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Final Fantasy XI 2012 |OT| Ten years of Vana'diel

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1st.: Money. It was the single biggest hurdle for me in FFXI and I never seemed to be able to have enough when it mattered most. I never leveled a craft, so that's part of the downfall. How easy is it to actually make money in this game now? Is it the same, with only "human"-like mobs dropping pittance amounts, or is it something that I can just play the game and not have to worry too much?

2nd.: I see there have been some keyboard and mouse control improvements. Can they actually be called an alternative control scheme, or is controller still the best, and only real way, to play?

1. If you sell the right stuff (or get desperate and sell voiddust) you can make money pretty easily. It's still harder than any other MMO, but much easier than it was.

2. Controller is still the ideal way to play, but I've been using the keyboard and mouse with no problems. No doubt the upcoming UI update will help a lot too.

Can't answer your third question, as it's not relevant to me.


1. If you sell the right stuff (or get desperate and sell voiddust) you can make money pretty easily. It's still harder than any other MMO, but much easier than it was.

2. Controller is still the ideal way to play, but I've been using the keyboard and mouse with no problems. No doubt the upcoming UI update will help a lot too.

Can't answer your third question, as it's not relevant to me.

Good to know on both accounts. I didn't really expect the money situation to change, but oh well. It is what it is. Guess I'll take up crafting.


Good to know on both accounts. I didn't really expect the money situation to change, but oh well. It is what it is. Guess I'll take up crafting.

I've been able to obtain a pretty decent (around 50,000 gil) amount of money without taking up crafting at all, and from what I hear it's mostly a money sink until top levels.

Apparently money isn't much of an issue once you're in Abyssea. :p


Neo Member
Making money is pretty different at low levels and at higher levels. At low levels, selling stacks of crystals can fund you pretty well. If you need more cash, leveling in a gov zone while the appropriate mystery box kupower is up will get you a large amount of items that can sell pretty well, assuming you are decent at opening brown chests. And if push comes to shove, you can spend conquest points for voiddust to sell. Keep in mind though, that conquest points will be much harder to come by when you are higher level and if you start burning up jobs. If you end up wanting to use them for something else, you may want to hoard them.

At high levels, many people can make a small fortune cruor farming in abyssea. Specifically, joining or starting a cruor party, rather than an xp party, can net you a large amount of cruor which you can then use to buy chocobo blinkers which you can then sell to npcs for gil. The ends result is something like a 1:2.6 ratio of cruor to gil. So if you can pull in something like 150-200k cruor in an hour with a good party, you stand to make a pretty penny. This is one of the most common, and probably the 4th best way to make money at high levels.

A better method, though one which requires more work, is dynamis farming. If you aren't making a relic yourself, and you level up bst/dnc (best) dnc/thf, thf/dnc, or blu/dnc, and learn to play them well, you could pull in an average of over 200 pieces of ancient currency per 2 hours of dynamis. As a bst, you could even pull in over 300 if you are good. Dynamis currency tends to sell in the 5k-6k range per coin nowadays I think. Of course doing 2 hours of dynamis per day may drive you crazy.

The two best methods of making money are running fell cleave parties and mercing high end gear/drops. Mercing is pretty obvious, though, you have to be rather exceptional to do it well. Getting people through a neo-nyzul run can get you 10-20 mil a run, an umbral marrow from arch dynamis lord will get you 14 mil a drop, and so on. This is very high end content requiring you to be exceptionally geared and experienced though.

So generally the best way to make money is to run fell cleave parties. To do this you usually level warrior, and usually you have an rdm partner, though not always. Some other jobs can "cleave" but not as well as WAR, and having an rdm for phalanx ii can help the war a fair amount, but may not be necessary depending on the camp. To do this, you organize a party of leechers who pay you 100k/hr to sit afk in your party in abyssea. You cap your lights and you pull large masses of mobs and one shot them all at once using fell cleave. This generates large amounts of xp for everyone in your party, which is what they are paying you for. At the same time, it creates a decent amount of crour. Usually, enough that the people paying you can make back the money they spent selling blinkers, which makes it attractive. At the same time, you also get this cruor and can make even more money converting it. If you make large enough parties and can tolerate doing this for 5-6 hours, you will make a fortune.

Mind you, I've never used a single one of the above high level methods, so I have no personal experience in them. I've made my money doing WoE runs, fishing, and doing some VW.


