Golbez since I do have the Rune Axe, but he's apparently coming around again in the next month. Out of the remaining options I'm thinking Balthier since he apparently got buffed (maybe not in global yet?) and is looking good now, plus he's Balthier. Also when I do get around to having the Mythril to pull on the beginner banner I'm probably going to wind up either going with his 5* or Luneth's depending.
My MC1 choices are based again on that reddit post stating "Paladin Cecil, Gilgamesh, Locke, Mog, Lulu, Vanille, Y'shtola and Thancred's MCs will not be available again in the known future." I have MC1s already for Locke, Mog, Lulu, Gilgamesh & Vanille, so out of that list that just leaves Paladin Cecil, Y'shtola and Thancred. People on reddit are also recommending Paladin Cecil anyway since his MC2 is available now as of this event. I'm tempted to get Terra's as my 4th choice as her MC1 is apparently ~2 months out from coming around again, and Terra is my bae; I'm currently using Vivi as my BM since I had his MC, but I'd much rather use her. This gets into practical problem territory for me though where I really want to use Terra, but I acknowledge Rinoa is the only BM that can hit 80 right now and I don't have Rinoa's 1st or 2nd MC. I might hedge my bets a bit by grabbing both Terra and Rinoa's, and only grabbing one of the FF14 character's MC1's based on if I get Y'shtola's relic in banner 1 or not.
MC2's I'm not worrying about too much yet, I'll worry about it when I'm actually able to get any of them lol. Rinoa makes the most sense logically behind Cloud who I've had sitting at 65 for a while now, then Tyro, then whoever I guess.
Edit: I think after I burn my current stamina I'm gonna do an 11 pull. Can I make 0/66 happen???