Purple Cheeto
Now that I have a FFX dagger Wakka is actually good in FFX dungeons again.
I also saw this free equipment only Ultimate Exdeath clear. This of course is another reason why I'm kicking myself for not picking the candle (I forgot how much cure healed and thought it would only be around 500 AoE). It can be done without having that but needs even more luck than that already lucky run.Glad to hear that this is an option, if all else fails (use fire).
I have a decent 4★+ axe for V, but Clod is not masculine enough to wield it, so I'd have to use Gilgamesh (he should be close enough anyway with the synergy level bonus).
Feels like they made the +/++/+++ battles a joke in the ffv event so that everyone can get a stab at the new ultimate battle. Waiting for stamina to refill to sleep murder melusine. The battle with regular ExDeath was harder then any of the challenge battles so far.
Just because I love the character I decided to grab Auron in the FFX event and my 100 gem pull was the Shooting Star weapon. I was overjoyed. Swapped him in instead of Sephy since I can actually break his level cap and he can also use Darkmoon.
Have also been using Galuf to great effect since he was the first memory crystal I got and I gave him Motor Drive (5*). Very effective at dishing damage, especially with counter attack as a Memory Crystal. Though, I don't know if him having no skills is due to it not being possible or I just haven't made the right ones. Also, is he alright as a bare handed fighter or could I do better potentially?
Gonna try this next time my mage meta party can't deal enough damage. My team is basically this but better so it should work fine pending the I get lucky with his spells reflecting for mastery :|I also saw this free equipment only Ultimate Exdeath clear. This of course is another reason why I'm kicking myself for not picking the candle (I forgot how much cure healed and thought it would only be around 500 AoE). It can be done without having that but needs even more luck than that already lucky run.
Lifesiphon will be a huge boon for you.I haven't had much luck with making monks notably effective characters in general despite having relics for Galuf and Tifa. Though Galuf hits like a truck in FFV levels so I guess he has that going for him.
I got insanely lucky with Mako Might. It dropped on the very first battle after using his MC2. I initially thought that all MC2 RMs worked like that.
Goddamn nice. I'm just making sure I'm not missing something about how it works since I'm not sure if it's based on how many actions the character takes or what. If it's just a flat % per battle I'm thinking it would be better to run that 1 Stamina set of FFIV levels or something maybe.
So looking at Exdeath ++++
My AE heal is on Aeris (which has no regen), and I do have SG.
It helps he doesn't start with party wiping moves.
Im thinking of starting this game soon after I beat Yakuza 5. I read some of the beginner tips on reddit but was wondering if people here could toss me some advice/tips for starting out.
I'm running an old 460 gtx with an I5 760. The benchmark test looked to run fine so I think im good for now in that department.
I was wondering what were some of the more populated West Coast servers. What is the state of classes at the moment for dps? like I heard bard/machinist kind of suck outside of buffs but I don't know if that info is outdated.
Starting to run low on stamina, the game is slowing down a bit now, so I did a 3 relic pull from the FFV banner since it's impossible for me to get 35 mythril in two days unless I play all day and don't sleep lol. Got three 3* armors.![]()
I'll probably skip the FFX banner, there's no way I'll get a weapon for Auron or Tidus with my luck.
Rinoa is great though, got her up to level 50 and she's dishing out some serious damage with the -aga spells.
Don't write off 3* items
My Ex Death clear uses 3 different 3++ items.
I've been out of this forever, after switching to my 6s in September and foolishly didn't get the linking code/facebook w/e.
I'm getting back up to speed, but what the heck are Soul of a Hero, and where can I get them, so I can grab some of the old characters I had back?
I've been out of this forever, after switching to my 6s in September and foolishly didn't get the linking code/facebook w/e.
I'm getting back up to speed, but what the heck are Soul of a Hero, and where can I get them, so I can grab some of the old characters I had back?
re: Sundaily EXP/New Characters
If you have another similar relic, Tyro's RM3 does the exact same thing as Mako Might.
I think that I have enough eggs to cap everyone I have and then some. I don't know why I don't do it, I will end up never using most of my eggs. One thing that I have been doing is what you wrote, I egg new characters that are a medal requirement or have a good RM right to 50-60!
For me eggs are exactly for that, emergency "I need this character for a difficult elite boss" or "I need their rm for something asap"
Edit: after saying this, I just optimized lenna to break her second level cap since I have no reason to use her but start with greater regen sounds nice
All RMs are for the equipped user only
I think that I have enough eggs to cap everyone I have and then some. I don't know why I don't do it, I will end up never using most of my eggs. One thing that I have been doing is what you wrote, I egg new characters that are a medal requirement or have a good RM right to 50-60!
Help. I can't seem to master the elite Yunalesca battle.
I'm trying to beat it with a full FFX party, but I'm not fast enough to defeat her before sap takes out one of the characters. Even reviving the character still results in 3 medals lost.
I'm using:
Tidus (Dismissal, Tempo Flurry),
Khimari (Soaring Jump, Wind Jump),
Auron (Pound, Barrage),
Lulu (Drainga, Meteor),
Yuna (Curaja, Phoenix)
Help. I can't seem to master the elite Yunalesca battle.
I'm trying to beat it with a full FFX party, but I'm not fast enough to defeat her before sap takes out one of the characters. Even reviving the character still results in 3 medals lost.
I'm using:
Tidus (Dismissal, Tempo Flurry),
Khimari (Soaring Jump, Wind Jump),
Auron (Pound, Barrage),
Lulu (Drainga, Meteor),
Yuna (Curaja, Phoenix)
Khimari sucks replace him with a support or another mage, you really don't need a summoner better off using another healer with support like Y'Sholta for a breakdown hit or anyone with shellga/protectega.