Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
It seems IGN today together with the review will have a live-stream of the first hours going on their website:
Final Fantasy XIII-2 is looking to be a big improvement over XIII. IGN will be unveiling its exclusive review on Friday, January 27. Leading up to the review, tune in for a live stream of the first couple hours of the Japanese RPG.
What: IGN's Final Fantasy XIII-2 Live Stream
When: Friday, January 27, 11:00AM-1:00PM Pacific
Where: Right here. Bookmark this page.
Who: IGN's Ryan Clements, Daemon Hatfield, and Colin Moriarty will be walking you through the early hours of the game.
Why: Get your questions answered and be the first to see IGN's exclusive review. Oh, and we'll also be giving away posters, a Lightning figuring, and a copy of the Collector's Edition. Just tweet your questions @IGN with #FFXIII2.