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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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Subete no aware
I am super casual about playing (no 5* abilities still which is kind of sad) so I didn't really know this was a thing but I just googled it and found the reddit thread explaining it. I'll have to give it a shot if a traditional attempt doesn't work.
I have no 5* abilities and only the "free" 4* abilities with the exception of honed Ruinaga/Quake. I've been powering through content using retameta since I can't field stuff like Breakdowns or Fullbreak or magemeta.


Very easy as far as those fights go. You can just paralyze the adds and wail on him.

Just beat him! You were right -- he wasn't bad at all. I only got an expert because I used Cloud's RW attack and ended up killing the adds I had already paralyzed. I think I might try it again and only use the RWs at the very end to finish him off. Removed all my Breaks since those weren't useful it mentioned and just went to down as best I could.
I generally don't use Reta/Advance as I find it boring lol, but it still has its clutch like today on Omega and for new players i think its definitely a great option to get ahead of the curve.


Guys, i'm gonna switch mobiles soon (android), is the process straightforward and risk free?

I don't want to install the game on my new device and find out I lost everything.


I had to use 2 White Mages to stop lock Omega because I kept getting misses. I accidently stopped Cloud right at the end but still managed to master, lol.


Did an 11-pull. Got four 5* relics.

Gladius (XII) - Not that great but I can use it along with my Danjuro, so eh.
Coral Sword (IX) - Pretty cool beans since I just recently got one of these, since I already have a 5* IX sword, I combined this into a 6*
Oath Veil (VI) - Useless trash. A mage hat that increases wind damage? awesome, let me know when mages can use wind attacks.
Yuna's Magistral Rod - Would have loved this, if I didn't already have Yuna's Lullaby Rod, still it just made one of my favourite characters better, and it's convenient since I'm actually playing the FFX HD remaster at the moment.

I was really hoping for Rinoa's Cardinal so I paid for a 3-pull. Bad idea. I got all 3* items.


that puzzling face
Poor Tyro :(

Every time you want to pity Tyro, just remember



Swift Bolt Veterans for Truth mission successful. Omega's presidential aspirations officially dashed. Even got the mastery.

I can post the group if anyone is interested but it probably isn't terribly remarkable except for the presence of Thancred.

5.5k~ damage/cast presents a pretty good use case for ninja magic against elemental weak enemies if you have any decent Mage weapons for them (sword, bow, thrown). Will be fun once Suiton/Katon/Hyoton get added.
Carry Armor has to be one of the more annoying bosses due to the fact it's hard to get mitigation up without him grabbing someone who's trying to do the mitigation or his arms wombo comboing a mage -.-


Neo Member
Just completed all of the Vale of Memories dungeons! I was only able to master the FFVII battle, but I'm still happy about being able to complete the 110's at this point.

I thought the Sand Worm was the most difficult of the four 110 battles. I think if I had planned it better and brought along the ability to Poison it with Venom Buster, its HP would've gone down much quicker and the Swallow ability wouldn't have affected my team as much.

Oh well, all complete, and all MC2's now unlocked! Which bosses are giving the rest of you the most trouble out of the four?


I can't do anything before Omega blinds everyone :( I might have to go mage meta

Silver glasses on retaliator is a necessity to save sanity...just mastered it. Its possible ti get stop up before he does it but very hard. I did i once during my 10ish s/ls but risked not casting stop with one of my white mages for an extra hit to my downfall. Backed out and put on silver glasses and a few more retries til I got a go where it didn't blind Cloud.

Two white mages with well honed stops let you take it from there with advantaliate. Careful use of the atb gauge and he doesn't even get to damage you once.

I had Aeris and Mog with stop R5 and R4 both with haste RMs and a haste RM on Cloud so he could get a few extra tempo flurries in between retaliates. Had boost on Aeris and shell on mog but proved to dangerous to try cast either. Didnt need to in the long run.

Have one cast stop then do everything else and skip the other WHMs turn until you see whether the first one hits or not. If it doesn't, cast stop. If it does, hit the retaliator.


Just completed all of the Vale of Memories dungeons! I was only able to master the FFVII battle, but I'm still happy about being able to complete the 110's at this point.

I thought the Sand Worm was the most difficult of the four 110 battles. I think if I had planned it better and brought along the ability to Poison it with Venom Buster, its HP would've gone down much quicker and the Swallow ability wouldn't have affected my team as much.

Oh well, all complete, and all MC2's now unlocked! Which bosses are giving the rest of you the most trouble out of the four?

I had the most trouble with Sandworm. He liked to use lots and lots of Quakes, poison didn't want to stick, he kept sucking up the wrong members... Plus no Mako Might yet for Stoneskin II.

