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Final Fantasy XI 2014 |OT| Kumhau, The Blackthorne Coven, and the Mog Wardrobe.


Just shout for help in a populated area until someone answers. It took me a few hours to get a response but that's not too bad. I duoed this one as a MNK/DNC. I think the guy helping me was a Black Mage. Regardless, this is by far the most difficult mission to solo in the game (not including SoA). I really wouldn't recommend trying to solo it.

I know people who SWEAR it can be solo'd with AoEs now but...

UGH. Worst Mission Ever. Aur and I were stuck on it for well over a year. My hatred for Adelheid is extreme and I slap her every time I run into her in Bastok (S). Good luck. *shudder*

Thanks, I'll try some shouts then. I actually hated Naja Salaheem for the same reason. Got that one after a some tries though. I only needed to do this one once to know I won't be able to do it as I am right now.


Neo Member
I know people who SWEAR it can be solo'd with AoEs now but...
ilvl BLM should one- or two-shot the Quadav, it's just knowing where they're going to spawn and having a Stonega at the ready. Third wave where she panics and runs around is the make it or break it point, as you need to quickly kill/aggro everything on both ends while also keeping her alive. Virtually anything capable of throwing a Cure should be able to accomplish that since she doesn't have much HP... which is sort of the problem, heh. Regardless, definitely the easiest mission to fail.

As an aside, super belated howdy to ya'll. Been following the threads off and on for about two years now. ;)
Something that should be added to the OT if it wasn't already to add to FFXI's awesomeness.

1) FFXI is like a console jrpg from the late 90s early 2000s but it's an mmo so it's the late 90s early 00s game that lives on forever.

2) Having a tablet in your lap to look up info on things in ffxi while playing is like sitting in front of a television screen as a kid, playing an snes/ps1 rpg with a strategy guide in your lap (in a good way)

that is all


Noob question time:

A fellow Gaffer has invited me to finally play this wonderful game (from SE's golden age) which, due to lacking the hardware, I have never tried. I have a non-hard-disk PS2, a non-BC PS3, a PS4, and a Mac. Looks like the only option is to install Windows on the latter, and I'm thinking of taking the plunge.

I have an old external HD with about 50 GB free and was thinking of either trying to install Windows there or partitioning my Mac's HD. I have an ancient Windows XP product code from a now-dead laptop that I'd love to make use of. (I know that FFXI no longer supports XP, but it should still run on it.)

Can I acquire the install discs from anywhere in the world and install the game from them, paying only the monthly fee? (I live in Japan but would like to have the game in English. Steam and Amazon won't sell a US version of the game to me here.)

I would be very grateful to be pointed to old threads where people have installed Windows on their Macs and played this game on them. Hints on doing both those steps would be very appreciated!


The install files are available from SE's website, at least for English versions, having just downloaded it yesterday myself. You may have to still buy the game to get the product keys. Region shouldnt matter for actual gameplay, if it is like it was in the past, but once you create an account in a region, you're stuck buying expansions for that region.

So I've reactivated my old CID. I should be a level 50-something WHM still. Im on Quizecotal, but Ill happily change. Where do I start? Hah. I need to check what expansions I have too, I know I bought a set semi-recently but never reactivated.


The install files are available from SE's website, at least for English versions, having just downloaded it yesterday myself. You may have to still buy the game to get the product keys. Region shouldnt matter for actual gameplay, if it is like it was in the past, but once you create an account in a region, you're stuck buying expansions for that region.

That sounds pretty good. Are there any region-related checks when redeeming a product key, or checks against which language your Windows is installed in?


That sounds pretty good. Are there any region-related checks when redeeming a product key, or checks against which language your Windows is installed in?

Product keys should (again, if it's like it was in the past) only be redeemable on a specific region account. There were never IP checks or anything like that. I'd wait for someone else to chime in to be sure, but I dont think anything major was changed.

At times, I would play on the Japanese client using my US account, when I had some minimal Japanese knowledge hah.


Yeah, if you keep all the codes on your account the same region, you should be fine, as far as I know. The actual region of the client you use indeed does not matter.

A number of us play on Sylph, and if you're somewhere else but do end up wanting to transfer servers, you're more than welcome to join us. Just let one of us know, and we can get you a linkpearl and whatnot.

There's also a player list in the first post of the thread, so feel free to add yourselves to that if you're not already in there.


