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Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions |OT2| Now on iPad, iPhone & PSPGo / Vita

I've updated the OP with the iTunes link, some protips (turning off target colors and turning on touch activiation) and some links to comments in the tread

I always hate going into an |OT| like a year late and not knowing what "gaf" thinks of the game since thats what everyone is interested in I imagine. I'll keep an eye out for impressions once people get futher into the game, reviews or other intersting comments to link in the OP. Right now its all mod comments but I swear I'm not sucking up!


GameFan Alumnus
I'm not a fan of touch activation. Tried it, and if you misplace your finger while turning people (choosing which direction they face), it auto confirms and you have people facing the wrong way.
cackhyena said:


So, I bought it last night. So far, so good. I like how if you leave it in multitasking too long, it automatically creates a savestate save. I've played hundreds of hours of it on PSX, and played through WOTL PSP a few times as well, and I never get sick of it.


duckroll said:
Matsuno's games generally have very normal dialogue as far as language level goes. There's no specific attempt to make the text sound olden or classical. Sometimes he uses more traditional/classical language when a ritual is being performed (like the wedding at the start of FFXII), or when there is a third party narrator who isn't an actual speaking character in the story. Otherwise it's just normal Japanese.

This is a good point; almost all of the language in the original FFT, VS, and FF12 is standard modern-ish Japanese, though people tend to be on the polite side, and women's speech is a shade more elegant and classy than people use nowadays.

For the Delita line in question, the Japanese text is literally "I'm sorry, but blame yourself or god" without any suggestion of high speech.

But would someone say that in English? That particular line has probably become too famous for its own good, but in general the literal translations of the PSX game don't sound as natural and as colorful as the ones in WotL, even if they deviate from what was literally said in the original.

But I got the impression when playing these games that it wouldn't have been realistic for Matsuno to go for genuine old speech; in many cases Japanese was far too fragmented, dialect-wise, even 150 years ago for someone today to even be able to understand it. It's really only since WWII and the hyojungo movement, which created a common language based on educated Tokyo speakers, that it's been possible to write something that any Japanese speaker can understand.

Had there been an intelligible-to-today's-speakers old-ish speech style that fit the game's world available, I think Matsuno would have gone for it.

I also think that the Japanese language suffers from people being unable to disassociate dialects of it from their real-world locations: we can listen to FF12's British/American split for Archadia/Dalmasca, and even listen to Halim Ondore speak with an Indian accent, and not be wrenched out of the game's milieu and into our own world. Japanese games rarely even try to do anything like this despite the wonderful variety of dialects that exist. Game producers are limited to boring NHK-television hyojungo (standard language) plus a few selected stereotypes that are almost obnoxious when adhered to slavishly (dirty Kanto dialect for rambunctious boys, Kyushu dialect for men of power and learning; Osakan only for merchants and comedians; that kind of thing).

I'm hoping that Japanese culture can evolve out of being stuck "inside itself", so to speak, in this way.

So when translating these scripts, I see no problem in enhancing them so that they measure up to what original English literature would sound like if in a similar setting. Just because Japanese stereotypes/language tropes haven't opened up doesn't mean that English translators have to limit themselves.

I'm a professional translator, and I feel like my best translations are done for native English readers who don't have the hangups about colorful language or language that deviates from the original literally but gets the sense spot-on.

But this is really an argument for another thread -- just let me close by admitting my bias as an unabashed fan of the new AOS/Joseph Reeder style. I just love it too much.

The FFT PSP localization definitely tries way too hard.

It may be trying too hard, but the PS version isn't trying at all.

Or it's "trying", but in another sense of the word "trying".



Gold Member
dark10x said:
So tell me this, even with the slowdown, is the base framerate at least 60 fps? The PSP version definitely slowed down, but it was 60 fps like the original game (just with a lot of slowdown). Don't tell me the iOS version is 30 fps with slowdown. That would be criminal considering the blurry visuals on display here.

I played it side by side the PSP version of WotL, on the iPhone 4 it is never getting as smooth as the PSP (when the PSP isn't slowing down), so I'd say it's only reaching 30 fps on the iPhone 4. Could possibly go higher on a dual core device, I don't know. The pace of the game itself has been way sped up on the iOS release though, from the idle animation to the speed which the computer plugs through its turns, it zooms right by on the iOS version, and seems to go at a slower pace on the PSP.

As far as "considering the blurry visuals on display here" goes, the iPhone 4 actually looked sharper than the PSP, text included, despite all the complaints it has gotten from people. I guess it's just a matter of being spoiled by the retina quality sharpness from it normally.


I made a comparison of FFT for everyone that considers playing the iPhone version on the iPad and wonder what it would look like.