Been playing FFXIV with the NeoGAF Dotties in prep for 2.0. Awesome time there, but looking at this thread and seeing how much the game has changed, along with a wave of nostalgia, has me wanting to play again. Haha, don't know if I could handle playing two MMOs at the same time, though.

FFXI was my first MMO, and the one I seem to go back to the most. I love endgame content, but I'd need to level a bit and re-gear for all of that now, it seems.

Just a few questions, though:

1st.: Money. It was the single biggest hurdle for me in FFXI and I never seemed to be able to have enough when it mattered most. I never leveled a craft, so that's part of the downfall. How easy is it to actually make money in this game now? Is it the same, with only "human"-like mobs dropping pittance amounts, or is it something that I can just play the game and not have to worry too much?
Here are two posts I made recently on the Money subject. With Cruor from Abyssea(which you get from just being in EXP parties), money is available to even the most casual of players now. The money concern is over once you experience an Abyssea EXP party for the first time.

Well, if you want fast cash, you buy cruor items in Abyssea and sell them to NPCs which net an instant 100k if you buy them all.

As for a solid source of income, my suggestion would be to farm Dynamis as BST/DNC or DNC. (much easier as BST) Depending on how much work you put in, you can make about 300k-500k or much more depending on it via selling currency in one run.

Yeah, a lot of those guides on the money aspect are outdated. Once you reach Abyssea money making starts becoming a lot easier. (if you haven't made it there yet)

I remember I use to fish up stacks of Moat Carp for 4-5k a long time ago.
Making money is pretty different at low levels and at higher levels.

I think this is the key point to keep in mind when discussing the money situation. If one is starting a new character, the Abyssea/Dynamis/whatever stuff won't even be on the radar for a really long time. So let's look at low levels. That hasn't changed at all from what I've seen. Farm X item, sell on AH is still the most effective way to earn. While one doesn't need the absolute best equipment for their level anymore, upgrades are still necessary and somewhat frequent, around every 10 levels or so. I spend most of my time in game solo and I can go a long longer without taking rest breaks if I had bought my stuff recently. All my armor and weapons come from NPCs now since the AH for lower level stuff is basically dead. And they aren't cheap. But I don't need the absolute best any longer because I don't have to bother with parties, so I can farm for less time and don't have to camp NMs. So in that respect it is quicker, yet still somewhat grindy.
I think this is the key point to keep in mind when discussing the money situation. If one is starting a new character, the Abyssea/Dynamis/whatever stuff won't even be on the radar for a really long time. So let's look at low levels. That hasn't changed at all from what I've seen. Farm X item, sell on AH is still the most effective way to earn. While one doesn't need the absolute best equipment for their level anymore, upgrades are still necessary and somewhat frequent, around every 10 levels or so. I spend most of my time in game solo and I can go a long longer without taking rest breaks if I had bought my stuff recently. All my armor and weapons come from NPCs now since the AH for lower level stuff is basically dead. And they aren't cheap. But I don't need the absolute best any longer because I don't have to bother with parties, so I can farm for less time and don't have to camp NMs. So in that respect it is quicker, yet still somewhat grindy.

You should be able to get a new weapon every 10 levels or so, and new armor every 15 or so and not go completely broke. NPC stuff is ok until you're like 20+ then you'll wanna start looking for cheap AH gear. Don't expect to be wearing gear for your exact level on your first job. Ride the cheapest stuff you can until you can get your RSE via the quests, or your job's artifact gear. You'll probably have most of this low level gear for only a relatively short time period before dumping it anyway, so it's best not to make too much of an investment in it. If you want to invest in a few lower level complete sets of gear, you can store them on a gear storage npc (as an entire set) and pull them off if you swap to a new job that can use it later. Otherwise you'll probably be selling things back or just NPCing it.

Beehive chips, and crystals can still make you a good amount of gil at low levels. You also get gil from Fields of Valor and Grounds of Valor once a game day (hour).


Neo Member
Pretty much as Pan said, although it kind of depends on which job, and how you are leveling, you can ride npc gear up to your RSE armor level pretty easily. If you need help for the RSE quest, you can certainly ask for it.

And you can ride RSE pretty much up to AF level, though there may be a few AH pieces you want to pick up. If it's your first job, you almost certainly will require assistance getting your AF. Again, don't hesistate to ask for help.

And you can ride AF up to relic level, or more likely to aby cruor gear level.

