Sorry if this was asked prior but is there alternative costumes available in the game or are they purely DLC?
Not long left for us EU folk!
only DLC.
Sorry if this was asked prior but is there alternative costumes available in the game or are they purely DLC?
Not long left for us EU folk!
$15. I asked them to pricematch the $45 MSRP on They said it wasn't possible and politely asked me to buy it there instead (lol). So I then asked if they could just issue me a $15 credit, and they did. Woot. Should be here tomorrow (well, today) by noon.people who pre-ordered from amazon when they offered 20 dollars in credit: did you get 10 or 20 bucks?
I want that costume too. The art looks pretty great.Will the Ezio costume be available right from the start? As much as I want to avoid the nonsense DLC, I have got to cover up Noel's pants.
Will the Ezio costume be available right from the start? As much as I want to avoid the nonsense DLC, I have got to cover up Noel's pants.
No, it's not done yet.
Noel's a dick? That's kind of....awesome. I like a character with some gumption!Edit: Noel really is a dick in this version. The voice actor is reading the lines very well. :lol I like, I like!
I just hope the episodic DLCs are something big and worthy and not just stupid short contents.
For anyone who ordered off Amazon, they are giving everyone else an extra 10 dollar credit. 20 dollars total now, sweet.
Nice! I ordered one for me and a friend so now my next game will be $20.
BTW, you seem like you're having fun, Rahxephon. Not gonna lie, even with all the balancing thrown out, it was kinda fun to grind away and mess with monster stats in the demo and what I'd played of the JP version.
$25 for meFor anyone who ordered off Amazon, they are giving everyone else an extra 10 dollar credit. 20 dollars total now, sweet.
Serah's Summoner Garb
I'm debating if I should just sell my Omega code or not.
I'm debating if I should just sell my Omega code or not. I'm just not a DLC person and I never care for it, but I was given it for free so idk.
I just feel conflicted.
I have no idea >.>How much?
Holy crap, it's worth that much?In the same boat. I sold mine for $30 on Ebay. I almost feel bad for whoever won the auction. haha
Diablos!So, what do we think the third Colosseum DLC will be? We have Omega, and then Lightning + Amoda so far. They've said that they want the DLC to generally represent "historical FF bosses". Any guesses? Doom Train? Demon Wall? Gilgamesh?
Damn, dude. People are actually buying it for $30?! Isn't it going to be available on PSN at some point?In the same boat. I sold mine for $30 on Ebay. I almost feel bad for whoever won the auction. haha
So, what do we think the third Colosseum DLC will be? We have Omega, and then Lightning + Amoda so far. They've said that they want the DLC to generally represent "historical FF bosses". Any guesses? Doom Train? Demon Wall? Gilgamesh?
Any guesses? Doom Train? Demon Wall? Gilgamesh?
I'm surprised that people are buying it only because I assumed it would be available on PSN/XBL for everyone at some point, for a much smaller'd be surprised how much people pay for stuff like this on Ebay.
I'm surprised that people are buying it only because I assumed it would be available on PSN/XBL for everyone at some point, for a much smaller fee...
I'm surprised that people are buying it only because I assumed it would be available on PSN/XBL for everyone at some point, for a much smaller fee...
I'll never forget when the FF12 demo made its way to eBay. Wait until you see the price![]()
True, true. We really don't know anything about XIII-2 DLC outside of the exclusive DLC and costumes/weapons/Lightning.This might not necessarily happen, if Dissidia Duodecim is any indication. The bonus dlc costumes that came with The 3rd Birthday and FFIV:CC never made it to PSN.
smhI think its listed on the Japanese XBL Marketplace for 240MS pts. LOL
So, what do we think the third Colosseum DLC will be? We have Omega, and then Lightning + Amoda so far. They've said that they want the DLC to generally represent "historical FF bosses". Any guesses? Doom Train? Demon Wall? Gilgamesh?
I have a code for the Omega boss battle for the PS3. Anyone willing to trade for a 360 code?
I totally am. Got a 360 code for free that I can't use. PM me if you want it.
Aaaaaah, you guys are already playing? ;-; I'll have to wait until the evening to get my copy, and even then I'll have to work soon after! >.<
So, what do we think the third Colosseum DLC will be? We have Omega, and then Lightning + Amoda so far. They've said that they want the DLC to generally represent "historical FF bosses". Any guesses? Doom Train? Demon Wall? Gilgamesh?
I can't beat that. Any tips ?Royal Ripeness asshole
Can someone explain to me how many chinese versions exist? Correct me if I'm wrong, but it appears there are two: an english VA with chinese subtitles, and a japanese VA with chinese/english subtitles. Is that so?