Big: http://s7.directupload.net/images/110804/53bbhm68.jpg

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
What's full force do, exactly? I already use RetinaPad.

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
carroto said:
Scales it to full screen, unfortunately the game gets stretched quite a bit.
Why would anyone use it over retina pad? I'm getting OT here, sort of.


Bboy AJ said:
Why would anyone use it over retina pad? I'm getting OT here, sort of.
Why over ? They are doing 2 different things. Fullforce fools the app into believing it is an iPad app and scales it up. But it works only if the standard iPad ui elements are used. Just check my screenshot you can tell that the standard UI elements on the top and bottom border have the proportions of an ipad app.

Anyway fullforce seldom works with games. Still it is always worth a try cause its free.
Eggo said:
Picked up the PSone version to play on my PS3, however, the controls are Japanese (circle to confirm, X to cancel). Is there a menu option where I can switch it to the North American controls I am used to (X to confirm, triangle to cancel)?
No. It's just like FFVII and can't be changed.

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
carroto said:
Why over ? They are doing 2 different things. Fullforce fools the app into believing it is an iPad app and scales it up. But it works only if the standard iPad ui elements are used. Just check my screenshot you can tell that the standard UI elements on the top and bottom border have the proportions of an ipad app.

Anyway fullforce seldom works with games. Still it is always worth a try cause its free.
I see. Thanks! I was confused with your screen shot at first but now with your explanation, makes sense.

Jedeye Sniv

Feeling a bit lost now that I've discovered how to change jobs. What should I spec my teams as? How many people should I have in reserve at any one time? Should I leave my characters as squires for the time being?


Jedeye Sniv said:
Feeling a bit lost now that I've discovered how to change jobs. What should I spec my teams as? How many people should I have in reserve at any one time? Should I leave my characters as squires for the time being?
Monk, Squire, Black Magex2, and White Mage works well. Honestly, you can probably get rid of the squire and add a knight. Just make sure that all your main characters have jp bonus equipped.


GameFan Alumnus
Jedeye Sniv said:
Feeling a bit lost now that I've discovered how to change jobs. What should I spec my teams as? How many people should I have in reserve at any one time? Should I leave my characters as squires for the time being?

This chart can help once you decide which classes you want. An Arithmetician is super powerful, but some can argue it takes the fun out of the game because they're so good.



Eggo said:
This chart can help once you decide which classes you want. An Arithmetician is super powerful, but some can argue it takes the fun out of the game because they're so good.


Wat. Arithmetician is new to psp/iOS game? Dark Knight and Onion Knight as well, cool stuff.
burgerdog said:
Wat. Arithmetician is new to psp/iOS game? Dark Knight and Onion Knight as well, cool stuff.

It was Calculator in the old game.

OK and DK are new though. I love the design for DK.


Wow, Dark Knight with the hefty requirements, is it any good though? It's actually all my favourite classes except for Geomancer though.
Jedeye Sniv said:
Feeling a bit lost now that I've discovered how to change jobs. What should I spec my teams as? How many people should I have in reserve at any one time? Should I leave my characters as squires for the time being?

Personally I think Monks are a great class because they have a wide range of abilities including a heal spell and distance attacks.

Just try to get creative on mixing classes and secondary abilities. Just because a class has a skill doesn't mean they are the best class at using it.

Also I wouldn't recruit any new party members from the guild since there is a limit to how many characters you can have. The ones you start off with should be enough
Onion Knight is only good for leveling through painful ways to get great stats boost. Most of the items are locked out due to it being exclusive to multi player. I wonder how that's going to work on iOS?
Ultimoo said:
Wow, Dark Knight with the hefty requirements, is it any good though? It's actually all my favourite classes except for Geomancer though.
It's pretty good, but it doesn't outclass the other classes the way its requirements would have you believe. It's basically a whole lot like Gaffgarion, but with some handy new moves in addition to his HP/MP-draining attacks. Its skillet is a fantastic secondary for Ramza, though (possibly even better than the Monk's).
Nothing beats a Ramza squire with a Ninja secondary skillset. Having the strongest swords in the game both equipped and hitting twice with all the boosts of Scream.

Jedeye Sniv

This thread's going a bit slowly for a highly anticipated Square game isn't it? Do we have any first time players like myself in here?

I've just had a major breakthrough as I finally understand the job system properly. All this time I didn't know how to spend job points haha. Now all my dudes can heal themselves, I've got JP Boost on everyone that could afford it and am experimenting with magic on some of my characters. Awesome system, terribly explained and confusingly implemented IMO. I've been playing for 5 hours, how did I miss this?

Anyway, can't wait to play more now, I think I can kick some ass :)


Jedeye Sniv said:
This thread's going a bit slowly for a highly anticipated Square game isn't it? Do we have any first time players like myself in here?

