Unknown Soldier
I probably should of checked, but there's not unlocks for having completed the demo right?
Nope, I completed the demo and got nothing. Oh well.
I probably should of checked, but there's not unlocks for having completed the demo right?
Nope, I completed the demo and got nothing. Oh well.
I like to pretend I am the camera.I mean really, do I really need the camera to ram right into her?
I officially have no idea what to do.
I think i'm at chapter 3 and I'm kinda stuck
I just got to Augusta Tower, then the computer or whatever said it wanted to kill me, then nothing happened. I have no idea where to go, I went to other worlds looking for other gates but I can't find anyhelp meeee, I got the fragment in Augusta tower it says too.
Right. But you should play the game the way you want to play it.btw: for the crystarium
sereh = rav
noel = commando
right? Can't go wrong pumping those catagories for them right?
Nah. You can rewind time in areas to get stuff you missed the first time.And one last question: are any achievements missable? I want to go through the game once only but would like to not look at the guide until after. is that possible?
What are people telling you that you did wrong?So far I've put about 10 hours into the game so far and I think I pretty much leveled up my Crystarium wrong from what some people told me. I skipped all the tutorials thinking it was going to be just like FFXIII.
So far my Serah has Lv. 22 RAV, and her other roles are between 15-20 with 78 strength and 112 magic. Noel has Lv. 19 COM and the rest of his roles are between 15-20 with 102 strength and 81 magic.
Should I start over or should I just stick with it?
So far I've put about 10 hours into the game so far and I think I pretty much leveled up my Crystarium wrong from what some people told me. I skipped all the tutorials thinking it was going to be just like FFXIII.
So far my Serah has Lv. 22 RAV, and her other roles are between 15-20 with 78 strength and 112 magic. Noel has Lv. 19 COM and the rest of his roles are between 15-20 with 102 strength and 81 magic.
Should I start over or should I just stick with it?
What are people telling you that you did wrong?
btw: for the crystarium
sereh = rav
noel = commando
right? Can't go wrong pumping those catagories for them right?
And one last question: are any achievements missable? I want to go through the game once only but would like to not look at the guide until after. is that possible?
Ah. That's the way to max out your stats, yeah.That I didn't use Rav only for the large nodes for Serah and Com only for the large nodes for Noel so I can get stat bonuses. Until now, I've just been pumping points without any care about the large node big node stuff. Then I started noticing that Noel's magic was getting as high as Serah and I didn't know why so I asked around. I was trying to build Serah as my magic user and Noel as my tank warrior.
Ah. That's the way to max out your stats, yeah.
But honestly, first playthroughs aren't always going to be perfect. You're getting used to the game mechanics, so sometimes you're not going to catch stuff like that. I wouldn't start over if you're that far in, unless you really want to max out Noel and Serah's stats. Play the game the way you want to play it, not how everyone else thinks you should play it.
Right.So I guess it doesn't matter in the end. Its not like it determines trophies or anything right?
With regards to levelling in general, I think there's only one trophy dedicated to that, and that's the "raise Noel and Serah to Level 99 in all 6 Roles in the Crystarium" trophy. You don't have to pay attention to maxing stats for that at all, so you can keep levelling them the way you're levelling them now.
To those who got the Plat trophy, how long does it take?
65-70 hours.
Wow. I don't think I could ever platinum a RPG.
Doesn't seem like it's difficult to accumulate drops for the monsters unless you're going for 'potent' materials. Don't forget that Mana stuff will give stat bonuses to the monsters' MAG, Vitality stuff will give stat bonuses to HP, and Power stuff will give bonuses to ATK. Potent materials boost all three stats.So, how often should I be leveling the monsters in my party? I'm hesitant to use any of the upgrade items on their crystariums since it seems like there is always a similar yet better monster around the corner, so I'd rather save the items.
It's not that difficult, especially now that trophies for RPGs have gotten easier to get (ex: Tales of Graces, Tales of Xillia, Last Rebellion, FFXIII-2, Trinity Souls of Zill O'll). They're just quite time-consuming.Wow. I don't think I could ever platinum a RPG.
Still in New Bodhum, so fun to talk to all the npcs or listen in on conversations. The little pack of cats was cute, as well as the three kids running along the beach, and the one little girl who keeps tripping. Already the game has more character than FF13 and I liked FF13.
But damn, im having a hard time finding the medical kit of that girl on the beach. Where is it?
His voice. The way he talks. His hair. It's Tom Cruise.
When you have to catch the kid that took something from uhh, one of the Nora guys, you'll eventually see a floating cube on the way to the crater
So...does the Genji Bow make the first part of the game that much easier/ is it obtainable normally?
Okay thanks, Im about to head back there again.
Speaking of the Genji bow, I used the gamestop code and I downloaded and installed it, but when I go to the games menu I dont see it. Serah alt costume is there.
Is this anything like FF6 or 9? Is it as good as FF6, 9, 4?
Honestly... it's really easy with this game. You can do most everything extra in order and it makes it fairly simple to obtain.
You know, I'd like to pretend this game used to be Chrono Break.
I had a hard time with ep. 3 part 1's boss though.
Is this anything like FF6 or 9? Is it as good as FF6, 9, 4?
Nope. You probably won't like it.
Does the game have an actual world that feels lived in this time?It's kinda like if you put FF XIII with Chrono Trigger.
I wouldn't.You know, I'd like to pretend this game used to be Chrono Break.
Is this anything like FF6 or 9? Is it as good as FF6, 9, 4?
"Who's this Snow person?"
Why oh why is there an option that says, "my hero"?
I wouldn't.
Way more than XIII, that's for sure. It depends on the time period you go to, but there's plenty of flavor text, NPCs, towns that are inhabited, and bodies everywhere now.Does the game have an actual world that feels lived in this time?
It's better then FF4 at least.
Is this anything like FF6 or 9? Is it as good as FF6, 9, 4?
It's better then FF4 at least.
I found FF4 pretty meh, so I'd agree with that.
Is that your answer for both of my questions?Not even close.
I figured it would since the backgrounds don't look as good as the ones in FF13 and the models have slightly lower poly counts.Way more than XIII, that's for sure. It depends on the time period you go to, but there's plenty of flavor text, NPCs, towns that are inhabited, and bodies everywhere now.
Would you say its better than 13? I played like 20 hours of that and stopped because it was just tedious to run through map after map, the plot was a mess with things being cryptic for no reason and the script was just terrible with every other line making me cringe.Its not a new main series entry, so honestly I wouldnt really hold it up to those standards. It does have a ton of stuff that XIII should have had from the beginning though...and I will say I like the idea of "Cinematic Action" instances.