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Rawk Hawk

demigod said:
They are removing the lvl caps on the missions. You can go in as lvl 75 and solo most of it.

Even tho I'm done with CoP, I welcome the change. It'll be much easier to help new people out.

Well I'm sure when these mobs are placed to be IT to lv80's it's not going to be a walk in the park like everyone thinks. I thought the level syncing gear basically made these missions cake anyway, that was the biggest issue (for me) before was having gear for every level cap.

With that said, it will be easier, there is no reason to make the missions harder now, would just be bad on SE's part. But I'm not so sure a level 75 is going to be able to solo most of it. These areas are going to be our EXP spots from 75-80 with nothing but true sight/sound mobs.
Rawk Hawk said:
Well I'm sure when these mobs are placed to be IT to lv80's it's not going to be a walk in the park like everyone thinks. I thought the level syncing gear basically made these missions cake anyway, that was the biggest issue (for me) before was having gear for every level cap.

With that said, it will be easier, there is no reason to make the missions harder now, would just be bad on SE's part. But I'm not so sure a level 75 is going to be able to solo most of it. These areas are going to be our EXP spots from 75-80 with nothing but true sight/sound mobs.

I dunno, I've got a feeling that on the paths you need to take to get the missions done, enemies will remain low level, while they create new camps outside of the mission paths for 75+. Doesn't make sense to me that they're all about making CoP easier if they're gonna go around and make all the mobs you need to get past 80+.

Rawk Hawk

Pai Pai Master said:
I dunno, I've got a feeling that on the paths you need to take to get the missions done, enemies will remain low level, while they create new camps outside of the mission paths for 75+. Doesn't make sense to me that they're all about making CoP easier if they're gonna go around and make all the mobs you need to get past 80+.

Well if the Promy zones for example are to become lv75 exp hunting grounds, regardless of where they put the high level mobs, you are going to need to pass by them to get to the Spire. Unless they add new floors or something. Although running to the Spire will be easier as a lv75.. more movement speed+ and training abilities than you have at level 30.

I do think the CoP part will be easier, it's things like Swift Belt or Soboro's that I'm not positive will be any easier. Swift Belt being the one I'm mainly thinking about, as it stands now Pix and I have duo'd it a couple times on our BST's. But if they go and mess up the level's of the surrounding mobs, low manning it could become impossible for us.


omg I did it!



Anyone in here fought Krabkatoa and/or Lord Ruthven yet?

I have pops for both, and my LS will be going after them pretty soon. Read the Wiki, but always good to get actual impressions in addition to sterile "instructions" on how to beat them.

I hear a lot of "I fucking hate that crab" stuff, but have heard next to nothing about Lord Ruthven.


Ravidrath said:
Anyone in here fought Krabkatoa and/or Lord Ruthven yet?

I have pops for both, and my LS will be going after them pretty soon. Read the Wiki, but always good to get actual impressions in addition to sterile "instructions" on how to beat them.

I hear a lot of "I fucking hate that crab" stuff, but have heard next to nothing about Lord Ruthven.

Nothing here.


I've been stuck at level 56 for over a week now. I've been working with my dad this week, so I've been so worn out this week when I get home that I don't feel like playing.


Kills Photobucket
Ravidrath said:
Anyone in here fought Krabkatoa and/or Lord Ruthven yet?

I have pops for both, and my LS will be going after them pretty soon. Read the Wiki, but always good to get actual impressions in addition to sterile "instructions" on how to beat them.

I hear a lot of "I fucking hate that crab" stuff, but have heard next to nothing about Lord Ruthven.

My LS has fought them many times so far (abysmal drop rates on the rings). We have two tanks bounce hate back and fourth (over a wide enough distance so they can each avoid stuff when they other is tanking) and Rangers and Summoners do damage in between. You can have other dd build up TP on outside mobs and then have them WS, just make sure they are avoiding TP moves for them both.


Does anyone else play this on xbox 360? I was just trying to login to FFXI on my xbox, and my internet is working fine, I was connected like normal on the xbox dashboard. As soon as I brought up playonline though, it disconnected from xbox live.

Since you have to be logged into to xbox live to do anything, I couldn't login to playonline without being connected to xbox live. No matter how many times I tried connecting to xbox live with playonline running, it kept failing.

As soon as I exited the viewer, and went back to the xbox dashboard, it logged into xbox live immediately. No connection issues at all. Tried bringing up playonline again, and it did the same thing. Disconnected from xbox live, and couldn't do anything.