I've just had a major breakthrough as I finally understand the job system properly. All this time I didn't know how to spend job points haha. Now all my dudes can heal themselves, I've got JP Boost on everyone that could afford it and am experimenting with magic on some of my characters. Awesome system, terribly explained and confusingly implemented IMO. I've been playing for 5 hours, how did I miss this?

Anyway, can't wait to play more now, I think I can kick some ass :)
I think there's a bunch of people waiting on the iPad version. See you in a month. :(
The app description says something like "play on iPhone 4 or iPod Touch gen4 for best experience", making me believe this runs shitty on 3GS. Want to try it out, but I won't if it runs bad on a 3GS. Someone tested on 3GS?


Gold Member
Jedeye Sniv said:
This thread's going a bit slowly for a highly anticipated Square game isn't it? Do we have any first time players like myself in here?

I've just had a major breakthrough as I finally understand the job system properly. All this time I didn't know how to spend job points haha. Now all my dudes can heal themselves, I've got JP Boost on everyone that could afford it and am experimenting with magic on some of my characters. Awesome system, terribly explained and confusingly implemented IMO. I've been playing for 5 hours, how did I miss this?

There is a pretty extensive tutorial system, with like 80 tutorials :p
Ninjagorilla said:
The app description says something like "play on iPhone 4 or iPod Touch gen4 for best experience", making me believe this runs shitty on 3GS. Want to try it out, but I won't if it runs bad on a 3GS. Someone tested on 3GS?

Same thing I was wondering.


Jedeye Sniv said:
This thread's going a bit slowly for a highly anticipated Square game isn't it? Do we have any first time players like myself in here?

I've just had a major breakthrough as I finally understand the job system properly. All this time I didn't know how to spend job points haha. Now all my dudes can heal themselves, I've got JP Boost on everyone that could afford it and am experimenting with magic on some of my characters. Awesome system, terribly explained and confusingly implemented IMO. I've been playing for 5 hours, how did I miss this?

Anyway, can't wait to play more now, I think I can kick some ass :)
Glad you're liking this as your first time! The gameplay system is really dense and, yes, poorly explained through text. It's the kind of thing you have to really dick around and experiment with in order to understand.

The next step is obsessively planning out jobs and sub-jobs. Each job has its own set of stats for physical and magical attack power, so it can make sense for you to pick jobs that both leverage the same stat, and Instead of having everyone with heal abilities (White magic or potions), you may want to spread some more offensive attack love around. I think the game even gives the example of a knight with white magic, but frankly I never found it useful as knights have crap MP and I'd rather have him hitting dudes in faces as opposed to on the back lines healing.

What I always end up doing is having one character as a Summoner and Black Mage with the Quick Charge passive and MP Up move ability; both jobs have really high magic power and MP, so whether I'm building up JP in either job I have a consistent build of abilities to use, and this character also becomes my main healer as the heal summons never target enemies, so I can throw a big spell down in the middle of a fray and heal my guys all in one swoop.

I always have at least one character with Time magic, as Haste is my most used spell in FFT, and I'll throw that ability on to Ramza or a more physical-oriented build, as time magic doesn't take up too much MP and isn't a raw damage kind of thing the way Black magic is.

But hey, ask around and everyone will have different build ideas. :p And also re: spells, I don't know if the controls are still the same in the iOS version, but when you're picking a target for your spell, be sure to tap left or right to see the AT window list and double-check that your target isn't going to move before your spell finishes charging and duck out of the way.


Interesting that this comes out days after I rip my UMD copy to put on my newly purchased Go. I already own 3 different versions (JP PSX, US PSX, US UMD) of this game...I can't possibly buy another.


Put in about 7 hours so far, really enjoying this.

This isn't from any actual testing, but it feels like basic spells cause the most noticeable and consistent lag, with the -ra spells consistently being the smoothest (-ga spells are at some inbetween point and I don't have any -ja spells yet). The items and other skills I've encountered so far range from very quick and smooth, to similar performance as the -ga spells. The basic spells were a little annoying, but thankfully I'm starting to get to the point where they aren't going to be used much.

I'd really like to see the Tactics Ogre remake get an iOS port in the future as it's pretty awesome having a lengthy and fairly deep SRPG on my phone, so I hope nothing discourages them from doing it someday.


So, I bit the bullet. Having a sped up (read: normal pace) version of War of the Lions, at LAST, and on my iPhone that I have everywhere with me to boot, well, that's just plain awesome.

The touch controls haven't caused a problem yet so far, at all.

Issues though:

- Lower resolution
- Whole image seems slightly horizontally stretched/warped, but I can't be sure till I fire up my UMD WotL and play it side by side.
- Alright, there's definitely graphical slowdown and choppiness, but it's almost as if the game auto-frameskips itself to ensure that the overall speed of the game is maintained. That is, no audio sync issues, and the game maintains one brisk pace.