Ive been enjoying my time back so far. Just been soloing really. Going to look into changing servers so it isnt quite so lonely hah. My friends list is completely dead.


Well, if I can get Windows running on my Mac for not-too-much money (or even acquire an old hard-drive-containing PS2), I'll give this game a shot. It feels like there isn't much time left to ever get into it, what with FFXIV taking over.
Well, if I can get Windows running on my Mac for not-too-much money (or even acquire an old hard-drive-containing PS2), I'll give this game a shot. It feels like there isn't much time left to ever get into it, what with FFXIV taking over.

Eh, the game still gets monthly updates. It's not going anywhere anytime soon.

Talym's advice is sound btw.


Well, GAF, I'm in!

Bought the game on Amazon last night and am about to install it on Windows 7 on my Mac. My game came with 30 days of play (as did my Windows; this is a borrowed DVD and I think it will expire unless I buy my own license code in 30 days). Perfect for a short experiment.

I bought it on Amazon.com with my US-based credit card, billed to my US home address, and it didn't check where I was physically located when I downloaded it. Great!

This edition contains all the expansions; will I get to them in a single month of play, or should I just install the vanilla game? The whole thing is 9 GB and I only have about 20 GB to work with in this partition.

Anything else a decade-late-to-the-party noob needs to know?


Emergency question: how do you start this game?

I downloaded my purchase from Amazon and after a few hiccups, the archive unpacked itself and installed the game along with all the expansions.

But when I try to open the game, whether using the desktop icon or the item in the Program Files folder, all I get is a PlayOnline widget that asks me to input my Square Enix membership login/password... but there's no way to start the actual game!

I must be missing something very obvious.

What is it?

(Edit: This Youtuber's video explains everything: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hANfs9jQp9A

He shows you how to go to Square Enix's site and register your product, and how to navigate the PlayOnline mini-app, which has its own complexities -- you have to "Log In" multiple times even when you think you're already logged in, and you have to use the nickname you signed up for Square Enix with; I had totally forgotten mine and had always logged in using my e-mail address.)

(Edit 2: I'm still not in. It wants a "Content ID" from me, and doesn't seem to want to tell me what that is. I'm supposed to have 30 days of play; do I have to set up some kind of additional recurring payment to create a character?)


I finally figured that part out: I had to set up a payment method (I chose Crysta) and then let the service show one month's fees balanced by the promotional discount that came from me having bought the game. After saying Yes to that, I had a Content ID.

I haven't actually made this character, or even run the game, but at least that stage is finished.

Now the little PlayOnline app sees that I have a Content ID and is going through my FFXI program files to make sure everything is there. Should be a 25 minute process; I'll post an update for future Gaffers who see this post.

One more edit: Failed to initialize Direct3D. Looks like I won't be playing just yet. I'm done for today and will give it another try tomorrow.


I've spent to months farming Copper Vouchers so I could trade them for Plasm and buy a Qalgwer, but I can't get it because I don't have the KI from Wopket because Tbd had me stay at the beginning of Yorcia while the others killed the bosses. Figures.

Edit: I looked through my KI list and I DO have it, but the Taru doesn't list it. Do I have to have 300k Plasm before it even shows up in the reward list?


This DirectX thing is a nightmare. Windows 7 comes with DirectX 11, which is supposed to be compatible with games and other older applications that are expecting DirectX 9.

[Edit for future Gaffers stuck in this position: Disregard anything about trying to overwrite your DirectX with DX9. If you're using a recent-ish iMac with Windows 7, you have Nvidia. Just get the latest drivers from Nvidia, let that site choose what to install, and run dxdiag. You will see that DirectX acceleration is now on. When you restart your machine, DirectX will be running correctly and -- hopefully -- so will your game!]


What video drivers do you have installed? Have you tried any other games? You just loaded Windows on your Mac right?


What video drivers do you have installed? Have you tried any other games? You just loaded Windows on your Mac right?

Did you try to update your video card drivers?

This was the answer! This Mac has Nvidia video, and I went to their site, let them automatically examine my configuration, and select drivers to download.

I let Nvidia do this -- it installed the .NET framework while it was at it -- and restarted. It restarted in the Mac's default screen resolution.

(I thought "drivers" were just for when you were trying to connect an external device to your computer... ^^;)

Then I loaded up PlayOnline again, and the game ran! Watched the opening movie, and there was one more hiccup: hyper-security-obsessed Windows didn't automatically connect to my wireless router. Connected, restarted the game, and it works!