But boy was it helpful


I'm just happy to be able to level Cecil and Y'shtola past 50 now. There's been so many situations where I could have used Cecil for a boss fight.
I mastered Omega Weapon with this party:

Luneth  |  Thundaga Strike  |  Barrage     |  Dragoon's Determination
Sazh    |  Armor Breakdown  |  Esuna       |  Mako Might
Bartz   |  Thunder Strike   |  Shadowbind  |  Freedom's Wish
Terra   |  Thundaja         |  Stop        |  Devotion
Celes   |  Thundara Strike  |  Dispel      |  Attunement II

Planet Protector as my RW. I avoided the Blind issues by just using Esuna. Missed a medal for damage, because he weaved in an Atomic Ray when I was out of Shadowbind charges and Stop missed.


After great luck with Thyrus, decided to give it a shot at Planet Protector on the Sephiroth Banner. One 3*, two 3*, three 3*, four 3*, five 3*, sixth pull, a 5*. Yes. I'm happy already, anything from the banner I'll take it. Celebration begins.

When it opens, a goddam fucking Golden Spear (VI)......Didn't even know this shit existed........ 1) a spear, who does hell even uses spear? 2) from FFVI, where I already have like a billion weapons; 3) with no soul breaks at all, what's the point of this thing? 4) not even a featured relic so I should consider "lucky" pulling a 0.0001% chance item; 5) did I say it's a spear?

This thing exists only to piss off in the face of people who get happy after seeing a rainbow ball. I'm sure dena records every pull with our phone's camera and automatically sends them back so they can watch our face when this item appears. Seriously, I never felt robbed like this with FFRK, not even when I had my 11-pulls and countless streaks with zero 5*.

Anyway, having my own Stoneskin II is so good. Y'shtola had so much dust on her.

I am honestly amazed by how bad DeNA has managed to screw up these events.

I'm kinda expecting the whole "choose one" from the Christmas present thing to be a disaster, especially considering it won't have been tested in Japan before.


Aw yiss, mastered Omega with full medals :)



Cloud and Squall with Thundara Spellblades
Vivi Tundaja and Thundaga
Hope Stop
Aerith Stop and Planet Protector SB (Mako Might to pop at beginning)

RW Boon for the Hastega.

A lot of S/Ls to get the starting conditions in my favor.
Stop with Hope before first Blind
Boon and Planet Protector as soon as possible after that.
Then just go haywire with the thunder abilities and stop with both chars every turn.
My Cloud and Squall did 9999 damage with PP, and vivi did about 8k on the Tundajas.
Planet Proctector and hastega lasted 6 turns and he went down on the 7th. (Managed to get one blind off at the end, just before the last thundaga hit him)


so... any idea how to 3 man the +?

My issue is I have no weapon for Sephiroth but he is pretty much required. I have no katana and no FF VII dagger.


Used Seph/Cloud/Yshtola for boss rush. Was annoyed I had to s/l a lot on Jenova DEATH to get StoneskinII up before my party was obliterated.

After that, I wasn't in the mood to overthink my party, so I just went with Advantaliate for Hojo++ using Seph(double cut/sleep), Reno (double cut/blindga) and Clound (tempo flurry/retaliate).

I'll think about Hojo+++ tomorrow. Don't want to just use Advantaliate again...


Just finished the + with a standard advance-retaliate... put sleep on Sephiroth so he sleep JENOVA while Cloud and Tyro setup the buffs.
Two 11-pulls on the SSB 1 banner. Bard's Bracelet and ... welp, that's it. I was hoping for Thyrus, but I could actually use some advice.

My SB equipment is the following:
- For AoE heals, I have the Bard's Bracelet and Mystery Veil.
- For mitigation, I have SG, Heroic Harmony, and Lunatic High, along with two Protectga items (Kaiser Shield and Blitz Helm).
- Random damage: Yoshimitsu, Cutting Trigger, WoL Sword, Buster Sword, Shimmering Blade, Blood Lance, Heavy Lance (Helmsplitter), Oak Staff, Cyclone Grimoire, Silver Barrette, Gatling Gun.

Would it be worth it to draw on the Beginner's Banner to get a ranged weapon like Balthier's gun? For ranged items, I've only got the Pumpkin. Or just roll the dice on SSB Banner 1 again?


Why are you pulling so hard for Thyrus when you already have SG and HH? You already have a Hastega with Lunatic High as well, so the only thing you're missing is a real AOE heal (the shared ones don't heal for near as much). Yuna's Lullaby Rod, on SSB banner 4 i think, would be a good one to go for. Lenna will also get an identical AOE heal + regen on banner 2 of the upcoming FFV event.
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