FFXIII-2 seems to have $30 dollars of Amazon.com credit if you purchase right now. This is my checkout screen after ordering through the link above:

Lightning has a lot of terrible cheesy lines at the start. :/
Omfg. Do I have to start over? I seem to have got a bug. I was jumping across some jumps, got stuck in a corner, and now Serah is stuck and cannot move forward. Saving the game, seem to have fixed it, I can move her around, but I cannot talk to anyone or open treasure spheres.
I even thought, maybe I can just return to this area and it will fix itself. But I get to the meteroite, I guess a cutscene is suppose to start? Nothing happens. Damn, this sucks, thankfully though its not far in. ;/
FFXIII-2 seems to have $30 dollars of Amazon.com credit if you purchase right now. This is my checkout screen after ordering through the link above:
Just got the same message. Seems like this has been happening really often with Future Shop preorders."January 31, 2012
Thanks for purchasing Final Fantasy XIII-2 from Futureshop.ca.
Unfortunately, there was a delay in receiving the game at our warehouse in Western Canada. In turn, we are delayed with shipping the game, and will begin shipping tomorrow a notification will be sent to you once it has shipped. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Please accept our apologies and use the below e-certificate for a 15 per cent off your next purchase of a game at Future Shop. This e-certificate expires June 1, 2012: "
Omfg. Do I have to start over? I seem to have got a bug. I was jumping across some jumps, got stuck in a corner, and now Serah is stuck and cannot move forward. Saving the game, seem to have fixed it, I can move her around, but I cannot talk to anyone or open treasure spheres.
I even thought, maybe I can just return to this area and it will fix itself. But I get to the meteroite, I guess a cutscene is suppose to start? Nothing happens. Damn, this sucks, thankfully though its not far in. ;/
FFXIII-2 seems to have $30 dollars of Amazon.com credit if you purchase right now. This is my checkout screen after ordering through the link above:
FFXIII-2 seems to have $30 dollars of Amazon.com credit if you purchase right now. This is my checkout screen after ordering through the link above:
For those of you strong enough to defeat them, youll then be able to recruit them into your party
I think that just means the $20 certificate replaces the $10 certificate, but if not, then that's an awesome deal! You can check your gift card amount by going to your account settings.
Holy shit $30 credit from FF?
God damn.
Can you stack those two credits eventually?
"January 31, 2012
Thanks for purchasing Final Fantasy XIII-2 from Futureshop.ca.
Unfortunately, there was a delay in receiving the game at our warehouse in Western Canada. In turn, we are delayed with shipping the game, and will begin shipping tomorrow a notification will be sent to you once it has shipped. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Please accept our apologies and use the below e-certificate for a 15 per cent off your next purchase of a game at Future Shop. This e-certificate expires June 1, 2012: "
As far as I know there shouldn't be any restrictions. Its a credit. Not a $20 off $60 purchase or % off kind of coupon.
Woooo. That fixed it guys! Just quit the game, and turn off system. Then load it back up, and it working fine.
Also, where is my Genji Bow? I don't see it under weapons, but I did get the costume for Serah.
I've heard there's somy funky stuff going on with the save system. My gf wants to play her own game on the same account (to benefit from the same DLC), is it at all possible to make 2 different new games on an account, and if so, how?
doesn't everyone get to use DLC when you've downloaded it? (happens on PS3 and I'm pretty sure it happens on 360)I've heard there's somy funky stuff going on with the save system. My gf wants to play her own game on the same account (to benefit from the same DLC), is it at all possible to make 2 different new games on an account, and if so, how?
I've heard there's somy funky stuff going on with the save system. My gf wants to play her own game on the same account (to benefit from the same DLC), is it at all possible to make 2 different new games on an account, and if so, how?
I think you have to make a new save file and use that. However, you have to now manually save every single time since you will be swapping the two saves instead of autosaving. I can be wrong though.
Not every time. You just have to be sure to load up the correct one when you start up.
For those who does youtube browsing or even bothers with IGN. DO NOT go anywhere near FF13 related stuff. They spoil the final boss right off the bat in a thumbnail and text.
t runs at 1080p and its nice to look at.
Caius is voiced by Liam O'Brien
thanks, looks like i won't be going on many websites for a while.For those who does youtube browsing or even bothers with IGN. DO NOT go anywhere near FF13 related stuff. They spoil the final boss right off the bat in a thumbnail and text.
For those who does youtube browsing or even bothers with IGN. DO NOT go anywhere near FF13 related stuff. They spoil the final boss right off the bat in a thumbnail and text.
Looks like this is only showing up for the Xbox 360 version.
Bah, too bad it isn't working for the PS3 version too. I was going to wait for the game to drop to $30ish before I bought it but a credit is just as good I guess.
Wait, what? Are there issues? (at school atm--gotta teach a tutorial in a few minutes and can't check)I guess be careful where you walk at the start of the game folks. Stay away from the corners. I did have to download an update, I'm sure that was for upcoming DLC though.
So who got the CE? is it worth the extra $? If so anyone have a mini-review on the CE? with pictures? really interested in what people think about it.
picking it up tomorrow after work.
"January 31, 2012
Thanks for purchasing Final Fantasy XIII-2 from Futureshop.ca.
Unfortunately, there was a delay in receiving the game at our warehouse in Western Canada. In turn, we are delayed with shipping the game, and will begin shipping tomorrow a notification will be sent to you once it has shipped. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Please accept our apologies and use the below e-certificate for a 15 per cent off your next purchase of a game at Future Shop. This e-certificate expires June 1, 2012: "
- Order 360 version, apply credit to PS3 version and order it, then return 360 version?
- Probable post retail premature BOMBA deal
- ????
- Free FF13-2
- Order 360 version, apply credit to PS3 version and order it, then return 360 version?
- Probable post retail premature BOMBA deal
- ????
- Free FF13-2
I'm assuming they will disable your coupons if you return the game. What is this? CAG? haha