On top of the speed of animations being restored, compared to the original PSone release, YES, the computer's turns absolutely whiz by (again, compared to any previous version of this game, from 1997-2007). I mean, this is really how fast the computer's decision-making should have always been. I don't know how people (including myself back then) tolerated such long stretches of time without play. I don't care if it's an SRPG, it's fucking boring waiting ages through computer turns. So, this is a wonderful change to the game. It may no longer take the entirety of my morning commute to finish one fucking battle now, amazing.

By the way, in case fellow Canadians didn't know, this is now on the Canadian iTunes store!

Rolf NB

Sorry, but I don't think I can deal with this shit anymore. All these longwinded, slowly animated, utterly pointless cutscenes really grate on my patience. I don't want to have to deal with yet another 20 minutes of middle-school tripe when all I want is to play a map or two before sleep.

Also bad UI, my god. Why does everything need another click, and then a confirmation?

Not finishing this ever. Disgaea and Tactics Ogre show how playable, fast and generally nice SRPGs can be. Just can't regress this much anymore.


Warrior_Keoni said:
Yes, I've tried it out and barely has any slowdown. This game is going to suck the living life out of my lunchtimes at work.

Really? I wasn't expecting it to run on my iPod touch.
I might have to buy this in the end. Which would be the 3rd time I buy Final Fantasy Tactics. :)


Rolf NB said:
Also bad UI, my god. Why does everything need another click, and then a confirmation?

You can say that again.

Though to be fair to FFT, it's not like seemingly every computer operating system and application isn't also getting like this nowadays. "Yes, Computer, I do want to do what I just said I wanted to do. Stop second-guessing me and just do it.

I'm anticipating the first automobile accident caused by someone being distracted by a sudden windshield-HUD message: "You have just shifted into 3rd gear. Are you sure? [[No]] Yes"


i dropped this game on psp during the fight against a summon that completely destroyed me.
now i'm going to finish this game once for all.


Grinding for JP and levels is such a slow process, especially with Chemists and White Mages, and I'm only just at the beginning of the game in Dorter :( Am I doing something wrong?


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Jedeye Sniv said:
This thread's going a bit slowly for a highly anticipated Square game isn't it? Do we have any first time players like myself in here?

Most of us have played the game to death at some point over the last 14 years.

Jedeye Sniv

Minsc said:
There is a pretty extensive tutorial system, with like 80 tutorials :p

Oh man they are so boring though! And I don't know if it's just me but I can't go right into a tutorial before playing the game properly, it can be too abstract for me to remember until the game mechanics settle in my mind. I'm just getting to that stage now, the game is really enjoyable when you know what's going on.


I'm waiting on the iPad version.

Jedeye Sniv said:
Oh man they are so boring though! And I don't know if it's just me but I can't go right into a tutorial before playing the game properly, it can be too abstract for me to remember until the game mechanics settle in my mind. I'm just getting to that stage now, the game is really enjoyable when you know what's going on.

I've never played a fun tutorial. I like that they separated them from the main game else you'd have 2039548203948 battles explaining what's what before the game started.

I hate tutorials. :p


GameFan Alumnus
Jedeye Sniv said:
Oh man they are so boring though! And I don't know if it's just me but I can't go right into a tutorial before playing the game properly, it can be too abstract for me to remember until the game mechanics settle in my mind. I'm just getting to that stage now, the game is really enjoyable when you know what's going on.

I agree with you. I generally try to play through tutorials, but FFT's are soooo damn long I've never finished the tutorial for the game. I just jumped in and figured shit out there. It also helps to read a FAQ or too and talk to friends. There's a ton of hidden shit that you would never see unless you read a FAQ about it.


Gold Member
Rolf NB said:
Also bad UI, my god. Why does everything need another click, and then a confirmation?

Have you disabled battle confirmations in the options? It's the same way on the other versions of the game. I believe enabling touch confirmations (option 12 or 13) further reduces confirmations. And you also want to disable color targets, as that will speed up the game a little too, with less slowdown between some prompts.


Jedeye Sniv said:
Oh man they are so boring though! And I don't know if it's just me but I can't go right into a tutorial before playing the game properly, it can be too abstract for me to remember until the game mechanics settle in my mind. I'm just getting to that stage now, the game is really enjoyable when you know what's going on.
Wow, that's so me. I can play the first few hours of a game, then play the tutorial, and I will end up learning at least 1 or 2 things I didn't know about and sometimes they are major.


Can't wait to get the game on iPad and grind through this game for a fourth time. Second favorite FF installment after 6.


Why does the iPad version take so much more time, oh well I waited a year and half, I can wait a little bit more.
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