The game is running in a 4:3 aspect ratio window. Not the most beautiful way to see things, but it works and that's what matters.

I created a character (Hume, Male, named Dounan) and am wandering around the Bastok Markets now. Using a keyboard and mouse sure is confusing!

Now to find my way out to the fields and take on some monsters!


What server did you end up creating your character on?

For the 4:3 stuff, you can change that with the FFXI Configuration Tool and/or Windower (link at the bottom of the op). After changing the actual resolution, you can set the aspect ratio to match in the config menu when you're logged in.


What server did you end up creating your character on?

For the 4:3 stuff, you can change that with the FFXI Configuration Tool and/or Windower (link at the bottom of the op). After changing the actual resolution, you can set the aspect ratio to match in the config menu when you're logged in.

Joined Sylph since that's where my fellow Gaffers seem to be!

I saw the different aspect ratios in the in-game config screen (the opening screen where you select your character), but nothing changed when I moved the slider to 16:10. The FFXI Configuration tool was a blank slab of gray with three buttons at the bottom, and I was just happy to be running the game.

I'd love to tweak stuff. That Windower link doesn't seem to have any preview screenshots f what it will do -- my game is already running in a window and I'd actually prefer the opposite: a console-like full screen with no distractions.

There's plenty of time to learn the ropes. I got out of Bastok and took on some hornets and worms, winning one or two battles at a time before going back into town to heal -- and only then noticed that I hadn't been equipping my weapon! Well, my fists were decent enough, thanks to that meat jerky the gate guard advised me to eat.

Another of his missions sent me northwest of the city, where I was repeatedly KO'd by vultures; it was far beyond my ability. I'm a Red Mage but haven't tried any magic yet; I'm pretty slow with selecting stuff in the menus. I once got steadily pummeled by a monster that chased me all the way back to the city gates, and I entered with just 1 HP left! (Is there a way to run faster when fleeing monsters, like in FFXII?)

Not too many adventurers wandering around town. I miss all the NPCs everywhere in FFXIV!

One customization question: is it worth trying to get a controller to work with this game? I think I'd prefer it, and I have both a Dual Shock 3 and 4.


Since youre running in a window, you actually have to stretch it to the proper ratio. Otherwise, turn off the window mode :D

Dont use your mouse either, basically everything can be done on the keypad.

Be sure to check the enemy before you fight. Even match or below should be doable at that level.

Controllers work great on the game, for me anyway. Some people might say otherwise hah. But since it is essentially a PS2 game, the game was designed for controllers.

Some areas are better for other players, dont worry. But the population is far less than it was when I last played.


Borman has it right.

I'd probably disable the built-in windowed mode, and just use Windower. There's no screenshots on their site, but you can set it to run in full-screen without a border, and still be able to alt-tab without crashing (the reason Windower was created in the first place). It's pretty straightforward. Of course, you can also use all sorts of addons that it gives you access to, but those are not strictly necessary by any means.

I played XI for a couple years with keyboard only, but switched to controller and haven't looked back. That's one area where the game's PS2 roots really show through. I use a Dualshock 4, which is glorious.

If you're on when I get home from work, I'll get you a linkpearl, unless someone beats me to it. At least then you'll have some people to talk to. :) The starter areas are indeed pretty sparsely populated these days, and Sylph is unfortunately one of the smaller servers to begin with.

Definitely check out the links for new players in the OP of the thread. Stuff you'll probably want to make particular note of are Records of Eminence and the rest of the Adventuring Primer. Those will help you level up and keep yourself geared reasonably as you move along.


Since youre running in a window, you actually have to stretch it to the proper ratio. Otherwise, turn off the window mode :D

Dont use your mouse either, basically everything can be done on the keypad.

So far I've only been using the mouse to click on the treasure chests; somehow when I press Enter next to them, the game wants to bring up the chat window. Other than that I've been using my left hand (on WASD) for movement and right hand (on the arrows) for the camera.

Borman has it right.

I'd probably disable the built-in windowed mode, and just use Windower. There's no screenshots on their site, but you can set it to run in full-screen without a border, and still be able to alt-tab without crashing (the reason Windower was created in the first place). It's pretty straightforward. Of course, you can also use all sorts of addons that it gives you access to, but those are not strictly necessary by any means.