What's the deal? anyone else having this problem?


Ravidrath said:
Anyone in here fought Krabkatoa and/or Lord Ruthven yet?

I have pops for both, and my LS will be going after them pretty soon. Read the Wiki, but always good to get actual impressions in addition to sterile "instructions" on how to beat them.

I hear a lot of "I fucking hate that crab" stuff, but have heard next to nothing about Lord Ruthven.

If you stand and circlejerk around the crab with every tank in the shell, you won't live to regret it. Even with one main tank, SATA ONRY so no one steals hate sounds nice, but unless you're abusing max HP potions from campaign once it gets critical and starts WSing at 100 it's only a matter of time before it gets lucky. Better to teach your melee damage to stand still and die if it starts getting hit, and have an offtank standing out of poison range on the opposite side keeping hate topped off with spells and JAs. DDs also need to hunt whatever they can find in the area for TP.


Pai Pai Master said:
Anyone else interested in running Nyzul Isle with me? Starting from level 1.

I'd be interested. Do you have to be at a certain point in Aht Urghan story? Also I want to get back into assault.

pix said:
Got sea access! Just completed CoP this morning ^^

Oh yeah, you did say it was your first time there when we went. Grats man.


Teknoman said:
I'd be interested. Do you have to be at a certain point in Aht Urghan story? Also I want to get back into assault.

Oh yeah, you did say it was your first time there when we went. Grats man.

All you need for Nyzul is access to Assault and the staging point for it. Id like to get the ball rolling on nyzul too but its pretty tough to get in one of those parties.

I dont feel familiar enough with whats needed to form a party myself otherwise I would.


hgplayer1 said:
All you need for Nyzul is access to Assault and the staging point for it. Id like to get the ball rolling on nyzul too but its pretty tough to get in one of those parties.

I dont feel familiar enough with whats needed to form a party myself otherwise I would.

Jump in with Rock I guess. That way we at least have a tank and 2 damage dealers/back up casters right?


Teknoman said:
Jump in with Rock I guess. That way we at least have a tank and 2 damage dealers/back up casters right?

I think he already cleared floor 5 at least. not sure if he's willing to back track with us or not but Im ready whenever.


Don't bring tanks to Nyzul.

Nyzul is pretty easy, especially if you have APRadar.

Your PT format should be 4 DD (1 of them being a versatil DD like BLU helps) and 2 healers (mix up healers, 1 RDM and 1 SCH, or 1 WHM and 1 RDM).

The only difficult aspect to get at first is lamps. Lamps require someone leading the run to make sure it's not disorganized. There's 3 concepts to lamps, click 1, click all, or click order. When you enter the floor it will just say lamps. Tell everyone in the PT to go find a lamp (sneak and invis up, avoid aggro), first person that finds a lamp clicks it, it will say whether all need to be clicked, a specific order or just the 1. If it's the 1, everyone has to click it. If it's all, then you need everyone to go find their own lamp, stand by it, once everyone is at a lamp, call a time and everyone clicks it at that time. If it's order, you do the same thing as all except before calling a time, you announce an order first (say there's 4 lamps, announce a random order with the people's names (Mike, Tom, Joe, John)). You tell people to / when they've clicked it, so they all / in order. Then you tell them when it turns off. Joe and John say off. So what you would then do is call the order Mike, Tom, John, Joe. That will work. It's the lamps that go off that were activated in the wrong order. So if Tom, Joe and John say off, it will either be Mike, John, Tom, Joe or Mike, Joe, John and Tom.

Does that make sense? Once you get the above Nyzul is easy as all other floor types are either kill everything (why 4 DD 2 healer system is best) or kill the non-NM IT mobs (a family (i.e. all imps will check IT or all cockatrices will check IT), a single mob (a random normal mob will check IT) or a leader (a NM that isn't a NM outside Nyzul).

Edit - Oh yeah and exit after clearing every 5th floor. I've had it twice where someone selected to go up instead of exiting and we lost.


Tabris uses APRadar? No way.

that's an unapproved 3rd party cheat used by elitist end game douchebags btw. Technically SE can ban you for a lot less, but that's probably on top of their list of things they'd ban you with if it was reported and proven.


Deku said:
Tabris uses APRadar? No way.

that's an unapproved 3rd party cheat used by elitist end game douchebags btw. Technically SE can ban you for a lot less, but that's probably on top of their list of things they'd ban you with if it was reported and proven.

lol who doesn't use apradar? Oh yeah low game noobs (name calling the other way is only fair). It's used for Hagun ENM (of which I made 12m+ dual-boxing) and Nyzul. Others may use it for Salvage but I got the maps memorized at this point. I have never seen a single person on BG report being banned due to apradar. It also doesn't harm anyone else's experience. It's the same effect as spellcast in terms of player advantage.

