Mmm... I'm about to turn in, but I think my experience with the 'game' part of the game is alright so far. Sucks that I can't switch leaders right from the get-go, and it does feel like the balancing is thrown out a bit as I level up some. I have 96 potions, 5 Iron Bangles and 3 Power Wristbands, so... the drop rate is good. @_@
Um, I don't like how they've adjusted target times and rankings. To get a 5-star rank, most of the time, you have to land a pre-emptive strike. In FFXIII, Target Time, and thus 5-starring, was dependent on your stats, equipment, and the watch. I think XIII-2's way of doing it's a little silly, personally. They've taken Points Per Second and made them static, meaning that unless you one-shot enemies, you won't get enough points-per-second to hit 5-star without the 2000 point Preemptive Strike bonus. It's rather cheap.
I've seen the story and I know most of what happens, so I don't think I'll comment on it during my playthrough. English Noel is pretty awesome, though. I like him a lot, and the voice actor reads his lines pretty well.[IMG]
Even the way they fall is almost the same. :lol
We had a running joke that Noel was essentially a grown-up Sora when we first saw him in a trailer, but gosh.