You should upgrade weapons somewhat regularly though, in order to help keep skill up and do damage. And for mages, some of the spell scrolls can be pretty pricey even for the low level ones. If one is just way too much money, you'll probably have to skip it and pick it up later when you can make money more easily.

For making money at low levels, besides crystals, clusters, (if you can handle low level elementals it's good gil) gov boxes and so on, as Pan says, you can farm beehive chips, and also saruta cotton and wild onions also sell well. Particularly the latter. And if you level alchemy slightly you can turn beehive chips into beeswax which sells very well, and is a low level synth.

Also the truth is that people can be very lazy and will buy things on the AH for prices higher than npcs sell the same item, and they will also sell items on the AH for lower than an npc will buy them. If you are willing to sit there and research prices, you can take advantage of this and make easy profit.

Finally, I strongly recommend getting as many inventory expansions (inventory increase, mog sack, mog satchel, safe expansion, locker and expansion, storage) as well as any movement methods you can get (op warps, choco license, airship pass and eventually maws, runic portals, aby warps, vw warps etc) as soon as you can. The ability to move around easily is priceless for both leveling and farming, and the more inventory space you have the more drops you can carry to sell, and the fewer trips you have to make back and forth. Some of the inventory expansions can be pretty expensive, but ultimately they will pay for themselves.


New event items for summer.

Break out the surfboards and head on down to Purgonorgo Isle, because it's summer time in Vana'diel!

The Development Team is preparing some swimwear so that our hardworking adventurers can kick back, relax, and enjoy some fun in the sun!



Got a bit nostalgic and looked through some old screenshots. Might come back if they ever do something nice for BST instead of taking away TH3 and screwing/ignoring us in other ways.

Back when 300exp meant something. No signet boosts/exp rings or bonuses ;p
Managed this a few times while leveling bst.

Soloing LoO at level 72ish if I remember right.
The prick Ramorakomo standing in front of me stole it at 2% when I was forced to swap a pet. Angriest I've ever been in the game. Also, I was subbing Dancer at the time since I was farming. So it was more impressive.

Destroying Simurgh with Anna and my fellow for good measure. It's evasion was a pain in the ass even at 85, but Infrasonics made the fight a joke.


Dem Meebles.
Camate said:
It just so happens, that I do have news to share!

I think this is something that everyone has been super curious about and wondering what this system is going to entail. We were hoping to be able to implement a part of this new dungeon content on the test server this week, but unfortunately there were tiny adjustments and other things that still need to be made, so we will have to put it off for just a bit.

BUT! In the meantime, I would like to give an overview and explanation of the content that is to come!

We are calling this content “Meeble Burrows” (the name is not fully localized as of yet!), imagining it as a whole bunch of mole holes (lol). To serve as a dungeon guide, we are introducing this new type of mole beastmen – meebles.


You will also encounter them as enemies.


Participation requirements
  • Participants: 3-6 players
  • Level restriction: none
  • Time limit: 15 minutes
Each time you participate, a temporarily issued key item ticket will be consumed. It will be very close to Assault Imperial Army I.D. tags.

  • There will be various dungeons, each with a set of clear requirements.
  • Once a dungeon is cleared, you can receive support effects.
  • Dungeons have multiple connections and it will be possible to select your route as you proceed.
  • The objective is to ultimately reach the boss and defeat it.



  • Upon clearing a dungeon, you will receive points based on the difficulty.
  • It will be possible to exchange these points for items.
  • As you progress further in this dungeon content, the variety of items available for exchange will increase.

There will be different levels for the requirements to clear dungeons. So for example, if it is a requirement that is based on defeating monsters, there would be “defeat 3 monsters”, “defeat 5 monsters”, “defeat all monsters” and you can proceed to different dungeons by clearing these requirements based on the amount of participants and fire-power you have. (By fulfilling the requirements for the higher levels, you will be able to obtain more reward points.)

Additionally, by clearing dungeons the support effect you receive can be carried over into the next dungeon, making it so you can stack them. With that said, if you have the confidence, you can take the shortest route to the boss or if you want to play a bit more solid and safe, you can clear a number of dungeons stacking up effects and then finally challenge the boss.

The core idea behind this is to be able to challenge fun and exciting content in a short amount of time, and to reach a wide range of players so that they can have a good time. We plan on spending time adjusting this content based on your feedback once it is implemented on the test server, so please look forward to trying it out!