FYI, Windower is also an "unapproved 3rd party cheat".


hgplayer1 said:
I think he already cleared floor 5 at least. not sure if he's willing to back track with us or not but Im ready whenever.

Oh, thought he was getting a group together.

Tabris said:
Don't bring tanks to Nyzul.

Nyzul is pretty easy, especially if you have APRadar.

Your PT format should be 4 DD (1 of them being a versatil DD like BLU helps) and 2 healers (mix up healers, 1 RDM and 1 SCH, or 1 WHM and 1 RDM).

Guess he'd use warrior then. Not sure what other jobs he has atm.


Tabris said:
lol who doesn't use apradar? Oh yeah low game noobs (name calling the other way is only fair). It's used for Hagun ENM (of which I made 12m+ dual-boxing) and Nyzul. Others may use it for Salvage but I got the maps memorized at this point. I have never seen a single person on BG report being banned due to apradar. It also doesn't harm anyone else's experience. It's the same effect as spellcast in terms of player advantage.

FYI, Windower is also an "unapproved 3rd party cheat".

It isn't the same as spellcast. Spellcast only shows timers that you could easily keep track of yourself. You'd never have access to the info that apradar shows and for good reason. That makes it a totally different ballpark.


Azura said:
Did you start up the Nyzul Isle group yet? And did I miss the Bastok Rank missions?


Well I know we havent gone on Bastok yet, not sure about Nyzul.

Oh and Boss arena time:

Moblin Maze Mongers Manufacture Monstrous New Maze: Adventurers Aghast!

President Goldagrik and his grammatically-challenged gang of gil-grabbing dungeon delvers are back, this time with a new maze that promises thrills and chills for adventurers the world over!

Intrepid reporters have uncovered a voucher for the newly-formed "Revitalization Team." Nominally established to allow overextended adventurers to let off some steam, it would seem the Moblins' idea of rest and relaxation calls for pitting clients against the most fearsome foes ever to grace their dank and dusty caves.

Fell Formidable Foes: Reap Rich Rewards

Within each Revitalization Team labyrinth awaits the maze master Sadistiq. After giving first-time challengers a "member's card" that will make it possible to record their progress, he will provide a choice of formidable foes which you may pummel to your heart's content to relieve the stress of adventuring and—if all goes well—procure some serious loot in the process.


After choosing your foe, the "relaxation period" will commence. Challengers will have 15 minutes to pound away on their target to the best of their abilities. There will be no pushovers here, so you'll want to cooperate closely with your comrades. Fear not if you cannot fell your foe, however. You may still be eligible for a prize if Sadistiq deems that you have worked off sufficient stress in your attempt.


Still Crueler Challenges Await!

When your time is through, you'll want to show your member's card to Sadistiq once more. Prove your mettle, and you'll be granted the opportunity to take on even more fearsome foes.


Bah, not sure what I think about spending more time with MMM... guess we'll see how the gear is they're hyping.

I got my Koggelmander and Mamool Ja Earring, but felt that series of NMs wasn't anywhere near finished... and now they're adding some completely different type?


Teknoman said:
And Pan, Azura, if you're ready to continue Bastok wednesday evening, i'm up for it.

Well I guess it depends on what Bastok Missions you guys are on. I'm on 7-2 the BCNM fight with the Quadavs.
Azura said:
OK, Nevermind then. Thanks...

We have 2 more missions to do, I'll be happy to help with the ninja turtles whenever you want to killem dead. I think there are several people who have all 3 nations done in the LS so it shouldn't be hard to get a pick up group, just start asking a lot. I was able to get it done with 3 people, and I was on thf, so 3-4 as long as you have a good healer should be relatively easy.


pancakesandsex said:
We have 2 more missions to do, I'll be happy to help with the ninja turtles whenever you want to killem dead. I think there are several people who have all 3 nations done in the LS so it shouldn't be hard to get a pick up group, just start asking a lot. I was able to get it done with 3 people, and I was on thf, so 3-4 as long as you have a good healer should be relatively easy.

Thanks, I'd appreciate that alot! I'll message you in game about it!


Oh man... Two days ago I finally convinced some friends to give MMM exp. a try, and now we're hooked.