OK; I'll look into it. This will only be the second Windows program on this computer. ^_^;

If you're on when I get home from work, I'll get you a linkpearl, unless someone beats me to it. At least then you'll have some people to talk to. :) The starter areas are indeed pretty sparsely populated these days, and Sylph is unfortunately one of the smaller servers to begin with.

I'll probably be on around 3 PM to 6 PM JT (1 AM to 4 AM Eastern; 10 PM to 1 AM Pacific?) in what are my afternoons. I still have to figure out how to redeem the bonus item that I got when buying the game (a Chocobo Shirt and some other thing; I think they give EXP bonuses).

So far I like the pace of this game and the feel. It doesn't overwhelm you with MMO stuff. I struggled a lot with FFXIV as my first MMO; there were so many differences from conventional RPGs and so much jargon and unusual language. I'm sure that's coming for this game, but so far, it hasn't been that bad.


There are Festive Moogles in your starter town (Port Sandoria if that's where you started) that give you the items. They are quite useful :p

If your computer has a number pad, thats how I still play.


winning one or two battles at a time before going back into town to heal.
You can kneel down and heal in the field with a hotkey, though I don't remember what it is atm. Ctrl + R for rest? Something like that.


Making some more slow progress -- wandered into the Bastok mines but didn't do much. I've still got the quest from the Galka at the Bastok gate, who wants me to go up to the Konschtat Highlands and defeat something, but I'm not quite strong enough to go to that area, and there's a kid nearby whose sister wants me to escort him somewhere, but when I start walking off, he doesn't follow. How do you start that quest?

(This game is much less hand-holdy than FF14 is. Is there even a way to see what quests you've activated?)

There are Festive Moogles in your starter town (Port Sandoria if that's where you started) that give you the items. They are quite useful :p

Mine was in northern Bastok; had to Google for his exact location, but I found him. I remember getting dobule-EXP stuff for FF14; in this game I've got something that gives me auto-Raise. I'm sure that's nice to have when in a party, but when soloing, it meant that when I took on a too-tough enemy (a Goblin Thug, IIRC), it smacked me down, then did the same thing again immediately when I got up. And again. And again. All the other Goblin Thugs and Quadavs in the neighborhood got plenty of laughs out of it, I'm sure.

Dunan, I threw some pearls on the linkshell concierge. You can pick one up from there even if no one is around. Please do!

OK, how do I do that? I visited the two Concierges, but they said they had nothing to offer me.

And I'm still tweaking the screen -- I stuck with windowed 4:3 resolution because the stretched fonts just look terrible at any resolution other than the default. I'd like to make them a little bigger; can that be done? And can the DualShock 3/4 be used without any special effort? I plugged my DS3 in, Windows recognized it and automatically downloaded a driver of some kind, but FFXI couldn't see it.


Making some more slow progress -- wandered into the Bastok mines but didn't do much. I've still got the quest from the Galka at the Bastok gate, who wants me to go up to the Konschtat Highlands and defeat something, but I'm not quite strong enough to go to that area, and there's a kid nearby whose sister wants me to escort him somewhere, but when I start walking off, he doesn't follow. How do you start that quest?

(This game is much less hand-holdy than FF14 is. Is there even a way to see what quests you've activated?)

Mine was in northern Bastok; had to Google for his exact location, but I found him. I remember getting dobule-EXP stuff for FF14; in this game I've got something that gives me auto-Raise. I'm sure that's nice to have when in a party, but when soloing, it meant that when I took on a too-tough enemy (a Goblin Thug, IIRC), it smacked me down, then did the same thing again immediately when I got up. And again. And again. All the other Goblin Thugs and Quadavs in the neighborhood got plenty of laughs out of it, I'm sure.

OK, how do I do that? I visited the two Concierges, but they said they had nothing to offer me.

And I'm still tweaking the screen -- I stuck with windowed 4:3 resolution because the stretched fonts just look terrible at any resolution other than the default. I'd like to make them a little bigger; can that be done? And can the DualShock 3/4 be used without any special effort? I plugged my DS3 in, Windows recognized it and automatically downloaded a driver of some kind, but FFXI couldn't see it.

When you open your main menu (the one that pops up on the right, not your command one hah), go to the second page, and there is a spot for quests and missions. It won't give you waypoints like some games though.

You should be able to set a different resolution for the menus, that is probably the only way to make them larger. Im sure it's all pulling from the same PS2-era assets anyway hah.