So I have a question about leveling. First off, I solo'd up to 16 no problem, then I went LFP and got a party quickly and went 17-23 within like 2 hours. Since then I haven't had much time to play other than doing a few NM's with another job (0-2 on Argus, and my god, I couldn't imagine back in the day trying to get him, with no one going down there and waiting for pop it sucks balls, but that's another discussion) but now I've been trying to level up and I'm not sure how to. I've been LFP at 23 for a few days now with my SAM and there is like nothing going on. Do I solo this late of a level? Do I just go somewhere and hope to get picked up? I read Gusgen up to 30, but do I just go there and hang out or solo till someone gets me?
So I have a question about leveling. First off, I solo'd up to 16 no problem, then I went LFP and got a party quickly and went 17-23 within like 2 hours. Since then I haven't had much time to play other than doing a few NM's with another job (0-2 on Argus, and my god, I couldn't imagine back in the day trying to get him, with no one going down there and waiting for pop it sucks balls, but that's another discussion) but now I've been trying to level up and I'm not sure how to. I've been LFP at 23 for a few days now with my SAM and there is like nothing going on. Do I solo this late of a level? Do I just go somewhere and hope to get picked up? I read Gusgen up to 30, but do I just go there and hang out or solo till someone gets me?

You can search the area using the menu and send a tell to someone there asking if they have room, then you know you won't be wasting your time.


We have identified an issue that is preventing players from receiving the Destrier Beret from the Festive Moogle, despite having registered a campaign code via the Square Enix Account Management System.

We are currently in the process of testing fixes to address this issue.

Please note that any campaign codes that have already been redeemed will not be invalidated, and will be redeemable once this issue has been resolved.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.

And you people in the Linkshell thought I was all crazy! Ha! >_>;
What and where are the level recommendations for quick exp? For example, the last couple of nights I've been in Gusgen until the 30s. Are there alternatives to Abyssea past that? Reason being I don't have any of the limit break quests done and I don't want to have to quit every 5 levels past 50. I've heard of Crawler's Nest but is it populated and what level should I be there (more like people in Gusgen bitching that it's too slow and CN is way better supposedly)?. I could solo of course but the pace is far slower than book burns.
Tried logging on earlier and it told me I had to link my PlayOnline/SE accounts. Did that and now when I try to play it says my password is wrong. I can log into the SE account page just fine. Any ideas?

Edit: Nevermind, had to change it in my settings.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
What and where are the level recommendations for quick exp? For example, the last couple of nights I've been in Gusgen until the 30s. Are there alternatives to Abyssea past that? Reason being I don't have any of the limit break quests done and I don't want to have to quit every 5 levels past 50. I've heard of Crawler's Nest but is it populated and what level should I be there (more like people in Gusgen bitching that it's too slow and CN is way better supposedly)?. I could solo of course but the pace is far slower than book burns.

35-55 is pretty normal for CN, but you can level sync beyond that as long as you want.
It's usually busy almost 24/7.


So you can see the problem when healer is the class I enjoy playing most in MMOs.
The current way people play sounds like a good way for people to be at max level without knowing how to even play their job.

Actually Abyssea needs healers. For PTs, depends on the mobs and atma but a healer is usually needed in some way. If you're going after NMs for armor, AF3 seals or +2 items, Empyrean Weapon items, etc... you need a WHM period. MNK or WAR + WHM duo at 99 with good armor can pretty much duo almost anything in there (certain NMs aside).


After a week of hanging out in the Maze of Shakhrami I finally got the Peacock Amulet! I was so psyched when I got it. The funny thing is is that I farmed more than enough down there to afford the Peacock Charm, lol. I just wanted to get that damn amulet though. Took me 3 kills on Argus for him to drop it.

Regarding the farming, for anyone looking for a place to farm, give the Maze of Shakrami a shot if you can't find anywhere. Granted my THF is L60, but it's real easy money down there because in the room where Argus pops are two slimes that pop pretty frequently, like every 5 minutes, and drop vial's of slime oil like crazy. A stack on my server sells for 28-30k. I easily got about 12 stacks down there and I wasn't even focusing on farming. I'd only kill stuff every now and then when I went to check and see if Argus had popped. Also, I was stealing Silver Beastcoins from the goblins down there pretty regularly too. Those sell for 10-11k a stack. Also, with RNG as my sub, I'd scavenge when I remembered to and was able to get a few stacks of lumber, though I don't remember how much those sold for. I pretty much made about 500k just checking in and messing around some times. It's not a lot by any means, but it'll help me out some at the lower levels. Plus, if I really went there to focus on farming, I'm sure I could make a lot more than that. I'm thinking, if you're just focusing on farming, you could pull 70k an hour there fairly easily.


