Kagari are you rushing? (I hope my first playthrough is longer than that ._.)
Oh my gosh. You can actually do this! Okay, for people who are still doing Clock Stopper, listen up:
Find a group of nonagressive enemies. Get the preemptive strike, and then when the party members cut the enemies, pause and select Retry. And keep doing this until the trophy/achievement pops. It's the same enemies over and over, and the enemies automatically appear after you start controlling your leader after you select retry, letting you PE them.
I'm such an idiot! Why didn't I think about that before!
Edit: I am now looking for someone to make a second confirmation for this. Someone volunteer to be my guinea pig!
Augustia Tower, first of all what an AWFUL random battle rate, so many of them.200 AF
And then in the end at the.Top of the tower with the 3 BOSS FIGHTS without any break and when you think it's over they give you this stupid answers to pick from and when you pick the wrong one the battle start all over again!!! WTF I'm soooo tired of fighting -.-"
Thanks for confirming, Cheska! Good work. Yeah, I would've thought it'd amount to a Silver. Ah well, lol.Figured I would post an update on this. It totally work and I was able to get the Clock Stopper trophy. Easiest way to do it is to keep a tally, which I did in the form of 1-10 times ten rows. So:
It's literally easy as pie, as you are brought back to the mog clock as soon as you press retry. Just preemptively strike->wait for the attack and "preemptive strike" to flash on sceen->press start and retry.
It's much more enjoyable if you play some music as it makes the times go by faster. I'm a little surprised that it's only a bronze trophy though
For a reference, I did this inafter the Caius fight.Oerba
Thanks for confirming, Cheska! Good work. Yeah, I would've thought it'd amount to a Silver. Ah well, lol.
So to anyone else attempting the Clock Stopper trophy, forget about doing it legit. The method described (ie: get a pre-emptive strike, then let the characters hit the enemies to boost the gauge, then select retry, and complete the process over again 100 times since you're always brought back to the Mog Clock screen) completely works! It doesn't take long, and it's way easier than doing it legitimately, so keep that in mind.
Just captured a behemoth from YM 10AF,
There is a specific strategy to capture it? I killed 20 or so (some with 5 stars) but nothing..
Complete Besaid's Cloister of Trials (Bronze)Whew, Clock Stopper trophy acquired! Went ahead and fought the battles; pretty exhausting. But I have oodles of CP to show for it!
I'll admit, I really love having trophies in an FF game Can't wait to see what they come up with for X.
Was It Worth It? (Gold) - Acquire the Tournesol
Iron Bladder Award (Gold) - Defeat Yiazmat without leaving the area, or pausing the game/opening the menu for more than 15 seconds at a time No thanks
Some Kind of Crazy (Silver) - Defeat Omega mk.XII without casting Lure and/or Reverse No thanks.
Descent into Madness (Silver) - Defeat the Shadowseer and complete the Pharos Subterra
Risk/Reward (Silver) - Acquire the Zodiac Spear immediately following completion of Raithwall's Tomb
...wrong game
Now if they were *really* mean, they'll introduce trophies for lightning dodging, and that butterfly stuff which was always hard for me because I can't see well. :/
Amazing. I'd be perfectly fine with this. :lolWas It Worth It? (Gold) - Acquire the Tournesol
Iron Bladder Award (Gold) - Defeat Yiazmat without leaving the area, or pausing the game/opening the menu for more than 15 seconds at a time
Some Kind of Crazy (Silver) - Defeat Omega mk.XII without casting Lure and/or Reverse
Descent into Madness (Silver) - Defeat the Shadowseer and complete the Pharos Subterra
Risk/Reward (Silver) - Acquire the Zodiac Spear immediately following completion of Raithwall's Tomb
...wrong game
I hope they don't include a trophy for that! Lightning dodging sucks. And so does that Chocobo race. And my vision (well, my sense of depth, to be specific) is pretty poor, so a lot of the butterflies blended into the backgrounds in Macalania for me. I managed it, but it took a while.Lighting dodging....*shudders*
Though truthfully, I did eventually manage it. It's the stupid drunk chocobo Tidus has to race that kept me from every getting all the ultimate upgrades.
The XIII trophies were grueling, but they gave the game some extra challenge and some much needed side-quest type goals, like five starring the hunts, etc. I really enjoyed going for them. I think it was my first platinum too (or ACII, can't remember). I'll go for the plat in XIII-2 as well cause I'm a sucker for FF.
Collecting those butterflies was brutal. I don't even know how I ever managed it. Pure luck. But I hear ya, it's hard to leave a stone unturned in an FF game. I always try to be as thorough as I can, though I don't stress about it too much on my first playthrough. I've already leveled kind of stupidly in XIII-2, but I'm going to try not to worry about it, and go for efficiency on the second run.I hope they don't include a trophy for that! Lightning dodging sucks. And so does that Chocobo race. And my vision (well, my sense of depth, to be specific) is pretty poor, so a lot of the butterflies blended into the backgrounds in Macalania for me. I managed it, but it took a while.
I got the FFXIII plat out of stubbornness. I was pretty indifferent to it overall, but I couldn't leave an RPG file--especially for an FF--not 100% complete. I'm going for the XIII-2 plat because I'm... just a completionist like that... :/
Did Amazon UK deliver for anyone? I'm still waiting for my post and I hope to God they deliver today. I preordered FFXIII-2 and the MGS HD Collection so either at the very least would be grand.
I checked and mine is coming tomorrow. They lowered the price by about 5 quid or so yesterday too. :-/
Well I bought the guide so I guess I'm reading that until the game falls on my doorstep.
My body is ready!
Right so just got it from blockbusters, saw around 5 more people lining up to get XIII-2, odd as its not a busy time of day.
Same here in Rome in one of many retailers. I think the game is going to sell great in the West. I hope
Anyone else get goosebumps towards the end of the intro when.... wow the music & tension and everything was soo good in that scene.Light calls ODIN and he pushes her up and she goes to meet the meteor in the sky as Noel jumps down
Was It Worth It? (Gold) - Acquire the Tournesol
Iron Bladder Award (Gold) - Defeat Yiazmat without leaving the area, or pausing the game/opening the menu for more than 15 seconds at a time
Some Kind of Crazy (Silver) - Defeat Omega mk.XII without casting Lure and/or Reverse
Descent into Madness (Silver) - Defeat the Shadowseer and complete the Pharos Subterra
Risk/Reward (Silver) - Acquire the Zodiac Spear immediately following completion of Raithwall's Tomb
...wrong game
I found it hard to get invested due to lack of context.
Anyone else get goosebumps towards the end of the intro when.... wow the music & tension and everything was soo good in that scene.Light calls ODIN and he pushes her up and she goes to meet the meteor in the sky as Noel jumps down
Episode 3.
Can someone tell me in which episode you get the ability to launch the moguri?