There are some better Dualshock tools that should make things appear as an Xbox controller, that is the way of going about that I imagine.
Making some more slow progress -- wandered into the Bastok mines but didn't do much. I've still got the quest from the Galka at the Bastok gate, who wants me to go up to the Konschtat Highlands and defeat something, but I'm not quite strong enough to go to that area, and there's a kid nearby whose sister wants me to escort him somewhere, but when I start walking off, he doesn't follow. How do you start that quest?

(This game is much less hand-holdy than FF14 is. Is there even a way to see what quests you've activated?)

Mine was in northern Bastok; had to Google for his exact location, but I found him. I remember getting dobule-EXP stuff for FF14; in this game I've got something that gives me auto-Raise. I'm sure that's nice to have when in a party, but when soloing, it meant that when I took on a too-tough enemy (a Goblin Thug, IIRC), it smacked me down, then did the same thing again immediately when I got up. And again. And again. All the other Goblin Thugs and Quadavs in the neighborhood got plenty of laughs out of it, I'm sure.

OK, how do I do that? I visited the two Concierges, but they said they had nothing to offer me.

And I'm still tweaking the screen -- I stuck with windowed 4:3 resolution because the stretched fonts just look terrible at any resolution other than the default. I'd like to make them a little bigger; can that be done? And can the DualShock 3/4 be used without any special effort? I plugged my DS3 in, Windows recognized it and automatically downloaded a driver of some kind, but FFXI couldn't see it.

I guess they aren't linked. I'll leave a few in Bastok for you. Also there's a ton of good wiki links and such in the OP that might help you get started with some direction.


Big props to Aurellian for meeting me in-game, handing me a linkpearl, and giving out some great starting advice!

I had known nothing about the Eminence starting quests and had risen to level 8 in probably the same way that people did back in 2002. Looking forward to making some faster progress now!

Haven't tried any third-party aids like Windower or controller drivers, but I do want to figure out a way to use a DualShock 3 or 4 because the keyboard is awkward.

I'm really liking the slower starting pace of this game. FFXIV threw far too much at beginners, particularly non-intuitive MMO concepts, and it was hard to get started. I could easily see this being a great first MMO for any veteran RPG fan.


Oh nice, glad to hear that you were able to actually meet up with someone. I had hoped to stay up last night myself, but I had an early meeting scheduled this morning at work (which has since been cancelled, argh).

The Records of Eminence stuff will make a big difference, yeah.

As far as getting the controller working, you need to set it up in the FFXI Configuration Tool, if you haven't already touched that. At least with a DS4, that's all that's really required, although using something like DS4Windows makes the experience a lot better. I don't know if there's any difference for a DualShock3 though.
Big props to Aurellian for meeting me in-game, handing me a linkpearl, and giving out some great starting advice!

I had known nothing about the Eminence starting quests and had risen to level 8 in probably the same way that people did back in 2002. Looking forward to making some faster progress now!

Haven't tried any third-party aids like Windower or controller drivers, but I do want to figure out a way to use a DualShock 3 or 4 because the keyboard is awkward.

I'm really liking the slower starting pace of this game. FFXIV threw far too much at beginners, particularly non-intuitive MMO concepts, and it was hard to get started. I could easily see this being a great first MMO for any veteran RPG fan.

I've said it before, but you get a lot out of starting the game out as if it was an old single player rpg. Talk to everyone, pay attention to what they say, check out all the menus. Check the wiki's when you get stuck or something isn't clear (this will happen often, but lots of the earlier content is kind of obtuse in direction, for better or worse)


I've said it before, but you get a lot out of starting the game out as if it was an old single player rpg. Talk to everyone, pay attention to what they say, check out all the menus. Check the wiki's when you get stuck or something isn't clear (this will happen often, but lots of the earlier content is kind of obtuse in direction, for better or worse)

Yeah, I'm glad I did my first three days of play like that. Today I finally discovered the Eminence stuff and started getting bonuses all over the place -- visiting . With the Konschtat mission, I went from getting knocked all over the battlefield to doing it very easily (at level 10).

Now I'm at something of an impasse, as the monsters in Valkurm Dunes and beyond the Bastok mines are far beyond my level and KO me in two shots. I might just see how far I can wander in some other directions.