I just found out an interesting way to solo exp level in the 40ish area or so. Join any Campaign Battle and pop a few spells or contribute in some form and you'll get at least 1,000-1,500k exp. Of course FoV is much faster, it's still nice.
I just found out an interesting way to solo exp level in the 40ish area or so. Join any Campaign Battle and pop a few spells or contribute in some form and you'll get at least 1,000-1,500k exp. Of course FoV is much faster, it's still nice.

You don't need to make a party/alliance to do this? Awesome. I always wanted to try things like this not necessarily for the rewards but for the experience (not points). How long does a battle last?

In other news, I hit 50 last night. This is a huge deal for me. I've started and quit FFXI multiple times over the last 8 years or so, never going higher than 42. And it happened in less than a month, and could have gone even faster had I not dabbled in a lot of side stuff.


I did Provenance Watcher a bit ago, and I obtained this spellcaster body and managed to outlot everyone on the crystal stave. I don't usually win lots, but I was mainly there for the sword. Still nice, though.

We zerged it down so fast, I figured it would be more difficult.


You don't need to make a party/alliance to do this? Awesome. I always wanted to try things like this not necessarily for the rewards but for the experience (not points). How long does a battle last?

In other news, I hit 50 last night. This is a huge deal for me. I've started and quit FFXI multiple times over the last 8 years or so, never going higher than 42. And it happened in less than a month, and could have gone even faster had I not dabbled in a lot of side stuff.

No parties needed, just show up and talk to the NPC to participate. They last about 10-15 minutes I suppose, although it also depends on how fast everyone kills the monsters. But it's a real casual, calm, at your pace kind of leveling which makes it stand out. And on the other side, you get allied notes which can be used for armors and stuff.


Does ANYONE actually do Legion battles? I've never seen a shout for it. It was supposed to be the next big thing after Abyssea and it never took off at all. Square Enix wasted their time on it.




Does ANYONE actually do Legion battles? I've never seen a shout for it. It was supposed to be the next big thing after Abyssea and it never took off at all. Square Enix wasted their time on it.

I haven't done it yet because I don't see any decent armor from it.


Has anyone purchased the UCAE and had trouble logging in?

I purchased the UCAE from Amazon and then went to install it and for me the easist thing to do was uninstall my old edition and reinstall all the new stuff from Amazon because I wasn't sure how to connect the mini-expansions or WotG to my current game. I didn't think this would be much of an issue or time concern because after everything downloaded, it installed fairly quickly. So here's the issue I'm having. I had to reconnect the PlayOnline ID and log in and reconnect the SE Account or whatever. Well, I entered my PlayOnline ID, which I had saved elsewhere, and reinput the password I used. It takes me to the next log in thing where I input the SE password and then while logging in, a box pops up and says "Incorrect PlayOnline ID or password." I went to SE account management and made sure the password I was putting in on the playonline log in was the same as I had on there and still no dice. Anyone have any idea how to resolve this?

I'm asking on here because the service center is closed on the weekends. If no one has any idea how to resolve this I can wait till the Monday, but this is really annoying. Logging into their service stuff is a pain in the butt online. It took me a good 30 minutes just to figure out how to check my PlayOnline account info since SE isn't very good at directing consumers around on here.



Well, after my 162nd attempt, I finally got it. I ended up having to tank as WHM and proc Blue cause the MNK was still weakened from the same run, but it actually dropped and I was for once, excited about an item drop in this game.

Goodbye, Shinryu.

Has anyone purchased the UCAE and had trouble logging in?

I purchased the UCAE from Amazon and then went to install it and for me the easist thing to do was uninstall my old edition and reinstall all the new stuff from Amazon because I wasn't sure how to connect the mini-expansions or WotG to my current game. I didn't think this would be much of an issue or time concern because after everything downloaded, it installed fairly quickly. So here's the issue I'm having. I had to reconnect the PlayOnline ID and log in and reconnect the SE Account or whatever. Well, I entered my PlayOnline ID, which I had saved elsewhere, and reinput the password I used. It takes me to the next log in thing where I input the SE password and then while logging in, a box pops up and says "Incorrect PlayOnline ID or password." I went to SE account management and made sure the password I was putting in on the playonline log in was the same as I had on there and still no dice. Anyone have any idea how to resolve this?