Not only are MMM exp. runs more fun than the usual Colibri nonsense (although it does have them in it), it's really fast exp. compared to most things and there is comparatively little competition since it's instanced.

This seems to be the preferred means to exp. for JP players now, so it does tend to get bogged down during prime JP hours, but (for now at least) it's pretty smooth sailing during NA times.

HIGHLY recommend checking it out if you haven't already. I'd recommend starting it after 37, but with Yagudo Drinks and/or a BRD or COR you can go lower. If you can't get a BRD or COR, load up on DRGs, or SAMs or WARs with polearms, since you'll be fighting birds.
Yeah, I really wanna try MMM for exp some time...particularly because I'm never gonna get another merit PT on my PLD so I can cap my EXP. :lol It's certainly sounded like it'd be pretty awesome for a while.
Pai Pai Master said:
Yeah, I really wanna try MMM for exp some time...particularly because I'm never gonna get another merit PT on my PLD so I can cap my EXP. :lol It's certainly sounded like it'd be pretty awesome for a while.

You have to play to get in parties :p


I've seen people playing 3D dot heros on justin.tv, How do you like it?

Id be up for a MMM run, if anyone wants to go, I need exp on my BRD.


None of the new weapon skills look as elaborate as the Nyzul Isle ones. Since you have to earn those, I expect them to do more damage overall, but there are some interesting-looking moves in there.

A few of them clearly have status effects tied to them. Tachi: Ageha seems have visual elements similar to Desperate Flourish, which makes me think it has Gravity on it, which could be very interesting since it could allow us to Grav things the spell currently can't. As an RDM, I'm not really sure how I feel about that, but... could be good. :p

Sanguine Blade seems very promising for PLD, BLU and RDM.

Rawk Hawk

Ravidrath said:
None of the new weapon skills look as elaborate as the Nyzul Isle ones. Since you have to earn those, I expect them to do more damage overall, but there are some interesting-looking moves in there.

A few of them clearly have status effects tied to them. Tachi: Ageha seems have visual elements similar to Desperate Flourish, which makes me think it has Gravity on it, which could be very interesting since it could allow us to Grav things the spell currently can't. As an RDM, I'm not really sure how I feel about that, but... could be good. :p

Sanguine Blade seems very promising for PLD, BLU and RDM.

Didn't think status effects gained from other means worked if something was immune/resistant to it? I know Gekko won't silence mobs that can not be silenced from the spell.


Rawk Hawk said:
Didn't think status effects gained from other means worked if something was immune/resistant to it? I know Gekko won't silence mobs that can not be silenced from the spell.

There are some exceptions... For example, there are things that can't be stunned by the spell that can be stunned by Head Butt.


Ravidrath said:
Oh man... Two days ago I finally convinced some friends to give MMM exp. a try, and now we're hooked.

Not only are MMM exp. runs more fun than the usual Colibri nonsense (although it does have them in it), it's really fast exp. compared to most things and there is comparatively little competition since it's instanced.

This seems to be the preferred means to exp. for JP players now, so it does tend to get bogged down during prime JP hours, but (for now at least) it's pretty smooth sailing during NA times.

HIGHLY recommend checking it out if you haven't already. I'd recommend starting it after 37, but with Yagudo Drinks and/or a BRD or COR you can go lower. If you can't get a BRD or COR, load up on DRGs, or SAMs or WARs with polearms, since you'll be fighting birds.

so what exactly makes up a good MMM for exp?

there are so many variables for creating the actual mazes its hard to say "do MMM for exp" and know exactly what that means.

is there a standard tabula and runes for getting good exp or are there a couple different ones that work well?

the GAF LS has done its share of MMM in the past but I cant say we got any kind of extraordinary EXP from it though it was pretty fun. :D


Azura said:
I've seen people playing 3D dot heros on justin.tv, How do you like it?

Id be up for a MMM run, if anyone wants to go, I need exp on my BRD.

I think its pretty good. It plays like an old school zelda style game, except in 3d. Lots of nods to other games like Demon Souls, and older games like Megaman, Dragon Quest, Zelda, Final Fantasy, etc.




Was going to make a Blue Mage, but just decided to try and make an 8-bit me...with armor, a cape, and a bandana :lol

EDIT: Looking at the WS video, some could be better looking. Nice to have a draining sword weapon skill, but they should look as awesome as the Great Axe, Axe, and Hand to Hand.

Oh wait: The release version of the weapon skills may differ slightly from the development content portrayed in the video.
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