But I also finally went into the config menus and made a ton of adjustments to make this game more playable: fully configured the DS4 and am now moving around the map and navigating the menus just like in any other controller-based RPG; turned on smooth UI fonts and now display damage numbers on the battlefield; turned off window mode so that the screen is the right size (is there a way to access the Windows taskbar if you're playing in full screen mode? The escape key does nothing). Everything feels so smooth and natural now.

I saw some nice FFXI art books at my local book store (here in Tokyo where video game stuff is everywhere) a few days ago and will probably pick one or two up. This is a great world to get into.


Neo Member
Now I'm at something of an impasse, as the monsters in Valkurm Dunes and beyond the Bastok mines are far beyond my level and KO me in two shots. I might just see how far I can wander in some other directions.
Play around in Konschtat Highlands for a while, picking up things like the Crag of Dem Telepoint and whatnot. Just kill whatever crosses your path and you'll bump up a few more levels pretty quickly.

Off in the northeast (a fair bit south of where you would enter Pashhow Marshlands on your /map) you'll find the Gusgen Mines. Assuming you have some Trust NPC party members, you can level there "solo" on the first floor from 13-ish to 25/26 using just the ten or so Skeleton Warriors in the first two rooms. The Ghouls in the nearby tunnels are a bit stronger -- ideally you wouldn't mess with them until level 19 or so, depending on job -- but they'll allow you to hit level 30 together with the Bandersnatch and Bogy mobs. The Ghouls also have 1 of 3 items required to unlock your subjob (the other two are from mobs in Valkurm Dunes), so you kill two birds with one stone.

Ground Tome Page 1 will speed up the leveling a great deal, but isn't required if you'd like to take things slower. Ditto the RoE challenges for Region -> Gusgen Mines and Spoils -> Earth Crystal.


Yeah, I'm glad I did my first three days of play like that. Today I finally discovered the Eminence stuff and started getting bonuses all over the place -- visiting . With the Konschtat mission, I went from getting knocked all over the battlefield to doing it very easily (at level 10).

Now I'm at something of an impasse, as the monsters in Valkurm Dunes and beyond the Bastok mines are far beyond my level and KO me in two shots. I might just see how far I can wander in some other directions.

Yeah, definitely look into unlocking Trust NPCs if you haven't yet. Basically they're NPCs from the various storylines that you can summon to adventure with you. It's part of SE's solution to making solo and low-man stuff more doable, which is critical with the lower server populations we have now (especially at low levels).

Since you're in Bastok, the first one you can get is Naji. He's a melee fighter, so that should fit pretty well with you being a Red Mage - he'll help you kill things faster and take some of the heat off of you. :)


You can unlock more of them as you complete missions, gain city fame, and whatnot. It's a pretty cool and powerful system.

But I also finally went into the config menus and made a ton of adjustments to make this game more playable: fully configured the DS4 and am now moving around the map and navigating the menus just like in any other controller-based RPG; turned on smooth UI fonts and now display damage numbers on the battlefield; turned off window mode so that the screen is the right size (is there a way to access the Windows taskbar if you're playing in full screen mode? The escape key does nothing). Everything feels so smooth and natural now.

Are you using Windower, or just set the game to fullscreen in the FFXI Config app? If you're using Windower, you should be able to Alt-Tab to other stuff that you have open without any issues. If you've only set it to fullscreen in the Config app, doing that will probably crash the game.



"Puppetmaster adjustments" lol

I've been following the PUP changes since SoA dropped (and occasionally testing myself) and it's hilarious seeing it get buffed in every damn patch. Should just go overboard and make it as OP as possible.

Someone on the current team really loves that job.


How do I add Sparks to Pointwatch? I've tried editing the XML file, but I can't get it right.

Here's what I use:
<default>xp.current..&apos;/&apos;..xp.tnl..&apos;XP &apos;..lp.current..&apos;/&apos;..lp.tnm..&apos;LP [&apos;..lp.number_of_merits..&apos;/&apos;..lp.maximum_merits..&apos;] XP/hr:&apos;..string.format(&apos;%.1f&apos;,math.floor(xp.rate/100)/10)..&apos;k &apos;..cp.current..&apos;/&apos;..cp.tnjp..&apos;CP [&apos;..cp.number_of_job_points..&apos;] CP/hr:&apos;..string.format(&apos;%.1f&apos;,math.floor(cp.rate/100)/10)..&apos;k &apos;..sparks.current..&apos;SP &apos;..accolades.current..&apos;UA&apos;</default>

This will include both sparks and accolades.
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