I'm asking on here because the service center is closed on the weekends. If no one has any idea how to resolve this I can wait till the Monday, but this is really annoying. Logging into their service stuff is a pain in the butt online. It took me a good 30 minutes just to figure out how to check my PlayOnline account info since SE isn't very good at directing consumers around on here.

I had an issue with that a while back on steam(ultimate edition, not Abyssea), I believe it's due to the fact that it's using a different region than what you're using. I believe you have to download the correct playonline viewer from the official website to make it work.



Well, after my 162nd attempt, I finally got it. I ended up having to tank as WHM and proc Blue cause the MNK was still weakened from the same run, but it actually dropped and I was for once, excited about an item drop in this game.

Goodbye, Shinryu.

Holy crap, that's a nice piece. What is that from? Abyssea?

And I got it to work, not sure what the issue was to be honest. I just kept messing around with the password on there and changing it on PlayOnline FF11 thing on the internet. Eventually I got on, now I have 6 more hours of updates, lol. Oh well, I can't play today anyways.

And what server are you on? I'm thinking of switching to the Sylph one since that's where most of the people on here are at.


Holy crap, that's a nice piece. What is that from? Abyssea?

And I got it to work, not sure what the issue was to be honest. I just kept messing around with the password on there and changing it on PlayOnline FF11 thing on the internet. Eventually I got on, now I have 6 more hours of updates, lol. Oh well, I can't play today anyways.

And what server are you on? I'm thinking of switching to the Sylph one since that's where most of the people on here are at.

Yeah, it's from the last boss of Abyssea called Shinryu. People usually get the armor with less attempts than I did, but I was rather unlucky with that specific drop for whatever reason. It's Kirin's Osode 2.0 + more.

I'm on server Asura, however I don't really have a community here and I mainly play off Port Jeuno shouts or soloing. Of course I'd assist you if you came over, but it may be better to go to Sylph as that's where the GAF linkshell is.
Very curious about the dungeon crawl system. It'd be nice to have a reason to explore more of the game world that tends to be ignored by most groups. Maybe exp/gil rewards like FoV/GoV for "completion" but less monotonous than those.


Very curious about the dungeon crawl system. It'd be nice to have a reason to explore more of the game world that tends to be ignored by most groups. Maybe exp/gil rewards like FoV/GoV for "completion" but less monotonous than those.

I'm thinking the same thing. I really like the world, but it seems to me everyone is 99 and no one is exploring or doing anything but Abyssea. I assume most of the people completed what they wanted to or seen what they need to see, but it'd still be nice to have a reason to go to different areas. There really is a beautiful and interesting world in the game, but if you're a new or returning player, it's easy to miss a lot of it.

Speaking of which, I decided to start the Abyssea and WotG missions and decided to look back at the old missions (Zilart, CoP, San d'oria) and holy crap, I didn't realize how close I was to finishing those. I only have like 2 or 3 missions left for each of them. I need to get a job up in level before I complete those though.
Official July update details. Mostly tweaks except for the new Heroines' Holdfast battle. No dungeon crawl yet, sadface.

Speaking of which, I decided to start the Abyssea and WotG missions and decided to look back at the old missions (Zilart, CoP, San d'oria) and holy crap, I didn't realize how close I was to finishing those. I only have like 2 or 3 missions left for each of them. I need to get a job up in level before I complete those though.

Are you planning on soloing them? Post your results if you do. I'm going to try to finish every storyline mission when I hit 90... hoping that will be high enough.


Official July update details. Mostly tweaks except for the new Heroines' Holdfast battle. No dungeon crawl yet, sadface.

Are you planning on soloing them? Post your results if you do. I'm going to try to finish every storyline mission when I hit 90... hoping that will be high enough.

I really don't know at this point. And I assume it'll be a little while till I do them. My highest job is BRD @ 75 and I don't plan on leveling that any time soon. I imagine the missions I need to complete could be duo'd or trio'd with 90+ jobs, so when I get THF or SAM up there, 61 and 34 respectively, I'll take a look at what I can do solo and what needs to be grouped.


additional areas to call fellow. YES!!

Where'd you read that? Looked through the notes a few times and didn't see that mentioned. Looks like they finally made that prism staff a thing to craft. That should make people happy. There's a cape that increases synthesis skill gains too.
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